TEN CENTS • CANADA-1;Zc PROGRAMS FOR JAN. 18-24 AEA87K How Desi Arnaz Wooed and Won Lucille Ball Read Faith Baldwin's Story About Lily Pons MOVIE · ·RADIO GUIDE: The National Weekly of Personalities and Programs How About a Family-Get-Acquainted Night? WE HAVE been t hinking a lot about home ica. Fri ends had noted their un easi ness during lately. No one d o ubts that t he home, yours recent months. No o ne was surprised when they and mine, is the basis of our democracy. In it announced q uietly that t hey were goi ng back t o ideals are achieved a nd standards set and young the battered but valorous la nd of their birth, for savages t urned int o persons with whom the world such a decisi on was completely in keeping with can live. th ei r characters. But how does the ho me st ack up , we wonde red , Their love wa s sudden and d evastating when in this day of stress. Many places, the home is they fi rst met. No conventionalists, they risked something Dad owns, Mother runs, Grandmother eve ryth ing for its completion. Previous marriages lives in, and t he children return t o as late as possi­ wh ich had failed to satisfy we re iettisoned. Th ey ble each ni ght. These days home is too often pro­ knew they were meant for each other, a nd no unced "ho-hum." For many youngsters it is a nothing stood in the way. filii ng-station. But now they know something else: that no For Dad and Mother, though, it is everything. romance can excuse a conscience. So they return Someone has called it a heaven for beginners. ha nd in hand, to bloody, brave England. Whe n Isn't there some way in whi ch it can be a heaven they might have had safety a nd id leness, t hey for all t he family? AMERICAN FAMILIES can learn much c hose Eng land and work. A letter from Mrs. J . G ilbert Martin of Scotts­ f rom pictures of the Jones Family above, or To t hem we pay homage. dramatic se r ials like " One Man's Family" burg, Indiana, came across o ur desk recently, and it makes a splendid suggestion. 'A DISCONSOLATE EDITOR was ably por­ "Why not, " Mrs. Ma rtin writes, "have a family trayed in the recent movie "Arise, My Love." night? One night a week in which all the fami ly H is favorite e xp ression was a mournful " I am un­ stays home to read, talk, eat apples, crunch pop­ happy." We have d elivered many such remarks corn, p lay games, write letters, exchange ideas, CONTENTS in the last few days, and t he g ir l at the bottom girls mend hose, boys clean guns and talk shop to of our misery is Bette Davis. their dads. What do you think of my id ea? Call Movies If only she had wa ited a week or t wo . but it 'Fam il y Night' o r 'Family -Get-Acquainted "Come Live With Me" .... .. .. 1 no, she had to get married iu st befo re New Year's Night.' " Soft- Hearted Slugger (an article) .. 2 Day, and iust after our own story called "The Life We like the idea might y well, Mrs. Ma rti n. W e Pan - American Romance (an article) 4 and Loves of Queen Bette" had been printed . believe children and parents mu st know each This Week in Hollywood (,news) ... 6 Unha p pily, o ur li fe -a nd-l O'Ves sto ry recited Reviews (a department) .. .. .. 6 other in orde r to understand each other's prob­ Parents Should Be Seen and Not nothing whateve r about o ne A rthur Farnsworth. lems. Where the relationship is exclusively that Heard (an article) . .......... '8 Sad ly, one J a mes Street who wrote o ur story of order-g iver and o rder-taker, no real under­ High Society High-Jinks! ("The voiced the opinion that Miss Davis was a o ne­ standing ever e xists. Philadelphia Story" ) . 10 man woman and that ma n mig ht be o ne Ha rm on S hots in the Dark .. .. .... .. ... 12 The movies have given us many heart-warming Nelson, ex-h usband, with whom Miss Davis p ro b­ glimpses into home life. The Hardy family and ably was still in love. A p retty tale it was, too, Radio t he J ones family a re t ypical. On the radio, best­ until we read the headlines after New Year's Eve. known of all home serials is "One Man's Fa mi ly. " This Week's Rad io Events . .. 13 Trusting readers, may we assure you tha t we Whoever heard its b roadcast the Sunday night This Week's Music ...... .. ..... .. 14 This Week's Drama . ........ ... 15 strive mightily to present t he truth. If, a s hap­ before Christmas will never forget it. First Families of Radio ("Joyce Jor - pened here, a star springs a brand -new hu sba nd They have demonst rated that families can be dan, Girl Interne") . .... .. 33 o n the world coincidentally with o ur own st ory fun. They must be fun if the ho me is t o serve well What You Can Learn From Lily glorifying her stat e of si ngle-blessed ness, we Pons (an article) . .. .. ...... 34 fo r all of its members. W hy not set apa rt such hang o ur heads and apolog ize. In this case, we Pictures Along the Airialtos . .. 35 an evening as Mrs. Martin suggests? Select a On the Bandwagon (a department) . 36 ma ke a promise, t oo. W e p ro mise the complet e night which r rovides radio programs that are News From the Music Front . .. 37 story of this final chapter of the li fe and loves of e nloyed by al t he fa mily. Plan t he night together Musician of the Week ........ ... .. 37 Queen Bette, one that will be worth your whi le. exadly as you wou!d if your community club were Along the Airialtos (news) ... .. 38 On Short Waves (a department) .. 40 The fi rst lady of t he scree n has d isca rded gla mo ur meeting. Have things to do that are fun. Don 't boys and bon-vivants to pick her consort fro m let anyone be bored, not even G randpappy. Programs behind the desk of a small-t own hote l. W at c h for Make noise, sin g , do 4 th is story in an e a rly iss ue of Movie-R a d io Guid e. all the things that are week of January 18- 24 .. .• . ... 16- 32 young and loud and Curtis Mitchell, Editor GIRL ON THE COVER: When 20t h Century­ foolish . T urn your Fox started casting "Th e Rains C a me," c hief Vol. 10, No. 15 January 18 - 24, 194 1 home, if you can, into d ifficulty was the unha ppy eighteen-year-o ld Fe rn a hi-de-home for one 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. Simon, whose mother ke pt shoving he r at t he night each week. A 8.~ ol'i{/te Rditor , 1\lal'tin Lewis ; MOl/ ag illg F. (Hlof., l~lIt ll head s of every e ligi­ We are ce rtain the ~~! rl~~II: ;B/~~~:1(~ r~'~~\~I;. ~;,~ i; t~ ~;~. ;: n~P~~I~::ln~~~~;·1 ~~· ~?Il.~ ,~~ ·o ~~~\ · ~~ I; ble male. Bre nda reward will be both l\ Joorc, J\ li clwe st ; Hl ch ul'Cl Ku nstman, Pro!!,Ta. ms ; .lames J oyce came o ut of rich and satisfying . }i:;~:,~i;i c ,!\~:; i~~' ~~~: ; : c·~:~~ifi:;~r\l1:: ~:~,~;:~~;~ i·, ,;111~E;~ i~E'~::~ ~ .that t alent -hunt, in­ Arthur ~li llt'r. Clarence R euter, :\Ielnn Spiegel. volvin g f if ty-eig ht VIVIEN LEIGH ~ I OYIE- n ,\DIO G UIDF. (T racie 1\[ark llcg i;;;tel'ed U. S. Pat. screen tests, wi t h a Olnf'c) . Volume X, Number 1 5. Week of J anuary 1 8- 2 4, fou nd transcenden+ ] ~41. Published week ly by Triangle Publications, Jnc. , 7:n part wh ic h est a b­ Vivien Leigh Pl,)'I nouth Court. Chirago, ] Ilino ls. Entered as sccond-cla'l3 fame in "Gone W ith 1ll.ILlcr at the P os t Of1lc e , C:llicago, 1I linois, F'cl,H'Ual'Y 21. lished her as a star 1!l4 0, llnclel' the act of March 3, 187fJ. A uthorized by Post t he Wind." La urence Otli('e Dt' j1 l:lItment. Ottawa, Cunnor!. a ~ seconc1 -clas1' matter. of importa nce o n the ('opyright. 194 1. by Triangle P ublications, Inc. All ,rights O livier found it in " Rebecca." Each found happi­ l'ei'i CITc L! , UlI f:o liriteci 1ll<lllu SC l' ipts should be arrol11lNlll led i)y lot. Za nuck has g iven ness when they were married to each other in a ~~:~::~ :;~~I;~ ~':l~,~~~~:;~;~!::~~{\i ~lil~~;: '~'ii~i~~~,I::~~li,I~~re~~~l~~::~ ; o rders to ma ke-up ranch house outside Hollywood. But the happiness Un ion: si x months, ~ 2,5 0 ; one year. $4. 00; t\\'o years, men and co a c hes t hey knew then mu st be as nothing to t he happi­ SiG , OO ; thrce year :;;, $8 ,00.
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