^ Hightstown Gazette. 98th YEAR—NUMBER 49 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, IW PRICE—FIVE CENTS Authorities Call Blackwell Shot Council Denies Trio Bar Auction Market Daylight Saving Boy’s Hanging On Police Chase License Transfer Request Honors Carr; Tim e Becomes Here Accidental In Philadelphia Former Official Effective Sunday Police ami medical authorities have Adgar Blackwell, 32, of Academy <To 118-122 Mercer Street The Board of Directors of the T ri-‘ Just in case you don’t forget, day- termed the death of John Harvej- Shue, _ICounty Auction Market honored Rich- light saving time will go into effect at 16-year-ol<l son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S ‘sMmd:r‘S FhuShia i Cor:*- lard Carr, former director, at a testi- 2 a.m. Sunday. So turn your clock Han-ey Slme 504 South Mam_ street | jicemcn exchanged shots with' one' of i iail™crsumpti™ from 'n^M e?: ' BOaid C On Sl defS monial dinner last week at the Old ahead an hour. On Sunday you will Mights Inn. Mr. Carr had been a mem- have an extra hour of daylight to put- ,13 oHorlip/l tn a rafter ‘ 7ii"’ ‘n ? T ’ r"i 'i‘‘ . ccf Street to 118-122 Mercer street was . ber of the Board for nine years prior ter around in the garden or do some f r ‘S r : g % e S ; r t e t m “ c\le1‘ : L ^ ’i „ “ - - by Borough Conned Tuesday i to his resignation in January. odd job that you have been putting off ■r. 1- .- T «niH 1 O'L _ _______1 f__ t.'-.- 1.1 1 , ' 1‘lgai. Cancelling Bus IVlice Ernest L D a W ^ 3>nial came about after a public^ Warren W. Olev, director of the for so long. Deputy y , . accidental Ipolicemen, Koth and p^arlng on the application and on the ' X. J. Bureau of Markets presented Mr. Jersey is one of the eastern Eckstein listi^ t ie death at. accidenUi Iona, were driving along Callowhill I-mies Dninasco Route Contracts Carr with a certificate of merit which slates m which citizens have no choice after Chief Dav.son_sanl_h_e^^bebeved „ e e t early Saturday ntorning Nvlven^f^^ 'ackage JaX s s! I read, “This is to certifv that Richard matter of daylight saving. A the boy had been experimenting with they saw two men run out of another; represented Dainasco and Salva- Carr has faithfully ..w.served this associa-' .?^ate statute calls (or all communities rope knotting. , , . , , ,. street. I tore Tomaselli president of the corpo- The Board of Education unanimously tion as director from 1937 to 1946 and to push their dw k ahead Hr Shue discovered the body of his Pulling to the curb the officers shout-1 ration appeared on behalf of the Trio adopted a resolution Tuesday night at in recognition of his untiring efforts in hour. Daylight saying will continue 3sonX-X* hanging in-- the wgarage - early. Friday- ed an order to halt. The policemen said: jjar ' tlu^ liigih school notifying the Motor Tehalf fd the association and his out- iSejitember morning when he went to get his car ^ tPe men ignored their warning and they, resolution recited that the ap- Transport Company that unless they standing contribution to the advance- . raverns here willlose an hours bus- and search for him. Earner m the eye- ^ent in pursuit. ! plication "is hereby denied on the furnish one or more new buses for the .ment of the Hightstown market and to ^uess and they will turn llieir timepieces ning young Shue had said he was going ^ A half a block down the street, one L^und that it is an extension of an transportation of East Windsor School ■ the benefit of the members, is aw'arded ^h^ad at midnight Saturday and then to the movies after putting the family of the men whirled and fired twice, po-; existing license in a congested area.” chililren that meet with specifications this certificate of merit." hour, ca r in the garage. lice said. Both officers drew their guns, i Damasco Objections Lifted ; and approval of the local board, the i Mr Oley went on to say that it has * \ a ‘ The yoiitli was described by police as , fona fired and one of the fugitives fell. | Damasco’s objections as stated; Stale Board of Education and the Mer- been directors like Mr. Ca^rr who have .eclr^l^ro t a v ™ savs°®the rl to being a good student and was a junior. The second dnsappeared on another “The practical ellect of the application cer County school supenntendent by been the driving force behind the ad- 1,1 t" tlie local high school. He was very^street. Both fugitives were Negroes. j, p, add another retail distribution li- Ma.v b, the contracts with said com -'„n^e,„ent of the marketing associa-. active in school and church work. At ! censed place in the municipality, and pany will be cancelled on June 30 i ^0^5, ;2l> Jersey niumci|.aht.es not at ‘ . * ' . n'\. ____ a.:__ _____ u., *!..» V. - J 2 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, April school he was a member of the band, . 17__ no more are needed. The action was reached by the board; orchestra, glee club, photography club (^q IIC^B Ell^llSll and played soccer and baseball. ^' mcipahty that no more licensed places Gie ses>.on was i nomas r.. ivoumson, cultural ao-^nt!agent; Hprhf^rtHerbert WW. Voorhees.Voorhees, ck>ck time __readies® 2 a.m. I for the sale of intoxicating liquors be superintendent, who recom- frm'rNew Holland, Pa. He became a ■ D0p3rtmGIlt Job 1 permitted. ” luetided that the board adopt the reso-l??™ ^ ‘Ilf ’ -^though farmers don’t take too member of the First Methodist Chiircli,; ^ ; It 1., to the best interest., of the mn-. luti.m.j;';;;;" Clerk Joseph S. StultsortheTe^olm was au- ^onmonth® County agent. i beF f 'particularly L ;? ..! !!,' happy about it a,s the MacArthur ,mcii)ality that no additional space e fraiisuort comoanv anti the g'R of lugnage was also presented extra hour can be spent outdoors. Gar- in boy scouts he was a senior patrol; ^ hcensed for the sale of intoxicating J,!™ ‘ I to Mr. Carr by Monte Norcross. chair- den enthusiasts will also be grateful. leader of Troop 59 and held the rank, ^ x-. , “ rhe^municiDal ordinance limits the' The Motor Transport was awarded man of the finance committee. --------------------- of star scout. A day before his death] Utica, X. Y.—Professor Earl C. Mac- number of r e U distribution licenses J^^all four he was requested to write a poem as an Arthur, resident head of Englsh at Mo- inStL^d'': oYf PriCeS Of EggS English assignment and chose “Scout-: hawk College, has been appointed head The State statute recently enacted for each. This came only after the bids try as.sociat.on tonight at the H.ghts- ine State statute recently e c , oriuinallv thrown out as all bid- town Grange at 8 oclock. President ing" as his subject. !of the J-nghsh Department of the Asso when n goes mto effect, Inmts the ts- were originally Woodward will introduce the In addition to his parents he is sur-|ciated Colleges, it was announced by jsuance of such licenses. failed to comply with full specifi Hold as 2544 \ ived W a younger brother, James W., ’ President Asa S. Knowles. guest speaker, F. A. Ra\TTiaIey who w 10' one maternal grandparent, Mrs.. Professor MacArthur will retain his' Williamm; one B.mnicuun Eppley of Newberrytown,............... position as........ residentl” 7 F’ head T hof at English at 1 municipal ordinance. Period subject to renewal provided the poultr\men m Xew Zealand. CV .^ R a S o C v .0 S AX F C S o l d Pa., and paternal grandparents, Mr. 1 Mohawk College, m addition to new j ^ sen icc has been satisfactory, and Mrs. John Shue of Mt. Union, Pa. | responsibilities for the Assoaated Uol-j licensees of the municipality. ; Fgg prices showed little change over Funeral services were held Sunday • leges. Be(ore coming to ik ilf 1 There is no need on the part of ap- Rededicatlon of Honor George Gordon the week end as 2,544 cases were sold afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home with'was president of Paul bniuhs College,, i,^creascd space, as the ap- over the block at the Tri-County Auc­ the Rev. Robert L. Jenks of the Meth-j Paul Smith, I^ Y. He has also taught ^ already sell for distribution Roll Will Feature Dies at Home, tion Market for one of the best offer- OOlSlodist v-avm-uChurch officiating.uniciauijj^. He wastyaa assist-jI English ami history,------- y written tor I,the, J ! UJUICi UlC present law where they‘•“W are, , *-v ry • , ings in several weeks. cd by the Rev. D. F. Shue of Apollo, j Saturday Evening l ^ t and coacheoj^^^ there is plenty of room available. M e m o r ia l D a y S e r v ic e s Top fancy extra white eggs could be Pa iincle of the deceaseed. Other serv-! preparatory football. He is an alunmus, grant the application means the , bought for 56 to 60 cents while A extra . 1 1 .1 ■» r 1 _r ’A/., 1 « T 4-ir n#> fPf*P1UPn > « • r r i . _ ____ 1.. , Rites Monday ices and interment were held Monday of Yale University where he received i (.jQgjj^g q£ ^ useful occuiiation, namely,' Rededication of the Servicemen’ ; browns were running to a top of 55.
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