BRINGING UP FATHER GEORGE McMANUS GAMES MONDAY By Pacific Coast League All teams traveling yesterday. I WEUL-'v E. OUGHT i / I D C.IVE |tOOO e>A>r-j icq's' dd you National League I TO BH IN RO^IA I I A FOO FOR AMT I KNOW 1 WHERE Pittsburgh 9, 6; Philadelphia Sootsl' KIND OF LAND #— VOO'RE L._, ,_J 7,5. V-> RIGHT NOW1 -\ GOINi' ? I ► 1 N-, u < Chicago fi. 2; New York 4, 3. ^ Cincinnati 3; Boston 2. ^~h'~rr■ St. rain. - \ 7j Lotiis-Biboklyn, it ^ IE WE OOM T_'V ! American League ft y REACH UANlO Boston 1 I, 0; Clecvland 5, 4. / t>OOM- I HAVE Philadelphia 3; Detroit 5. ^ A Hu^PlClQM, Washington G; Chicago 1. WHERE WCREj New 10; St, Louis 8. --. COIN". J\ I Y'ork STANDING OF CLUBS Pacific Coast League ¥ Won Lost Pet. Oakland 88 48 .579 Seattle 61 50 .550' San Francisco.. 62 51 .549 3acrnmpnto 59 55 .518 Portland 5 3 58 .477; I Mis ion ....... 53 61 .465 Hollywood 51 G.i .447 v Im I Inc Great Britain rrserverf Feature Servits rights •v^-- ls:£?J l.o:i Angeles 47 66 .416, j _ National League J. J. WOODARD CO. Won Lost Pot. j j Plumbing—Sheet Metal Work ; Pittsburgh ... 50 30 ,625i Chicago 5 S 32 .63 1 South Front Street » DEMPSEY MAY STAGE Si. Louis 49 35 .583 l New York .... 47 43 .528 j [Brooklyn 39 48 .459; COME HACK, THOUGH iI Philadelphia ... 3 1 50 .405: ■Cincinnati 33 61 .393 JUNEAU TRANSFER! OTHERS IIA VE VAILED Boston I 39 49 .380 \ American league COMFANA Won Lost Pet \ 'New York 63 25 .7 16 Moves, Packs and Store; \ IlIOW YORK. Jut" It). They .‘iimnons tried to ri»"i’n the title Washington 49 35 .583 don't come bad:—those heavy- ami Jeffries doom d ills aspire Detroit 4 6 37 .564 la Has Confidence weight kings once toppled In tins in eighl round, at San Ft ..ti- ; 47 39 .547 Sharkey%/ ■ OUT TO SWIM Philadelphia CHANNEL1 the throna. edreo. i Chicago 47 4 2 .528 v.. Hilt Jack t '.St, Louis 3 1 49 .410 And I Dempsey, trying >1 J juries retired in 130.>, and five Fighting Equipment climb again to pugilism's cresi years later entered the ling agair. ■Cleveland 3> 52 .4 09 1 lias two factors in his favor will : > Boston .21 6 4 .247 | only to lose to Jack Johnson at ALAN J By GOVLD, Fitzsimmons, Corbett and Jeffri.- Iteno, Nev. Johnson lost his title Juneau Citv League (Associated Press Sports Editor), lacked onto knocked o W'on Lost Pet. when, .; to Willard in Cuba in 1915, tried 4 1.000 they tried to regain the heights. ! some years later to regain emi- Elks 0 NEW YORK, Ju’.y 19.- Confi Jeffries re ■Alaska 3 2 .600 [ Says | For Dempsey is the youngest nence in rho ring, and never got Juneau... (1 .nee 1 plus—that's'Jack Sharkey. posed heavyweight champion wh a good start. American Legion 3 .250 Sharkey Should 11 j 1 No aspirant for heavyweight I ever tried to come and h •Moose 1 4 .200 back, '| Four years after Willard was j 1 Prompt Delivery of champion! hip honors even climbed If in Bout is the one who ever ui j only lost j dethroned by Dempsey In Toledo!!___ Into a ring with more assurance, I LADYSMITH COAL j tit la without being knocked tint. | in 1919, the big Kansan hit the expressed and otherwise, than the j HOLLYWOOD, Cal.. July I in his efforts to NOTICE TO CREDITORS upset ring pr pugilistic path again and won a j PHONE 4o Boston Lithuanian. If he whips | in.—Jiin Jeffries, who once cedent sets out at 32 Dempsey j single fight, from Floyd Johnson; In the Commissioner’s Court for L------i Jack cn 21 nt the ; failed to comeback for the Dempsey July almost an old in the an I ■ age ring, hut he met his final defeat at th the Te’iitorv of Alaska, Di- Yankee Stadium, gaining heavyweight championship, a titan that o f thereby j yet younger age hands of I-uls Firpo in 1923. vision No. One before A. tha to (lone said: “I would like to see j (1) right fight Tunney | other vanquished tltleholders try Not until lost to Tin- win Jack Dempsey F. McLean U. S. Commissioner for the title, it will be i> Dempsey against to lost An j merely ing regain laurels. ' nev las1 Septemtier 23 in a rain- blit I can’t figure and Ex-officio Probate Judge, i’myourJ fulfillment of Sharkey's own pre- | Sharkey j Dempsey has yet to feel, as a nit | spattered Philadelphia’ ring and Haines P-minet. dictions. j it out. Sharkey lias tiie (lire the of the knocn BESJ * boxer, sting on a decision had a title In the matter of the estate of cleverness and j judges’ has gaol, | speed, punch, j nut punch which rose to liann r "Dempsey," Sharkey ; changed hands without the aecom- A. S. CHISEL, deceased. youth. He should win.” 1 “Is made to order for mo. I will other funner champions ploddin > j panying dirge of a knocked our. Notice is hereby given that the beat him sure. And II the come-back trail. Turney? boxer’.-; groans. ; undersigned has been duly up- will bo easier than Dempsey.” ; John L. Sullivan, first of th j ; pointed administrator of the his unusual gre;lt heavyweights, did not t Confidence, plus try j WHERE IS KERSEY ? I above entitled estate. All per- fighting equipment, lias carried Conte back when James .1. Corbet I sons having claims against the Assistance in heal him at New Orleans in 1801 locating David Sharkey rapidly up the fistic la l ■said estate are hereby requested v-*A ELKS-LEG10N Kersey has been requested of dor, less than a yoar. When other I Corbett reigned until ISOs, who ( to present same with proper | the (iovernor’s Ofliee, Juneau. Mr. j heavyweights wore sidarsteppbig I I Fitzsimmons knocked him out a ( ! vouchers attached, to the under- Kersey Is about 57 years old. fi the so-called “dark menace,” Har- Cfl.mn City, Nev. Jeffries climlie I j signed at Haines, Alaska, within j feet or more In height, brown GAME TONIGHT to the throne in knockin ,, of this ry Wills, Sharkey wont about on 1890, six months from dale ; eyes and hair. He was last heard sieging promoters to match him oat Fitzsimmons in 11 rounds a J notice. 1 (>f in Oregon and started for with the negro. He finally con ! Corey Island. Dated at Haines, Alaska, this Alaska during the rush to the vlnced umbert Pugaiy to do it. IS POSTPONED Corbet ttried to anno back i j 11th day of July, 1927. Klondike. Any data regarding him j An extra tire is sure your friend but there were few if 1901, and was beaten twice )> | J. II. CHISEL, any experts would he appreciated. who had any ideas Sharkey wou.d i Jr-ffrin at Coney Island and a Administrator. J On who you always can depend the of Liles’ I Sail Francisco, the second tim First July 19, 1927. upset giant ex-stevedore at Called Off Account Advertising always pays. Use publication, Ebborts Field til almost Fit. Last Aug. 9, 1927. | last October. Be by, pitiful margin. the columns of The Umpire publication, trust to luck — taka After Show—May Played | crawling through the DON'Talong an extra tire. Don't that stuck ropes night, Sharkey Wednesday Night. S3o"/I trust to luck—buy your tires out his chin in j an aggressive man of us. Don't trust to luck—take ner, gave Wills what is pen Owing to the fact that the Elk;; srally ; good care of your car. We’II known is staging its big show for as thelt ■•eye,’’ then walk Lodge | tell you a lot about the care of rh:> .last time the sched- cd over to the radio and declar 'd: tonight, your car that will save you dol- ”■< lie folks! I’ll lick Wills sure uled game between the Elks and Yes, persons still want to swim tlie English Channel. Miss lars and cents. ns shooting tonight!” American Legion teams has be* n Dolly Savory, of New York, is on her way to France to train for It is well-known ring history Ilia: postponed, il wo announc'd t• >- | an attempt to emulate Gertrude Edcrle’s feat. She is shown l’resid, lit Sharkey did “lick” Wills, scientifi- tiny by J. C. McBride, 1 pointing to the spot where she’ll seek whatever fume is left. — A Baseball it i- _ cally and thoroughly, althougii the the City League, I (International Illustrated News) JUNEAU MOTOR CO. decision went to him on a foul probable the game will be piayed Juneau Cold Inc in thirteenth round. Wednesd y evening., Co., Storage PHONE 30 The Ell s ure the Sharkey was “made” by his de- leading leagu° FRENCH PRESS WANTS I with four victories and cisive victory over Wills, who was straight Offers For Sale At Far c 41 g«-;;j thus eliminated from the picture no defeat! recorded against the GEHRIG MAKES CHANNEL SWiM RULES flub iu tlie second half. One more as a heavyweight contender a Service Transfer Co. fn, 1!). An fortnight after the downfall of victory will cinch first place PARIS, July organization :le ni. The Alaska Juneau club i to control channel swims Is being Will Haul Saw Mill Wood Dempsey before Tunney at Tilda ANOTHER HOMER, the other outfit which has a advocated1 by* the French press.
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