SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE —FOR— THE TIMES. T'he Times Olneyville THE TIMES. COVERING A FIELD WHICH INCLUDES WEST PROVIDENCE, JOHNSTON, SCITUATE, SMITHFIELD AND NORTH PROVIDENCE. VOL XII. NO. 926. OLNEYVILLE, R. I, FEBRUARY 10, 1899. PRICE 8 CENTS. Church Notes. CENTERDALE. MANTON. MERINO. Evangelist M. R. Deming of Boston » It is rumored that Emory is will begin a series of special meetings at Miss Lizzie Olney is gaining slowly. Thurber Mr. Harry Pugh of Crompton, made a Co. meditating removing to North Attleboro, pleasant cal! Union Trust on friends here this the Broadway Baptist Church next Sun- week. Mggs Edwin Sweet has been visiting her day, February 12th. He will preach at where he will engage in business. 3 son in this place. Miss Mamie Greene of Central Falls Goods, Capltal, 250,000 and 7:15 p. m. on Sundayand every night The fair of the Johnston Hose Com- and Miss Hattie Greene, of Woonsocket, GCanned Surplus, $lOO,OOO Mr. Larkin Is confined to his next week except Saturday. All are cor- John pany opened in Holden’s Hall on Tuesday were the guests of Mrs. Robert Bailey of home by la Corn, String Beans, Peas, dially invited. grippe. Owing to the severe storm the attendance Plainfield street recently. Succotash, Lima HAYWARD, President, WILLIAMS. Senator Reiner isattending his legis- was not large. The members the L. GREENE. Vice President, to of Hose Mr. Andrew Frobough died last Satur- HENRY o Beans, Baked Beans, MARSDEN J, PERRY, DIED. lative duties this week. Company appeared in a uniform, consist- Peaches, Pears, A, TOURTELLOT, sec. and Treas. day and was buried last Tuesday from his O. At Fruit Hill,North Providence, on the ing of red shirts and duck pants, and Mr. Benjamin Sweet, Jr., has a hand- late residence on Lake St. He was a for- Pineapples, Apricots. Blue- Bth inst., Hannah H.. wife of the late presented a fine appearance. DIRECTORS: J. some dog of the fox terrier breed. The fair mer resident of this place and leaves a Greene, Varnum Dawley. in the g2d year of her presents William S. Hayward, Henry L. of the Olneyville many attractive features, includ- berries, Soups, Marsden J. Perry, E.Weaver, age. Conductor Tucker large number of friends who sincerely Toma- Fietcher, ing a professional glass blower; cigar Leander R. Peck, Joseph?eorie E. In Lymansville, on the inst., Ma- line is on duty again after a short illness. mourn his loss. He was beloved by all Walter A . Peck, Gilbert A. Phillips. 7th wheel, fish pond, grab box, etc. Dancing toes, Daniel A. Peirce, Samuel M. Nicholson thilda, wife of Maurice Foster. who knew him Squash, Peter Murphy, the popular clerk at the is in order each evening. The hall is very Transact a general panking and trust business Centerdale Hotel, is confined to his bed tastefully decorated. The fair holds one PumpKkin. Interest on Jeposits subject to check at sight ADVERTISED LETTERS. LYMANSVILLE. P“ts on **Participation Account” on or be by an attack of la grippe. week. l)egnthe 15th day of each month draw interesl fore Mr. George has just returned Quite number from this place have FORSAIL.X>AT from" the Ist. i i i List of Letters Advertised February 6, Bagshaw The delightful operetta, *““The Jolly a legal depository for guardians, executors, ad- here {rom Santos, Brazil, after an absence attended the firemen's ball at Manton. miaistrators, trustees, receivers and assignees. 1899, at the Olneyville Post Office. Farmers,” was presented at Holden's Hall of over two years, resumed his old last Friday evening for the benefit of St. Mrs. Foster of this place was found BANKING ROOMS: Miss Nellie Darkin, Mrs. Matilda and Flowler, Alice A. Kent, Mrs. Tom Thorn- position in the Centerdale Worsted Co.’s Peter’'s Church under the direction of dead in her bed on Tuesday morning. mill. 5 She 138 Weybosset; Cor. Eddv. ley, T. H. Dunn, Wm. Hardy, E:q., Prof I. Leonaid Grove, organist of the died from natural causes. AMISON’S Mr. Ferrall, this place, who was re- church. The hall was packed with an au- Frank Minor. of NORTH SCITUATE. ported dead at the Rhode Island Hospi- dience that proved by frequent appla ise Branch, that it was entertained. Four Olneyville Review of Reviews. tal, has rallied to the extent that there highly farm Gilbert Aldrich is better at this writing of the World,” the edi- seems to be an even chance of his re- scenes were prettily presented, and the W.A. Capwell, Mgr., Irons Blk, Olneyville “The Progress Squire King is at work at the Ashland covery. solos and choruses the and showed GROCERY torial department of the Review of Re- thorough- MARKET, mill. ness of views, deals this month with the new An auction will be held at the residence Mr. Grove’s training. The fol- Sadie Thornton is on the sick list at problems of colonial administration now of the late Owen A. Burlingame, Mineral lowing is the cast of characters: Mr, S. E. Smith; present. confronting the country, with the Scna- Spring avenue, next Wednesday,February Happyway, Pat Murphy, Plainfield Street. George Harrington; Mr. Workell, S. R. The Roseller farm, we are informed, Industrial torial campaigns in the different States, 15th, commencing at 10 o'clock. An with the polygamy question, with the antlque desk over one hundred years old Hulme; Mrs. Happyway, Miss Thurber; has been sold recently, : TRUST CO., Annie (the question ot army beef in its bearings on will be sold and other things too numer- chamber maid), Miss Eva The father of H. H. Potter, from Glo- TELEPHONE 12851)8 Evans; the reorganization of the War Depart- ous to mention. Johnnie (the chore boy), E. O. cester, was in town this week. Chase; May, Miss Mackey. The chorus 49 WESTMINSTER STREET, ment, with our recent industrial progress, An aged resident of this place, Mrs. Evangelistic services at the Baptist tariffs, ‘“trusts,” was composed of the {ollowing well- protective and the and Hannah Dawley, wife of the late Var- church next Sunday, 12th inst., at 11 a. m. & J. known Westcott, talent: Sopranos, altos and Slade con Balcom with in foreign Co. the month’s development PROVIDENCE, R. 1. num Duawley, died on Wednesday. The All are cordially invited. politics. traltos, Miss Dora Evans, Miss Lister, deceased was in her g2nd year and has a D. Miss Devereaux, Miss Barstow, Miss Edwin Ganea has leased shop of CAPITAL $1,000,000 been in fair health up to about a week busi- Mackey, Miss Higgins, Miss Hulme; V. Corey to carry on the barbering PAINTS, SURPLUS $300,000 That Throbbing Headache ago, whenshe fell and received injuries ness. He is very competent in that line. bass, baritone and tenors, Mr. Williams, Would leave, if Dr. that caused her death. The funeral ser- quickly you used Mr. Thurber, Mr. Chase, Mr. Barry, Mr. On Monday, 13th inst., there will be a King's New Life Pills. of vices will be held on Under- PARTICIPATION ACCOUNT. Thousands Saturday. Hulme, Mr. Bowen. convocation of ministers only, at the Bap- VARNISHES, sufferers have proved their matchles, taker Fenner has charge of the funeral on merit tor Sick and Nervous Headachess tist church, but all other meetings during Deporits on Participation Account arrangements. Tuesday evening was a red-letter night They make pure blood and strong nerves are open to all, and we hope 'the house or before February 15 draw interest from in of and build up your health- Easy to take. A trolley car and a number of hacks the history the Manton Club. On will be overtlowing. CHEMICALS. February 1. Dividends August and Try them. Only back if 25 cents. Money brought about seventy-five people to the that evening the first anniversary was ob- Februaryvy. not cured. Sold by any druggist. served in a very fitting and appropriate Centerdale Hotel on Wednesday evening Mts. Mary Cobb is on the sick list. 38 and 40 ™7 This Account offers the advantages o 1 of last week, where they partook of a hot manner. On the formation of this very Jared Randall is sick with the grippe. Savings Banks, with the additional secur- BARRELS OF SAMPLES. turkey supper, after which they partici- healthy organization predictions were Mr. Wiley of Wyoming was in town on wasmimgton st. PRUVIDENGE, R, |, Eddy Street. ity of the capital stock of the Company. pated in dancing until the small hours of freely made by local Darius Allens to the Tuesday. Over Two Hundred Thousand Trlal rffect that the club would not live six Legal depositary for trustees, Executors, the morning. A notable feature of the John A. Bennett has been sick with the by months. Administrators, Guardians, Etc. Bottles Sent Free Mail. entertainment was a cake walk. There Tuesday evening showed that prevailing distemper. SPECIALTIES. the the club’s first year was safely passed and it is very at the By special arrangement with the man- was considerable jealousy between two Business good Moswansi- Merrimac that Kidney walk is certainly in a most prosperous and har- cut Manufacturing Co mill. Mixed and Paste Paints, Masury’s Colors, Paragon Varnish SAMU.L P. COLT, President. ufacturers of justly famous contestants who were to lead the ’s John medicine, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Mr. Thomas Coakley and Mr. Thomas monious eondition. Charles Adams, the Mrs. George Blackmar is caring for her Newark Varnishes, Pure Leads, Brushes, Chemicals, Glass, Glues. J. M. ADDEMAN, Vice President. readers of the Remedy, the OLNEYVILLE Davitt, from the fact that both tipped the flrst president, and N.
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