![SPILSBY. [LINCOLN.] Poultry and Hardware](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DIRECTORY.) 285 SPILSBY. [LINCOLN.] poultry and hardware. The f.lirs for cattle are held on the Bertie, wife of Baron Gwydir, mother of the late Lord Wil­ Monday before Whit-Monday, and the first and second loughby De Eresby. The late Sir John Franklin, Knt., Monda.\S after Whit-Monday (should Whit-Monday not K.c.n., and discoverer of the north-west passage, was born at fall in l\Ia.v, thPre is no fair on the latter day), and on the Spilsby, in 1786, to whose memory a statue was erected first M unday after the 12th of July. The charities amouut in 18t7 by public subscription: he was the sun of the late to £95 per annum, for the benefit of the poor. Ere~hy is a Willingham Franklin, Esq., of \Voo J Enderby, and brother small h,unlet. The Hall formerly stood ahout a mile south of the late Sir Willing ham .Franklin, Knt., judg-e at lrhdras. of the town of Spilsby, and was destroyed by fire in 17G9: The area is 2,340 acres, and the pr,pulation in 18Gl was the only relic now remaining is one of the pillars at the end 1,467. of a tine avenue of trees leading into the road. The manor SPILSBY FEN ALLOTMENTS are situated 7 miles south of Eresby, or Spilsby, was given by Wi!liam the Conqueror from the town. to Waiter de Bckc, one of his barons, and after passing through various successions it descended to the Lady Priscilla Parish Clerk, William :Martin. Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c. PosT & MoNEY ORDER OFFICE, Post Office Savings Relieving Officer, Edward Cash, Market place Bank & Government Annuity & Insurance Office.­ Sub-Distributor of Stamp,~, Thomas Allen Bellamy, Thomas Alien Bellamy, postmaster, Terrace. Letters Terrace from London & all parts of the United Kingdom arrive at Superintendent of Police of the Spil,~by Division, 4.15 a. m.; dispatched at 8.30 p.m. Letters to be regis­ Robert Wright tered must be given in at the window half an hour before Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths ~ Ma7'­ the hox closes: office & box closes at 8 p.m. Letters for rwges, George Walker Spilsby .Fen Allotments are received through Boston Surveyor to Alford ~Boston Turnpike Roads, Thoma~ INSURANCE AGENTS:- Hollis Accidental Death, 'l'homas A. Bellamy, Terrace Town Crier, Edward Thomas La,yton, Market place PLACES OF WORSHIP:- County Fire ~ Provident Life, Stainton & Scarby, High street St. James's Church, Rev. \Villiam V. Turner, M.A.. incumbent Liverpool~- London~ Globe, Edward Rainey, High street London Assurance, Thomas A. Bellamy, Terrace Independent Chapel, Rev. Wm. Hobert \Vaugh, minister Minerva Life, Edward Walker, Church street Primitive Methodist Chapel, ministers various Phamix Fire, T. P. Baines Wesleyan Chapel, ministers various Royal Exchange, R. W. Parsons, Cattle market SCHOOLS:- Grammar, Hev. Charles George Ridley, head master Scottish Fire~ LifP, George Walker, Church street Scottuh Equitable, \Vest John Rainey, Church street National, St. James's, William Darley, master; Mis11 Standard Life, Fredk. Rainey, Ashby lane; Edwd. Walker Lucy Elizabeth Darley, mistress CONVEYANCE:- Star Fire~ Life, Thomas A. Bellamy, Terrace Omnibuses, from the White Hart hotel to meet everv train Yorkshire Fire :Y Life, Thomas Hollis, Clmrch end Knipe's omnibus leave~ his residence daily (sundays ex­ PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:­ cepted) at 6.40 & 10.30 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. to meet the Corn Market, Market place trains at Fir:;by station & returns to Spilsby, arrivi11g at Collnty Court Office, J. G. Teed, esq. Q.c.jud~e; Edward or about 8.30 a.m. & 2 & 7.30 p.m Wttlker, regi~trar; Thomas Tow!, bailiff Richardsoii's mail cart leaves Spilsby daily at 12 o'clock at County House of Correction, John Farr Phillips, gover­ noon & 8.30 in the evening, for Firsby st.ttion, & returns nor; Mrs. Caroline Phillips, matron; George Walker, about 2.15 p.m. & 4.30 a.m. Parcels & light goods surgeon; Rev. William V. Turner, M.A. chaplain; John safely conveyed William Hartley, schoolmaster; l\Iii!S ~arah Ann J ac,k­ Bogg's van leaves his house at 8 on tuesday mornings son, schoolmistres-4; Frederick Robinson, chief warden fur the White Horse inn, Alfurd, & returns the same even­ Enqine HousP, William Ta,lo:-, superintendent ing, & on saturday mornings his van leaves Spilsby at 8 Gas Works, Ashby lane, William Gant, collector for the Red Lion inn, Horncastle, & returns the same Inland Revenue 0 lfice, White Hart hotel evemng.• Public News Room :Y Library, High street, John Rim- Robinson's waggon leaves Spilsby three times daily (sun­ mington, secrt-tary days excepted) conveying g-oods & merchandise of every Spilsby Book Socidy, John Green, librarian description both to & from Firsby station Town Hall, Market place CAnRIERS TO:- Union, Rev. Edward Rawnsley, M.A. chairman; George ADDLETIIORPE-Cooke, from' The George,' mon. at 3 p.m Walker, clerk to the board; Peter Newbould, master; ALFORD-Cammack, from 'The George,' monday at 3 Mrs. Newbould, matron; Rev. C. G. Ridley, chaplain; p.m.; Needham, from' Red Lion,' monday, at 3 p.m John Ironmonger, schoolmaster; Emma Pares, school­ ALFORD, SOUTHEND-Stevenson, from 'Hed Lion,' man­ mistress; Dr. John West Walker, su•·geon; Edward day, at 3 p.m Cash & John Parkinson, relieving officers; William BAG ENDERBY-Bark, from' The Nelson,' mon. at 3 p.m Comins, porter BoLINGBROKE, NEw- Baker, from ' White Horse,' Seventh Lincolnshire Rifle Volunteers, Captain, J. W. monaay, at 3 p.m Preston, Dalby; Lieutenant, George Walker, Spilsby; BOLINGBROKE, 0Ln-Dawson, from 'White Horse,' Ensign, Robert Mackinder, Langton; Quartermaster­ monday, at 3 p.m Sergeant, Edward Rainey, Spilsby; Drill Sergeant, BRINKHII.L-Bark, from' The Nelson,' mou. at 3 p.m Thomas Ward, New Spilsby BuRGH-Raithby, from' White Horse,' monday & friday, Spilsby ~ Firsby Railway (Branch) (George Walker & at 3 p.m Thomas Thimhleby, joint secretaries) CHAPEL-Cade, from' The George,' monday, at 3 p.m PuBLIC OFFICERS:- J<'IRSBY STATION-Robert Sargeant, from his own house, A.,sessor of Taxes, John Green monday, wednesday & saturday Clerk to the Board of Guardians, George Walker FRISKNEY-Chap111an, from ' White Horse,' monday, nt Commis,~oners for taking AcknowlPdgments of need.~ of 3 p.m.; Leechman, from' Red Lion,' monday, at 3 p.m MarriPd Women, Thomas Thimbleby & John Walker & HAGG-Atkinson, from' The George,' monday, at 3 p.m George Walker HORNCASTLE-Langley, from 'White Horse,' monday, Commi.~sioners for taking Affidavits in all the Courts, at 3 p.m.; from' Red Lion,' monday, at 3 p.m Walker, Sons & Rainey & Thomas Thimblel.Jy lNGOLDMELI.s-Raynor, tuesday Clerk to Commissioners of Assessed Taxes, Geo. Walker LANGTON-Dawson, from • The Nelson,' monday, at 3 p.m Clerk to Commissioners of Land, Property ~ Income LouTn-Beech, from' White Horse,' monday, at 3 p.m Taxes, George Walker LuSBY-Stones, from' The George,' monday, at 3 p.m Clerk of the Peace for Lindsey Division, John Hard- MAREHAM-LE-FEN-Codd, from 'The George,' monday, wick Hallway at 3 p.m Clerk to Commissioners of Sewers, George Walker SAUSTHORPE-North, from' White Horse,' monday, at 3 Clerk to J.lfagistrates, Thomas Thimbleby, Terrace p.m Clerk to the Trustees of Alford ~ Boston Turnpike, SKEGNESs-Moody, from 'White Horse,' monday, at 3 Edward & George Walker p.m.; Sewell, from' Red Lion,' monday, at 3 p.m lJeputy-Supennttmdent Registrar of Births, Deaths~ STICKNEY-Greathead, from • The George,' monday, at Marriages, Edward Walker, Church street 3 p.m.; Stuart, from 'Red Lion,' monduy, at 3 p.m Registrar of Births, lJeatlts ~ Marriage8, John Green, W AINFLEET-Heading,from 'White Hor:>e,' mon.llt3 p.m Back lane WELTON-Longdon, from 'The George,'monday,at 2 p.m .
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