10 THE WASHINGTON HERALD. SATURDAY. APRIL 20, 1912. GRIFF'S NATIONALS GAIN REVENGE OVER ATHLETICS WESTERN OPENS HIGH SCHOOL SERIES WITH .VICTORY SPORTS WILLIAM PSET.'spertaC . SPORTS AMERICAN LEAGUE. MATTY-PRESKNTE- D: CHAMPS ASE EASY HELD ATHLETICS At ms MERCY. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. The At WaahlasTton, Oi Philadelphia, O. WITHBI& AUTO IN OPENIHG GAME Other Games Postponed. Ave. Ninth BY r GAMES 6 TO O'SCORE Philadelphia "Washington. "Brooklyn Dodgers Men Men. at And Then Beasts MjhOutfitters to and Little a Cleveland at Detroit. ' by 6 to 2 Count in Hard- - , ctt York at Boston. T MEN! When your bitting-Gam- ISTEN, Chicago at St. Louis. Walter Johnson Holds Hie ' Parker-Bridg- i m YESTEHDAl'S RESULTS. from et to STA.NDLNO OF TUB CLUBS. - Suit comes Athletics 'bat Three" Tb4- i- Philadelphia, 111 Boston, 0. , Won. Loet, Pet. Win. Low. rverr York, (1 Brooklyn, -- . " you. ARE SURE of ITS Scattered Hits. Boaton ................... i Ja JB Oereland...... ...;.. t s ecr m --Ml , Other Onmea PostiHinedRaln. - WASHINGTON' ........ 1 W JM QUALITY, certain- of its iiiiUiciiii......H j s .atr jot Cbkv-....-- .l. 1 J if! O ?Mssk .ssfV. -- GAMES BROWtf IS 'INTRODUCED Detroit..................... j s jco jn ra - St. LouIi................. S S . SI JS St. Loots at Pit (.burg. 0 CX !nr lortt ,....., ,7 A r Brooklyn at err York. "P-B- Boston Philadelphia. VOU try " garments on, see for Youngster Is Given Trial in Big the offensive strength dlspla)ed by the at Mackmen yesterday. Cincinnati at Chicago. yourself how they lit then you have Show Performance of Griffs "With two down In the Athletics' first. Eddie Collins singled to center and raced 8TJLNDINO OIT THE CLUBS. "P-B-" to the midwar bag when the ball got Tdar the guarantee of absolute satisfac- Hen Pleases Crowd. away from Milan, but Baker made the Won. Lott ret Win. Los. third out on a fly to center field. Clnrlnnitl .......... .... 4 I JOO JtB SB tion, to answer for the quality of the Moeller and Foster went down in turn St Loola. 4 1 KT TH JT1 Philadelphia... 4 : . .Ill when home folks tame to bat In their 423 Jl Br "VWLLI.OI PEET. the New Tort 4 3 Oil JOS hair of the opener. Milan drew a walk Borion ...... ........ J 4 .CI JOO .SI Walter Johnson jdid it. and made a clean steal of second, but BrooHjo ..- - . I I A .C A OU can get any style you want, pro Germany Schaefer fanned for the third ntUbOX. I 4 J3 .13 .3 V Connie Mack's world's, champs out. Chicaro 1 4 J .S3 JS iooK-i- The White Elephants were cut down In vided fashion says it s correct. never naa a New York. Anrll 11 When Christie braved the one, two, three order via the strike-o- Eight thousand fans route second, but the Nationals Mathewson started for the mound at the Semi-Englis- Two-Butto- in the opening of Uv Polo Grounds he English, n cold w eather and left the park sat came back In their half with a chalk raa called to the plate and presented isfied. mark. Flynn planted a dandy single over with a Jt.000 automobile, bought with the S Three-Butto- n second. Knight was thrown out at first contributions of 10.000. fans. Then Matty ack The score, 6 to 0, shows just on a bunt, which advanced Flynn to sec made good by beating Brooklyn. to 2. Conservative Models, in pleasing how effectie was the Kansas ond. McBrlde crashed to left, and Flynn Opposed to Bib six were nucxer ana came home. Alnsmlth forced McBrlde Schardt, and every member of the trio patterns original Cj clone 3esterday. He allowed at second, and Walter Johnson singled. was hit hard. Daubert was chief clouter, patterns. three scattered hits and struck out but Dan Moehller sent a line drive Into with four safeties m fire times up, and Oldrlng's paws for the third out. Merkle poled a single and a homer. At every man's price dent Brown tightened up In the Nationals' Score- - It was hoped that Connie Mack third, but In the fourth after Knight, New! ABKOaE had perished JicBrlde shot a single Dnwf. If ... 4 J I 0 $15, $18, $20, $25 Up. would send in his mainsta, Jack Daahert lb . I 4 It Mehatir a and into left, reached second when Alnsmlth Hmitn. St . s I I I Hnodsraaa. rf,.11514 I I Coombs, but the crafty manager went out, Collins to Mclnnls. and com- Nortlwa. cf Unrrar. rf. 4 s S S home on till) MoOe. lb.. ..J JW t 1 decided to out one of his young pleted the journey Walter Hiraoz. 4 3 4 1 S tr Johnson's screaming single to right cen r.rob ..... by name, who last itijm. e...... 11111 sters, Brown ter p. IISIS1 4 1 season pitched winning ball for the The big inning for the home folks Uathewwa. was the fifth With two hands down, Totals....... DUril New Britain club of the Connecti four runs trekked over the plate, all cut League. very much In the nature of a gift, but Totalis . aiiau 1 counting In the box score Just the same Battd for Rucier ia the flnt Mr., Brown shows considerable for Schartt la ninth tnnlns Come tlx promise, and with perfect support Fonr Runs In. BrooMrn . I 1 I I I I I M After Foster and Milan had been re- New York. .. I I I 1 1 0 0 a--4 (2) would have probably held the score singled. Flynn followed Rosa Henoc. virrkla Roodrraia, Behafer. O. GAYETY tired, Schaefer rare. ortbcn. Daabert. TaobaM Aesterday to three Tuns. Brown suit, online hit and run play. The tat- Hrnoc O. Boodsraaa. Downa, Mrrera. Ben ran will be nursed along in Connie ter's hard wallop to right sent Schaefer Merkle. Stolen llerkle. Flnt baa filling on crrora BrooUm. L 8traek oat Br Mathewson, Macks own stue, and will some as far as third. Knight walked, s: tr Roekrr. 1, br Bchardt. 1. Bit br ptteber BIG WRESTLING EVENT the bases. McBrlde smashed a ground- WALTER JOHNSON, nr Henanit. l wim rattn nneker. tuu day prove a big help to the. White er at Baker. The ball took an awkward OS Rnckrr. 4 la 1 hmhix Cadre Means, Blxler great alio reed "World's Champions and Flnnenui. JtUendance 31.000. Elephants. bound and Baker fumbled, cutting loose Aatlunals twlrler, vho bat three opening same of the home season yesterday. DR. Colli Weather Thins Crorrd. with a low throw to Mclnnls, which the scattered hits la PTTTT.TTRR TAKE GAME. BEN ROLLER, Only the cold weather marred opening latter muffed. Schaefer was over the OF SEATTLE, day here. At that It la estimated that plate like a flash. Alnsmlth lifted a Defeat Boston Brmres In Cold Game sky scraper fielder Heavy-weig- ht S.000 brass to Strunk, and the FRAGMENTS OF THE FR Wrestler, fans witnssed the frolic. The camped to sur- BIDE 1,000 MILES by O to S Count. was a lot under the ball, but the band there and of enthusiasm prise of everybody squarely muffed It, Philadelphia, April 13 National AQREES TO THROW which 'went'up when AS SEEM FROM, The uncorked. The roar and while he was groping around on his League season here opened with scored run could the Nationals their first hands and knees Flynn, Knight, and TO SEE JOHNSON the weather cold and the attendance be heard for squares McBrlde chased each other across the PRESS boosting THE small. The Phillies won by hitting the JOE TURNER. There was no possible fluke about the rubber, the home folks' total TO Boston pitchers hard, while Alexander victor Griffith's Hopefuls outbatted, to an even half dozen. Middle-weig- ht Only a fast double play with the bases was also hit freely. Score: Champion of the World, outfielded. and Walter Johnson outpltch-e- d Ditched by Johnson open PhOa. an H o A E Boatos. AB H O A K full saved the Athletics In the sixth, The first ball -- S the opposition. True the score would Two Tans Come All the Way from Knaor. h. .. I Swmtr S. TWICE IK and during the seventh and eighth Brown ing the season here was a "ball." Tttna. rf tmpbel cf.. Ittlli 1 1 0 45 MIHITES. not been as large had Amos Strunk balL I ukttx. rf .. i:ili : I a MUlrr. rf hae pitched airtight Asheville, N. C, to Watch a i .4130 fly two Moeller made the first put-o- after a faTats u .. l loo Jarkaon. U.,.11!II held a ball In deep left when The umps, 0Loughlln and Weatervelt, Ludcrar, lb 4 311 1 S incnoo. p. a l o a TO hands were down and the bases loaded gave general satisfaction, in direct con- long run. Walter Pitch. IkyvntT. 3b. 3 S S t DrTlio. lb .. 4 1 WINNER TAKE ALL. Doolan. ai 4 0 3 3 1 Siint. 4 10 11 In the fifth, but it was nice, clean sUck trast with their work when the Crahast -.. McDonald. 3 Collins cam the first hit t 1 work which earned the "Washington tallies plaved in the Quaker City last across with Walter Johnson, the peerless twlrler Aiexasocr, p. 3mili e z Mint. e. .....3ji3 9 I 1 week. and reached second on Milan's error Matun. p. In the second and fourth frames of the Nationals, is the hero of the fans Totala.... 3iis7il"3 PonnrUT, p alllilt O S good The Score.
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