Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group CSR Report Digest version www.smfg.co.jp/english Today, Tomorrow and Beyond First,First, I wouldwould likelike toto extendextend ourour deepestdeepest sympathiessympathies andand heartfeltheartfelt condolencescondolences toto allall thosethose whowho havehave sufferedsuffered andand INDEX toto tthehe ffamiliesamilies andand ffriendsriends ooff tthosehose wwhoho ttragicallyragically llostost ttheirheir llivesives iinn thethe devastatingdevastating earthquakeearthquake andand tsunamitsunami Foreword 1 thatthat struckstruck northeasternnortheastern JapanJapan onon MarchMarch 11,11, 2011.2011. WeWe praypray forfor thethe earlyearly recoveryrecovery ofof thethe affectedaffected peoplepeople andand areas.areas. Commitment from the Top 3 A Conversation with Tadao Ando, SMFGSMFG isis dedicateddedicated toto seamlesslyseamlessly respondingresponding toto clients’clients’ needsneeds byby leveragingleveraging ourour group-widegroup-wide capabilities,capabilities, Takeshi Kunibe and Koichi Miyata What can we do now to spur the reconstruction and revitalization of Japan, offeringoffering optimaloptimal pproductsroducts aandnd sservices,ervices, aandnd eensuringnsuring tthathat eeveryvery employeeemployee andand thethe overalloverall groupgroup areare capablecapable ofof and help resolve global issues? respondingresponding ttoo tthehe challengeschallenges ooff gglobalization.lobalization. I bbelieveelieve tthathat throughthrough thesethese measures,measures, Measures to Support Reconstruction after the March 11 President wewe willwill contributecontribute toto thethe growthgrowth andand developmentdevelopment ofof ourour clientsclients andand society,society, andand ourselvesourselves growgrow inin partnershippartnership withwith them.them. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. Earthquake and Tsunami 8 ThroughThrough ourour basicbasic policypolicy ofof becomingbecoming “a“a globallyglobally competitivecompetitive financialfinancial servicesservices groupgroup Koichi Miyata Priority Issues for Us 9 withwith thethe hhighestighest ttrustrust ooff oourur cclients,lients, ssocietyociety aandnd ootherther sstakeholders”takeholders” byby maximizingmaximizing ourour corecore strengthsstrengths ofof Our Mission and CSR at SMFG 11 “Spirit“Spirit ofof Innovation,”Innovation,” “Speed”“Speed” andand “Solution“Solution & Execution,”Execution,” wewe willwill continuecontinue toto staystay aheadahead ofof thethe times,times, 〈Specific Examples of CSR Activities〉 nono mattermatter hhowow challenging,challenging, andand activelyactively adaptadapt toto changeschanges inin ourour businessbusiness environment.environment. Together with Our Customers 13 Together with Our Shareholders and Markets 17 Together with Our Employees 19 Environmental Activities 21 Social Contribution Activities 25 Corporate Outline/Editorial Policy 29 01 CSR REPORT 2011 CSR REPORT 2011 02 Commitment from the Top A Conversation with Tadao Ando, Takeshi Kunibe and Koichi Miyata Takeshi Kunibe President and CEO Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation What can we do now to spur companiescompanies wouldwould dodo betterbetter andand businessbusiness inin thethe TohokuTohoku rregion,egion, iincludingncluding thethe wholewhole ccountryountry wwouldould benefit.benefit. businessbusiness matchingmatching wwithith ppartiesarties ooutsideutside ReturningReturning toto Mr.Mr. AndoAndo’s wwords,ords, thethe region.region. InIn addition,addition, wewe havehave a rrangeange ooff the reconstruction and revitalization anda nd hish is ccommentsom ment s aboutabout supportsupport activitiesactivities inin partnershippartnership withwith thethe MiyagiMiyagi clingingclinging toto thethe statusstatus quo,quo, moremore prefecturalprefectural ggovernmentovernment andand TheThe 7777 BBank,ank, of Japan, and help peoplepeople nownow think,think, “Oh,“Oh, well,well, mmyy Ltd.,Ltd., whichwhich isis basedbased inin Miyagi.Miyagi. lifelife isis fairlyfairly comfortablecomfortable aandnd Miyata: IInn tthehe ssameame wway,ay, otherother SSMFGMFG that’sthat’s eenoughnough forfor mme.”e.” TThishis ssenseense GroupGroup companiescompanies havehave beenbeen sendingsending outout resolve global issues? ofof sstagnation,tagnation, oorr rresignation,esignation, volunteers,volunteers, aandnd pprovidingroviding ddonationsonations nnotot oonlynly untiluntil thethe ccountryountry bbecameecame anan economiceconomic thatthat peoplepeople feelfeel inin theirtheir liveslives hashas spreadspread asas a ccompany,ompany, butbut alsoalso throughthrough individualindividual UpliftingUplifting tthehe nnation’sation’s spiritsspirits juggernaut.juggernaut. However,However, iinn tthehe eearlyarly 1970s,1970s, throughoutthroughout Japan.Japan. ButBut whenwhen thethe disasterdisaster employees.employees. SSMBCMBC wwasas aatt tthehe hhearteart ooff aallll tthesehese JapanJapan isis nownow ffacingacing a wwideide vvarietyariety ooff pproblems,roblems, rranginganging ffromrom tthehe rreconstructioneconstruction ooff thethe TohokuTohoku rregionegion (the(the northeasternnortheastern rregionegion of JJapan)apan) peoplepeople bbecameecame ccomplacentomplacent aboutabout theirtheir struck,struck, peoplepeople againagain camecame togethertogether andand activities,activities, aandnd tthishis wwasas a goodgood oopportunitypportunity afterafter thethe MarchMarch 1111 earthquakeearthquake aandnd ttsunamisunami (“the(“the GGreatreat EastEast JapanJapan Earthquake”)Earthquake”) toto a shrinkingshrinking andand agingaging population,population, withwith fallingfalling birthbirth ratesrates affluence,affluence, andand stoppedstopped workingworking hardhard andand workedworked togethertogether inin thethe recoveryrecovery effort.effort. I forfor uuss ttoo aappreciateppreciate aanewnew hhowow oourur bbusinessusiness andand increasingincreasing numbersnumbers ooff thethe aged.aged. makingmaking efforts.efforts. CChildrenhildren aassumedssumed tthathat iiff ttheyhey thought,thought, ““NotNot eeverythingverything tthathat hhappenedappened hashas contributescontributes toto thethe publicpublic good.good. WeWe mustmust nownow ffindind wwaysays fforor ppeopleeople ttoo ccoexistoexist iinn hharmonyarmony wwithith nnature,ature, basedbased onon a globalglobal perspective.perspective. wentwent ttoo a ttop-classop-class uuniversityniversity ttheyhey wwouldould wwalkalk beenbeen bad.”bad.” ButBut I fearfear thethe consequencesconsequences ifif wewe SumitomoSumitomo MMitsuiitsui FFinancialinancial GGrouproup ((SMFG)SMFG) iinvitednvited tthehe wworld-famousorld-famous aarchitectrchitect TTadaoadao AAndondo toto joinjoin iinn a cconversationonversation oonn thethe issuesissues fafacingcing societysociety intointo a ttop-classop-class ccompanyompany andand havehave nothingnothing toto dondon’t galvanize,galvanize, ccoordinateoordinate aandnd mmaximizeaximize worryworry aboutabout thereafter.thereafter. SoSo theythey startedstarted goinggoing effortsefforts mmoreore eeffectively.ffectively. andand thethe waysways inin whichwhich SMFGSMFG andand itsits GroupGroup companiescompanies cancan bringbring theirtheir expertiseexpertise toto bearbear asas a financialfinancial servicesservices group.group. toto cramcram schoolsschools eveneven beforebefore kkindergarten.indergarten. Kunibe: AsAs forfor SSMBC,MBC, I wwonderedondered iiff I givegive llecturesectures oonn tthehe tthemeheme ““studentsstudents bornborn inin employeesemployees aatt aallll tthehe bbranchesranches aandnd ootherther I believebelieve thethe timetime hashas comecome forfor usus toto andand afterafter 19801980 areare hopelesshopeless cases”cases” ((laughs).laughs). officesoffices inin thethe affectedaffected areasareas wwouldould bebe ableable ttoo Our measures to support reconsiderreconsider whatwhat wewe ccanan ddoo iinn oourur ccapacityapacity ThatThat waswas becausebecause ofof thethe prevailingprevailing attitudeattitude atat getget ttoo wworkork aandnd ccarryarry ooutut theirtheir ddutiesuties atat suchsuch reconstruction asas a ffinancialinancial iinstitutionnstitution toto addressaddress a varietyvariety thethe timetime thatthat JapanJapan’s nationalnational developmentdevelopment a difficultdifficult timetime forfor ttheirheir oownwn families;families; oror iiff after the disastrous ofof issues,issues, includingincluding thethe fourfour priorities.priorities. wouldwould gogo onon forfor eeverver aandnd tthehe eeconomyconomy wouldwould theythey wouldwould bebe ableable toto openopen theirtheir officesoffices forfor earthquake and tsunami TodayToday I hopehope wwee ccanan ddiscussiscuss nnotot oonlynly tthehe rroadoad remainremain stable.stable. AAss a rresult,esult, pparentsarents sspoiltpoilt theirtheir businessbusiness onon weekendsweekends aandnd ootherther holidays.holidays. Uplifting toto reconstructionreconstruction afterafter thethe disaster,disaster, butbut alsoalso children,children, andand wewe ssawaw mmoreore cchildrenhildren wwhoho DespiteDespite thethe llackack ooff waterwater andand gas,gas, theythey reallyreally the nation’s spirits waysways toto upliftuplift thethe nation’snation’s spirits.spirits. couldcould notnot dodo anything.anything. MManyany suchsuch childrenchildren gavegave ttheirheir allall toto provideprovide bbankinganking sservices.ervices. Ando: JapanJapan hhasas aachievedchieved ttwowo mmiraclesiracles - thethe areare inin theirtheir 30s30s now.now. ItIt wwasas rreallyeally uupliftingplifting ttoo sseeee ssuchuch ddedicationedication ̶ SMFGSMFG hashas thethe followingfollowing prioritiespriorities iinn iitsts MeijiMeiji RRestorationestoration
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