Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 4-23-1892 The eH rald, April 23, 1892 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eH rald, April 23, 1892" (1892). The Cedarville Herald. 140. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/140 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. psAlii t«*> *mm&rv'2?MMk^.rxr»r::r’Tmk'0 \ o l i & CEDARYILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1892. NO. 11 y? - 1 'r ■ '-r ' —""”*”•’*‘.1 J* tt*—— —imi.mm— pi■ Iw|iw iT fi ■imitBIH 11 W1 I W ■ IM—1.— indow Glass 1/ / * rii 11 • bi» * W* fri wcialtj tliis' season will be ‘Winow-^lass, ail sizes'aiii*. qualities,... Are -yon lag? we will give spaoial rates in large quantities. G-alsing done TComntly.- , - . • " GLASSWARE AND QUEENSWARE. A V ) Irw© recently addei a large stools of Glassware -aiidQueenswaJe, vrMdi yen, will. & 3 w ell.tp..S3®. Designs are all'of tke latest. Game and see .our stock before r. A* is broken; ■ , ■ B U L L <&& , SPEN CER. IV 8 U'UL and see.-our appliance far keeping peanuts hot Pean q uire ulways reivl/ ter eating. -' i ..*r; a-T aai^x4.B£XKi- meeting of' the Codamile .Rev. T. C. S[>roul. Dtousquapj^wU < l; F o r ti goodr.liou liindo to . FNn-ii number of.ycai-,- T luive liecn i ; i * w . l\lit$\ A L; t) | ti)^ yd.ip boar.1 of t..lu -rttum lu»tAr.m- |'.v i<«eni!»<-r of l \ P. chinch. Jt is I subject to viuU-m uitiicks of inibiii-. i , ,r ■ that all-will toei tree lojotn nt order call on. 0 . K eller tlm ; lI'vm ,f| lm’-',nte-1 :i petition t!u; rcHt.rMl , 1 ^ . 1 , I’apt r, limit- I.m.-uory -rlieiimiiti-sui wbioli gcneinllv : I . * Li it,. practiesil S h o e ntsiUer X o iT h \ , APRIL, .23, l^E-. j No, i», askim: tin t tiny district ho dF* t d to ten minutes, discussion live. lasted about two months. On the ___ ------ .— .. —— ■ ....... - 1 signed by five elocio 4 < f sab (1 s'r ck Bv order <>f Committee M ain St. Repairing neatly lli>tof thU • mom It I wa, attacked Ti.assi -I-.k S. , in flic knee nnd sullured severeli for ,T. //. A’A.i/W , KiiiH,r •mil /V o/>V | 51,1(1 th c ('!<;i;k w«w «•'- and prom pU v done. 1 dem l to notify all other hoards iu- Martini ComptoU" to Ivnuisruudu two days when I- |)roeured. a- boille i ,. ... , : Fleishman, in lot 14, Oowdv’*add to tew sted that a ]oint meeting wd be v . o M ilton Keys lots re-, of (Miiunberiiiin's Pain .'kilm and ir ^ le i '-il.SS PER AKNUNlo i o' vo t ,, . - , .. .Xenia, fetW. relieved me almost, . instantly. E b'd 1 at the school house an -aid di-lnct . Harvey llmn-tOn to B of F, Cie-ar- moved his shoe shop to his . hereto re nin-t, IieCrfnllG reeommeml Buur.lay afternoon, April !’b, tit one .creek tp,"strip 10 h-et wide,, $:»b. it to those wiio uni simihu-iy ;tfl!ieted A ;»*••■* »:■-> are now hard at work tak- o'clock, to discuss the advisabilitj* yf| A. and W . l.f.'l bondiill to Ltta L. new room next to the Ncs everywlierc.—-I{. I). Wmnu.v, 3tar- i.t4 ‘'account.of stock” for their iy- Oglcsbee, part lot 3S, (Amwcii’s add bet property on Main st„ the change. The board also raised tiiulaio, N. C., Feb., K\s$. Air. Wliil n t.vt’w. t iwnshijw. to Xenia. Spring 1:1 jii, ■122.'), the salaries of tiueh.irs from - 8300 to - E. G. .McMillan to C. M. Biggin, where lie will he glad to ley is a very prominent man in. this Mrs. A. Y. Fei-1, ot* Cincinnati, was $320 a year. ‘.Fa,Silvcrcreek, $7tK. have all customers call. ' place and hisdBcnse wa- very widely a gu.,-4 of'her brother, Nutl.eu II imsey, There was an attempt to wreck the 1 .F ,1. H. SchelJ to Alary. A. Mad­ known as he tmtlbml such severe this w-k>k. ■ . • dux, lot 7 anil pan 0, Schell's add to pain. Wr. M. Hpi-a-rox & Co., Mer- 12.00 a. rn. passenger train on the Xenia, $*">7n. Chicago divison of the Pan Handle .f. B. M. Wright to Sarah E. Mor­ X'Tew. Carpets,... ehaiits.Martindalo, N., t\ 50 cent Mrs. \Y I nuns and Miv BlaiHm Con­ bottles for sale hv Druggists. road iic.tr Andewoii^frtdtaiifi, Tuesday row, ’ jiart lot 1, -Galloway's add to The new styles in c.ifpct- i' ' tin- > >. S. and S. O.’Honm, Xe­ iiioiiiing, hut wa.; prevented by the Xenia, $2.1(10. S tim ln y II x c u isio u m v i a th « nia, spent Sunday, in Cedarvitie. ings this year are the hand engineer seeing the obstruction in Jam *s F. Stewart to Armstead Stagner, lot .17$, A’. S., S2UU. soutesfc ever shown. It l*eii:iNyivaniat,im >N. 1. if. Wulford assumed Ids duties time to reverse bis engine. Wiji Xes- U. <i. Shearer, ex to 11. L. Arnold, Tickets at one fare for the round «i trui-Lje of the Dayton asylum Tor bit and Bert Alexander were on the part lot of, Xema, illO. used to he to get a handsome hip between any two stations on tli? lie, ins nit* this week, attending his train, and it.is through the kindness Hiram Heaton to Nancy Baylors, carpet one would have to Cincinnati Division from C’olnmb is ll.'-t, meeting of the board Wednesday. of “ Dick-” we received agrahie account part lot 7, GowdvV, add to Xenia, ami Springfield to ( ’iiiemnati inclu­ ottUO. - ' • buy in the h?gh grades to i) iv id Bran lute intends remodeling of the affair.- The train according to —.Margaret Crawford et al to Ida M, sive will be sold by tlm P. *J. - A las pnperlv on Grove street this the engineers story was running at the Haugiiey, ijuitclaim to yj a. Jcttersou, getsuited, hut this year you St. L. Ity. Co, on each Suml.iy until s u-iny,. W. M. Barber also expects to rate of1 a mile a minute whom he dis­ $204; can get beautiiul colorings further notice during tha suinuim of covered the obstruction.- Same to C C CVawford. i]iiit claim 1892 nuke do ddid improvements, building, to y^ a. same, 8204. and patterns in the lower jtvirin 11 etc. to his property. At a meeting of .the republicans of hiimc to Austin Crawford, quit and medium grades. In the H alf fitr<* tiiO ;n.i|m via IV*nn- Prof. J. J. Osborn, o*‘New Carlisle, CcdarvilU* township last Saturday emun, }l^ a, same, $200. Mi'lvuiita i et, evening, flu* following delegates und Same to Melvin l'raw-ford,'et al, to host; grade of Ingrains we bor tlm Quadrennial ('oiifer.mee of w is again reelected .superintendent ot Margaret t'rawtiiril, .quit claim to alternates were selected to attend the tlm M. E.,Cnurch at Om.di.i', N ob. 11 • p i'»li‘! schools at that place, the 18,(i,U a, same, $520. have an endless variety of convention at Xenia to-day to select excursion ticket'd at half for tlm ronml iimo being a unit as regards his so- Austin t'rawtonl et al, to Margaret st)les, and in patterns that delegates to the State and congression­ trip will be sold via Perm .\g ansa li'cti.)U. Tins sjpenks Well for ottr ibr- (Yuwhml, quitclaim to ti,^ a, same, 81, al conventions. John A. Nesbit to U, E. and Jennie are’copied from - lino Bruss- Lilies April 27th, 28lh a:..I G. ..'), and -,.it*r 1 1 (Viisn.au. Delegates—J. H. Wolford, J. W. M. Bradtutc, 2.7 }ioles, Cedarvillc ells All grades of Tapes try will pe good returning tuitil June lit. village, 81555. Mi-s N.nnde McLeaii who has been Pollock, Dr. !Ioni:tn, T. B. Andrew^ Hny ticket agent of tin* Pcm.s.lvuni.i Cash paid for fur at L. Walker Brussels iVcui a good at 49 Ducking in the AMutire district, \Vt 8. Marshall, 11. M. Stormont,' Lines will furnish pail;vnh.ij. upoil ap- I f you want a stylish livery rig go e hcI sAm il Wedu«0tCfhtnd returned «J. J. Snider, David Dixon. W. B. cts. a yd. up to the Very best plication. J i lu*r home in Logan county. Jfiss Stevenson. W. H. IUff, W. If. Blair, to Boyd’s, goods made in this country. BttcUU. ’< . < MvL'un is one of the most jtopulur David Gregg, D. N, Tarbox, Will Halters, collars mid all kinds of j harness sundries at James M urr.ns Mattings are more popular The l,K-t ‘ . '* • * ” ' < tiM-’iiers in this countv. Conlev, Geo. Iliff. brui.corns, u'e- r.q sdt tut-:- , * • Alternates—Jos. (-. Stewart, J.D . Blank‘books, pass books and pen* fhau ever, the patterns are sari,., .■ ** i l.i.i i" .
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