May 11, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 11997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MEDAL OF MERIT RECIPIENTS Romulus: James P. Holbrook, 18, son of entertainment and assistance to the elderly, James E. and Josephine M. Holbrook, for including monthly birthday celebrations, his volunteer renovation of the Oakwoods and for involving many of her classmates in HON. WILLIAM D. FORD Metro Park Nature Center <Sky Come Down visitations for the sick and aged. OF MICHIGAN Trail). Ypsilanti Township: Penny P. Foster, 21, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marlene Carpenter, 17, daughter of daughter of Lyle and Vera Foster, for out­ George and Kathleen Carpenter, for donat­ standing problem-solving as a member of Wednesday, May 11, 1983 ing considerable time to the tutoring of the Eastern Michigan University Student •Mr. FORD of Michigan. Mr. Speak­ fellow students, and for assisting the Senate, and for her voluntarism with the er, last weekend I had the privilege of C.R.O.P. fundraising program in Romulus, Little League. which helps needy people throughout the Mr. Speaker, this is one of the most presenting my annual Medal of Merit world. for Outstanding Youth to 23 young Saline: Susan Tracy Stanbridge, 18, rewarding events of every year for me. people from throughout the 15th Con­ daughter of Cynthia Stanbridge, for her I am proud to call this year's winners gressional District. The range of vol­ leadership and involvement in student gov­ to your attention and am proud to untarism, achievement, and commit­ ernment, the Saline High School FHA honor them by placing their names in ment of these young people is an out­ Beautification Project, and her volunteer the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.e work as a Teen Advisor with the Young Peo­ standing tribute to their families, ple's Bereavement Support Group Commit­ schools, and communities and I want tee. THE 18TH CONGRESSIONAL DIS­ to call this event to your attention. Southgate: Cheryl A. Jones, 18, daughter TRICT RESPONDS TO CON­ I also want to take this opportunity of Elwyn and Pearl Jones, for working with GRESSIONAL POLL IN RECORD to commend the 17-member citizens the local beautification committee, and for LARGE NUMBERS volunteer committee, chaired by Mr. her assistance in redrafting the school con­ Doug Ritter of Canton Township, for stitution during the recent merger of the · their dedication and commitment in two Southgate high schools. HON. WM. S. BROOMFIELD the selection of tomorrow's leaders. Lisa Zmijewski, 18, daughter of Robert OF MICHIGAN and Sharon Zmijewski, for scholarship and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The 1983 Medal of merit winners for Candy Striper volunteer activities with are: Wyandotte General Hospital. Wednesday, May 11, 1983 Augusta Township: Felicia J. Chestnut, 17, Superior Township: Mark D. Yenkel, 20, e Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, daughter of James and Mary Chestnut, for son of Ray and Marilyn Yenkel, for provid­ each year I mail a congressional ques­ volunteering musical entertainment to serv­ ing personal leadership and counsel to ice clubs and churches, and for serving in a youth, for numerous hours of work with his tionnaire to the residents of the 18th student leadership role on school millage community ice hockey rink, and for his Congressional District of' Michigan in issues. work with the Boy Scouts. an effort to learn their thinking on Belleville: Kimberly Ann Fields, 17, Cheryl Rogers, 15, daughter of Edward important national issues. daughter of Dave and Sandy Fields, also a and Mildred Rogers, for serving as a bilin­ Nearly 40,000 individuals replied this gifted musician-violinist, who has donated gual tutor for her Mexican-born neighbor, year-by far the largest response ever free musical recitals to the Kiwanis, Rotary, and for acting as an aide at Cheney Elemen­ to this program. Significantly, nearly senior citizens and church groups. tary School. three-quarters of those who replied Canton Township: Catherine Kelly Bal­ Ida Williams, 16, daughter of Karl and drica, 17, daughter of Daniel J. and Kather­ Kathleen Williams, for her exceptional said they would oppose repeal of the ine A. Baldrica, for planning and prepara­ work with the Special Olympics and other scheduled 10-percent personal income tion assistance to the Canton Public Li­ projects assisting retarded children. tax cut effective July 1. brary; and for a broad range of volunteer Taylor: Toni Marie Amato, 18, daughter of As in past years, my questionnaire work with Health-a-Rama, her neighbor­ Carol and John Subeck, for raising $700 also was distributed to high schools hood civic association, class fundraisers, the during White Cane Week in conjunction throughout the area. The replies of Canton County Festival, and as a special with the Taylor Lions Club, and for her nu­ the young people who participated math and French tutor. merous other volunteer activities. were tabulated separately and present Garden City: Brian Petrucci, 17, son of Phillip J. Antrassian, 18, son of Vincent Eno and Virginia Petrucci, for help with and Mary Antrassian, for fundraising suc­ an interesting comparison to the views Jaycee projects, the youth athletic associa­ cess with the school athletic program, and of the adults who replied. tion, Little League, and for his involvement for his participation in student government. Because of the importance of the with the City Charter ballot issue. Van Buren Township: Tami Harkai, 16, issues involved and the unusually Colleen Elliott, 18, daughter of Carol and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkai, large number of replies received, I am Robert Elliott, for donating two summers to for serving as co·chair of the local blood including a tabulation of the results at assist ninth graders in her high school band, bank drive and for contributing articles to this point in the RECORD. for making Easter bunny visits to shut-ins, local newspapers about her fellow students and also for her fundraising with the Mus­ and school events. cular Dystrophy Telethon. Wayne: Jacqueline F. Poindexter, 17, 1983 CONGRESSIONAL POLL RESULTS David V. J. Powierski, 19, son of Casimir daughter of Bennie D. and Lucille W. Poin­ [In percent] and Leola Powierski, for his exceptional dexter, for several contributions, including work as a leadership trainer in the Boy the 8-10 hours weekly she donates to the Adults 1 Students Scouts, as Assistant Scoutmaster to Troop Project Head Start preschool program, and 765, and as an Eagle Scout. her voluntarism with her church's summer Yes No Yes No Huron Township: Cheryl Simpson, 17, reading program. L Do you believe further cuts can be made in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson, Westland: James J. Williams, 18, son of the defense budget without endangering our for her leadership in student government, Thomas P. and Mary A. Ward, for numerous national security? .. ............................................... 70 28 69 31 scholarship and in athletic competition. contributions over several years in perform­ 2. Should social security benefits be taxed in order to help sustain the system? ....................... 21 78 22 78 Livonia: Caroline Kert, 16, daughter of ing musical presentations for the disabled, 3. Do you support the President's call for a Harry and Corrine Kert, for distinguished bereaved and imprisoned, and for donating freeze on Federal spending to help reduce the musical accomplishments and for assisting time as a music tutor. deficit? ................................................................. 92 74 26 4. Would you favor a system of reciprocal tariffs underprivileged families in Detroit and Ypsilanti: Donna Agnes Porter, 17, daugh­ that would treat Japanese and other foreif" Haiti. ter of John and Lois Porter, for providing imports as U.S. exports are treated overseas ..... 87 12 85 15 e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 11998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 11, 1983 1983 CONGRESSIONAL POLL RESULTS-Continued scribe is whether the activity is re­ local government shall be liable under [In percent] quired by the State acting as sover­ the antitrust laws for any conduct eign." In that case, the Court held within the authority vested in such Adults 1 Students that the publication and enforcement unit by any law only to the extent Yes No Yes No of a minimum fee schedule by State that a State, if such State were au­ ----------------- and local bar associations was not re­ thorized by any law to engage in iden­ 5. Would you favor repeal of legislation permit­ quired by State law or the State su­ tical conduct, would be liable under ting the Internal Revenue Service to withhold preme court, and thus was not State JO percent of dividend and interest payments?... 77 21 58 42 the antitrust laws for such identical 6. Would you support a federally funded program action for the purposes of the Sher- conduct. This may not be a perfect so­ to retrain unemployed workers in industries man Act. where jobs haW been permanently lost to lution to the problem, but I believe it 1 1 46 51 66 34 The Boulder decision held that mu­ is a useful start. I invite other Mem­ 1. ~ign;~ll!: ·s-iales··· -wiih .... iiie····highesi". nicipal action, even by a home rule unemployment should be given preference in bers to join me in this important initi­ 26 82 18 city with complete authority in local ative by cosponsoring this bill.• 8_t~~r~~g~~~~fnt1i:eact~~u~n~k · 73 matters, is not immune from the anti- percent personal income tax cut scheduled to take effect this summer? ..................................... 26 72 41 59 trust laws unless: First, it constitutes the sovereign action of the State itself TRIBUTE TO AN OUTSTANDING 1 Balance equaling I00 percent undecided.• or, second, is authorized by a "clearly NEWSPAPER PUBLISHER, IRA articulated and affirmatively ex- CAHN pressed State policy" of substituting A BILL TO EXTEND ANTITRUST regulation for competition.
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