E8708C2 This w ••k WoukegG"', first citiU'e. Jack .....y. altd wif. Mary. fonake Californio hor....rac.s (abo••) to r.turn for a tripmphaftt hOrM'cominCJ (,,:1 !.' • RADIO GUIDE • A weekly periodical of programs, pictures and personalities Whirlwind Summer Season Starts for Lucky listeners For Damp Back Hair: Radio pots are boilinq phrase, "local boy makes Democracy by Radio: Just to illustrate what furiously in many a studio these early summer days good," that I e a v e s a can happen, consider the fact that our national law in preparation for and perfection of new summer s wee t e r taste in the states that there shall be no censorship of radio by shows. It happens every year. but this season mouth than any other radio's controlling agency, the Federal Communica­ offers more reasons than ever for the listener to sort of reward. To Jack tions Commission. That bureau is to be a police­ buy that portable battery set for his camp or his Benny, the taste is par­ man, keeping stations on the right side of the road. canoe or his picnic. Among the best bets for sum­ ticularly sweet because Nevertheless, a recent FCC ukase stated that those mer are Francia White. the lovely soprano who he is to return with such broadcasters who wanted to broadcast commercial once thrilled us in a series of grand aerial operettas, an assortment of celeb­ programs by short wave should so build their who returns with James Melton to give to the splen­ rities as Waukegan has pro g ram s that they did "Ford Summer Hour" a more exciting and never seen before. His would reflect the culture popular color. Another musical treasure-chest is final broadcast of the of our country. It's a the new "Gulf Musical Playhouse," which stars Dorothy Lamour season is to coincide good idea, but who de­ Jan Pearce and Jane Fro­ with a "world premiere" cides which culture to man as soloists. while of his newest picture. "Man About Town," both of reflect? Obviously, the R a d i 0 City's famous which take place in Waukegan's Genesee Theater. FCC thinks the FCC Erno Rapee conducts a With Star Jack Benny, the home folks will see Star should decide. Obvi­ splendid orchestra. Next Dorothy Lamour, Star Edward Arnold, Star Belly ously, such a regulation week Gale Page and Jim Grable, Star Mary Livingstone, Star Andy Devine, which regulates program Ameche replace Charles Star Kenny Baker, Star Don Wilson, Star Phil Harris, content is censorship. It Boyer for the summer in and possibly sub-star Rochester. To wind up a some­ does not now apply to the "Hollywood Play­ what bumpy radio season in such a blaze of glory our own programs, but Neville Miller house" series. "Mr. Dis­ should make Jack Benny very happy. It should that might come next. trict Attorney" is the also make splendid radio entertainment for mil­ The thing to do is to name of an exciting lions of Jack Benny fans on Sunday. June 25. fight what looks like another FCC grab for more sketch that will fill the power. Which is exactly what Neville Miller, presi­ former Bob Hope time. dent of the National Association of Broadcasters, is Francia White Fred Waring's new se- doing with all his strength. More power to Mr. ries, on the air five times Miller and the NAB in their fight for the rights of a week, continues to CONTENTS listeners to hear programs uncolored by Govern­ amaze us. Alec Templeton replaces Fibber McGee, ment blue-penciling. and he is never dull. There are many others. America on It. Knee. 2 Wherever you dial these next few weeks, you will Airialto Lowdown 4 • find grand new summer shows specially built for Hollywood Showdown 5 Under Your Thumb: That's what the world will relaxation when the back hair is damp and collar Hail. America! 6 be when the new series of "Magic Key" programs is wilted. This summer, listen while you play. A listeners' Guide to the New starts on Monday, June 26. For some unusual space­ York Fair 7 defying broadcasts are promised by the sponsors. After many years as a Sunday afternoon program, • The Melancholy Clown 8 RCA and its allied com­ Real Folks: The most pleasant sort of comments Are You a Platterbug? 9 panies are moving their have reached oUI ears recently about the RADIO Playbill: "John's Other Wife" 10 program to Monday GUIDE covers. People Shaw's Escape From Death 11 night, and advance re­ have told us "They loox ports of their p I a n s like real folks" and "I've More Star of Stars Election Winners 12 promise to make that a finally got just what I "must" night for every Backstage In Chicago 14 wan t for my scrap­ listener. Their first pro­ book." It pleases us, It Happened In Hollywood 15 gram is what Winchell naturally, to hear that Listening to Learn 16 calls an "excitem." It's our judgment is good_ Voice of the Listener 17 an hour preview of Sonja We like to let listeners The March of Music 18 Henie and TyYone Pow· know that radio stars are er's new picture, "Sec­ This Week's Programs 20-36 "real folks." The picture ond Fiddle." Rudy Tyrone Power on this week's GUIDE is On Short W.ves 38 Vallee, also starred in t Ypic a I of what we Kathleen Wilson and Son Crossword Puzzle; Mr. Fairfax 39 the film, and Irving Ber­ mean. Here is one of ra- The Radio Newsreel 41 lin. who wrote both lyrics and music, will be a part dio's best-loved women. Cover by Arthur Carter of the program. Most interesting. Miss Henie will "Claudia," whose problems and plans we have do her part of the program-and it will be consider­ shared for years, as she is in real life. As she is in M_ L. ANNEN BERG, Publisher able- from somewhere in Norway. Separated by real life, she is a very lovely mother. Shown in one more than seven thousand miles, Miss Henie and of Santa Barbara's innumerable swimming-pools, she CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor Tyrone Power will do what will be the record long­ and son Garrick are pals whenever she is not on the distance scene ever broadcast, and do it exactly. so air. As Kathleen Wilson, or Mrs. Rawson Holmes, or Vol. 8. No. 37 June 30, 1939 far as the listener can tell. as if they were together "Claudia:' she remains the intelligent sort of star 731 Plymouth Court in the same studio. Only RCA with its vast technical who makes friends for radio wherever she goes. Chicago, Illinois resources could do it. We look forward to more of the new Monday "Magic Key" programs. It,." (;. TI II 1t.1 t .<1 l Cl P•• 0 ,..pI , Ill .... '111...-" r. \\P.II e"dh,. J..-e:1II 1'31 "'" JI II I ""~h 107 Til,. (,~lll (0IUpln7. f:tl 1'1'1".... tl1 ~./ll.nd • I ..... n I III no 1111111.1 M tn "d·, I' , lUl'.r. I. Ih, I', t 1)111.,. I h,u,,,. 1111n.1 I".",u.')' ~ I, 1~~2 "I.d.r *" 01 Local Boy: This will ~Iarrh J~ill •.\<ltlo 1..,1 toy 1',,,,1 Ill'll . ll,t"llm.., I, llll..... IIWe, the People": This program remains one t Inll•. I ~UlI,t·rll mltl... (I>(lItl,hl III~~ b)' Th, of the greatest on the air. Recently it presented be a week that Jack l ... IIJ ( OIl'!''':!l', \11 11..1,( r......d \I I. "ml"1l'oer... l'~ I IlPnl. \ mol I Kru. ~'"""'.t'I): 1;"Orlt ,I t t. ) (orn ••1 'I..., Mrs. A. C. Jackson, of New York City, a woman Benny and associates I •• t.d i'.ut, (In "IIIInn \I4na.... I n I It I ...111 Ip1l will never forget. Nor hnlild be. ,,,p.nlld 107 It_pp'd .11 Idtl, f'd e-nulope I. who had been insane but who had been cured by mum ·r.. n'l peT "417 In u.. t 1111...1 l'it.al lIulNn"llotlom will the excited resi­ nt I, It'" Ind ~"t10l11 ifill tounl.l. of UlP I·... kindness. In telling of what kindness can do for '" ,I' .lltl I bmonl U', ..... 7ea. It •• dents of Waukegan, Ill. For Jack's return to his old t1ub I pI ,., ral In f r lim ....IInul II _U • U,_ the insane, Mrs. Jackson might well have added Jea. ..tI It ,It 117 I tal '" ,~up 1 __ home town must give him more moments of solid • or 1It.1In tiP. 01 II ~Ul" (0< ·0. t UTtIlX') -r that good music is also one of the best treatments. It II•••. satisfaction than anything he has ever done. There Indeed, many modern hospitals tune in musical is something about a triumph at home and about the programs for mental patients. G (,/11 E. Howard Cadle. super-evangeli.t, Portrait of a man who saves spurns title of reverend, has ap­ REEPERS and ivy grew over the pearance of a friendly businessman little log church, obscuring the souls-IOO,OOO a year-by Crude wooden cross atop the shin­ gles and climbing down through jagged 10 help me, and, miraculously-" I holes which time and the elements had harnessing radio to religion felt as if I were with Saul. finding his made in its roof. And children in the miracle in the dust of the well-trodden valley were like weeds, growing wild Damascus road-"her prayers did the with no knowledge of the Word of God, By Francis Chase, Jr.
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