Call for Participation 2008 AAAI Spring Symposium Series March 26–28, 2008 Stanford University, Stanford, California Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence In cooperation with Stanford University [email protected] www.aaai.org/Symposia/Spring/ An informal reception will be held on Deadlines Common to All Symposia Wednesday, March 26. A general plenary ses- sion, in which the highlights of each sympo- ❏ October 5, 2007: Submission Deadline sium will be presented, will be held on Thurs- ❏ November 2, 2007: Notification of Acceptance day, March 27. ❏ January 25, 2008: Final Electronic Camera-Ready Copy Due Symposia will be limited to between forty and sixty participants. Each participant will be expected to attend a single symposium. Work- ing notes or AAAI technical reports will be prepared and distributed to participants in each symposium. In addition to invited par- ticipants, a limited number of interested par- ties will be able to register in each symposium on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration information will be available in December. To obtain registration information, write to: AAAI Spring Symposium Series 445 Burgess Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025-3442 USA Voice: 650-328-3123 Fax: 650-321-4457 [email protected] www.aaai.org/Symposia/Spring/ THE ASSOCIATION FOR the Advancement of Submission Date Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with Stanford University’s Computer Science De- Submissions for the symposia are due on Oc- partment, is pleased to present its 2008 tober 5, 2007. Notification of acceptance will Spring Symposium Series, to be held Monday be given by November 2, 2007. Material to be through Wednesday, March 26–28, 2008 at included in the working notes or technical re- Stanford University in Stanford, California. port of the symposium must be received by The topics of the eight symposia in this sym- January 25, 2008. posium series are: Please see the appropriate section in each symposium description for specific submis- ■ AI Meets Business Rules and Process Management sion requirements. ■ Architectures for Intelligent Theory- Based Agents Author Formatting Instructions ■ Creative Intelligent Systems Final electronic camera copy must be submit- ted in AAAI style. Templates, macros, and for- ■ Emotion, Personality, and Social Behav- matting instructions are located on the AAAI iord web site: ■ Semantic Scientific Knowledge Integra- ■ www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/ tion ■ Social Information Processing ■ Symbiotic Relationships between Se- mantic Web and Knowledge Engineering ■ Using AI to Motivate Greater Participa- tion in Computer Science 2 AAAI SPRING SYMPOSIA Knowledge representation in general, and munities at present. The symposium aims to and Process Management AI Meets Business Rules rule based representations in particular, are bring together researchers and practitioners core areas of artificial intelligence. Research in from all three communities to educate and in- these areas strongly influences standards on spire each other in order to avoid pitfalls and the web like RuleML or the W3C standards provide the basis for synergetic cooperation, OWL and SWRL. Advancing the theoretical with the aim of identifying and advancing the underpinnings and practical impact of these most promising points of cross-fertilization. technologies will be an ongoing challenge. On the other hand, business rules and se- Submissions mantic business process management are growing research and application areas. Busi- Prospective participants are invited to submit ness rules strive to meet the increasing re- research papers (up to 12 pages) or position quirements of transparency and compli- papers (up to 4 pages) papers, in PDF format, ance—making sure that all stakeholders com- via the symposium website. Papers should be ply with all rules and regulations at any place prepared using the format for AAAI Press pro- and any time. Business processes are derived ceedings or technical reports. All submissions from the strategy of an enterprise, and define will be reviewed by the program committee. the requirements of information systems. Here, AI methods such as semantic modeling, Organizing Committee knowledge validation, automated planning and intelligent agents will play ever increas- Knut Hinkelmann (Chair), University of Ap- ing roles. plied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Both areas—business rules and business ([email protected]); Andreas Abec- process management—make use of model ker, FZI Research Center for Information driven knowledge representations, often in Technologies, Karlsruhe ([email protected]); conjunction with application-oriented mod- Harold Boley, University of New Brunswick eling tools. In the last few years, both com- ([email protected]); John Hall, Model munities have realized the potential of Systems Ltd. ([email protected]); knowledge representations with precise se- Martin Hepp, DERI Digital Enterprise Re- mantics. For example, OMG is bringing se- search Institute ([email protected]); mantics into business rules with semantics of Amit Sheth, Wright State University, Ohio business vocabulary and business rules (SB- ([email protected]); Barbara Thönssen, VR), although without making full use of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern benefits and standards already achieved with Switzerland ([email protected]). AI’s semantic technologies in the semantic web and ontology engineering. Similar obser- For More Information vations can be made for other aspects of rule For more information, see the supplementary based systems that have already been ad- symposium website at www.fhnw.ch/iwi/ dressed earlier within AI (for example, rule aibr2008 capture, inferencing, and explanation). While standards for business process defin- ition and execution have been put forward, there is increasing research interest in com- bining business processes with semantic tech- nologies. In particular, the concept of seman- tic web services promises a new level of agili- ty in process execution where AI can con- tribute insights and technologies from knowledge representation, reasoning and planning. Generally, the areas of business rules, se- mantic technologies and business process management are addressed by different com- AAAI SPRING SYMPOSIA 3 The focus of the Architectures for Intelligent Submission Information Theory-Based Agents symposium is the defin- Please send submissions (up to 6 pages in ition of architectures for intelligent theory- AAAI format) in PDF format to Marcello Bal- based agents. These architectures typically duccini at [email protected]. Please in- comprise languages, knowledge representa- dicate if submitting a full paper or a system tion methodologies, reasoning algorithms, description. and control loops. The motivation of the symposium is the consideration that a number of reasonably Organizing Committee rigorous architectures have been designed, Marcello Balduccini, Texas Tech University; but not implemented, that allow one to prove Chitta Baral, Arizona State University; important properties about the agents and Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technolo- their behavior, while other reasonably rigor- gy; Alfredo Gabaldon, National ICT Australia; ous architectures have been implemented Stuart C. Shapiro, University at Buffalo; without attendant proofs about their agents. Francesca Toni, Imperial College London. Unfortunately, there has not yet been much interaction among the groups working on these two classes of architectures. The lack of For More Information communication contributes to slowing the For more information, see the supplementary development of an otherwise interesting and symposium website at krlab.cs.ttu.edu/ ~mar- potentially very important area. We would cy/aita08. like to provide a forum to bring together re- searchers from these two groups, promote in- teraction, and stimulate the investigation of the relationships among the different ap- proaches. We solicit papers that: 1. Describe specific architectures; 2. Compare architectures; 3. Survey the state-of-the-art. We particularly welcome papers that in- clude an overview of languages, knowledge representation methodologies, reasoning al- gorithms, and control loops used in the ar- chitectures considered. Papers on the descrip- tion of specific architectures can be focused on one or more of these topics, but it is rec- ommended that they still include an overview of the architecture. We also welcome 2-page descriptions of working systems. During the symposium, time will be allocated for demonstrations of the systems. Architectures for Intelligent Theory-Based Agents 4 AAAI SPRING SYMPOSIA Creative Intelligent Systems Creative Although it seems clear that creativity plays an ■ Social aspects of creativity, including the re- important role in developing intelligent sys- lationship between individual and social tems, it is less clear how to model, simulate, creativity, diffusion of ideas, collaboration or evaluate creativity in such systems. In oth- and creativity, formation of creative teams, er words, it is often easier to recognize the and simulating creativity in social settings. presence and effect of creativity than to de- scribe or prescribe it. The purpose of this sym- Submissions posium is to explore the synergies between creative cognition and intelligent systems in a Persons interested in contributing to the sym- cross-disciplinary setting that fosters coopera- posium must submit an expression of intent tion both in designing creative systems
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