Thursday, December 5, 1996 • Vol. XXX No. 64 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Follett will assume operation of bookstore By BRAD PRENDERGAST considered that pattern in its With the University's plans News Editor decision-making process. to move the bookstore to the "We certainly recognized new Eck Center when it is fin­ Following a trend that has that this was a departure ished in December 1998, spread to over 860 college from the past, but that in itself Lyphout said Notre Dame offi­ campuses nationwide, the was not a reason" to bypass cials felt this was the right University announced yester­ the opportunity, he said. time to contract out the man­ day that the Hammes Notre Under the terms of the deal, agement of the bookstore. Dame Bookstore will be man­ the University will retain own­ "We're combining strengths aged by an independent ership of the bookstore and by virtue of the fact that they retailer beginning April 1. Follett will oversee its opera­ have the networks and tech­ Follett College Stores, which tions, including the selection nologies that just aren't avail­ operates over 515 coiiQge of book titles and the setting able to us," Lyphout said. bookstores, was recommend­ of used book prices. "They have the ability to nd for selection by a group of Because the prices of new amortize the cost of those five University officials, textbooks are set by publish­ technologies over their 500- including Father E. William ers, those prices are not some stores." Beauchamp, the University's expected to increase due to Some of those technologies executive vice president, and Follett's management. will provide customers with Jim Lyphout, associate vice In exchange for the rights to services previously unavail­ president for business opera­ operate the bookstore, Follett able at the bookstore. For tions. will provide a guaranteed example, Follett plans to cre­ The announcement repre­ income to the University. The ate a virtual store on the sPnts a major change from the amount was not disclosed, but World Wide Web, which University's trend to own and Lyphout said he was pleased would allow faculty to place operate all facets of campus with the figure. advance orders for textbooks business organizations, "It's a number greater than and students to order their induding its food services and what we've realized in any books by entering their class schedules on-line. retail stores. operation year to date," The Observer/David Murphy Lyphout said the committee Lyphout said. see BOOKSTORE I page 4 The Hammes Bookstore will come under Follett management in 1997. • ::.ruoENT SENATE • SECURITY BEAT Turtle Creek cars targeted by burglars By HEATHER COCKS Associate News Editor Reminiscent of reported incidents in the 02 parking lot, Turtle Creek resi­ dents have reported a rash of recent car burglaries. Rather than an attempt to steal the cars, the six Nov. 26 thefts involved car stereo equipment, which the cul­ The Observer/Joe Stark prits removed after smashing the win­ Members of Student Senate unanimously dows. passed three student rights resolutions. "There's no doubt in my mind that they are connected," said Sgt. John Williams, resident of Turtle Creek and Resolutions the officer in charge of patrolling the etville (shown area. "One girl parked her car after above behind 3:30 a.m., and another guy after 4 take aim at V Breen-Phillips a.m., and they were both hit." Hall) existed on In addition, the six vehicles were what is today the parked in a row, belonging to resi­ student rights Mod Quad. Housing dents of 1701, 1715, and 1733, which married students, are adjacent buildings. the old POW bar­ By MATTHEW LOUGHRAN Williams said that the stolen CD racks were demol­ players were part of removable car Assisram News Editor ished in 1962, stereo units; to this fact he attributes shown at right. The Student Senate focused on stu­ the robberies. "If you have one of dent rights and privileges by passing those, take it out after leaving the three resolutions on this topic at its car," he said. "That's why they make mneting yesterday. them that way, to avoid thefts. If you Hyan Mcinerney, the chairman of the Hesburgh recalls Vetville buy one, don't forget to remove it." student rights committee, introduced One unlucky victim parted company tho resolutions which his committee with an assortment of 50 COs in addi­ had been working on for the semester. Married student housing Very few students know the signifi­ tion to his Sony stereo. The first resolution addressed what cance of this little monument, which is the committee sees as a lack of student originated with veterans now celebrating its 30th anniversary. But see THEFTS I page 4 rights in tho University policies and By DAVID FREDDOSO for hundreds of families who once called it home, "Vetville" will not soon be for­ procedures booklet, du Lac. It notes News Writer University discomfort with making dis­ gotten. On Nov. 26, ciplinary procedures into criminal ust north of the Hesburgh library, At the end of World War II, a young Holy Cross priest by the name of six residents court proceedings. between Knott and Siegfried, stands of Turtle The resolution, however, argues that a plaque with the following inscrip­ Theodore Hesburgh became involved in J the beginnings of Vetville. As Notre Dame Creek had a statement on page 79 of Du Lac that tion: says. "University disciplinary settings men returned from fighting the war, he their car should not be confused with criminal "This Area Was the Site of was given the task of helping them to stereos court proceedings," clarifies the dis­ 'Vetville' continue their undergraduate studies. stolen when tinction and insures that if rights are Married Student Housing "We had promised that people who enumerated in Du Lac, then the stu­ 1945-1962 served in the armed forces could come the windows dents will not consider the hearing the Many Were the Trials - back and finish their education here," of their same as a criminal proceeding. Thanks to the Holy Family Hesburgh said. "But it turned out that The second resolution dealt with the For the Many Blessings about 500 of them had gotten married Needed to Persevere" see SENATE I page 4 see VETVILLE I page 8 ---------- page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, December 5, 1996 • INSIDE COLUMN • WORLD AT A GLANCE The Struggle Bank bombing rocks southern Pakistani resort town KARACHI, Pakistan f\ -~' hotel. A powerful bomb exploded 300 miles ,..:-1 ~;f~~;;h:~-{HINA Moeen Uddin of the police bomb-dis- for Wednesday across the street from the ~ "-~.areas /' ·, posal squad said more than nine fi Sh H I Kabul 1 -~t-'0 >_, d f I . I d 1ve-star era ton ote , a resort pop- o ·.:·_-_;l,slam0avb, "d,··'-''',·._"\, poun s o exp os1ve matena was use ular with tourists to this southern port . .,. ""(" in the bomb. Completion city. AFGHANISlfi.N ( ~;· ' It was the second explosion in Twelve people were hospitalized, ----- Lahore'; Pakistan in as many days. On It eats at your brain for ~~~~~~~ four with critical injuries. and dozens ,/;PAKISTAN I INDIA Tuesday, a ear bomb exploded outside an entire year. At times, it of others received minor injuries from .... a busy market in Lahore, the capital makes you hate, despise, flying glass, authorities said. \:::· .[l!l!lll. of Punjab province located 650 miles detest, deplore, and abhor No one has taken responsibility for ' ' · ;' --~·/·~·. : · · • northeast of Karachi. being a senior in college. the bombing. 1 ~j ~~~b blasts Ct / S '· · ; , No one took responsibility for that You try to run, but you The bomb, planted in a flower bed \, , bombing either and no arrests have 1 y' "'·>tkfj can't escape it. You try to outside an eight-story office building, r_"""'""~-,.. ...;·, · (__ // been made. hide, but it finds you. It's ~ I-./ \.A1 I gutted a branch office of the National ,,.0,,-wArabian Sea~~ 6 ' In recent months. at least 80 people big, it's bad. and it's ugly. Bank of Pakistan and created a large APIWm. J. Castello have been killed in bomb explosions It's your senior compre- crater in the middle of the posh shop- ..._ ______________, in Punjab province. hensive. Caroline Blum ping area. Windows in several nearby buildings were In the past Pakistan has blamed India for such explo- At first it fools you. You Saint Mary's Editor blown out. sions. India and Pakistan have fought three wars since think you can handle it. "Suddenly there was this huge explosion and the the subcontinent gained independem~e from Britain in You think. "It's all cool," and head out with windows shattered," said Huma Tahir, a guest at the 1947. your buds. But somewhere between the care­ free senior nights at the beginning of the Mother Teresa's health improves Principal allegedly attacks reporter semester and the crunch lime before fall break you find yourself cornered. Your procrastina­ CALCUTT A, India WASHINGTON tion lime has run out. Mother Teresa took a few halting A newspaper reporter said she was shoved, kicked and 1\ll seniors at Saint Mary's must complete a steps in her room Wednesday for the then pushed out of a local school by a group of students senior comprehensive to fulfill their graduation first time since she was hospitalized and their principal - the third recently reported attack requirements. Whether it's a four-hour exam, two weeks ago with a heart problem, against the news media at schools in the nation's capital.
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