Checklist of Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) Known from Slovakia

Checklist of Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) Known from Slovakia

Folia faunistica Slovaca 18 (3) 2013: 275–300 CHECKLIST OF APHIDOMORPHA (HEMIPTERA: STERNORRHYNCHA) KNOWN FROM SLOVAKIA 1,2 3 1 Katarína Goffová & Wacław Wojciechowski 2 Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK–84506 Bratislava, Slovakia [[email protected]] 3 Department of Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina, B–2, SK–84215 Bratislava, Slovakia University of Silesia, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Department of Zoology, Bankova 9, PL–40007 Katowice, Poland [[email protected]] Abstract: This checklist of Aphidomorpha from Slovakia counts 717 species of 10 families and 3 superfamilies (Aphidoidea, Adelgoidea, Phylloxeroidea). This paper presents existing valid names for species found in Slovakia since 1952 untill nowadays. Species were transferred between families due taxonomic changesKey words: from 1977. Aphidomorpha, Aphidoidea, Adelgoidea, Phylloxeroidea, checklist, Slovakia. INTRODUCTION (1984), Blackman (1990), Guldemond (1991), Blackman & Eastop (1994). Knowledge of the diversity of aphids in Slovakia- was summarised by Holman & Pintera (1977). Last checklist of 596 species of Aphidomorpha was Since 1977, entomologists found out new informa- published in 1977 (Holman & Pintera 1977) by tion about aphids, but until nowadays, new check– nomenclature of Mordvilko. Next time, research of list has not been executed. This checklist was pre aphids was stagnating. - pared on the basis of the publications from 1952 till 2009. In the nineteen eighties, on the basis of coopera- tion Department of Zoology – Comenius University- The first faunal records of aphid from Slovakia- in Bratislava and Department of Zoology – Univer were the collections by Horváth (1897) from the sity of Silesia in Katowice, research near Bratisla- Žitný ostrov, but these data weren’t adequate for in va was proceeding. These entomologists described- correct nomenclature and synonyms. - new species (Czylok & Blackman 1991) and pub- In Slovakia, intensiveth research of aphids has began lished faunal data of aphids from the nature re in fifties of 20 century. The most important collec serve Jurský Šúr (Czylok et al. 1991) and nature re- tors were Pašek (1952, 1953a, 1953b, 1953c, 1954a, serve Devínska Kobyla (Wojciechowski & Halgoš 1954b, 1955a, 1955b), Pintera (1952, 1955, 1956, 2005). Research in the Devínska Kobyla was com - 1957, 1959, 1966, 1968, 1987), Holman (1959, 1961, pleted by Kolesárová (2008). 1965a, 1965b, 1965c, 1965d, 1966a, 1966b, 1970,- After 2000, aphidologists published abstrac 1971a, 1971b, 1980, 1981a, 1981b, 1991a, 1991b, tive publications such as Remaudière & Leclant 1995, 1998) and Börner (1952). Numerous materi (2000), Quednau (2003) and Holman (2009). - al was also collected by Hille Ris Lambers (1956), - Kloft et al. (1960), Weismann & Vallo (1963), The taxon of Aphidomorpha comprises many eco Hochmut (1964, 1968), Hodek (Hodek et al. 1966), nomically important species. Collections of inva Eastop (1972), Čuri (1974), Heie (1982), Binazzi sive aphids were published by authors Lukáš and Goffová K & Wojciechowski W, 2013: Checklist of Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) known from Slovakia. Folia faunistica Slovaca, 18 (3): 275–300. [in English] Received 16 April 2013 ~ Accepted 20 August 2013 ~ Published 26 December 2013 © Faunima, Bratislava, 2013 e–ISSN 1336–4529 ISSN 1335–7522 276 Goffová K & Wojciechowski W: Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) of Slovakia Tetraneurella - Tóth (Lukáš et al. 2001; Tóth et al. 2006, 2004, Subgenus: Hille Ris Lambers, 2009). Aphid’s parasitoids and their tritrophic as 1970 sociations in Slovakia were published by Starý & Subfamily:Gootiella Pemphiginae Herrich–Schaeffer in Lukáš (2009). Koch, 1854Mimeuria Genus: Tullgren, 1925 The authors Barta and Cagáň have been studying Pachypappa Genus: Börner, 1952 the fauna of entomophthoralean infection of aphids Patchiella Genus: Pemphigus Koch, 1856 in Arboretum Mlyňany (Barta 2009a, 2009b, Genus: Tullgren, 1925 2009c; Barta & Cagáň 2001, 2002, 2003a, 2003b, Genus: Hartig, 1837 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009; Cagáň et al. 2001). - Subfamily: ProciphilinaeProciphilus Herrich–Schaeffer in Koch, On the territory of Slovakia, group of Aphidomorpha 1854 Prociphilus is represented by 3 superfamilies, 10 families com- Genus: StagonaKoch, 1857 prising 717 species. Essentially, the nomenclature Subgenus:Thecabius Koch, 1856 and classification of the Aphidomorpha in check Subgenus: ThecabiusKoch, 1857 list is according to Heie & Wegierek (2009) by the Genus: ParathecabiusKoch, 1857 help of Remaudière & Remaudière (1997). In recent Subgenus: Koch, 1857 years, modifications at nomenclatorial changes have Subgenus: Börner, 1950 been stimulated by von Dohlen et al. (2006), Nieto Subfamily: Fordinae Acloque, 1897 Nafria & Favret (2011) and Buga et al. (2012). - Tribe: FordiniForda Acloque, 1897 Supergenus:Paracletus Fordina Acloque, 1897 The checklist includes genus, subgenus and spe Genus: Smynthurodesvan Heyden, 1837 cies of aphids from Slovakia. Species are marked by Genus: Geoica van Heyden, 1837 number. All of species are referred to chronological Genus: Westwood, 1849 publications from territory of Slovakia. Genus: Hartig, 1894 SYSTEM OF APHIDOMORPHA Family: HormaphididaeHormaphis Mordvilko, 1908 Subfamily: Hormaphidinae Mordvilko, 1908 Genus: Anoecia Osten–Sacken, 1861 Superfamily: APHIDOIDEA Latreille, 1802 Family: Anoeciidae Tullgren, 1909 Family: Eriosomatidae Kirkaldy, 1905 Genus: Koch, 1857 Subfamily:Colopha Eriosomatinae Kirkaldy, 1905 Family: Drepanosiphidae Herrich–Schaeffer in Tribe: EriosomatiniEriosoma Kirkaldy, 1905 Koch, 1857Mindarus Genus: KaltenbachiellaMonell, 1877 Subfamily: Mindarinae Tullgren, 1909 Genus: Leach, 1818 Genus: Koch, 1857 Genus: Schouteden, 1906 Subfamily:Drepanosiphum Drepanosiphinae Herrich–Schaeffer in Tribe: TetraneuriniTetraneura Herrich–Schaeffer in Koch, Koch, 1854 1845 Tetraneura Genus: Koch, 1855 Genus: Hartig, 1841 Subfamily: Chaitophorinae Mordvilko, 1908 Subgenus: Hartig, 1841 Tribe: Chaitophorini Mordvilko, 1908 Table 1. Numbertaxon of species in Aphidomorpha numberfamilies. genus species 32 APHIDOIDEA 1 1 Eriosomatidae 1. - 32. 16 1 Hormaphididae 33. Anoeciidae 34. – 37. 4 2 Drepanosiphidae 38. – 135. 37 98 1 1 Thelaxidae 136. – 139. 4 Phloeomyzidae 140. Aphididae 141. – 629. 91 489 Lachnidae 630. – 689. 9 60 2 ADELGOIDEA Adelgidae 690. –713. 24 3 PHYLLOXEROIDEA total 717. 163 717 Phylloxeridae 714. – 717. 4 Folia faunistica Slovaca 18 (1) 2013: 275–300 277 Chaitophorus Tuberculatus Periphyllus Tuberculoides Genus: Koch, 1854 Subgenus: Mordvilko, 1894 Genus: Atheroides van der Hoeven, 1963 Subgenus:Glyphina van der Goot, 1915 Tribe: SiphiniCaricosipha Mordvilko, 1928 Family: ThelaxidaeThelaxes Baker, 1920 Genus: Chaetosiphella Haliday, 1838 Genus: Koch, 1856 Genus: Laingia Börner, 1939 Genus: Westwood, 1840 Genus: Sipha Hille Ris Lambers, 1939 Family: PhloeomyzidaePhloeomyzus Mordvilko, 1934 Genus: SiphaTheobald, 1922 Subfamily: Phloeomyzinae Mordvilko, 1930 Genus: RungsiaPasserini, 1860 Genus: Horváth, 1896 Subgenus: Passerini, 1860 Family: Aphididae Latreille, 1802 Subgenus: Mimeur, 1933 Subfamily:Hyalopterus Aphidinae Latreille, 1802 Subfamily:Izyphya Saltusaphidinae Baker, 1920 Tribe: RhopalosiphiniMelanaphis Mordvilko,1914 Tribe: Saltusaphidini Juncobia Baker, 1920 Genus: RhopalosiphumKoch, 1854 Genus: Nevskyella Nevsky, 1929 Genus: Schizaphis van der Goot, 1917 Genus: SaltusaphisQuednau, 1954 Genus: Schizaphis Koch, 1854 Genus: Sminthuraphis Ossiannilsson, 1954 Genus: Euschizaphis Börner, 1931 Genus: SubsaltusaphisTheobald, 1915 Subgenus: Börner, 1931 Genus: Subsaltusaphis Quednau, 1953 Subgenus: ParaschizaphisHille Ris Lambers, Genus: Quednau, 1952 1947 Subgenus:Thripsaphis Quednau, 1952 Subgenus: Hille Ris Lambers, Tribe: Thripsaphidini Thripsaphis Börner, 1949 1947 Aphis Genus: Trichocallis Gillette, 1917 Tribe: AphidiniAphis Latrielle, 1802 Subgenus: Gillette, 1917 Genus: Absinthaphis Linnaeus, 1758 Subgenus: Börner, 1930 Subgenus: Linnaeus, 1758 Subfamily: Phyllaphidinae Herrich–Schaeffer in Subgenus: Anthemidaphis Remaudière in Starý Koch, 1857 et Remaudière, Bursaphis 1973 Tribe: PhyllaphidiniPhyllaphis Herrich–Schaeffer in Koch, Subgenus: Prothaphis Tashev, 1967 1857 Subgenus: ToxopterinaMcVicar Baker, 1934 Genus: Koch, 1856 Subgenus:Brachyunguis Börner, 1952 Subfamily: Callaphidinae Oestlund, 1918 Subgenus: BrachyunguisBörner, 1940 Tribe: CallaphidiniMonaphis Oestlund, 1918 Genus: B. Das, 1918 Supergenus: Monaphidina Subgenus:Acaudinum B. Das, 1918 Genus: BetulaphisWalker, 1870 Subfamily: MacrosiphinaeAcaudinum Wilson, 1910 Supergenus:Börnerina Calaphidina Genus: Acyrthosiphon Börner, 1930 Genus: Calaphis Glendenning, 1926 Subgenus: Acyrthosiphon Börner, 1930 Genus: Callipterinella Bramstedt, 1940 Genus: Liporrhinus Mordvilko, 1914 Genus: Clethrobius Walsh, 1862 Subgenus:Ammiaphis Mordvilko, 1914 Genus: Euceraphis van der Goot, 1913 Subgenus:Amphorophora Börner, 1939 Genus: Monaphis Mordvilko, 1928 Genus: Amphorophora Börner, 1952 Genus: Symydobius Walker, 1870 Genus: Amphorosiphon Buckton, 1876 Genus: Walker, 1870 Subgenus:Anuraphis Buckton, 1876 Genus: Mordvilko, 1894 Genus: Aphidura Hille Ris Lambers, 1949 Tribe: PanaphidiniChromaphis Oestlund, 1922 Genus: AppendisetaDel Guercio, 1907 Supergenus:Ctenocallis Myzocallidina Börner, 1942 Genus: Aspidaphis Hille Ris Lambers, 1956 Genus: Eucallipterus Walker, 1870 Genus: Aulacorthum Richards, 1965 Genus: Hoplocallis Klodnitsky, 1924

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