— BESTrWiUtABtf.Ecopy — www.magic^ilaileyxom - ^ --------------- : = M e w IB s , ------------------e m laho/96th year. No.). 190 ________ 50cents.ir_ B M I M n ------------------------- “ "Weather iaEEm g— . Today: SuSunny to ) c a t c h aI c r o) o k ^ jpartly dcloudy o and a n e veiy warnarm..jffigh __ i , ’r « .ew ■ : 90. Cleara r t o n i ^ t , ..................... ■ low58. P a g e A 2 H cou;jrse Magig Valle:.EY ; Adminislistr^tion draws up newstrategy ! i formississile defense The Assoclatetated Press__________ ^ - WASHINGNGTON - The Bush I ■ ' administradbltion wants lo ^eatly' jH H H expand thee numberni and kinds bf H |S H - 'testing it belbelieves is needed to - - J build effecrivcrive missile defenses, _. — -Restorlnfrwar-Wrds:.^:-^or-John---------- ---- . ----- an'9-is-wilhn{hng'tospendbOIibnff”'^ ^ Lane; patience is notjfonlyTa e ■ ' more to dot it. ______p ^ r w n n l y ir< bdrtue,.but------ _______ ln_n-<^»n</», also absolutely indisp<spensable |B|B have gones baback to the drawing in his work.' board to fulfiulfill President Bush’s • goal of crecreating a reliable P a g e A 4 l IH m m i ' defense agairgainst ballistic missile attack on dietlie United States, its ' A toast: One of Che COIcountiy^ . allies and U.S. forces abroad. leading brewing comi)npanies ^Pijpi The Bush;h administrationa sees no less urgergency in obtaining a • - will toast Idaho grow®ivers whb missile defentfense capabUity. But produce the beverage’;ge’s m alt' after montlmths of reviewing , barley. ----- :---------- options andd ststudying the Clinton ~ R a g e A 4 administratioation’s approach, the' tias d edded to explore i m a w ider ra.ngange of technologies H kalvh /naTtoMNM • before deddiridhig when the system . could be readjjadyforuse. j & Fashion Lt. DennisIs Chambers( reviews some of the forensic evidence he’s wor!orked with during his. 29 yeanlars with the Twin Falls Police:e CDepartment. “The focus:us of missile defense 1 is no longer;er on deployment," I says Lt. Col3ol. Rick Lehner, a . ' -------spokesman-:m -for-th’e-BsrllistitH ----- : A p i a p i n e i i n ninalfoR;-ensics-w^orriessoii c 11 1 C Missile Defeiefensb OrganiZation, B )parentga which managnages the Pentagon’s By Mark HeinzHe dencet from all” ov er tlithe state. Chamber:ers said the T w n FaUs ]posidon. But the level olof exper- nlissile defens’ense work. Tlmeft-Newtiws writer ' - • That leave's examinenirs scram- . crime labI d<does work not only for tisei Chambers hbd in1 tliei lab , Tl'= us is on testing, and ------------------------------------------ bling\ to keep up with1 ithe case the Twin FaUsF police and Twin takesi months of intensivive train- lot* “ • i t is going to be struc- \ FALLS - Increasingly; load,• Powell said. - • Falls Cbunty. ingi and years of experiiriencc to ‘“f?!* “■“> disciplined,” Lehner e won’t stand up in court In Twin Falls, ___ Sheriff’s Office. igain, DeVore said. ' said. Take a walk: Venturin • T W INt Fhas passed muster in a the• gap between but just about any “We’re trying to get a!ahead ot Ris also goiigoing to be expensive. 'We’re tryingto^ InterceptIt tetests conducted dur- _ — side can' help your- legs evidenceaboraiory w - b.ut some supply'■ and __pther agency in thei curve here.” r’s depar. i"e Ihe Clint.linton administratioa other b o ^ parts. ring out- unless h saidh they’re concerned demand< recently ,.l'ihetifi ofthe mrve here. ’ the Magic Valley MeanwhUe, Chamber’s egsand crime labrentjresources.can’t keep_____igot eyen bigger. that need.s a help-_____^ture ;Will jrobably_put evj»>en more “boutt JlSlOO millioh apiece. experts thesa demand. Lt.^ ” Dennis ::: -L S cigs^C^r .J ing hand. .pressure on-thc state.cri.irirnelab,-" TheBushadiadminlstratlon''envl^”:.... Dotf<i R i - -th a tc u ire i |5 to havo'.a SO per- Chambers,' the , The department DeVore said. sions tnoree elaborateel and more • rageBX up^viihihte tuTn-around rate within__ j department’s top. p o i j c c .can fill,pnly some., ____ Poweir^said,^the^jjtj0 - -S p o r t s - ' 2 0 6 2 '1 .“Ourgoj5rgetHn^vid^rice/’ salH'' ' torensic' a^Tnolb- ^ ^ chief,.:f" - o rih e gaps left recently switched to th' J ^ s e d ' ' 'deferisV ' cent caseilph t Powell of the Idaho gist,I retired at the ___ • Chambers.^Twin method of DNA testing,i iwhicll is . budget subnubmitted to Congress un ‘30 d i^ s )Uceofl crime lab. “In 2000, end• oMast month . ,Falls'PoUce Chief sp ee d ie r th a n o ld e r mio eth o d s. Jim e 27 provirovides $83 billion for • Ralplwas only 79 percent.” after' 29 years of Lee DeVore said, The ISP also recently hirie a sec- nussile defen!fense, d nearly 40 per- se only a few local agen- service.'• With him wentIt. the bulk 'Some commimunity service officers iond firearm s expert, whi-ho needs Increase!2 se over the current our rate ewi their own crime labs - - of< th e d e p a rtm e n t’s firearmsf have beenn shifteds over to crime - onlyi topassafuial-rotmdId of pro- budget. It WOIwould be expected to , rwin Falls Police expertise.< Chambers wasas also the scen e d uIty, ty he said. And the ifidency tests, he said., take tens ofjf bbillions more before lent is one of them - the Twin Falls lab’s sole: certifiedc departmenisnt has hired another a system is ready for use, . he administration has t) handles to bulk of evi- latent1 fingerprint examirdner. person to> taketi over Chamber’s Please see lAB,S, Pa£eA2 although the i provided no0 firmfii figure. --------------Foi^startenters,-the-Pentogon-is------- - Please;aseseeMISSIl£,Pag©A2 Twice a s nice: Venus ^ oney wot) e s h i t NZ A S A TA l new doorwayly to space successfully defended is Williams M e ThTho latost mission lo iho Intomaimational space station is schedi Wimbledon crown Sur (0 launch Juty 12. Tho shutUe AtiaAtianlls will carry a now airlock me Comeleast offers ____now,^t-Rafterand.Gte d h e r .lhal.will.facilitalo.spacowaIks.lori.lor.statioacrewmombors-------- Ivanisevic decide thejunday; i it-prepaK• e s f o r l a iunch - “ ^to^bD^ly -A T & T ^ '- title today.__________LGoran_______ le m en’s Iclat^-*• Press and on Eartfil ------------------^------------------------tntBi'nailorralIT -------------------S --------------------------- to meet PresiUunt'-------spaoe-etationB\ ---------- e ~Broaai ~ P W S ? ~ ~ n w : CANAVERAL. Fla. - Withith Bush’s budget woul(lid limit the intema- The Associatetated Press___________ and computer problems final-ial- tional space stationn to a crew of three, C A M C ZvoZda service---------- Opinion r control, NASA is gearing up its current numbeier, rather than'the NEW YOR]ORK - Comcast Corp. robotic an<ther round of spacc stationion ' intended six or seseven. That would modulo is offering1 $44.5$4 billion in stock . Credibility? W hat’s thi ly underction o - this time to install11 a drastically curtailI iresearch aboard a for anoth< to buy AT&T&T Broadband in a bid Cities that require hor 3or for spacewalking astro-TO- laboratory describoix.*d by NASA as the to combinele ttwo of the nation’s that?: constructii 0 ers to have a gun look most sopliisdcatedI one ever flown, Solar array three biggest’est providers of cable a month’s delay, spacc shuttlettle As it is, two spac<ice station residents silly, a guest editoriallomeown- i dooi TV and hig:high-speed Internet i is set to blast off ThursdayJay spend virtually all1 ttheir time keeping .w f i n l f n f e ^ ^ Zarya contn access. P " 'S f e r a . M m fnp6u\B B $164 million air lock. The'he the place running v.while the third also , _______J?hiladelphJphia-bascd-Comcast A in A dantise is chamber will completee Ql-a -devotes a good -pu>urt 'of each day to ' ' Page AIO with the s ___ said Sundayay iti was revealing the ihase of construction for the oporatibns. Science:e work is mihimul. directiy;tlytoAT&Tsharehold- • " "_____ p re ssu re•old * iht'erhational space sta-Jta- ........ Equipment probhilems imve added to i " S e c t io n bV sec m ajor pha ers becauseise direct talks with d provide its residents with■ith tho crew’s load. P AT&T- Corp.rp. management had Section A SectlECTION xess to spacewalks'. In April, commanmd-and-control com- ^ failed to prodiroduce an agreem ent It a time when managersers puters broke dowrvn in quick .succes* {|| Weatner . .. .2 Health gjBHiu. Comcastt is appealing directly CtiOn B easier accec reyelipfijnjhcij' success 24QS12. ____5i2!b-H 2!liaS^>-<>ce_stnnQn opera,- _ JIH ... Y e t at^ - ”tRis wih*6 e me seventh'rjtTi aons. Tne shoulderir"j(imlirt^tlie ncw’jy^ '-Ii^ should b e t they’U pressuissure management to Magic Valley 4«, Momini flight to the station in lessess installed Canadianin robot arm had to ; accept thei offerof before a share- JSniOrtT^S2f“ "“imies^uF- f ond June via soft- ’ . rear - mundane money prob-ob- be niu ^ d in M ay i holder votete scheduleds for later ------Obituaries .. .5 Crosswning break 5 _ shutU e >und.fli ware.’HiTaying AtAtlantis’ upcoming • Sports. ^ Dear Al this monthh ono: plans to spin off irae^ii'sju>t the Russian Spaceace - flight. • '*'Ar& r Broaatladbahd as dn indepch- Opinion ' .10-11 Magic \ A. T h o m as Yofoung, il retired wfe dent companylany. rAbby . .5, : : . “ihis-timj ice executive who is . g g ------ WOfM . .12— Movies ________________________ : ..—Marrfand aerospacc “It’s unfortfortunate that we were ;ic\felley .6 Agency.
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