~~~~~ -. j Kelly Picked to Pitch Ex-Invalids Liveliest Kelly.The Cleaner Up Rubbing It In By BRIGGS First Game for Gianh Yankees Now at Macon -a*» McCarty's to Order Fight Log Squad Qe(s Donovan Forced Frazee Ask» Officer Down to Work in Maisel and Gilhooley ÏO-MC.HT Texas To Drill Broadway S. C.Jack Dillon and Al Sunshine / to Go Slow Champions McCoy. Pioneer S. C..Joe Lynch and Jack Boston. Feb. 26..Harrv H. Fra- Sharkey. "¦«*«, of the Boston Ameri¬ Marlia, Tex., Feb. 26,.Th« r By W. O. M'GKEHAN president WEDNESDAY had their first can League Baseball Club, an¬ workout on th« i*,.!-*1 M aeon, Ga», Feb. 26..Majestically re¬ Manhattan A. C..Benny Leonard M.rlln to-day. The nounced to-night that he would and Johnny Clinton. th^« marshalle-i by Captain Tillinghast quest Adjutant General Gardner W. iaterad M a^arsm datiag tfc, the advance THURSDAY and J| Lllommedieu Huston, I'earson to designate an oflicer of session, when the afternoon -«J Yankees took the field Clennont S. C..Jim Flynn and Bob tice «Urted the guard of the the National Cuard to accompany Devere. mercar- had cl££ thi3 afternoon. There were twenty of, the Bed Soi players to their spring FRIDAY to 92 in the* «hade. A of one! fairly ¡J them in all, allowing a count training camp at Hot Springs, Ark-, Harlem S. C..Carl Morria and Joe breeie, however, tempered th« h««J for Duke Karrrll, who is unusually cat¬ and teach them military tactic«. Bonds. Thirty player« took part in th« in the* lin^ alogued as a crowd. The field Mr. Frazcas said that the club would Village A. ('..Young Benny and ing-up exercises. Mocon fair «à-rounds was illumined by a pay the officer's expenses. Johnny Kassel!. Lew McCarty set a bad the rubicund example f», bright Southern sun and Clarence E. Walker and Merlin A. SATURDAY hi« men on his first day as manag,, countenance of Joseph Jeremiah Kelley, Kopp, both outfielders, sent their Fairmont A. ('..Tom Gibbons and by reporting half an hour late m Wild Bert th the boy scout of the Yankees. signed contracts today to the Red Kenny. morning. When he appeared »t «la The liveliest warriors in the lot were Sox offices. Kopp *»as purchased Qaeenaboro A. C..Frankle Wagner park, with Rube Benton in tow, ht ,!! and New Chink. with the merrv Krank Gilhooley and Fritz Maisel, two last year from the Buffalo club of greeted ha-ha* of U« last Clerment S. C..Joe Azevedo and early binls. The acting manije- ,,' of the pale invalids of year. the International League. Harry Condon. plained the delay by sayint* that h« Ir«, Francis and Fritz chaaed flies through had a lot of trouble rounding up «T were ordered out Rube, who had overslept. th«? outfield until they The to«ed the bal! and then did a few boy« about for., peremptorily, they MISS WINS hour and then had a light the racetrack, which runs WINN batting«¿ laps around off MAXWELL LEADS tice. McCarty lined up the rta^i & mile in either direction, to work j pitchers, who number ton, and tati the superfluous steam. TENNIS MATCH them over to a corner of ti,-. «¿u Trainer Duke Farrell has enlisted a j LARGE FIELD ÏN where he could keep an eye on Uta squad of ¿talwart sons of Ham to iron Lew, Sandberg, Kocher and Kwig», kinked arms which are sure FROM MISS MACY for the out some To look did the receiving cubi. ftl to materialize ir. the morning. PINEHURST GOLF warmth so appealed to the men tti* at the expensive athletes of Captain several tried to cut loose g ont» bit Mc¬ Huston ani Colonel Ruppert to-day Women of Seventh Carty waa continually .*-.¦-.. believe that this could be Players Regi¬ shouting w>uld not col- Robert Hunter Close Rival for ings to them to take it easy. th« same bunch of cripples that ment Club in Handicap Pitcher« lap.«*«l just before the stretch of the Low Score Medal. Promising RreMat tOOO. Tourney The pitcher« whose work was wsttk*' pennnnt Chapman Third with special attention by the tig. Thre-i Pitchers Miraing and ««ribes present wer© Jimmy Mi«. Oals three of the pitching staff B> FRED HAWTHORNE dleton, *v-ho created such s »eciati«. Slim Caldwell, the in the American Association lut Ka, turned up n'irsing. j For the twofold purpose of getting Pinehurat, N. C, Feb. 26..When the Waite the temperamental telegrapher, has not; qualifying round of the spring tourna¬ »on; Hoyt, schoolboy it*t» been heard from either by wire or practice for the women's national In¬ at this and George Smith, the ('olumbia (***- is ment opened Pinehurat morning twirler, who was with the wireless, and the impression that« door lawn tennis championship tour¬ some 130 were their lege Giuti be with the troops for golfers awaiting the latter part of 1916. Slim will not nament on March 12, and to encourage turn to tee off en course No. 2, and an¬ In the afternoon this Ray Fisher, the pre¬ 130 faced the difficulties of course practically th» ua« campaign. not thi» less experienced players, the wom¬ other programme wa« adhered to, ut« for cocious pedagogue, is expected No. 3. Eighteen holes on each course th« ntxt month. Daniel Tipple en members of the 7th Regiment Tennis round. Thoae fact that the batting p--aetie-. <.*.- 4 until late is the programme of the more .h.- men between here and Rock- a tournament 2 will bit strenuous, being n- is somewhere Club started handicap who went over Coarse to-day to run out their hit«. 111. on the courts. on Course 3 to-morrow, and vice¬ quired Georg»«] tori. or yesterday armory play E. whom McGraw wiihei to Two of the new are mon Forty-five players entered, and, aided versa. Kelly, turn' pitchersof being white defaults in the round, of into a pitcher because of his wonderful Isaf undei suspicion by many opening Norman Maxwell, Philadelphia, was the first these is Edward Monroe, was out until sev-1 who has arm, box-nan to «.-*"« hopes. One of the fiel«! weeded only the young Aronimink player, them to the batters. hit the tall, blond Kentuckian, wK*. towers enteen contestants were left at the end been winning new honors in tourna¬ up leUy to a gross a ..tude of, Two more rounds will COLUMBIA LEADS been playing out on the Pacific Caait over the scenery of the afternoon. ENTERS PROTEST ment play every few weeks thia winter, and he six feat **ive inches. He is only three be to-morrow, putting the sur¬ and Robert of Wee Burn, ran all winter, burned th« ball played Hunter, across the with coniiderabt» whiskers' breadths ahorter than Slim vivors in the semi-final brackets, and N. Y. U. IN FIRST away from the rest of the field and fin¬ plate the left-hander from Ten- the semi and final rounds ¦».-ill be played AGAINST DILLON- ished in 75 and 76, speed. When the tirst fast on« whined Love, lofty respectively play¬ across Met rushed out to the box nessee. off Saturday morning. ing over the difficult No. 3 course. arty vouth who hails Miss TteSPORT-, HALF DUAL MEET and gave George a call-down. Robert McGraw, the The work of Miss Caroma Winn, BOU' Maxwell started off with a drive into that well-known Eleanor Closs, Mr». LES DARCY a cost him After Kelly had explained that hi from Pueblo, Col., Hazel Gardner, Miss the roots of tree, which out to the world Gertrude Delia a had been working for th« lut hamlet which has given M. B. Huff and Miss three left-handed shots with putter told of as Fireman Jim out a He arrived tJTree months. Lew him he migi-, sack men genius Torre stood prominently yesterday, The athletes of Columbia University and 7 for the first hole. but not and Colonel Alfred Damon Run- all these fair exponents of the game is to tal at the turn in 40, and came in in 35 use a little speed quit« m Flynn Somebody always trying stiff as he had on that lie is no dwarf either. Bill Piercy, their matches by excellent LIGHTS met an unexpectedly competition for a 75. much put 44-inninp now is yon, used to hurl for first defea»ed Missi the joy out of life, and it "Po| York ball. McCarty also announced that a the native son. who play. Miss Gardiner Ball in defeating the team from New Robert Hunter was three better than fine condition Salt Lake is a decidedly likely at 6 3, 8 6, and then took Rudolph, father of Al McCoy, accident The Players' Mandalay Maxwell out, and ha 4 for a 75 view of Kelly's hi «u City, of Steinway in winter it University in the first half of their going slated to the first game of th* looking youth, with a fine, free play on Mrs. I.. Manhelmer. winning middleweight champion, who makes h Ship me somewhere South in Dixie, where the leatjne flat; South when he drove for the eighteenth, the pitch of Christy sets at 6- 6 -3. In the last dual meet, which was held on five the training «eason. against Dalla« Mit arm that is reminiscent straight 3, bow. Where a can thaw the kinks out.and a bloke can trwing a hat; required for hole marking Mathewson. match Miss Gardner bothered Mrs. guy Field yesterday.
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