DOCUMENT RESUME ED 060 893 LI 003 561 TITLE Hearings Before the General Subcommittee on Education...Ninety-First Congress, First Session on H.R. 8809...April 29 and 30, 1969- National Science Research Data Processing and Information Retrieval System. [Complete Text of the Hearings]. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. PUB DATE 69 NOTE 408p.;(1400 References) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$16.45 DESCRIPTORS Documentation; Federal Legislation; *Information Processing; *Information Retrieval; *information Systems; *National Programs; *Scientific Research IDENTIFIERS *Scientific and Technical Information ABSTRACT Reported are the hearings held on April 29 and 30, 1969 before the General Subcommittee on Education of the U.S. House of Representatives on H.R. 8809, a bill to amend Title IX of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 to provide for the establishment of a national information retrieval system for , scientific and technical information. The purpose of the act is to implement a nationwide storage and retrieval system for scientific research data, using as many existing facilities as possible in order to avoid duplication and to assure quick access to and a constant inventory of, all science research data. [Testimonies by Dr. John Rothman and Mr. Robert November appeared earlier as ED 051 8611. (SJ) NATIONAL SCIENCE RESEARCH DATAPROCESSING AND INFORMATIONRETRIEVAL SYSTEM HEARINGS BEFORE) TIM GENERAL SUBCOMMITTEEON EDUCATION or Tim COMMITTEE ONEDUCATION ANDLABOR HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H.R. 8809 A BILL TO AMEND TITLE DC OF THE NATIONALDEFENSE EDUCATION ACT OF 1958TO PROVIDE) FOR MENT OF A NATIONAL ESTABLISH- SCIENCE) RESEARCH DATAPROC- ESSING AND INFORMATIONRETRIEVAL SYSTEM HEARINGS HELD INWASHINGTON, D.C. ' APUIL 204A1413 30, 1969' Printed for the use of the Committee on Education andLabor CARL D. PnaKINs, Cluairmals U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATIONA WELFARE orFrceOFEDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDO. CATION POSITION OR POLICY. 4:=16 U.S. GO ERNMENT PRINTING0ICE 31-454 W.ASHINGTON : 1969 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman EDITH GREEN, Oregon WILLIAM H. AYRES, Ohio FRANK THOMPSON, Ja., New Jersey ALBERT H. QUIE, Minnesota JOHN H. DENT, Pennsylvania JOHN M. ASEIRROOK, Ghio ROMAN C. PUCINSKI. JEItnos AMPHONZO BELL. California DOMINICK V. DANIELS, New Jersey OGDEN R. REID, New York JOHN BRADEMAS, Indiana JOHN N. ERLENBORN, IUinoi JAMES 0, O'HARA, Michigan WILL/AM J. scLIHRLE, Iowa HUGH L. CA.REY, New Mork JOHN It. DELLENBACE, Oregon AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California mArrvIN L. ESCH, Michigan WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan EDWIN P. ESHLEM.AN, Pennsylvania WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, Maine WILLIAM I. STEIGER., Wisconsin. PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii JAmns N, COLLINS, Texas JAMES H. SCHEUER, New York EARL P. IAA.NDGREBE, Indiana LLOYD NEEDS, Washington. ORVAL HANSEN, Idaho PHILLIP BURTON, California KARL B. HUTH, North Carolina JOSEPH N. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania LOUIS STOKES, Ohio WILLIAM "BILL" CLAY. Missouri ADAm C. POWELL, New York GENKSAL SVSOaMMITTEB ON EDUCATION ROMAN C. PVCINSKI, Illinois,Chairman HUGH L. MILEY, New York ALPHONZO DELL, California WILLIAM D. roan, Michigan. JOHN IL ASHBROOK, Ohio LLOYD NEEDS, Washington ALBERT H. Qum, Minnesota JAMES 0. O'HARA, Michigan JOHN B. DELLENBACK, Oregon AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN, Pennsylvania WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, Maine PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii EARL H. RUTH, North Carolina CONTENTS Hearings held in Washington,D.C.: Page April 30, 1969-- Text of H.R. 8809 _ - --- - -- Statement of - Adkinson, Dr. Burton W., National Science Foundation;head, Office of ScienceInformation Service, deputy head, Office of accompanied by Henry J.Dubester, Maechling, deputy generalScience InformationService; and Charles Cairns, R. W., vice - -_ ___ 24 executive director, Satcom,president, Hercules, Inc., -Wilmington,----- Carter, Launor F., vice president,American System Academy ofScience 378 Monica, Calif_ __ Development Corp., Santa Farris, B. K., vice president, ___ _ 150 Va.__ ___ Science CommUnications, _ _ _ Inc., McLean, Lick litter, Dr. J. C. R:, dire-ctor,P-rojec-t- MAC, 163 stitute of Technology- Massachusetts In- Mrt, Dewitt 0.,president, Science C-ommunications, , _ _ 228 tyron, president elect,American -Chemical 192 Rothman, Dr, John, andMr. Robert S. November, 391 Library and InformationServices New York Times Seaborg, Dr. Glenn __ 208 accompanied by EdwardT., Chairman, AtomicEnergy C-onunissitm; nical Information, Brunenkant, Director,Division of Tech- Prepared statements lettere,AEC___-__-_____ _ ________ Adicinson, Dr. gurton W.,supplemental material, etc.: National Science Foundation:Head, Office of ScienceInformation SerVitT, Grants made by the 1068 in support ofNational Science Foundationin fisual year to meetings---__-international scientificexchange and travel "I---2Science Information __ - ___ 67 Lists of grants and Activities," an articleentitled__ 32 aotivities, fiscal yearcontracts 1943 awarded for ScienceInformation Stagement of_ ___ through fiscal year 1968 71 Carter, Launor F:, vicepresident and _ 16 Division, Santa Nfonica,Calif., letter to Chairmanmanager, Public Systems Ma$ 1, 1969- __ ___ - Pucinski, dated Fart,111., B. K. vicepresident, Science _ ___ __ 161 Va.,: Summarizingexcerpts from the Communications,Science Inc.2 MeLean, report-study of scientificand technicalCommunications, data Inc., 'United States__ _ activities in the _ 163 Prepared statementP, letters, smiplementn1 material, ete.Continucd rage Licklider, Dr. J. C. It-, director, Project MAC, Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology: "A Computer-Program System To Facilitate the Study of Tech- nical Documents," an articleen titled 264 "A Crux in Scientific and Technical Communication,"an article entitled 328 "A Time-Sharing Debugging System for a Small Computer,"an article entitled_ . 336 An article from Science and Technology 246 "Eighteenth Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, 1968," an article entitled 296 "Invited Papers I.ThePerception Problem," an article entitled. 343 "Interactive Information Processing," an article entitled__ - 259 "Man-Computer Interaction in Information Systems," an article entitled 365 "Man-Computer Symbiosis," an article entitled 320 "Man-Machine Information Systems," an article entitled 256 "On-Line Man-Computer Communication," an article entitled 280 "Problems in Man-Computer Communications," an articleen- titled 8 "The On-Line Intellectual Community," an article entitled 268 t, DeWitt O. president, Science Communication, Inc., McLean, a., etatement ________ __ __ ___ 192 Piore, Dr. E. R., vice president and chief scientist, IBM Corp., state- ment of . ... _ - 198 Rothman, Dr. John, manager of information servces,i New York Times: News release, dated March 26, 1969 208 Statement of -- . 206 Sahli', A. C., vice president, International Systems Design, Inc.,state- ment by 403 NATIONAL SCIENCE RESEARCH DATAPROCESSING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVALSYSTEM TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1969 Horst OF REPRESENTATIVES, GENERAL SUSCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR, Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met at 10: 08 a.m., pursuant to notice, in room 2261% Rayburn House Office Building,Hon. Roman C. Pucinski (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present : Representatives Pucinski, Bell,and Dellenback. Staff members present : Allan Kiron, technicaladviser ; John F. Jennings, subcommittee counsel, AlexandraKisla, clerk; and Charles W. Radcliffe, mittority counsel foreducation. (The tert of H.R. 8809 follows :) (MR. 8809, 91st Cong.. first sem] A BILL To amend title IX of the National Defense establishment et A National Science Research DataEducation Act of 1955 to provide for System Proeessthg and Information Retrieval Be it enacted by the Senate and Nouse ofRepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a)the nrst sentence of section 901 of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 is amendedby striking out "a Se!: ence Information Service" and inserting in lieu thereof thefollowing : A Na- tional Science Research Data Proceessingand Information Retrieval System. "In order to avoid unnecessary andcostly duplication in scientific research and to assure quick access to, anda constant inventory of, an science research data, such a nationwide system shall includeclose voluntary cooperation with, and utilization of, on a contract basiswherever practicable, all existing science research data processing and information retrievalfacilities in the United States and its possessions including Government agencies,private and poblic univer- sities, private and public laboratoriesand libraries, abstracting societies, profes.: sional organizations dealing with specific scientificdisciplines and any other fa- cilities dealing with dissemination ofscientific research information. "The purpose of this Ira is to implefient,not substitute, existing information retrieval facilities. Therefore, it is specificallyprohibited under this Act for the National System to establishany Government-owned or operated science re- search data processing or information retrievalfacility where such a facility already exists nnder either privateor public ownership. The National System shall use every voluntary means toarrange for au orderly
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