Trakya Univ Tip Fak Derg 2009;26(1):87-89 Case Report / Olgu Sunumu Middle Colic Artery Originating Directly from Aorta as a Middle Mesenteric Artery A. Mesenterica Media Olarak Doğrudan Aortadan Köken Alan A. Colica Media Enis ULUÇAM, Ali YILMAZ, Bülent Sabri CİGALI, Cüneyt BOZER, Levent ELEVLİ Department of Anatomy, Medical Faculty of Trakya University, Edirne Submitted / Başvuru tarihi: 01.08.2008 Accepted / Kabul tarihi: 14.08.2008 During abdominal dissection of a 32-year-old Otuz iki yaşında beyaz, kadın bir kadavrada ger- Caucasian female cadaver, an anomalous artery çekleştirilen karın bölgesi disseksiyonu sırasında originating from the anterior aspect of the abdominal aortanın ön yüzünden köken alan anormal bir arter aorta was found. This artery had its origin between bulundu. Bu arterin başlangıç noktası a. mesenteri- the superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric ca superior ile a. mesenterica inferior arasındaydı. arteries. It was 2.2 mm in diameter and formed an Çapı 2.2 mm idi ve orta hattan sola doğru bir kavis arch ascending to the left of the midline supplying yaparak yukarı ilerlemekte, colon transversum’u the transverse colon. It was divided into right and beslemekteydi. Sağ ve sol olmak üzere iki dala left branches; the former anastomosing with the right ayrılıp sağ dalı ile a. colica dextra, sol dalı ile de a. colic artery, the latter with the left. During the diag- colica sinistra ile birleşmekteydi. Karın damarları- nostic imaging of the abdominal vasculature and the nın teşhis amaçlı görüntülenmesi ve kalın bağırsak practice of colonic surgery, the possibility of the exis- cerrahisi sırasında anormal bir arter varlığının ola- tence of an anomalous artery must be kept in mind. sılığı akılda bulundurulmalıdır. Key words: Middle mesenteric artery; abdominal aorta; Anahtar sözcükler: A. mesenterica media; aorta abdomi- middle colic artery; colon surgery. nalis; a. colica media; kalın bağırsak cerrahisi. Middle mesenteric artery (MMA) arises from SMA.[1,6] Although there are considerable varia- the abdominal aorta between superior mes- tions of those vessels supplying the gut, the enteric artery (SMA) and inferior mesenteric quite cases of MMA are rare. These cases are artery (IMA).[1-5] There are two different MMA usually recognized during radiologic interven- case definitions in literature: one of them is the tions. In our case, the MCA was an anomalous MMA arising directly from aorta as a different branch arising from the abdominal aorta as a artery. SMA and IMA branches are normal in MMA. This report emphasizes the developmen- this case.[2,3] The other one is the middle colic tal aspects and the clinical importance of this artery (MCA) arising from aorta instead of rare anomaly. Trakya Univ Tip Fak Derg 2009;26(1):87-89 Correspondence (İletişim adresi): Dr. Cüneyt Bozer. Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı, 22030 Edirne. Tel: 0284 - 235 47 94 Fax (Faks): 0284 - 235 47 94 e-mail (e-posta): [email protected] © Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. Ekin Tıbbi Yayıncılık tarafından basılmıştır. Her hakkı saklıdır. © Medical Journal of Trakya University. Published by Ekin Medical Publishing. All rights reserved. 87 Middle Colic Artery Originating Directly from Aorta as a Middle Mesenteric Artery CASE REPORT During abdominal dissection of a 32-year-old Caucasian female cadaver, an anomalous branch of the abdominal aorta supplying the colon was found. This anomalous branch was arising from the anterior aspect of the abdominal aorta between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries at the L2-L3 intervertebral disc level (Fig. 1). It formed an arc ascending to the left of the midline sup- plying the transverse colon. It was divided into right and left branches; the former anastomosing with the right colic artery, the latter with the left. The left branch formed the Riolan’s arch with Fig. 1. Middle mesenteric artery, 1: Superior mesenteric the left colic artery (Fig. 2). The distance between artery, 2: Inferior mesenteric artery 3: Abdominal any two branches arising from the abdominal aorta. aorta and the diameter of the anomalous artery were measured. It was 2.2 mm in diameter. The [1] distance between SMA and MMA was 5.25 mm Yoshida et al. reported an MMA arising from the and the distance between MMA and IMA was aorta between the SMA and IMA on angiography 4.25 mm. Except the absence of MCA, the other in a 49-year-old male with a left renal tumor. The branches of the SMA and IMA were normal. anomalous vessel branched to supply the trans- verse colon, with a connection to the right colic DISCUSSION artery from the SMA and to supply the left side Middle mesenteric artery which is a rare anomaly of the transverse colon, the splenic flexure, and has mostly been observed during radiological the proximal descending colon, with a connection interventions. Lawdahl and Keller[3] noted, on to the left colic artery. Like our case, the MCA angiography, an artery arising from the anterior arising from the SMA was absent. Koizumi et aspect of the aorta, slightly to the left of the mid- al.[7] reported an MMA arising from the abdomi- line, between the SMA and the IMA. The artery nal aorta between the SMA and the IMA on CT ran upwards towards the left and supplied the angiography in a 55-year-old woman. The MMA splenic flexure of the colon. Unlike our case, the was branched into the ileocolic artery into the middle colic branch of the SMA was present. right, middle and accessory middle colic arteries. (a) (b) Fig. 2. (a) 1: Superior mesenteric artery, 2: Inferior mesenteric artery, 3: Aorta, *: Middle mesenteric artery. (b) Schematic drawing of the case. 88 Middle Colic Artery Originating Directly from Aorta as a Middle Mesenteric Artery This was supplying the caecum, the entire ascend- Such anastomoses between the SMA and IMA, ing and transverse colon, and the splenic flexure. and their variations must not be overlooked. Pillet[2] reported a case in which the MMA There may be misinterpretation of the signs of arose from the abdominal aorta 1 cm below the intestinal hemorrhage if care is not taken in the superior mesenteric artery. While this anomalous evaluation process. An extensive evaluation of branch had an anastomosis with the right supe- the celiac trunk, SMA, IMA and their branches rior colic branch of the SMA, it had no connec- which supply the gut are of crucial importance tions with the inferior mesenteric artery. Benton before a colonic surgical intervention. Possible and Cotter[4] reported an anomalous mesenteric existence of an anomaly must be kept in mind if artery in a cadaver. This anomalous artery was any of these branches cannot be observed. directed superiorly and gave branches to the REFERENCES superior part of the descending colon and the 1. Yoshida T, Suzuki S, Sato T. Middle mesenteric entire transverse colon. The MCA was absent. artery: an anomalous origin of a middle colic artery. As stated previously, the recognition of vari- Surg Radiol Anat 1993;15:361-3. 2. Pillet J. Details concerning lowering of the colon in ant colonic arterial supply has important diag- case of unusual distribution of arteries. 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