Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 26, 2008 OUR 118th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 26-2008 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS WF Council Proposes Ways To Help Generate Revenue By MICHAEL J. POLLACK arrangement for sidewalk-improve- itself in.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ment costs; the new policy would Mr. Caruana called the idea a “great WESTFIELD – Heeding the call assess a homeowner 100 percent of contribution.” from Finance Policy Committee the costs. Under his Code Review and Town Chairman Sal Caruana to enhance “While it would be wonderful to be Property Committee Report, Coun- revenue and cut expenses, two town able to provide these improvements cilman Jim Foerst proposed a “user- council committee chairmen have without any cost to the homeowner, based” approach to utilizing the ser- proposed concepts in which the town this policy still gives the homeowner vices of the town planner. He said could realize savings. the cost benefit and convenience of applicants utilizing the planner’s ser- Public Works Committee Chair- having the town provide the contrac- vices should reimburse the town. woman Jo Ann Neylan is recommend- tor, do the scheduling and work, and “You’re using the benefits and the ing a resolution, to be read at next give the resident a three- to five-year services that the Town of Westfield week’s public meeting, to codify a period to pay,” Ms. Neylan said. provides… Why should the Town of new proposed policy regarding side- She added that the “well thought Westfield foot the bill for one particu- walk assessments. out and decisive action by this com- lar person’s benefit?” Mr. Foerst As it stands now, the town and a mittee would help the town deal with asked. homeowner have a 50/50 payment the financial situation that it now finds In addition to examining cost-sav- ing measures, the Code Review Com- mittee discussed how to tackle new COAH (Council on Affordable Hous- ing) obligations. First, regional contribution agree- ments (RCAs) have been eliminated. In an RCA, a town such as Westfield can satisfy a portion of its COAH obligation by giving money to a neigh- boring town, to establish affordable- David Samsky for The Westfield Leader housing stock in the region. HATS OFF TO THE GRADUATES... After four years of hard work, over 450 members of the Westfield High School Assembly Bill 3857 says RCAs graduating class threw up their caps on June 19, in celebration of their achievements. For more, see goleader.com/photos. have “proven not to be a viable method of ensuring that an adequate supply and a variety of housing choices are provided in municipalities experienc- ’08 Graduates Look to Future, ing growth.” The bill calls for the establishment of a “Neighborhood Preservation Bid Farewell to Westfield HS Nonlapsing Revolving Fund,” to en- By LAURA MORTKOWITZ sure that funds are “utilized in a fair Specially Written for The Westfield Leader our lives are changing. A new chapter line. and efficient manner to promote the has begun. We are about to enter a “Our adolescent bubble has nearly Mike Pollack for The Westfield Leader PROTEST FOR BENEFITS...Representatives of the teachers unions from Roselle availability of affordable housing WESTFIELD – Over 450 mem- world filled with the unknown.” popped and we must face the world,” Park, Westfield and Summit picket outside Senator Tom Kean, Jr.’s office in throughout the state.” bers of the class of 2008 graduated Rachel addressed the age-old, over- he said. Westfield last Friday. The New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) launched In addition to the elimination of from Westfield High School on June asked question of, “What do you want After listing the many policies that a statewide protest at the local offices of state senators on June 20 against three RCAs, under a new proposal, the 19 amid horns, cheers and the occa- to do with your life?” with the simple they had learned and followed, such bills that would change pensions as the State Legislature wrestles with balancing formula for calculating the amount of sional beach ball. The ceremony fea- understanding that the graduates still as warning bells, he ended with a the budget, minimizing layoffs and stemming tax increases. necessary affordable units would tured speeches from students, Sena- have time to decide. heartfelt wish. change. tor Tom Kean, Jr. (LD-21, Westfield), As her speech drew to an end, “Good luck and have a pleasant Currently, for every eight new mar- and interim principal Dennis Fyffe Rachel thanked all the people who and rewarding lifetime,” James said. He’s Going to Jail July 29, ket-rate units built, a town must pro- during his last year as principal. helped push the graduates. While Before moving on to the guest vide one affordable unit. That ar- The class of 2008’s future path was thanking the teachers for the chal- speaker, Mr. Fyffe listed the great rangement could soon be doubled; if the central topic of the evening, be- lenges they put to the students, she academic accomplishments of the Christie Says of Sharpe James the proposal passes, a town would ginning with Class President Rachel joked, “Even if at the time the chal- graduating class. Among these were By HORACE CORBIN of New Jersey and is responsible for have to supply one affordable living Gant’s speech. lengers seemed more like a pain.” 28 National Merit Letters of Com- Specially written for the Westfield Leader enforcing state laws. unit for every four new market-rate “For the past few years our lives James Seip, student council presi- mendation, one National Merit Schol- WESTFIELD – U.S. Attorney Mr. Christie said he has a close units. have been ruled by routine and famil- dent, followed Rachel with his own arship, 35 Edward J. Bloustein Schol- Chris Christie said, “He’s going to relationship with recently appointed First Ward Councilman Frank iarity,” she said. take on what the graduates can expect ars and 137 National Honors Society jail, July 29” referring to the sentenc- AG Anne Milgram. They confer once CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 She added, “Now, as we graduate, in the future. members. Furthermore, the follow- ing of former Newark Mayor, and a week. He said she is a true profes- “We must live our own life,” he ing eight students graduated with a State Senator, Sharpe James, in an sional and clearly understands the said, “despite what my mother thinks 4.0 GPA over their four years at WHS: interview last Thursday with pub- basis of prosecution. They often work Rahway’s Pelissier Resigns of that.” Jordana Alter Confino, Renee E. lisher, Horace Corbin, of The Westfield together, as exemplified by the James He reminded the students that those Ferio, Evan Kyle Friedman, Tori Lynn Leader and The Scotch Plains- conviction. As RVSA Commissioner rules they had in the past would no Ma, Pratik M. Mehta, Marissa Hannah Fanwood Times. He publicly admitted to not always longer be there to keep them safely in CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 “We’re asking for ten to 15-year having a good relationship with the By WAYNE BAKER to benefit from this? It certainly is not sentencing from Judge [William] AG’s office, so referring to those for- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader our taxpayers.” Martini who presides over the case,” merly in the position, Peter Harvey RAHWAY – Rahway’s current Paul Sefranka has taken over as the Renovations on Schedule; Mr. Christie said. “That sends a mes- and Zulima Farber. Business Administrator Peter new commissioner from Rahway. Mr. sage to all other politicians in New Mr. Christie said his opinion Pelissier has resigned from the Sefranka, whose term expires on Feb- O’Neal Given Two-Yr. Deal Jersey who think they are untouch- changed when Stuart Rabner was ap- Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority ruary 1, 2012, is the third new mem- By CHRISTINA M. HINKE able.” pointed as AG for one year, and now (RVSA). Last year, Mr. Pelissier, who ber of the RVSA’s Board of Commis- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader buses, and some of it will have an Unlike in state prison, federal prison is Supreme Court chief justice. Mr. also serves as a consultant to the sioners since the beginning of the asphalt surface and some areas will inmates are not eligible for parole. Rabner had worked for Mr. Christie Rahway redevelopment agency, was year. He joins Maria Abram of Spring- WESTFIELD — Robert Berman, have sidewalks, Mr. Berman said. 72-year-old James would likely be in the U.S. Attorney’s office. ordered to repay $330,000 in pension field and Richard LoForte of business administrator for the Also, 20 restrooms were updated spending most, if not all, of the re- With a 128-0 record of convicting payments after state officials had dis- Kenilworth as new board members. Westfield Board of Education, showed with new tile in primary colors, which mainder of his life in jail. corrupt public officials, Mr. Christie covered he retired to a 23-acre Mon- At the RVSA meeting June 19, photos and gave a presentation about coordinates with the classrooms and When asked about James’ two Sil- said he is proud of the accomplish- tana ranch but was receiving almost commissioners discussed how to con- the renovations, which he said are on throughout the school. Student orien- ver Cloud Rolls Royce’s, yacht ments of his office. When asked why the same income as a consultant to trol problems related to inflow and schedule, going on in the school dis- tation is scheduled for September 2, andshore estate, and if the taxpayers he did not press for more convictions, the redevelopment agency.
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