No. 511 REGISTERED FOR PRICE D. :�� 4D LIVERPOOL�. APRIL 1, 1924. TRANSMISSION ABROAD. 3 } I A Boon to �heTrombone Pla�er and his Neighbo_u(� ·The Besson "Mutro" Trombone Mute BOOSEY'S AT LA.STI THE PERFECT MUTE Bands plauing and the UGHTE.ST. on ' · make a SPLENDID · start for 1924 It weighs only two ounces. Net ; packinj: and postage 9d, Price 12/6 _ _&jut "on approval " agamst remitta�ce . " )3/3 SOUTH WALES ASSOCIATION CONTEST­ LEICESTER BAND FESTIVAL-LEICESTER, the great Contest Band Trainer, writes :­ "TheMr. Halliwell,' Mutro' is all you claim for it." PONTYPRJDD, MARCH 1st. MARCH 8th . Class A.-1st, FERNDALE INSTITUTE. BESSON & ·-co., LIMITED, fst SECTION .-1st, HUCKNALL EXCELSIOR. Eueton Rd., LO�DON, N.W.I • 198-188, Mr. T. ]. POWELL Mr ]. FIDLER. Class A.-2nd, OAKDALE COLLIERY. 1st SECTION .-2nd, LEICESTER IMPERIAL. JOH.N PARTINGTON Mr. H. HEYES. Mr. H. BARLOW. BAND TEAOHER AND ADJUDICATOR. A L L K OOL. Three ·playing FULL SETS of BOOSEY'S, and ALL playing on BOOSEY'S 22, IREDA E AVENUE, B AO P . .... IM E . , . •' � . Famous P RIAL BASSES. • . TOM PROCTO� . SOLO CORNE IST T ; BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDIOA'fOR. Send' ,for Cata�ogue and Terms· of these Wonderful Instruments to. ' - O L S 9, FLEET STREET; NELS N, ANO . WILLIAM LAYMAN BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR. Life-long Experience. �erms Moderate. ' ' ' ' BOOSEY"' ... & CO., 295,.REGEN'F . AL ST., A VENUE, PYLE, SOUTH LO:NDON,W.I. NORTH . 22, W !3 WILLIAM POLLARD ·, ' ,. SO.LO OORNE BAND TRAIN:Il)R, AND ' ' T, . ' I' 'J ADJUDICATOR; Winner of over Gold and· Sil'i>er Medals, also t • � Crystal Palace Championsb,ip50 .yeart�' experience .. 20 .TONE� with· first-class band�. For terms apply- ·- 1 .• PARROOK STREE'r, ORA WSHA WBOOTH, Near Rawtenstall. _ I • � ' J. G. DOBBING, · SOLO OORN�T, BAND TRAINER and JUDGE _ .,� . '·' . •· PENTRE, RHONDDA, SOUTH WA ES. A4 L J. A. '-' - GREENWOOD,COMPOS. ER, SOLO CORNET, CONDUCTOR, JUDGE. AURELS,": VICTORIA "ROAD, .. THE L ; · TRAN�IERE, ·BIRKENHEAD. GEORGE NICHOLLs,:·-, I '· BAND TRAINER, JUDGE, AND CORNET OLO ST - S I ; ; · � · · (C rrespondence Cornet Lessons a Speciality.) ' __ � . -oATA-ft.ACT VU.LA, M:�l?LE BRIDGE, DU,RABJLITY, E�FICI�NCY - . DRRBYB:Hll\1)! _ _ _ _ '·.. .. EDWARD FlDLER� J. ' SOLO OORNET, . BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDIO.ATOR. OPEN TO'TEAOH OR ANYWHERE. JUDGE . BESSON,· 196--� EUSTON N.W.1 Address- . ROAD, LONDON, - · - . - GL Y VE U , ORRELL PARK, . · 32, IN E _-· - - . ·: - . - - - D � N . · - l . · - _ _ · . A LIVERPOOL. , • - . I ' . AINTREE, · ·_ · HALLlW,ELL,l ,,, - . _1842_. WM.· H· GHAlVI -ES-T,AB-LI-SHE-D --BIGHAM BAND TEAOHER • AND ADJUDIOATOR. I BANK OAK LEA, SPRING , W�GAN,· - Brass Band instruments Wood Instruments and Drums To · Band Committees- FRANK OWEN, •LL.CM; ' Principal of the Longsight Academy of · Muai<>­ Prepare for the forthcoming Summer Engagements and Military, Brasii, and Orchestral- Bands, ·ChoirE. or Soloists .skilfully p,repared for all kinds of competitions. dUSTQUALITY THE DIFFERE NCE DURABILITY Contests, and in doing so remember that JUST TH E. DIFFERENCE Adjudicator of Band and Choral Conteste. Between an ordinary Instru­ 3, KIRK.MANS LON I T, � :k�JE��::: � GH ment and one embodying Between an ordinary Instru­ Y The Good Player in your Band Brilliap.ce of Tone, Perfect ment_ and one giving years of J. MANLEY.· Tune, Ease of Blowing, solid service and satisfaction, . ' ' / ' BAND TEAOHER AND ADJUDICATOR. Perfect V��;lves and Valva low upkeep, and always a DESER-VES A HIGHAM INSTRUMENT, years Con<l,pctor, Aberdare Town Band. 20 Action-that's the '·reat to ·play on-t�at's the ABERDARE. HIGHAM The Poor Player NEEDS ONE. HIGHAM T. MORGAN, The Best The Best To-day 217b, LATCHM:ERE ROAD, LAVENDER in 1842. The Best in 1842. The Best To-day HILL, LONDON, S. W. The. Waiting List for Higham Instruments is growing daily. BAND TEAUHER AND ADJUDICATOR. 1Phone City. Tel. Add. "TROMBONE; MANCHESTER.'' 3639 (Late H.M. Goldstream Guards Band and London Orchestral Pro�ession.) . NEW 68, ERSKINE STREET, GEO. MERCER. ELECTRIC WORKS. H. STRETFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER. SOLO CORNET , TRUMPET, BAND I TEACHER .AJ.VD CONTEST ADJUDIOATOR. B GHAM Late of 127, Strang eways, Manchester. BIGHAM Address- ( ) SILVER-PLATING REPAIRS . 35, HAMILTON ROAD, FIRTH PARK, . ... - . : . ' .. - , . - ·�· ' ' , . SHEFFIELD. J. J. BRADY, A.Mus.V.C.M. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATO� 16, STANLEY TERRACE, MOSSLEY HILL, LIVERPOOL. JOHN FINNEY, "Yleignd dupreme�" . COMPOSER AND ARRANGER, BAND TRAINER ADJUDICATOR. AND Life-long Experience. RO , S O 85, BOROUGH AD C BE, C ESHIRE. EA M: H A • TIFFANY A.MUS.LCM. ' B011oun T.O.L. IST'S (Composer of popular S.C. THE ART PERFECTED TROMBONE Seriw the of ComiJositions.) CONTEST ADJUDICATOR. Anywhere-Any Time." Write The of Trombones ror Terms. Kin� Address- LINDLEY, HUDDERSFIELD. Illustrated Catalogue and Easy Payment Terms for all Instruments RUFUS FLETCHER, TEAOHER AND ADJUDICATOR. BAND, OPEN TO TEACH AN AMBITIOUS OR JUDGE ANYWHERFi. RAILWAY HOTEL. BLACK LANE, RADCLIFFE. HAWKES &SON MANCHESTER. PARIS· BRUSSELS ·AU:lERSHOT TOM TILL, SOLO CORNET, TRUMPET, BAND TEACHER. COMPOSER, AND CONTEST ADJUDICATOR. Head Offices a d Piccadilly Circus, LONDON, W.l. "THE HOMESTEAD,'' �fOXLEY, n Showrooms: Denman <:Street, E NE URY Near W D SB . AND RouND's BRASS BAND NEws. APRIL 2 WRIGHT 1, 1924. January 31st, 1924. a . •1•IJ IIJ:L•1•T. :::EJ, COCKERMOUTH ME.CHANICS' BAND MUSICAL REUABLE BRASS INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER, CUMBERLAND. SILVER-PLATER, QILDER, AND ARTISTIC ENGRAVER. 100 years continuous existence. One of the oldest, not the oldest, Band if .A 86, LONDON ROAD, MANCHESTER. ESTHIID in the Country. � h Works:-1, BRITAIN STREET, This famous Band shortly celebrate their Centenary and fl • HAVE YOUR INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED, PLATI!D, AND ENGRAVED US , " IY to celebrate same in a fitting manner decided to have THE II THE !:!.!!!!!! HICH, SO ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION ALWAYI QIYEII, h � �� 1111 their instruments Renovated, the work to be done in the c• Always a large quantity Second Hand Instruments in stock, Brass and Plated, all makea. highest possible quality, price being a secondary si 'trial Solicited. Catalocuee and Eetlnoatee sent Poet consideration. Without hesitation the Committee agreed fi• A Free. si that one Firm stood above all others and sent their set If E. to to be H A PERFECT Bb SLIUE TROMBON US E Model Bb SLIDE TROMBONE is perfection, and supersedes RENOVATED, ENGRAVED AND TRIPLY-PLATED Ill Our "ARTIST'S" all previous productions. It is an Instru ent without a faulty note in any position, lll: _ , In the Reynolds' well-known A.l. style and quality. ir pa sages wJt out fear of Copyright. 0' every note reliable, and can be attacked m p1ano or forte � _h Live, Intelligent and Dependable Service, . and Cl ... cracking, which gives confidence to the player. TONE quahty IS superb m upper in all Supplies and Repairs. an ill lower registers. The Trombone for SOLOISTS, as proved by a remark passed by Other Bands please NOTE. If you want the finest workmanship in the Trade you can THAT PLAYERS BAND RECISTER, EDITION, eminent player after trying the Instrument-" THE TROMBONE get it with us. Any Bands requiring second-rate 4th • workmanship please don't apply. post free. HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR YEARS." , 1/6, B TRY ONE We will send an Instrument on fourteen days approval, cash returned m a. l full if not up to your expectations, DOUGLAS LTD. lu Price "ART IST'S" Model Bb SLIDE TROMBONE £10 10s . Less cash discount 10% THOMAS REYNOLDS; & SONS & SON, b ' SILVERPLATINO and ENGRAV ING £3 10s. Od . nett. SENR. n 43, CHAPEL STREET, Brunswick Street, Glasgow. LEATHER CASE, brown or black, stiffened and �haped £3 nett. g :: i• -ESTABLISHED FOR NEARLY 80 YEARS. SALFORD, MANCHESTER rr westgate Rd., PERCY BULLOUGH, b WOODS & CO., 152, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Later News :-Troedyrhiw Mission Band, S. Wales, have sent their Set to us BRASS INSTRUMENT MAKERS AND - P - BAND TEACHER AND AD D CA � REPAIRERS. - to be Renovated, Engraved and Triply lated 10/2/24 .:(.{! I ------����--�------------------------ , . TOR. s Terms on Application, ll 45, CHORLEY ROAD, BLACKROD, LANDS. C• 20 words 1/8. d. for each additional 10 worde. ) t< I ·Band Teachers, Adjudicators,1.) and· Soloists. Remittance must accompany advertisement, GEORGE KEMP, fl (Continued from page and reach us by 24th of the month. ·MINOR ADVERTISEMENTS. For Box address at our Office count •lx worde, BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR, tl and add 3d for forwarding of repllllll, tl This rat• does not apply to Trade Advta. SWfl'HENBANK STREET, GA WTHORPB, � BANDS CHARLES ANDERSON, OSSETT, YORKS. a Requiring any of the Selections arranged BAND TEAOHER AND ADJUDICATOR, BESTWOOD CLUB, 'CLAY CROSS. Slow Melody late by Solo Contest for those who have never won V ASS'S IJORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, tl the First prize, JOS. STUBBS, 37, FERN S EET, OLDHAM. a First Prize, Saturday, 'April 12th, 43, Cardigan Street, Kennington ()roB<!, il . Second, Os. and a Medal; Third, n . ALEX. OWEN TR £1 and a :Medal; 1 BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR, MR 5s, and a Medal; Fourth, .a :Medal. �'wo Specials London, S.E.11. f, ehould. apply • for Boys under 16 yea.rs, One Spec1al for Bass Principal: is open for engagements as �T , , R. HUTCHINSON, Ernest Vass, late 'l'eacher of Theory, I Band). players. Adjudicator, Mr. W, Fawbert. Entrance, L,C.C. Central School of Arts and Crafts, Self­ TEACHER OR JUDGE ANYWHERE. G. V. VVV-"'L.. ·Western Street, {Late Bandmaster, Wingatea Temperance close April 10th.-Mr. J, WARDLE, 263, Gt. BAND TEAOHER AND ADJUDICATOR, 1s. Entries instruction Course for individual requirements: Moss Side Slater Street, Clay Cross. TRUM1PET FOR ORATORIO. Rudiments. Harmony. Composition, Instrumenta­ HIGH STREET, OREWE. v Ma c t . 39, n hes er DARNALL WORKING MEN'S CLUB, Sheffield.
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