TUESDAY, »kAY 19, 1«B» lEopnine ii^ralb : F ree^ ye Test Toduy and Tomorrow^ 2 to 3 p. m. at J^anchester L a n ^ : ■i 'lf »T> I J- RuM *ir Pititfn. 11 SUrUnKl/^ ^ . ¥f Amphaalaad that the only matter Gonllhulng, Judge Murphy aald Hears before hia court) yvaa to review It would be ‘'unnatural” if the Ailoiit iowni■ >'aater<lav fm- nurjfwtj-. Ho.ptt.1 ' Coarf Police Arrests the action of tha Oommiaalon to Commiaaiph did not take theae Bamini Loses Appeal Average Dally Net Presa RuRn rhe Weather decide tf it acted "Illegally. arW- faclora thto omaideration. An ad- PW the Week gnded K » t m * .Of T*mp»a 0»*p- ,Th« li«ich e»ier WA'WBS «»» DarUn^Farin The Finch Tractor and .Jfnple- trarily and abuied Ka.dlacretton” ! minlptfatbe ’ ^Fncy may dlf- Pnreeaat «t 0. B. WaatiMr Bm avv tan Orfler of tha B u u r n Star, wHU aponiortnK a tiUlUr>- v h U iV , the in denying the appUcaUon. ; ferohUat* between two or more M«y leth, ten the hoine of ....... _ . ...... A n T ^ jjient Co. of Zebuinn. N. C., waa ^ Mre. t Itallaii Amertra-. Club oh ^ ^ ed under a>ne«t by State Po- Over Liquor Permit However, the Judile aald the I a^pHcationa when' there ia a Thrnideraliewer tliln e v a a I a g. UrweWar. 51 PiioMton fit,, i n fr p.m.'^.cket* may he Obtained » / 4 D 1 ) 6 C I X A (}Ua\^ifi^ yeaterday for-.^allowing ah court, did take notice oT-vlhe na-'j reaaonalile and logical turnip for do- 12,9^4 fair, warm, hntidd tonlglit. Ijow la Klagr at 5 •p.m.T».m. Mia. Anna bybv coniartliuiconfartlni Mm. AjineaAjcnea L^tir_____ I I i' overleilgjh commerclll vehicle op ture - and character of pb<;kaSe | Ing ap. he aald. OAn. rXeudy, warm, hnmlfl Thate- and Mra. Mhalyn TUrklnl- or M'r*. Mary Davit, co-rhalrmen The State Supreme Court of Rr-t-the reataurant to prevent the apll- atafea and reatauranU. The ' The court aeea no InconaUtettcy, Member bf the,Atid|t day. ehaJiee nf ahnwera late hi flay ton allt «ial8t tha hoateaa. _. A hcVtng on the Town Planning rt yaatarday upheld a lower/®f liquor there. Syil later the *b«*' nothing but liquor m^iet alone lllegaMty, In the' Com- Bnrean ef ClreoJatinn or evening. High In aOe, Commiaafhn.'a <lecialon laat De- Stale PoJkeman Aobert Coffey rora yaatarday upheld 0 eoiirt'a derision marie m or. tkan . ‘ vm'rt refuted to reveiae the Liquor ■ *«»J»d containers for off-premlaea "fnjjiaion'a action, the judge aaid. Mmtch $ter— A City of Villags Charm Tba final the nature . *=*7 »«">> ! S^r noVthAW^^ Rl- »» court a aectwon made more than a action m denWng|^«m»'>mption.A reatau ran tl*p ri- atady.aarlea tl -Scout^ laadem «:«» * technlquea claaa queal for the ng Farm tract 3:.Th p.m. D r iw IJlyaaea Whitidy In "ParHameatary Law” at the of Wendell. N. C., poated a 350 yaar ago w hl^ tvould den^ John' Barnlnl'a permit, the Injunction'marlly engaged In preparation and : ------------------- -— --------------:------ r- VOL. LXXV IIL NO. 19« «endw3ted b] Barbara Neill, 10th annual June Oonferenre on Keeney St la Mheduliaheduled to be Barntnt - the right to erect and rem >ved. and the matter w aa -**rviea of hot meala. and aervjce (tfllRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1959 (CImaalfled AdmrUalng ea Page Ml PRICE PIVB CBNIE director t of C««nrmmon Pie«« company,, whoaa rep • re.«enlatlve la due In court June J. operata a package store on Tolland, referred to the Supreme Court of! of kqubr for eonaiimpflon by pa- aaum, Irons is htcldenUI, he said. froi TPC a acUon wak appealed " " " arreated; throujrh « at the.Hartford *»«>- Aaaociate Judge Jafnea E. Mur-I -r w lirm aet'ailet at thauie tnuaeummuaeum on Cedar^ueoari Hartford. Att> John F. Shea Jr\ on -be- - - - , phy. In a written dacipion, upheld''^ xoning- laws require lo­ Mixed-up Robin « C and then proceed to the S en -ll^ ''^ Foundation half n f Frank Wood, owner^nf the -j* 1 Court of Common Pleas Judge cations,^ to whf<^h permiia are Fourth Major Goal Ike Gives lor OW Scout camp off Ld'dall S t.,' ». WUllam P, Barber In refuaiqg to granted to*T»e 'more than. -1.000 Has New'Duties to atudy wlW flowTra. ^ aetback card party. Museum Picks fisvarae the State Liquor Control feet apart. The Cbmmiaaion gave«] :__ } apontored by the French Club- of reaeni the commlaalon in t1« Commlaaion's decialon to danv aa its reaaon'for the denial that; the Barninl location was unautt- Top Honor NrW.York, May 20 W -The The weekly meeune of the Man-! Mancheatei will be held Friday court action. \ Barnlnl'a application for a perrtift Bronx Zoo's mixed-up robin, cheater Squadron of Ovll Atr Pa- "'F**' "* * oTlocI- In Orange Hall, Wood adught to, have thp 180- Slate May 28 to operata the store. Judge Bar­ able and that a atore there would l vartad from Herter Urges be “deltdmeiital to the-public in ttat-whatl 10 who started to build nina neats trol will be held Wednesdav ni|rht "dll "be awarded and re- hct'C •'properly, now aon ^ ' Rural, ber's rilling waa made In Januan- at the same time, has quit her a t 7 o’clock at the American Le- freahmenta eer\ed. Tha public Ja reeohert aa A and AA kiord er to 1968, > , tereat.” ftont-'whcal Riibicoff Scores To Dulles construction work to take on glon Nome. Invited. Tlcketa. w-ltl he available begirt a auhdh’ialon Dfoject which, iVe annualI meeting and elec­ Shortly befote that, Barninl waa However, La Bella had c.iwiend- pcepeUiB^ or ____ I at the door. to all }-iack the . duties of a mother, and he aaya. would Untd to the con- tionIon of« oflioei'a of the Lilt* Junior tho loaer in a 3-way struggle to : hia client v.aa tjle .ffrat to fppljt housewife. obtain liquor permits In the area, i a permit, pntertng.hla requeat- casttrt. Washington, May 20 {fP)— ■ Misa Carol A. t'tacher. daughter: ’ ' ’ atructinn of .TTP hnuaea on the MuaeunKwill be held at tha Man^ TeatCeday aha- hatched two property overA 10-year period. The Uqiior Control Commlaalon R*® Commiaalon Noy, 20,. President Eisenhower has of Mr. and Mra. John Fiacher, 11 «, • i o i cheater Oquntry Club on Thui*-!, $72.00 of the three eggs she laid in Flower St., wea recently crwroed r r i P I l C l g C f '' The Planning Commlaalon. f rantad a permit to the Howard 11*®^- Ms aald the Knofla applies-^ conferred the Medal of F'ree- one of the nine nests on a fire '■Sweetheart of Delta Pao fm- ' , wljich kSa indicated It would like day, May 28,^ / ohnaon Reataul-ant at 89i Tolland' I*®" R*® 'inad* about nine days escapa outside the office of the T|ike., 600 feet from the Bgroini later, and the reetaurant asked NsIlywtelOvM T«ik< Cwsawd dom on John Foster Dulles. It erman t e ^ y 1M 9” . at their annu^^^ , M lSS Katll.V H llls ' ^ ' . the..... entire- ........ ,property ^ ..eoneil........ Richard S. Carpenter, commit- son's curator nf birds. eprliif formal at the Univeraitj'.’o f, wqaed to grant' M’ood'a re- ^ tee chairman in charge of the af--, location, and 'another permit to ! for a permit Dec. 6. Fits over average toilet Hartford, May ^yP)_#gov#rnment passed Into law thU'-ig the nation’s highest award session. She hart coniplated four of ■ Vermont, Burlington, VL . ; ' fair, aaid ilinne. will be aerved at Donald Knofla who opened a pack-, Knofla Waa not Involved In the b o w l. Sturdily eoa- Gov. Abraham Ribicoff smiled to civilians. the nine neats she began. .So Mi.aa Kathy Hllla, Tankero- rpnirF^Iowing'the dlnn^rMiai I *** * * * « *»ta new package Mructed. Eatily cleaned. The budget bill includea more The former Secretary at State, - - 'm ost 2,000-feet-away. store la not within 1,000 feet of broadly but had little com­ than a half-btllion dollar apending if she ' hatches the third egg, Rd . Vernon, waa guest of ^ n o r I Ha^cl Lilt- will present a;.-chalk critically ill with cancer and pneu­ there will be a nest for each at a bridal ahower Suridjy'after­ N o A iresl llfacle ' talk entitled, ' ') Say,- Can, You Injuncttoh Removed ! either of, the two pther locations. i'| ment today on the passage of program. The general fund budg­ monia complications, received the SS 1.0 0 et lA Hated for $457,170,911. high­ member of tbe family except Eases Plan noon, The ..shower wap/^ven by | le e re o K " Th® buslnesa meeting and Barninl, through his attorney,! In hia appeal to the Court of his 1536,584,803 budget bill, medal yesterday at Walter 'Reed John D; LaBelle, entered an appeal: Common Pleas, LaBelle claimed I way fund expenditures at $76,164,- the father, who hasn't been Miaa Marie Nlcolctta^^ater of her j 1 11 iflin o r \.»ra 8 I l | erection of oflleem n’lll follow Hisa the latest in a series of major 000 Army Hospital. ’ It was presented seen around. fiance, at .Miaa Xlpdfetta'a home. 9 j ______ I Luti'a tclk. in the Court of Common ^ eqs pro- tjhe Commlaston was "arbitrary in and special fund' appropria­ to him on behalf of the President RUMMAGE Vernon CenterJfeighl,a.
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