CLICK IMAGE THEN SCROLL DOWN TO VIEWCOMPLETEISSUE SORBSOft A NITV The TWOWEEKS INLONDON BOB DIANAROSS andthe Sup- remesarrive inLondon the onJanuary 22and open, samenight. for atwo-week a t e DYLAN They illwth pTasasik tOhfroTughhe earlier,onJanuary 20,en route.for aone-nighter in Interview Germany. Melody MakerSUPREMESON, JiIY9. 196$ 9d weekly A MTV The TWOWEEKS INLONDON BOB DIANAROSS andthe Sup- remesarrivein London onJanuary22 and open,the samenight,for atwo-week seasonat theTalk OfThe Town. DYLAN Theywillpass through earlier,onJanuary20,en route,foraone-nighterin Germany. Duringtheirstay,thethree Interview Tamlastarswillguestonthe Palladium TVshow on January28, with Tom Jones.Theymayalso make an appearancein the new Cilia BlackBBC -TV series. After their 14days in Britain, thetriofliesto Swedenwhere they open a Stockholm cabafet season onFebruary 4. This will be the first time the grouphasvisitedBritainsince they became Diana Ross and the Supremes,insteadofjustthe Supremes, and since Cindy Bird- songtookoverfromFlorence Ballard. Mary Wilson remainsasthe third member of the trio. Cindy wasformerly with Patty LaBelle and the Bluebells. The group'scurrent hit is " In And Out Of Love "which iscur- rently at number18 in theMM Pop 30. The Supremeslast touredBri- tain in April, 1965,as part ofa Tamla-Motownpackageand with Georgie Fameas guest star. SUPREMES: Diana Ross. Mary Wilson and Cindy STOPPRESS Birdsong. For London's Talk of the Town. BENNETT/RICHTOUR TONY BENNETT SEE istotourBritainin March withthe BuddyRich big Bennett, whoappeared here band. the Count lastyear with ,COTE Baslehand,stars withthe Rich bandatthe openingconcert mersmith at theHam- Odeonon March 9.The follow- FACES ing day,theyappearon ATV's Show. Thetour Palladium willPlaymajor untilMarch 20.Venues cities fixed. arestillto immirmammibe TOM PLANSS. AFRICA Jores UR may appear hi front Ofsegre- Asked whetherhe would sing under theseAfrica I don't knowfully wha -4` elaglutardiesces it South Akira. conditions. reaction is that To Goads* Ms Tom commented:"I'll sing to whitebut my first issue eta has received people and I'llsingto coloured people. The fact obey the lawsof the countryin e so'"eossusorsa Oar " far TinED perSouth Africa fir three weeks arts thisisomit. that theycannot be in thesame building atthe same way as wewould expect anyfo peer to itiseearedorg ea evyl was timein SouthAfrica isnot my faultand coming here to obey ourlaws." t:ts aftem his firs she offers. no mowof preachingfromme will change If Tom makes the trip,it would be law seltaiskestte that-a some othersingers have already time in South Africa. - proved. tb somaTom Jews utak,havets phip He has beenbooked to topthe bill of malkeees Everyoneknows 28, wi'tea SmithAfrica'sspar Ihatecolour prejudicePalladium Show on January rifeldry - I would prevents is hittart adoised rathersingto them Supremes and DesO'Connoralso ontheWI. pea* shotat M. thiswaythan hum stieadieitcanceirts la thesane ateillasham. On January 30,he is thefirst gueststarin Gordon~hUllssaid: "UntilIgettoSouth Cilia Black's newBBC -TVseries. ..r Pape 2 MELODY MAKERJanuary E, LONDONDATES FORCAPTAIN BEEFHEART Beefheart "Safe AtMilk " album THE Captain in on theKama Sutralabelwill bereleased Beelheart'sMagicBand I IliHELLO, GOODBYE Beatles. Parlophone BritainonJanuaryIS. January19, appearingat 2 12)IF THE WHOLE WORLDSTOPPED LOVING Val Doonican, Pye arrives in London on Middle Earth the sameevening. 3 (51I'M COMING HOME with a 4, nue Tom Jones. Decca On January 21 theyplay dieSpeakeasy, Andersand 4 110)MAGICAL MYSTERY TOURIEP) Beatles, Parlophone for January 20 to hefixed KamaSutra artists Winds), and19iyaar.old anger 5 I9)THANK U VERYMUCH Ponta (formerly the Trade Scaffpld. Parlophone and sony,writer Penny 6 1121DAYDREAM BELIEVER ponkees. RCA Nicholsare alsoexpected to 7 SOMETHING'SGOTTEN HOLD OF MY HEART be travellingwith Beef - heart, Gene Pitney, Stateside A single, "So Itiloes," 8 sung, written andproduced 141 LET THE HEARTACHESBEGIN . .. Long John Baldry, Pye by Anders and Pondsfor dee , 9 (3) CARELESS HANDS Des O'Connor, Columbia Karna Sutra will be released Warm Ames / 10 (7)WORLD Bee Gees, Polydor onJanuary 19 11(16) WALK AWAY RENEE Four Tops, Tamla Motown TREMELOES SINGLE 12 III) KITES . Simon Dupree, Parlophone 13 18) EVERYBODY KNOWS A NEW Tremeloessingle Dave Clark Five, Columbia "Suddenly You Invn LLOYD NAMED 14 1791 BALLAD OF BONNIE md.,- coupledwith As You AND CLYDE George Fame, CBS Are," will be released on CBS ____ ___ 15 (14) THE LAST WALTZ Engelbert Humperdinck, Decca on January 12. N/sSERVICE TRAL itisbeing promoted as a ASJAllMAN 16 (13, HERE WE GO ROUNDTHE MULBERRY BUSH...Traffic, Island BRO double A side, and the group W.1 17 (IS) ALL MY LOVE Cliff Richard, Columbia haveseveralradioand TV 29 Newman St.,Oxford St., London, appearances lined up. Telephone:LANgham 2269 18 (17) IN AND OUTOF LOVE These include Radio One's OF THEYEAR Pop Inn (January 9), Parade CURRENTORCHESTRATIONS Diana Ross and the Supremes. Tamla Motown Of The Pops (10), BBC TV'S CHARLES LLOYD is nos wort Y. 1.# I1',....) 1 i )1.1.111Y b1 . a or rams mu lat 8 / -4W Ulf 1W11 19120)TIN SOLDIER Small Faces, Immediate Top Of The Pops (I,Rmad named Jazzmanof the . a Inule3.... ',Fr . ,VIIIR (15),(Davidid S - .1 la MS WV.) f . One O'clock YearInthe 32nd manual 1 3, tag HMI NI Dm s m a 1 20(-)THE OTHER MAN'S GRASS Petula Clark. Pye Show (15-19). Ken Down Beat Readers'Poll. 4~111 emat .- sem im rote* Nes iA mars its, 5 AM 5,, Dodd TV Show (20), Cracker. Year was , E d1111,1111,12110 i1a 1 1 Refold Of The ,/ MON Mit I WORMS/ 21(24)BIG SPENDER Shirley Bassey, UnitedArtists sack (25), Saturday Club (27). Miles Davos' "MilesSmiles" NIMBI NU are 5 22 Troggs, Page One Dee Time(27),andPete's which was also theMM's Jazz .. 1,11.11.5 .1,,, we/WNW( 'II r"...) . 118)LOVE IS ALL AROUND Pnripin (20) 'AMIN AM .I/WU Emir m ., LP Of The Year.and Davis 1 /Imo ban 10. %new,' OEMs Bi MN., : 23(21)SO TIRED Frankie Vaughan,Columbia topped the sectionsfor both /1 Mit nee. ilioni 3 iii,11111116 MI combo and trumpet. noes wawa mei 1, mor PIM IMINAM1 a ............' 24122)THERE MUST BE A WAY Frankie Vaughan, Columbia APPLE APPOINTMENT 11M111.1,4111 lloor, Milani /111 s PM. WO Duke Ellington was. double MIMI 1 , MN .1.16111011.1 / iIV *in: A/ I as top Big Band 25(19)I FEEL LOVE COMING ON Felice Taylor, President nEATLES road manager Nell winner SAP WM/ 3 me roes IN swarms s sair WM KM ano Aspinall who has been Trader and number one Com- tw Yr NM *MI''' 1 a MI"''''''''''' in 9117.1111.11no.na acs."cl..."§n"rinsii 1. 26127)JACKY Scott Walker, Philips with thegroupsincethey poserwhileBillyStrayhorn, IMO 110 ping -time :nilatinnntOr. /as startedIs each 27(26)SOUL MAN Sam and Dave, Stay to be the head of Earn, PEW ARRANGEMENTS Om Mei to full orchestra) 5/- undertheApple ,oted tr,the fia,J in* companies mem. Alm sc ale .14 tn. , L Se ic 28 PARADISE LOST Herd. Fontana name, ThePeahen ,arntd go.... {. inuinIn u ,niii N. (-) Kr,1 aill be In ..) the oiiiiii MEN 29 I ONLY LIVE TO LOVEYOU Cilia Black. Parlophone variousApplerIninCts5,11 Pawl =`,1 . aim nue Yin MAE ...I. b. Vi INN .1 (-) Ella Fit4,,,:,1 tr4, ions._ )21Ndl., ) M. /M. Mick and Tich. Fontana as the 1,que and the 111116/ no 11.0.111111 30128)ZABADAK , . Dave Dee. Dozy, Beaky, :a/ iduililms unl/hni ti.rnpany. ..d. s; T. 1.10 'A YIN 14111 winnerAWs wereJ.J rye" , ,a e4,..11,)111n ctorne Harrison Other IWO in MOM MI ar*. , .._asnoM M. mu lea .. © LONGACRE PRESSLTD., 1967 write tee norrsisearebENit ....'.:''' PIN Moan iii11,0*IMION MS inin . new Britishfilm. Wor.e,.rwalt, DessAs //Mini MOH Am. iln inn MN/ . mina was announced last week. Mulligan(bar),BuddyDe- inn, :. IP nn ile VT .0/ lin The him, made by Alan Clore F,anti (cIt), Herbse Mann POP 30 PUBLISHERS Films, stars Jaae Birkin (wife (flute),Roland Kirk(Miscel- CPAS MINUS ail111aEMS of composer John Barry) and laneous), Oscar Peterson (ono). /5 *iv ini New on** *I Mt F.1.111.19 OECHSITILanow - 3 Donna, 4 slain,la matterCarlin,19 Ayakakilinmediote, Am Caen MmeMod Innom. ire /wee Comma. Mena 1,..' I Northern Svcs, 2Immediate, JimmySmith(organ),Milt 20 Welbeck, 21 Campbell Connelly,/2Dick Jack McCOWran. It is a colour ....ay., Ana.. .. So.. 64. Ceem. 5.5, 10 Northern 5Noel Gay 6 Jackson (vibes), Wes Mont 9Morrb,10 AbGrn' Jane,; 23 CampbellCannelly; 24 Chaboell, 25 production recently completed Gem*Co..ramielAiinini*, MN ON MOUES: 7 Martbas!7)11weedet; !Cower, 26 Carlos,27 Tee Pee, 26Lynn, 29 at Twickenham studios, gomery Into Ray Brown I Donna, Robison;13 Damn.;leClan. 30 Lynn (bass),Budder P end 16 Undenl Artists. 12SnoPiro Oen, Snow° Bernstein; George has been working on i5Donna, the music for some weeks. 01,v, Nelv,n (arrang,) TOP TENLPs US TOPTEN As iisted b"Billboard" Of MUSICSoundtrack, RCA Bestirs, 1 II) THE SOUND CLUB I 131 HELLO GOODBYE HST 12) SGT. PEPPER'SLONELY HEARTS RELIEVER mankans, 2 Beanies, Parton...se 2 11/ DAYDREAM RAND . IN DISGUISE ROCKolS, RUTGENTLY (--) JUDY 3 161 VAL141CAN John Fred old HisPloyban Bond Pm,. V Doan..., 91a SENsArg"' 3125 GRAPE- 4 12)IHEARD ITTHROUGH THE 4 M) THELAST WALTZ VINE Gladys Knightand she Mos,Soal EnnelbertHunwerdirwk, Dacca Colombo 5 IS) WOMAN,WOMAN Union Gop. RATANICMAJESTIES REQUEST EMOTION 5 ill THEIR Raton,' Storses,Dacca M) 1SECOND THAT Smoker Robersonand the Meocles,Tamla 6 13) BREAKTHROUGH OF FOOLS vonous AWN,5lissno Two 1--1 CHAIN Are11,), Frog -JO,Alla., 181 AXIS-BOLDAS LOVE ME, SHAPE ME in)Hendne, Track I (-I BEND Anwyiron Breed,Acta s"RIASTiiii0104A1B Cream, Reaction E (Si DISRAELIGEARS 9 In 11000ALOODOWN BROADWAY CNANTBUSTERS onfofic JohnnyC, Soso 9 191 BRITISH Arlo/a, TornioMotown Joe Teo, 0,0' MGM 10 I-) SKINNYLEGS AND ALL 10 1101 DR.ZNIVAGO Soundtrack.
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