c CONTACT THE PHOENIX PROJECT “YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU MAD!n VOLUME 3. NUMBER 2 ‘\ NEWS REVIEW $ 2.00 OCTOBER 5, 1993 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Latest Screenpl For Your Consideration 10/3/93 #2 HATONN the Western Powers-SPECIFICALLY IN ONS. STILL, THE OBVIOUS HAPPENED AND OVERTAKING THE U.S. GOVERN- AND THE REASON YOU MUST HAVE Please understand the massive im- MENT-and “they” want to blow you away, ‘FOREIGN” POLICE FORCE-THE OF- portance of world events AS THEY RE- U.S.A.! FICERS COULD NOT BRING THEM- LATE TO YOU-IN INVISIBLE POSSIBILI- YOU have NO AGREEMENT with Rus- SELVES TO SHOOTTHEIR FELLOW CITY TIES BUT VERY INCREDIBLE CONSE- sia or the Soviets. YOU-THE-PEOPLE! CITIZENRY AS THEY STORMED AND QUENCES. YOU HAD BEST BE DIGGING You-the-people are NOT longer your U.S. OVERWHELMED THE GUARDS. OUT YOUR SURVIVAL INSTRUCTIONS Government and, moreover, the Bolshe- It is further noted by commentators BECAUSE NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE vik-Socialist order which now rules yoil that the “soldiers” expected to come- WEAPONS ARE BEING CONSIDERED IN hook, line, and sinker-IS THE CON- would bring their own weapons for that is AND “FROlW RUSSIA, WITH LOVE, FRONTING DEADLY ENEMY OF THE all there are available among theYmassesm. RIGHT NOW AS WE WRITE. RUSSIAN REPUBLIC WHO CONTROLS Also, it is stated that the “soldiersA ex- If this little blip in Russian history THE MAJORITY OF THE WEAPONRY OF petted to arrive are from mercenary units continues to get out of hand-there WILL CONSEQUENCE. THIS IS A GOOD DAY OutofAfghanistan, etc., “waiting for some- be more. It is not going like it was FOR PRAYING, MY FRIENDS, AND FOR thing to do!” EVEN ON YOUR NON- ‘planned” and YOU may very well end up ATTENDING YOUR LESSONS. NEWS, MY FRIENDS, YOUR FATE IS with deadly enemies you didn’t antici- It is time you take note of a few things BEINGSHOWNTOYOU-AMERICA! YOU pate. going on in Russia this day. Note that the are run entirely by these same thugs who The Russians have worked for de- big cheese barbarians are holding out took over Russia and now it is spread to cades to get the Bolsheviks out of Russia with their massive control devices against your very doorstep-indeed the next war only to see them switch into and about citizens WHO ARE ALLOWED NO WEAP- (Please see FROM RUSSIA, p.3 1) FIRST CLASS MAIL INSIDE THIS ISSUE Don’t Let FDA Take Away Vitamins, p-2 A History Lesson: BEHIND COMMU7VL!?iW, p-8 Earthquakes Escalating Around Globe, p.24 Leading Questions On “October Surprise” p-26 Nuclear Blast Predicted For New York, p-27 Commentary On Author Jack London, p-28 Bo Gritz CALLED TO SERVE ll&m~? p-37 Gunther Russbacher Update, p.41 Page 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT Don’t Let The FDA Take Awav Vitamin S g/29/93 #l HATONN Senators on Hatch’s bill, while dling bureaucrats?) Richardson’s H. R. 1709 has 54 If we do nothing, the FDA will clearly NUTRITIONAL LABELING AND sponsors.] win this battle hands down. And you EDUCATION ACT OF 1990 The FDA testified, “Americans are so lose! dumb they don’t know what’s good for The very best course of action is for ATTENTION: This ‘act’ is to go into them.” If this fits your feet then wear all of us to support the Hatch- effect this coming December. This law the shoes THEY offer you in the form of Richardson effort. The law taking di- requires removal of most nutritional chemicals and poison while depriving etary supplements off the health food supplements from the shelves of health you of all substances which heal and store shelves was supposed to have food stores and will make such nutri- balance. It’s up to YOU. been effective this PAST December. ents as Selenium, Chromium, [It’s time to not only remind the FDA Hatch got a postponement until THIS Bioflavanoids, Fish Oil, Primrose Oil, that they work for us, but also keep the December. High Potency Vitamin C, E or B-com- spotlight shining on the dark shenani- CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND plex ILLEGAL. Not only herbs, vita- gans they’repulling behind closed doors. REPRESENTATIVES AND TELL THEM mins and minerals, but Amino acids, Living better through chemistry may TO CO-SPONSOR THESE BILLS. CQ- 10 (antioxidant) and oxygenators, be great for DuPont, but it doesn’t mean See the following excellent letter some of the “grass” juices and mineral that synthetic Rockefeller pharmaceuti- from a conscientious Health Food Store orotates are also on the “take out” list. cals are any kind of a genuine cure. in Cambridge, MA, that came our way, I suggest you support to your full Get this: one spokesman for the FDA as well as the handy list of current extent U.S. Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R- said that all the herbal products were Congressional names. Utah) and Congressman Bill Richardson dangerous to humans sinceplants build WHY DON’T YOU HOLD ONTO THAT (D-NM) who are fighting to negate this up toxins as a defense against preda- LIST FOR REFERENCE FOR WHEN FDA ploy by a bill they have jointly tor animals. (Ah.. .Could plants teach OTHER MATTERS COME UP THAT YOU sponsored in the House and Senate. us how to build up toxins against those MAY WANT TO WRITE TO YOUR [At this point in time, S. 784 has 25 diabolical, puppet-stringed, and med- INTREPID CONGRESSMEN ABOUT.] Lee Nutrition 290 Main Street l Cambridge, MA 02142 URGENTACTION ALERT! TReFDA Is T&kingAway YourDieta y Supplements! Dear Customer, If the FDA has its way, nine out of ten dietary supplements will be regulated out of existence. ..Senators Hatch and Reid and Congressman Richardson have sponsored a bill that will protect your right to purchase dietary supplements. The new regulations will go into effect in December of this year if you do not act now to stop them. OCTOBER 5, 1993 Page 3 Lee Nutrition wants to engage your immediate participation in a grass-roots campaign to encourage your Congressman to sponsor H.R. 1709 and your Senators to sponsor S. 784, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1993, the new legislation that will protect your right to purchase safe and beneficial dietary supplements. Tii& IS RUNNING OUT! WRITE TODAY! Simply write your Congressman and Senators and state the following: 1) Please protect my nutritional rights. 2) (‘Par Congressman) Please co-sponsor KR. 1709 (For Senators) Please co-sponsor S. 784 3) Please write and let me know the actions you are taking on this crucial legislation. Handwritten letters are the most effective. Remember one letter to your Congressman and one letter to each of your Senators. Your letters may be the ones that make a difference. EVEN IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN BEFORE, YOU MUST WRITE AGAIN! DON’T LET THE FDA TAKE YOUR SUPPLEMENTS AWAY! WRITE TO CONGRESS TODAY OR KISS YOUR SUPPLEMENTS GOODBYE! Thank You. Mail vow Letters to: Congressional ~~~~“~~:,EPRESENTATlvEsSENATORS Senator Names United States House of Representatives United States Senate Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510 SENATORS SENATORS - CALVIN DOOLEY SENATORS - HOWELLHEFLIN DALE BUMPERS WILLIAM M THOMAS HANK BROWN RICHARD C SHELBY DAVID PRYOR MICHAEL HUFFINGTON BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL ELTON GALLEGLY REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES ANTHONY C BEILSENSON REPRESENTATIVES So~yog~AN BLANCHE LAMBERT HOWARD MCKEON .’ PATRICIA SCHROEDER RAY THORNTON HOWARD L BERMAN DAVID E SKAGGS GLEN BROWDER TIM HUTCHINSON CARLOS J MOORHEAD SCOTT MCINNIS TOM BEVIL JAY DICKEY DAVID DREIER WAYNE ALLARD ROBERT E CRAMER,JR HENRY A WAXMAN JOEL HEFLEY SPENCER BACHUS XAVIER BECERRA DAN SCHAEFER EARL HILLIARD SENATORS- MATTHEW G MARTINEZ DIANNE FEINSTEIN JULIAN C DIXON BARBARA BOXER LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD SENATOR- SENATORS ESTEBAN EDWARD TORRES CHRISTOPHER J DODD TED STEVENS REPRESENTATIVES MAXINE WATERS JOSEPH I LIEBERMAN FRANK H MURKOWSKI ’ DAN HAMBURG JANE HARMAN WALLY HERGER WALTER TUCKER REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES VIC FAZIO STEVE HORN BARBARA B KENNELLY DON YOUNG JON DOOLlTI’LE EDWARD ROYCE SAM GEJDENSON ROBERT MATSUI JERRY LEWIS ROSA DELAURO LYNN WOOLSEY JAY KIM CHRISTOPHER SHAYS SENATORS GEORGE MILLER GEORGE E BRO’h N,JR GARY FRANKS DENNIS DECONCINI NANCY PELOSI KEN CALVERT NANCY L JOHNSON JOHN MCCAIN RONALD V DELLUMs ALFRED A MCCANDL r;,SS BILL BAKER DANA ROHRABACHER DFLAWARE REPRESENTATIVES RICHARD POMBO ROBERT K DORNAN SENATORS SAM coPPERSMJTH TOM LANTOS C CHRISTOPHER COX WILLIAM V ROTH JR ED PASTOR ._ FORTNEY STARK RON PACKARD JOSEPH R BIDEN JR BOB STUMP ANNA ESHOO LYNN SCHENK JON L. KYL NORMAN Y MINETA BOB FILNER REPRESENTATIVES JIM KOLBE DON EDWARDS RANDY CUNNINGHAM MICHAEL CASTLE KidtAN ENGLISH GARY CONDIT DUNCAN HUNTER RICHARD H LEHMAN Page 4 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT SENATORS SENATORS SEN ATO!!?=== SENATORS - BOB GRAHAM RICHARD G LUGAR EDWARD M KENNEDY J JAMES EXON CONNIE MACK DAN COATS JOHN F KERRY ROBERT J KERREY REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES EARL HUT-TO PETER J VISCLOSKY JOHN W OLVER DOUG BEREUTER PETE PETERSON PHILIP R SHARP RICHARD E NEAL PETER HOAGLAND CORRINE BROWN TIM J ROEMER PETER BLUTE BILL BARRETT TILLIE FOWLER JILL L LONG BARNEY FRANK KAREN THURMAN STEVE BUYER MARTY MEEHAN CLIFF STERNS DAN BURTON PETER TORKILDSEN SENATORS JOHN MICA JOHN T MYERS EDWARD J MARKEY HARRY REID BILL MCCOLLUM FRANK MCCLOSKEY JOSEPH P KENNEDY RICHARD H BRYAN MICHAEL BILIRAKIS LEE H HAMILTON JOE MOAKLEY CW BILL YOUNG ANDREW JACOB&JR GERRY E STUDDS REPRESENTATIVES SAM GIBBONS JAMES H BILBRAY CHARLES CANADY 1owa BARBARA F VUCANOVICH DAN MILLER SENATORS SENATORS - PORTER J GOSS CHARLES E GRASSLEY DONALD W FIEGLE JR NEW HAMPSHIRE JIM BACCHUS TOM HARKIN CARL LEVIN SENATORS TOM LEWIS ROBERT C SMITH CARRIE MEEK REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES JUDD GREGG ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN JIM
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