York College of the City Uniyersity of N« Morch 26, 1970 Rights Movement started in fear that a civil war might develop and started to work outside the political institutions. Politics was to be taken to the streets in by the Protestants took place. of government jobs and housing the city of Derry as a shortage of Northern Protestants separated is balanced in favor of the government supplied housing was from the south and wanted to Protestants. Lower echelonposts in progress. A caravan of un- maintain their relationship with and small promotions are the housed people was formed to ex- England. In 1922 England gave norms for the Catholic worker. press the general feeling of the limited independence to 26 Government legislation made Catholics that the Protestants counties, 6 of which were in the it mandatory that voters be direct were getting more than their fair northeast and had Protestant ma- tenants of the government hous- share of government built jorities. The Protestants were ing, with subtenants not having housing. The caravan was given a local parliament and re- the right to vote. Since the successful and for the first time Derry Labour Parly mained part of England. Included Protestants have the better jobs, Catholics realized thattheycould in the semi-independent counties they can afford to rent the house win some of their demands. The was Belfast, the main industrial directly while the lower paid marchers were mainly working speaks at York city in Ireland, with a Protestant Catholic could only afford to be a class young people of Catholics majority of 70%. The other areas subtenant and therefor was not and Protestants. in Ireland given independence Official ceremonies felt the Mr. Eamon McCann, chairman account of the growth of the allowed to vote. were mostly Catholic. Gerry-mandering was used to presence of protestors and of the Derry Northern Labour struggle between Protestants and marchers as., they started to be Party, spoke at York College on Catholics in Ireland. In the north the Protestant minimize the effects of those aristocrats have land, titles, and Catholics who voted. The Special more common. The march had Friday, March 20. Mr. McCann Ireland has two different become very important. Official has been traveling throughout the peoples - Protestants and Catho- are capitalists. In the 19th cen- Powers Act of 1921 aimed to tury they worked against class eliminate Catholic nationalists by parade routes are walked accord- United States for purposes of both lics. No Reformation ever took ing to religious affiliation, tut in observation and to gain financial place in Ireland. The Protestants consciousness along sectarian arresting them without reason or lines. The Unionist Party and trial. Inquests were suspended the case of this march, the Catho- and moral support for his party. came as immigrants in the 17th lics walked along the Protestant century and a cultural exchange the Orange Lodge came into and flogging became frequent. He and his workers had at- being, the former composed of Political parties and literature parade routes. Police pushed the tempted to get him onto a na- took place between these immi- march into the Catholic sector in grant Protestants and the original Protestant aristocrats and the were banned in some instances. tionally televised program with latter a much more popular The Special Constabulary was Bogside, and window breaking poor results. Both Johnny Car- Catholic inhabitants. A common and rioting then took place. culture based upon the English group which runs the Protestant created and terrorized "enemies son's and Merv Griffin's repre- festivals that have become of the state" and participated in Catholics were enraged by the sentatives dismissed him by language, the language of the im- police's action of beating the claiming that the subject did not migrant Protestants developed. national festivals, and thus programs against Catholics. have enough public interest or at- The Celtic language of the Catho- tention. Dick Cavett had already lics became less used and is no scheduled a speaker on the sub- longer the official language of the ...troops are still separating Catholics and ject. country. McCann is an outspoken, well Ireland is one of the oldest Protestants, with the Protestants fighting versed, and sincere representa- English colonies, having been tive of his country's needs. He under English rule for700years, the British to get to the Catholics." takes this positionthatthehopeof since 1200 A.D. In the 19th cen- Ireland lies in radical economic tury a nationalist movement de- become a social and political The Nationalist Party de- protestors, which came as a com- building in order to begin veloped advocating independence organ. The Unionist Party has veloped, led by the Catholic plete surprise. elimination of racial animosity. based upon the Catholic com- been in power since 1921, al- middle class, with the parish Specific Catholic issues began He believes that the entire munity which comprises 75% of ways with the campaign that al- priest usually the local chairman to be the center of demands of equality question is perpetuated the population of the country. though the Protestants have dif- of the Party. The Catholic com- the marchers. Ian Paisley gained by the economic situation in the These Catholics wanted the Irish ferences among themselves, they munity wants reunification, and more followers as the Protestant whole of Ireland. If there were to language to be revived. must band together to defeat the has created the Irish Republican workers realized that equal be jobs and housing of sufficient The Protestant minority com- Catholics. Army, active in both parts of the treatment of the two ethnic groups number, inequalities in today's prising 25% of the population The Unionist Party worked a- country. The IRA initiates terror would mean that scarce items Ireland might vanish. and with loyalty to England had gainst the Catholic community's campaigns, the last one being in such as housing and jobs would Mr. Robert N. St. Cyr, an in- many of the privileges in social attacks concerning unequal 1956-1962, destroying much have to be mdre evenly dis- structor of Political Science at and political life that the Catho- rights. The Protestants made government property and bring- tributed among the both groups. York, and a personal friend of lics did not. In 1916-1921 a laws to keep the Catholics from ing as a result much repression 1969 marked the centennial of McCann's, arranged for his ap- national revolution supported by revolting, and from gaining in against Catholics. pearance here. Following is his the Catholics and condemned economic status. The allocation The Northern Ireland Civil (Continued on page 11) Page 2 Pandora's Box March 26, 1970 Social Science Divisional Requirements Established The Social Sciences Division structor. quired. Field work courses will of York College has proposed Political Science requirements receive credit. Workshops in many far reaching student-ori- have been made much more flex- group dynamics, environmental ented plans to be initiated next ible. New courses will include psychology and independent study September. Middle East Politics, Politics of have been already approved to The College Curriculum Com- Education, Politics and Person- begin next September. To be mittee is now studying the many ality, and seminars dealing with added are three instructors and changes proposed. These pro- Contemporary Urban Problems a course in Experimental Edu- posals will be forwarded to the with graduate political science cation Psychology. Faculty Council which will act students. The Political Science Sociology will have new on the recommendations of the Department is currently in the courses such as Social Statis- College Curriculum Committee. process of finding an assistant tics, Political Sociology, Inten- Expansion plans call for suf- professor in political science sive Individual Reading in So- ficient courses to permit a varied who specializes in political the- ciology, Population Problems, choice of studies for every ma- ory and the American Political and Sociology of Knowledge, thus jor in the social sciences. Start- process. The introductory offering a complete range of ing in September Interdiscipli- course to political science will courses for sociology majors. nary Social Science courses will become a problems and issues Plans call for the addition of two be initiated. Overall require- oriented course focusing on some instructors. central political issue in our so- ments for majors in most dis- Some disciplines are preparing ciplines of the social sciences ciety rather than the current sur- vey course. Such a change will descriptive brochures describ- will be made much more flexi- ing undergraduate and graduate ble, with less "must take" make the course more relevant to the students. and career opportunities in the courses and more alternative various disciplines of the social courses allowed. Dr. Ranis, Assistant Professor sciences. These brochures will Dr. Sydney Rosenberg, dean' for the Divi- Anthropology proposals in- of Political Science is on leave, be distributed in the spring to sion of Social Sciences. clude plans to add several more having been granted a Fullbright students in the introductory so- full-time instructors and the ad- Fellowship in Argentina, and may cial science courses. dition of courses in ethnography start ah exchange program be- Dean Rosenberg, Associate and independent study. More em- tween York and institutions in Dean of the Social Sciences in Students Score Plan phasis will be placed on urban Argentina. outlining the many changes pro- anthropology. -' Psychology, which is the larg- posed by the Division stated that In response to questions about President Colston and several The entire economics curric- est single major in the Social this year was the first in which the action of students and others members of the Chancellor's ulum has been revamped by Dr.
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