I CASS CITY CHRONICLE CASS CITY, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,1993 VOLUME 87, NUMBER 21 FIITY CENTS 12 PAGES Board to study issue UPDATE - Monica Stover, almost a year old now, was featured in a Chronicle story last February after becoming the youngest University of Michigan hospitals patient to be fitted for a special crawling mitt prosthesis. Born without a left hand, the CasCity tot, pictured above Elkland firemen rebel with her parents, Mark and Brenda, last week became the first U-M hospitals patient to receive a specialized claw prosthesis, which will allow her to grasp objects. over chief’s leadership Firemen crowded into the Meanwhile, the fire de- phasized to the group that but appointed by the board. partment personnel elected mittee from the fire depart- Elkland Township Board’s Connolly was still the chief Connolly’s salary is $5,500 mem will be called in to give small meeting room Mon- the 5 other officers in the and that any problems that yearly. input as the study develops. day night to protcst the way department to a committee needed to come to the board What we want, Supervisor Fewer antlerless to hear the Elkland Board’s should be submittcd through that Fire Chief Milt Con- STUDY OPTIONS Dave Milligan said, is to nolly is running the depart- decision. The men are: Connolly. have a set of guidelines in ment. Assistant Chief Don Root, Until about 10 years ago, It’s not likely that a perma- writing and a permanent The firemen had presented Jack Hartwick, Charles the fire chief was elected by nent solution to the current solution to the problem. permits in Thumb a letter at the regular meet- Tunis, Jim Jezewski and members of the department. problem will come for 6 In 2 other actions Monday, ing 2 weeks ago, signed by Ross McCal I urn. It got to be a time-consum- months or so. That’s be- the board agreed to send 2 The Department of Natural The total is down from generally like to see are 21 of the persons in the de- ing job and nobody wanted cause the current crisis has members of the fire depart- Resources will issue 5 per- 259,349 permits last year, additional ,animals on state partmcn t, requesting that The committee agreed to the responsibility on a vol- galvanized the board to ment to a 2-day clinic for the board’s decision of let- cent fewer antlerless deer 268,381 in 1991 and the lands ,” Connolly resign. The fire- unteer basis. study all of the problems $160each, plus mileageand permits to hunters in the peak of 323,955 in 1989. men said that was everyone ting Connolly handle the At this time it was made a related to the department. hotel expenses and to get a Thumb this year compared The trend of fewer antler- FEWER LICENSES attending the meeting when paper work as long as he did salary position. That’s when A committee will meet lawyer’s opinion before to 1992. less permits follows a con- the paper was signed. We not attend fires. the chicf no longer was weekly with Tonti to study signing an agreement with The DNR will make a centrated DNR effort in re- Bud Jarvis, a wildlifc bi- want him out, said Ron Trustee Roy Tuckey em- elected by the fire fighters, the problem and the com- the new airport authority. :ombined 7,950 permits - cent years to reduce deer ologist at the DNR’s Cass Pawloski, a stand echocd by . rivate land antlerless tags numbers in the state. For the City Field Office, said 400 Charles Tunis and Jim ‘,nd general antlerless li- most part, that goal has been fewer antlerless licenses Jezewski. The firemen indi- At Hills and Dales censes -available in 5 deer met, although officials feel will be issued in the upper cated to the board that they management units in Tus- there are still too many deer Thumb this year. would not be willing to work cola, Huron and Sanilac in some areas and too few in A total of 1,400 antlerless with the chief fighting fires. counties this year. *others. permits- 700 each of land- After hearing from the fire- Sick-kids to receive books A total of 8,350 permits “In good portions (of the owner and general licenses men, the board called in Don Tonti, Cass City, who were made available in the 3 Thumb) we’re pretty close” - are earmarked for Deer Sick youngsters admitted unit of the hospitai will now cil coordinator, explained standpoint, the project pro- upper Thumb counties in to the goal, said Doug Management Unit 223, agreed to donate time as a consultant to the board. to Hills and Dales General also get a free book. the 2 groups will assemble vides a means of going be- 1992. Reeves, a DNR wildlife composed of the eastern half Hospital in Cass City will The effort is the result of a biologist in District 8, which After a lengthy discussion, and distribute the books, yond serving the adult com- Statewide, 24 percent of Tuscola County and con- get more than the standard cooperative effort involving along with a brightly deco- munity in an effort to get to -2wer antlerless permits will iscomposed of therhum b as sidered to be some of the the board called in Con- nolly. Connolly volun- issue box of tissues, soap and the literacy council and a rated canvas book bag and the core of the illiteracy be made available this year. well as Saginaw, Bay, Mid- better hunting area in the toothbrush, thanks to a new recent 1y - formed Thumb other items such as combs, land and Isabella counties. teered to handlc thc problem, Hittler said, add- There will be a total of county. Last year, 1,500 project spearheaded by the chapter of Save the Chil- soap, and paper tablets and ing it’s hoped giving books 198,074 permits- 103,675 “What we’re trying to do permits were made avail- department’s paper work and not participate in the Cass City Literacy Council. dren. pencils. to children will help spark an general antlerless licenses now is hold our own,” he Patients in the pediatrics Jane Hittler, literacy coun- From the literacy council’s and 94,399private land tags. added. “What we would Please turn to back page. actual fighting of fires. Please turn to back page. Costs compared To test community reaction to new Middle School There appears to be a new classroomsat Campbell includes a new gym, lock- tile flooring and new electric ground swell in the district Elemcntary, the cost would ers, bleachers, toilet facili- wiring, New doors, frames rhvrE TABLE for an all new middle school be $8 million. The bill to the ties, storage areas and 4 and hardware would be in- building rather than a reno- taxpayers would be 4 addi- classrooins at Campbell stalled in all classrooms and It’s not likely to move as vation and enlargement of tional mills for 25 years. Elcnicntary, there would be new plumbing installed in quickly as necessary, but if the present facility. extensive renovation of the lavatories. the school board approved a erate on a square-foot basis Naturally, Micklash said, a program and it were pre- School officials will test its SOLI0 BUILDING of any of the school build- new building would be bet- existing middle school In addition to installing strength with a tclephonc building. safcty doors on each of the 3 sented to the voters, the ear- ings. ter for teaching than the liest that money would be poll giving the 3 options Micklash said that if rcno- If the building is reno- prescnt building. With the One of the major items in levels, the stairs would re- available: renovation, new vation were done, the archi- the renovation plan is turn- ceive new rubber treads, ris- available would beFebruary vated, the architect has built new concept of campus 1994. building, or doing nothing at tcct has informcd him that it in n 10 percent margin for teaching, a new building ing the present gym into a ers and landings. New ceil- all not required by law. To would be a viable building cafeleria and multi-purpose ing tile will be placed as Judging by the debate error, which may or may not would be designed with swirling around the correct meet these laws will require for the next 25 years. Sur- be sufficient. On the other wings to separate the various room and the prescnt home necdcd and existing plaster a substantial investment. prisingly enough, Micklash economics room into 2 walls resurfaced. The exist- way to proceed, it’s very hand, what would becomeof grades, which would be bet- unlikely that the school The state fire marshal his points out that the present ter, but not essential, the classrooins. ing terrazzo floors in the the old building if a new one could- .. have- the issue settled inspected the present build- middle school building is Almost all of the rooms corridors- at-.. each. .. level is erected, is an unanswered superintendent points out. by this time. ing and says that automatic the most economical to op- qucstion. Besides the addition that would be given ncw vinyl would not be replaced. doors that close during fire alarms to seal off each floor are mandatory. Also rc- quircd will be an elevator for This area is present one-story the use of the handicapped for the 3-story building. , annex to 3-story Middle School Those items will cost about $150,000.
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