m f T 'M i;' Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock Atanif* paUjr Net Pm m Ran The Weather nuay doudy, warm tonStfiii. Obanoe o f t€W veattarod thun- 17, IMR doraboaren. Lour bi ufipor 60«. Itomorrcnr lair, hot, humid attar fiimtttg ll^raUi aaily oioudineaa. H aii In loarar 14,340 M i. Mtatehener— A City o f VUioge Chmrm VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 276 (TWENTT-FOOR PAGES—TWO 8BCT10NB) B1ANCHB8TER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1968 (Olaaafled AdrortlM v «■ ^w a St) PRICE TEN CENTS McCarthy Seeking To Have Candidates Czechs Mass in Square, Address Convention CSHQAOO (AP) — Supportan Humphray’a aupportara maan- Tmn of Ban. Bufine J. ICoCarthy wfaUa, confidant ttiey have the p riia e d today to taava Damo- nomination In hand, ware aur- oratld praatdantial oandMataa vaytng varloua poaaibUltlaa for a Ignoring Plea to Stay Calm addraaa naxt waA’a nattonal running mate. party oonvantlon aftar plana for O ubtoindinf among (faaaa waa a faea4o>faea dat>ata bataraan Oor. Richard J. Bughaa of Now PRAGUE (AP)—Ozechoslovakfl massed today on candidataa odlj^iwad. Jaibay, wbo haa boon winding Vaclavrice Nameati, I^g u e ’s main square, in a violent , Btapban A. lOtoball, Me* hia way thraoih the labyrinth of demonstration against the Soviet-led ocmipation and the R ogt Oarttiy'B oomrantloa manafar,^ delagaito dnllangaa and ocn- arrest of tlie ir reifortn-minded Communist chief, Alex­ ■aid te would damand tlia naad< toata laltiatad by Ban. lingana J. ander Dubcek. ad ndaa chaaga at today’a Rolai lloOarthy, D-MlDn., with what Ignoring requests by tiie clandestine Prague radio to nati toward ttia Idea Ly Demo- la ragardad by moat Damoeratlc era; id Natiatiai Uhiitrman John proa aa a ranuufcably ooot malhitain cidm to avoid giving tiie foreign soldiers an .U. B allay. proweb. excuse for further violence, a crowd of about 20,000 lO U diall aald ho oppoaaa what n a handaoma, dark-halrad shook their fists at the Russians and shouted: “Rus­ cia ho can ad “ a aanaelaaa ouatom to and youlhful appaaring gover­ sian murderers go homel” --------------------------- ------------------- have all candidataa hide behind nor of Ifaw Jeiaoy—baooming a They called for Duhoek’s rs- morning mentioned Rude Pmvo a curtain hara cna of them atar parformar on Ulavtolon In leaae. editor Oldrhdi Sveotka as onv ot aoMiva (aftar tholr nomination) thooa haotlo praoomnntlon daya Shots were heard from ttw the pro-Sovlet membem, but lat­ Uka an aiwol. “Wa think that in awidtortng CSiioaco—la oaot square. It could not be deter­ er broadcasts dropped his angr — far the praaldan- oa the moat logtoal ohotoe If mined Immediately whether the name. cy w to la a l aglttm at a oandi. SBoOanhy r a fuaia to play oae- eoMlera were aiming at demon- Ha waa reported arrested by data” aboald addnaa the coo- ond f l 6dla to hta former <doaa atratora or looaliig waning Soviet trm ^ Wednesday, al­ aaoBolato In lOnnaoota’a oM- shots Into the air. though he has come out against I to Soviet tank troopo, who hod soma of Duboelc*s poUoles In toe by That* ramafewd no doUbt in been covering all approaches to peat. Rum - (ha Hmnphray oanv that Mo- the equare ainee their arrival ’The Soviet news agency Taaa I far aholltlnii of the O M hy wnoM halp (ha vtoa proa- Wednesday, immediately oloeed declared in a dispatch relayed fdaot la (ha ganoral alaadon all bridges aoroas toe Vltava from Moscow that anti-Soviet otaia’s to Bw aaa mora (ban any aaoond man ha River, which divides toe city, forces had token toe atotor in i by Ow m ajalfy. eoUM pfok. B u t M oC kulliy ra- Ttw move came as Caechoalo- custody, adding: ’’0>mrade vak Oommunlats, raactlng to Bvetariea was released from ar­ ■van hand off iato a toe occupation by 300,000 Rus­ rest by Soviet troopa.’’ party Sony M ha dtan- sian and Kremlln-Une aatelUts Dubcek h im self w as atUl In w((h (ha outooma o f naat troops, convened In on extraor­ Soviet custody, along with other fw tm ty dinary party congreos that tto leading members of his Uberol liberal leadership had originally regim e. scheduled to open Sept. 9. aaa la (ha TIm radio said a general OVflQViJ This waa a last-dltoh attempt strike started in toe South Bohe­ b y s to force toe troopa to leave mian district to protest the oc­ :O O P n om l- through political pressure. cupation. The clandestine proUberal ra­ The radio also called cn toe dio announced 027 delegatee met army to protect Preoidem Lud- at 11:20 a.m. Though toe broad­ vlk Svoboda and not to toko or- cast did not specify the atte, toe dera from anyone except from Prague residents bearing a blood-stained Czecho­ delegatee had been urged to go the legal government. to toe Itberal-ccntroUed CKD Czechoslovak secret police, Efforts Still Alive slovakia flag march through the Czech capital yes­ factory on the outakirta of who have kept in the tmek- r terday protesting occupation by Soviet bloc forces. Prague. ground since Dubcek took over Under arrangements that had In January, were arresting Marchers said the blood was that of a woman killed been m ade b y Dubcek, 1,600 prominent voters and Journal­ For East-West Accord by a Russian tank in the takeover. (AiP Photofax) membera would have been on ists. hand for the September meet­ Joining In the outcry of world Wltnesaea reported hundreds WAMDKnON (AP) — Iba ing. In that aeaaion It had been of political i«iaoacm were arriv­ pUbllo oplnlca agalnot the Rua- toy Jahnaan atontotatnOon tatamto emected he would oust conserv- ing at Poxdtrac Prlsc^ to yaan fir anna oaoStal and ■Un move. ^ "alwe oppomhta from toe ruling Meanwhile an American Em­ JohhiMi pufaUoly denounced party Presidium and the Cen­ m bassy motor convoy taking U.S. (he Soviet action Wodaoaday. Condemn Invasion tral Committee. dUsana out of the country ■ton af Ohaahoaiavalria haa *n*"g Ambaaaador Ctoocga W. BaU The seven Central Committee cleared a checkpoint outside on UA-Bavtot lalaMana. protaatad at tba U.N. Boourlty membera who have declared OOunell and the govenunont’a Prague end waa on ita way to Iha pnopaat of faa<-raaoliliig loyalty to toe Sovlet-Ied occupa­ toe West German border cross­ Voloe of Amerioa radio tripled UN Council Asked tion troope, tried to shift today’a ing point at Roovadov. Ito Ruoalan-language broad- meeting to toe party-owned Pra­ r mlaaOa UNITED NATIOINS, Bonch Introduced the resolution Embassy officials aald a R H U I T H Io Pollticii shortly after the Council con­ ha Hotel. a n atni N. Y. (AP)—The United Czechoslovak motorcycle police­ "R la never too late for reason vened at 11:30 a.m. Soviet tsuika and arm ored M o tm u g . States, Britain, France and man waa escorting toe convoy to> prevaU,” Johnaon aald In ap­ In Its m ain operative i>ara- cam guarded toe approaches to pealing for urgent United Na- four other countries de­ of about 20 embassy and private Matoan haa not graphs the resolution called tor: the hotel. Several block Umou- ttona aeUon. manded today that the sinea were parked outside. care. Kennedy Gives Plan nawly toaiigwratad —Affirm that the political in­ XXwena of British, Dutch end atar otrvloa, The preaident called Uie So- U-N. Security Council con- dependence and territorial in- ’Ihe prrilberal station broad­ cast warnings to congress dele­ West German cars Joined the tiwle with v la t Unfon claim th a t Chech demn the Soviet Union and te^ty of Chechoslovakia must gates net to go to toe hotel, American convoy. lUJL-aovlat loadera had aakod for m ilitary its Warsaw Pact allies foi- be fUlly respected. Among toe Americana was ac- aid In preaervlng Oommunlam a rm e d intervention in —Oondenm the armed inter­ which it said waa a trap. To End Vietnam War The calling of the congress treoa Shirley TemiSe Block, wlio in their country "patenfly oon- ^echoslovakia. They asked vention of the Soviet Union and left toe touriat-flooded Alcron (AP» M a waa another attempt to dl^ ed- A VM. trtv a d ." for an immediate with­ other members of the Warsaw Hotel clutching a bouquet ot red “ TiM ChodKialovakton govern­ Pact in the internal affairs of it the pro-Sovlet membera of toe drawal without violence or Presidium, who include Slovak roees given her by a weeping VM. atagy ment did not requeat Ha alllea to Czechoslovakia, and call upon chamber maid. re p ris a ls . those Communist countries to party chief VasU Bilak and Dm- to tr y ta r aaoM raUef Inteilara In Ita Internal atfalra,” Cze<tooek>vakla’B dilef of state The seven submitted their de­ take no aotlmi or vlidence or re­ homlr Holder, a former head of Hbamla by yohnaon aald. "No external mand in a reeolutlon to the Se­ tconomlc planning. ' and Parliament Insisted that the aggraarton Uveatened Oaecbo- prisal that could result in ttir- curity Ooimcll as it resmned de­ ther suffering or loss of life. The proUberal radio tMs (See Page Twelve) atovakta." bate in emergency session on On Capitol HIU, both Senate —Requeat the invaders to the Caechoslovak crisis. Joining withdraw their forces forthwith Demooratle Leader Mike Mant- the big three western powers fleld and Houoe Republican and to cease all other forms of were Canada, Brasil, Denmark Intervention In Czechoslovakia’s H Arrives Laadar Gerald R.
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