Subject Index

Subject Index

Notes: Pages in bold refer to illustrative matter. All use of the capitalized word “Island” refer to Martha’s Vineyard Island. A. Houghton (ship), 2013 Win: 28 A. J. Rausch’s ice cream parlor, 1980 Feb: 93, 93; 1983 Feb: 87, 104; 2008 Aug: 6; 2012 Fall: 40 A. R. Tucker (ship), 2013 Win: 29 A. W. Baker Restorations, Inc., 1978 Aug: 6 Abbie Bradford (ship), 2013 Win: 28, 29 Abbott, George C., 2004 May: 151, 171–174 Abel’s Hill Cemetery, 1979 Feb: 129–158; 1980 Feb: 105–106; 2002 Aug: 59, 64, 65 Abel’s Hill meetinghouse, 1960 Aug: 14 Abenaki, 1973 Nov: 43, 44 abolitionists, 1984 Aug: 7; 1997 May: 188–189; 2003 Aug: 20, 44–45; 2009 Fall: 6; 2018 May: 31–36 See also slavery About Cod Fish: How They Are Caught, Cured and Packed (Fischer), 1975 Nov: 61 Abraham Chase Great House, 1985 Feb: 94, 95 Abraham Chase Jr. House, 1985 Feb: 95, 95–96, 98 Abraham Osborn House, 1979 May: 205; 1986 May: 43–44; 1986 Nov: 71 Abram Barker (ship), 1971 Aug: 11, 12 Abruzzi Expedition, 1998 Aug: 37n49; 1999 Feb: 140n6, 147, 157n24 Abyssinian Baptist Church (New York), 2015 Sum: 7, 8 Acanthus Club, 2007 Aug: 19; 2008 Aug: 34 Account of Two Voyages into New England (Joselyn), 1977 Nov: 46 ACLU, 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 58 Act for the Better Settlement of the Islands of Marthas Vineyard and Islands Adjacent (1695), 1987 Feb: 123 Act for the Propagation of the Gospel Amongst the Indians (1646), 1962 Aug: 4–5 See also Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America Act of 1828 on Christiantown, 2008 May: 28–29 Active (locomotive), 1995 Nov: 61, 61n1, 70–71, 105–106; 2000 Nov: 74; 2004 May: 174–175; 2006 Aug/Nov: 18–19 See also Martha’s Vineyard Railroad Company Active (ship), 1997 Feb: 138–139; 2003 Feb: 149; 2003 May: 176 Acushnet (ship) illustrations of, 1979 Nov: 51, 54, 57, 58 Melville and, 1977 Feb: 70; 1979 Nov: 49–51; 2003 Aug: 22 in Paita, Peru, 1977 Feb: 70 rescue of Crowley by, 2010 Fall: 6–7, 9 rumrunners and, 1975 Aug: 18; 1996 Aug: 14 Adadourian, Haig, 1961 Feb: 9–10 Adams, Abigail, 1976 Aug: 10; 2003 Feb: 149; 2003 May: 176–177 Adams, Byron, 1993 May: 177 Adams, Calvin C., 1982 May: 162 Adams, Calvin M., 1982 May: 162 Adams, Celia, 2015 Sum: 39 Adams, Eliashib, 1979 Aug: 15; 2015 Sum: 33 Adams, Eliza, 1977 Feb: 102 Adams, Frank, 1963 May: 70, 74 Adams, Fysh, 1993 May: 173, 174, 177, 177–178 Adams, George W., 2012 Fall: 3, 4 Adams, Henry, 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 59 Adams, J. F., 2008 Aug: 19; 2012 Fall: 53 Adams, James, 1987 May: 178; 2002 Feb: 100 Adams, James F., 1961 Aug: 13 Adams, John (judge), 1993 Feb: 139, 139n56 Adams, John (mariner), 1993 May: 171–173; 1993 Nov: 88 Adams, John (preacher) on camp meetings campground, 1985 May: 148–149 child of, 1983 Nov: 81n1 Jeremiah Pease and, 1980 Nov: 43, 47–56 Joseph Thaxter and, 1985 May: 146–147; 1991 Feb: 129–130, 130n14; 1992 Aug: 56–59 mental breakdown and hallucinations of, 1991 Feb: 122–124, 125n8, 126–137, 142; 1996 Nov: 94n71; 2003 May: 202–203; 2012 Fall: 20–21, 22n7, 23–31 Methodist preaching and conversions by, 1991 Feb: 121–125, 136–141; 1998 Feb: 107; 2003 May: 200–202; 2012 Fall: 19–22, 31–35 personal life, 1991 Feb: 124–125; 2012 Fall: 22 portrait of, 1980 Nov: 55; 1985 May: 147; 1991 Feb: 131; 2012 Fall: 24; 2018 May: 10 Adams, John (president) ancestors of, 2015 Sum: 33 on Jonathan Mayhew, 1996 Feb: 130; 2002 Aug: 60 on Landais, 2016 Win: 13, 17 lighthouse appropriations bill and, 1982 Feb: 94; 1989 Feb: 47 McCullough biography on, 2002 Feb: 99n1 Revolutionary War and, 1996 Aug: 44; 2003 Feb: 149 Adams, John, Jr. (mariner’s son), 1993 May: 173–174, 176 Adams, John Isaac, 1983 Nov: 81n1 Adams, John Quincy, 1982 Feb: 106; 2015 Sum: 33 Adams, Lily, 1966 Aug: 14 Adams, Lucy Palmer, 1979 Aug: 15–24, 44; 1983 May: 139–140; 2015 Sum: 32–40 Adams, Mary, 2005 May: 131 Adams, Mayhew, 1993 Feb: 127; 2005 May: 115–131; 2010 Fall: 17–18 Adams, Mildred, 1995 Aug: 9 Adams, Moses, 1979 Aug: 15; 1979 Nov: 59; 2010 Fall: 18; 2015 Sum: 33 Adams, Polly (Christian), 1993 May: 173, 173n1, 175 Adams, Reliance (Mayhew), 1979 Aug: 15; 1993 Feb: 127; 2015 Sum: 33 Adams, Samuel, 1996 Feb: 131; 2002 Nov: 80 Adams, Sarah Butler, 1979 Aug: 15–24; 1983 May: 139–140; 2015 Sum: 32–39, 40 Adams, Stephen F., 2010 Spr: 39 Adams, Susan, 1979 Aug: 15 Adams Family of Martha’s Vineyard, The (Scott), 1988 Feb: 133 Adamson, William, 2014 Win: 27 Addison, Maine, 1980 Aug: 3–4, 5, 9, 12–14 Addison-Harrington Register of 1905, 1980 Aug: 4 Addlington, Francis, 1989 Feb: 62, 64–65, 65n5; 1990 Feb: 148, 160 Adelante (ship), 1977 Feb: 80 Adlington, Francis, Jr., 2003 Nov: 85 Adommas, 1970 Nov: 59, 65, 66 Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 2016 Win: 33 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 2008 Feb: 43–44, 45 adzes, 1978 May: 160 aeroplanes. See airplanes AFL Textile Workers Union, 1995 May: 168 African Americans (on Martha’s Vineyard), 1991 Aug: 3–26 1833 medical care for, 2001 Nov: 63n18 arrests and sentencing of, 1997 Nov: 83–84; 1998 Feb: 121, 123–125, 128 businesses of, 1991 Aug: 15 at camp meetings, 2009 Fall: 4–5; 2018 May: 35 Civil Rights movement, 2007 Aug: 33–49 in Civil War units, 1994 Aug: 3–23, 50; 1995 Feb: 153; 2003 Nov: 80–81, 92; 2007 Aug: 7, 7n9; 2018 May: 30 The Cottagers (organization), 1984 Aug: 20–22; 1991 Aug: 24–25; 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 56– 57; 2015 Sum: 11, 15 “Cottagers’ Corner” newspaper column on, 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 56, 85–86 denigration of, 1991 Aug: 16–17; 2009 Fall: 6–8, 46 discrimination of (See racial discrimination and exclusion) employment on whaling ships, 2003 Aug: 21; 2003 Aug: 49–50; 2003 May: 195–196 living in Vineyard Grove campground, 2005 Nov: 71, 73; 2009 Fall: 4 marriage with Wampanoag community, 1984 Aug: 5; 2001 May: 187; 2005 May: 147; 2011 Fall: 23 NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 1984 Aug: 23; 1991 Aug: 25; 2007 Aug: 33, 45 Oak Bluff beaches and, 1984 Aug: 17–18; 2004 Aug: 16; 2011 Spr: 18–19 Oak Bluff community of, 1984 Aug: 3–25 Open Door Club for, 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 55–56 population statistics of, 1984 Aug: 5–6 prominent Islanders, 1991 Aug: 66 Charles Bennett Ray, 2009 Fall: 6 Dorothy West (See West, Dorothy) William A. Martin, 2003 Aug: 49, 51–52; 2005 May: 152 William “Barber” Hammond, 2009 Fall: 4–5, 8–10, 11–12 religion and, 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 95–97 rise of summer colony of, 2015 Sum: 3–4, 5, 6–17; 1991 Aug: 17–19 Vineyard Haven community of, 2009 Fall: 5–6 voting and secession politics of, 1991 Aug: 13–16 See also racial discrimination and exclusion; slavery; specific people Agassiz, Louis, 1996 May: 201, 201n6; 2017 Sum: 11 School of Natural History, 1973 Nov: 23–26, 30 Agnes (catboat), 2000 Feb: 75 agricultural society and fairs. See Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society agriculture. See farms and farming Ahab, Captain (character). See Moby Dick (Melville) Ahearne, Brian, 2008 Feb: 16 Ahoma. See Daggett, Alice (Sissetom) Ahoma Inn, 2013 Win: 42 Aikins, Elihu, 2002 Feb: 134 airplanes aeroplane invention, 2010 Fall: 27, 28 Avenger, 1981 Nov: 75 Ban the Jets! campaign, 1995 Aug: 30, 30n31 on Nomans Land, 1996 May: 177–178, 178n6, 183–184, 186 seaplanes, 1983 Feb: 88; 1993 Aug: 35–39; 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 91 swordfish spotting with, 1994 Feb: 126–128 See also pilots, airplane airports Curtiss school and service, 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 91–92 Katama airfield, 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 90 Martha’s Vineyard Airport, 1981 Nov: 74, 74–75, 75 Peaked Hill, 1981 Nov: 74, 74–75, 75 US Navy Air Training Base, 1981 Nov: 72–73; 1984 Feb: 124–129 Aitken, Bill, 2010 Spr: 17 Aivilingmiut, 2013 Win: 4, 8–17, 24–26 See also Inuit Alabama (ship) capture of, 2003 Nov: 89 illustration of, 2003 May: 167 piracy of, 1964 Aug: 129–130; 1993 Nov: 62–63; 1997 Nov: 97–99 raids by, 1979 Nov: 60; 2000 Feb: 70; 2003 May: 166–168; 2003 Nov: 89; 2004 May: 185– 186 shipwreck of, 1997 Nov: 102–104, 105 Alabama (state), 2000 Aug: 6–11 Alaska, 1971 Aug: 2–3, 3 Alaska (ship), 1971 Aug: 9 Albert Gallatin (ship), 1982 Nov: 49 albertype cards, 2009 Feb: 28–29 See also postcards Albion’s Seed (Fischer), 2016 Sum: 44 alcohol 1807 description on, 1967 Aug: 12–13 aboard whaling ships, 2005 Aug: 35–36 addiction to, 2002 Aug: 55, 58; 2003 Aug: 51; 2009 Fall: 13 at camp meetings, 1983 May: 162, 162n16 charges for drunkenness, 1998 Feb: 120–122 confiscated by customs, 1993 Nov: 54–56 Island sales of, 1998 Feb: 128–129; 2003 Nov: 76; 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 59–60 on polar expeditions, 1999 Feb: 150, 151; 1999 May: 221 as prize for yacht race, 1997 May: 172 rum-running, 1975 Aug: 16–17; 1994 Feb: 141n20,22; 1996 Aug: 3–16; 2004 Nov/2005 Feb: 84 sassafras and, 1974 May: 128 See also temperance Aldine Press, The (magazine), 2012 Spr: 10–11, 23 Aldrich, Legrand L., 1960 May: 5 alewives.

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