1633 Nanorobotics46. Nanorobotics Bradley J. Nelson, Lixin Dong Part G 46.1 Overview of Nanorobotics......................1634 46 Nanorobotics is the study of robotics at the nanometer scale, and includes robots that are 46.2 Actuation at Nanoscales ........................1635 nanoscale in size and large robots capable of ma- 46.2.1 Electrostatics ............................. 1636 nipulating objects that have dimensions in the 46.2.2 Electromagnetics........................ 1636 nanoscale range with nanometer resolution. With 46.2.3 Piezoelectrics............................. 1636 the ability to position and orient nanometer-scale 46.2.4 Other Techniques ....................... 1637 objects, nanorobotic manipulation is a promis- 46.3 Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems ........1637 ing way to enable the assembly of nanosystems 46.3.1 Overview................................... 1637 including nanorobots. 46.3.2 Nanorobotic Manipulation This chapter overviews the state of the art Systems .................................... 1641 of nanorobotics, outlines nanoactuation, and 46.4 Nanorobotic Assembly...........................1642 focuses on nanorobotic manipulation systems and 46.4.1 Overview................................... 1642 their application in nanoassembly, biotechnology 46.4.2 Carbon Nanotubes...................... 1644 and the construction and characterization of 46.4.3 Nanocoils .................................. 1648 nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS)through a hybrid approach. 46.5 Applications .........................................1651 Because of their exceptional properties and 46.5.1 Robotic Biomanipulation ............ 1651 unique structures, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and 46.5.2 Nanorobotic Devices ................... 1652 SiGe/Si nanocoils are used to show basic processes References ..................................................1654 of nanorobotic manipulation, structuring and assembly, and for the fabrication of NEMS including nano tools, sensors and actuators. Nanorobotics provides novel techniques for A series of processes of nanorobotic ma- exploring the biodomain by manipulation and nipulation, structuring and assembly has been characterization of nanoscale objects such as cel- demonstrated experimentally. Manipulation of in- lular membranes, DNA and other biomolecules. dividual CNTs in 3-D free space has been shown Nano tools, sensors and actuators can provide by grasping using dielectrophoresis and plac- measurements and/or movements that are cal- ing with both position and orientation control culated in nanometers, gigahertz, piconewtons, for mechanical and electrical property charac- femtograms, etc., and are promising for molecular terization and assembly of nanostructures and machines and bio- and nanorobotics applications. devices. A variety of material property investi- Efforts are focused on developing enabling tech- gations can be performed, including bending, nologies for nanotubes and other nanomaterials buckling, and pulling to investigate elasticity as and structures for NEMS and nanorobotics. By com- well as strength and tribological characterization. bining bottom-up nanorobotic manipulation and Structuring of CNTs can be performed includ- top-down nanofabrication processes, a hybrid ap- ing shape modification, the exposure of nested proach is demonstrated for creating complex 3-D cores, and connecting CNTs by van der Waals nanodevices. Nanomaterial science, bionanotech- forces, electron-beam-induced deposition and nology, and nanoelectronics will benefit from mechanochemical bonding. advances in nanorobotics. 1634 Part G Industrial Applications 46.1 Overview of Nanorobotics Progress in robotics over the past years has dramati- physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the cally extended our ability to explore the world from possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom. perception, cognition and manipulation perspectives at a variety of scales extending from the edges of the solar This technology is now labeled nanotechnology. Part G system down to individual atoms (Fig. 46.1). At the bot- The great future of Feynman began to be realized in tom of this scale, technology has been moving toward the 1980s. Some of the capabilities he dreamed of have greater control of the structure of matter, suggesting been demonstrated, while others are being developed. 46.1 the feasibility of achieving thorough control of the mo- Nanorobotics represents the next stage in miniaturiza- lecular structure of matter atom by atom as Richard tion for maneuvering nanoscale objects. Nanorobotics Feynman first proposed in 1959 in his prophetic article is the study of robotics at the nanometer scale, and in- on miniaturization [46.1]: cludes robots that are nanoscale in size, i. e., nanorobots, and large robots capable of manipulating objects that What I want to talk about is the problem of manip- have dimensions in the nanoscale range with nanome- ulating and controlling things on a small scale...I ter resolution, i. e., nanorobotic manipulators. The am not afraid to consider the final question as to field of nanorobotics brings together several disci- whether, ultimately – in the great future – we can plines, including nanofabrication processes used for arrange the atoms the way we want: the very atoms, producing nanoscale robots, nanoactuators, nanosen- all the way down! sors, and physical modeling at nanoscales. Nanorobotic manipulation technologies, including the assembly of He asserted that: nanometer-sized parts, the manipulation of biological cells or molecules, and the types of robots used to per- At the atomic level, we have new kinds of forces form these types of tasks also form a component of and new kinds of possibilities, new kinds of effects. nanorobotics. The problems of manufacture and reproduction of As the 21st century unfolds, the impact of nanotech- materials will be quite different. The principles of nology on the health, wealth, and security of humankind 1015 12 Nearest 10 stars Edge of the 109 solar system 6 Eath 10 to mars 103 1 km m Assembler 10–3 mm 10–6 µm 10–9 nm Å Fig. 46.1 Robotic exploration Nanorobotics 46.2 Actuation at Nanoscales 1635 is expected to be at least as significant as the combined nipulation could be the first step of a bottom-up strategy influences in the 20th century of antibiotics, the inte- in which these assembled products are used to self- grated circuit, and human-made polymers. For example, assemble into nanomachines. Lane stated in 1998 [46.2]: One of the most important applications of nano- robotic manipulation will be nanorobotic assembly. If I were asked for an area of science and engineer- However, it appears that until assemblers capable of ing that will most likely produce the breakthroughs replication can be built, the parallelism of chemical Part G of tomorrow, I would point to nanoscale science and synthesis and self-assembly are necessary when start- engineering. ing from atoms; groups of molecules can self-assemble quickly due to their thermal motion, enabling them to 46.2 The great scientific and technological opportunities explore their environments and find (and bind to) com- nanotechnology presents have stimulated extensive ex- plementary molecules. Given their key role in natural ploration of the nanoworld and initiated an exciting molecular machines, proteins are obvious candidates worldwide competition, which has been accelerated by for early work in self-assembling artificial molecular the publication of the National Nanotechnology Initia- systems. Degrado [46.6] demonstrated the feasibil- tive by the US government in 2000 [46.3]. Nanorobotics ity of designing protein chains that predictably fold will play a significant role as an enabling nano- into solid molecular objects. Progress is also being technology and could ultimately be a core part of made in artificial enzymes and other relatively small nanotechnology if Drexler’s machine-phase nanosys- molecules that perform functions like those of natu- tems based on self-replicative molecular assemblers via ral proteins; the 1987 Nobel prize for chemistry went mechanosynthesis can be realized [46.4]. to Cram and Lehn for such work on supramolecular By the early 1980s, scanning tunneling microscopes chemistry [46.7]. Several bottom-up strategies using (STMs) [46.5] radically changed the ways in which self-assembly appear feasible [46.8]. Fujita et al.’s pi- we interacted with and even regarded single atoms and oneering work has shown that self-assembly can be molecules. The very nature of proximal probe methods directed by adroitly exploiting the chemical and elec- encourages exploration of the nanoworld beyond con- trical bonds that hold natural molecules together, and ventional microscopic imaging. Scanned probes now hence get molecules to form desired nanometer-scale allow us to perform engineering operations on single structures [46.9]. Chemical synthesis, self assembly, molecules, atoms, and bonds, thereby providing a tool and supramolecular chemistry make it possible to pro- that operates at the ultimate limits of fabrication. They vide building blocks at relatively large sizes beginning have also enabled exploration of molecular properties from the nanometer scale. Nanorobotic manipulation on an individual nonstatistical basis. serves as the base for a hybrid approach to construct STMs and other nanomanipulators are nonmolec- nanodevices by structuring these materials to obtain ular machines but use bottom-up strategies. Although building blocks and assembling them into more com-
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