Practice Games #14 Reverses, jump shifts, “new minor forcing,” and “4th suit forcing.” Board #1 – None vulnerable, Dealer North Bidding: (Assume that East/West pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis N 1♣ 17 Shows 12-21 pts and 3+ clubs and no 5-card major S 1♠ 10 Shows 4+ spades and 6+ points. Forcing for one round. N 2♦ A “reverse” showing 17-20 pts, 5 clubs, 4 diamonds. Forcing. Enough points for game. With such a skewed hand and so many spades, take S 4♠ a chance that North has at least one spade and go to game. The singleton and doubleton are not as valuable in NT – they are worth more for cross-ruffing. Contract: 4♠ by South Possible Opening ♥10 from West; longest, strongest suit; only unbid suit; top Lead: of touching high cards Expected Results: South should be able to take 11 tricks. (Score = 450) Computer Prediction: N/S can make 5♠ or 4NT (430 pts). PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 1 of 16 Board #2 – N/S vulnerable, Dealer East Bidding: (Assume that North/South pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis E 1♦ 14 Shows 12-21 pts, at least 3 diamonds, no 5-card major. W 1♠ 12 Shows 4+ spades and 6+ points. Forcing for one round. E 1NT Limits the hand to range of 12-15 pts. Not enough strength to bid 2♥ as that would be a “reverse” showing 17-20 pts. Non-forcing bid. “New minor forcing.” ALERT! Shows at least an invitational hand of 10+ pts. W 2♣ Forcing for one round. Shows 5 spades. E 2♠ Show 3-card support for spades. Consider singleton diamond as an extra point and take it to game, based on a W 4♠ minimum of 12 pts from East. Contract: 4♠ by West Possible Opening ♥10 from North, only unbid suit, top of touching high cards Lead: Expected Results: West should be able to take 11 tricks. (Score = 450 pts.) Computer Prediction: E/W can make 5♠ or 5♥ or 4NT. PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 2 of 16 Board #3 – E/W vulnerable, Dealer South Bidding: (Assume that East/West pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis S Pass 7 Not enough pts to open Shows 12-21 pts, at least 3 clubs, no 5-card major. Could be opening N 17 1♣ “light” in 3rd seat. Shows 4+ hearts, and 6-11 pts. Passed hand so has below opening points. Not S 1♥ forcing. (A change of suit in first round is forcing – this is the 2nd round.) N 2♦ A “reverse” showing 17-20 pts, 5 clubs, 4 diamonds. Forcing for one round. Cannot go to NT without stoppers in spades. Agree with one of partner’s suits. S 3♣ North has shown 5 clubs, so together they have 9 clubs, a good fit for trump. N Pass No stoppers in spades. Not enough points to go to game in clubs (5♣). Contract: 3♣ by North Possible Opening th Lead: ♠2 from East, 4 highest from top of only unbid suit Expected Results: North should be able to take 9 tricks. (Score = 110) Computer Prediction: N/S can make 3♣ or 2NT. PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 3 of 16 Board #4 – All vulnerable, Dealer West Bidding: (Assume that North/South pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis W 1♣ 14 Shows 12-21 pts, at least 3 clubs, no 5-card major E 1♠ 11 Shows 6+ pts and 4+ spades. Forcing for one round. W 1NT Limits the hand to 12-15 pts. No fit in spades. “New minor forcing.” ALERT! Shows 5+ spades and 10+ pts. Forcing for one E 2♦ round. Show 3-card support for Partner’s first suit. (Any other bid would show fewer W 2♠ than three spades.) E 4♠ With a fit in spades, the singleton is worth more. Take it to game. Contract: 4♠ by East Possible Opening ♥10 from South, top of touching high cards, the only unbid Lead: suit. Expected Results: East should be able to take 10 tricks. (Score = 620) Computer Prediction: E/W can make 4♠. PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 4 of 16 Board #5 – N/S vulnerable, Dealer North Bidding: (Assume that East/West pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis N 1♥ 14 Shows 12-21 pts and 5+ hearts Limits the hand to 6-9 pts; cannot support hearts; cannot bid a new suit S 1NT 8 at the 2 level as that would show 10+ pts. Not forcing. N Pass *Should not bid 2♠ because that would be a “reverse,” showing 17-20 pts. Should not repeat hearts as that would show 6 hearts. *Note: With the 2/1 system, be careful not to bid a “reverse.” If using “1NT forcing,” must bid 2♥ (even with just 5 hearts) or something else. Use judgment to avoid bidding a “reverse.” Contract: 1NT by South. Possible Opening ♦3 from West, 4th highest from unbid suit. Usually, not a Lead: good idea to “underlead” an unsupported Ace. Expected Results: South should be able to take 7 tricks. (Score = 90) Computer Prediction: N/S can make 1NT, 1♠ or 1♥. PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 5 of 16 Board #6 – E/W vulnerable, Dealer East Bidding: (Assume that North/South pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis E Pass 9 W 1♥ 14 Shows 12-21 pts and 5+ hearts. 1NT limits the hand to 6-9 pts with no fit in hearts and does not have 4 spades. 1NT 2♣ shows 5+ clubs and 10+ pts (add 1 pt for length). Neither bid is forcing or E because East is a passed hand. A change of suit by partner in the first round is 2♣ forcing; this is the 2nd round, so a change of suit is not forcing. Neither bid is forcing. W Pass West should not bid 2♠, because that’s a reverse showing 17-20 pts. Contract: 2♣ or 1NT by East Possible Opening Lead: ♦Ace or ♦King from South (depending on preference – trend now is to lead the King to show either the Ace or Queen); top of touching honors from an unbid suit. Expected Results: East should be able to take 8 tricks in 1NT or 9 tricks in 2♣. (Score = 120 or 110) Computer Prediction: E/W can make 2NT, 2♠, 3♥, 2♦, or 3♣. PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 6 of 16 Board #7 – All vulnerable, Dealer South Bidding: (Assume that East/West pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis S 1♦ 19 Shows 12-21 pts, at least 3 diamonds, no 5-card major. N 1♥ 16 Shows 6+ pts and 4+ hearts. Forcing for one round. Jump shift. Forcing to game. Showing 19-21 pts, 5 diamonds and 4 spades. S 2♠ Denying 4 hearts. Blackwood, asking for Aces. Gerber could be used (4♣). (See below.) If there is any chance that South could misunderstand 4♣ to mean “4th suit forcing” or N 4NT a strong club suit, then make it simple and use Blackwood. The final contract should end up in NT (which is usually initiated by Gerber), but North is in control and should be able to stop at 6NT or go to 7NT, depending on South’s responses. S 5♥ Showing two Aces. N 5NT Asking for Kings. (They have all the Aces.) S 6♥ Showing two Kings. (They have all the Kings.) N 7NT Having all the Aces and Kings, take it to 7NT, expecting to take all 13 tricks. Contract: 7NT by North Possible Opening ♣Queen from East, the only unbid suit, lead high/low from a Lead: doubleton Expected Results: North should be able to take 13 tricks. (Score = 2220) Computer Prediction: N/S can make 7NT, 7♠, 5♥, 7♦ or 5♣. Bidding for Gerber: North 4♣ (Gerber), South 4♠ (2 Aces); North 5♣ (Gerber); South 5♠ (2 Kings); North 7NT. PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 7 of 16 Board #8 – None vulnerable, Dealer West Bidding: (Assume that North/South pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis W 1♣ 15 Shows 12-21 pts, at least 3 clubs, no 5-card major. E 1♥ 14 Shows 6+ pts, at least 4 hearts. Forcing for one round. Limits the hand to 12-15 pts, denying 4 hearts or 4 spades. Bidding 2♦ would W 1NT show a “reverse.” West does not have 17-20 pts, but must bid something, so 1NT is the fallback bid. E 2♦ “New minor forcing.” ALERT! Shows 5 of the major and at least 10 pts. W 3♦ Cannot go to NT. Cannot support hearts. More support for partner’s 2nd suit. Has stoppers in all suits but no fit in a major. NT will usually give a higher score E 3NT than a minor suit and fewer tricks are needed to bid and make game. Contract: 3NT by West Possible Opening Lead: ♠8 from North, only unbid suit, “top of nothing.” Note: It is recommended that you have 3 touching honors, to lead “top of touching honors” against a NT contract. However, many may prefer to lead the ♥King, even though hearts was bid and North has only two touching honors. Expected Results: West should be able to take 10 tricks. (Score = 430) Computer Prediction: E/W can make 4NT, 4♥, 5♦ or 5♣. PG #14 ©ATeacherFirst.com Page 8 of 16 Board #9 – E/W vulnerable, Dealer North Bidding: (Assume that East/West pass) Bid HCP Comments and Analysis N 1♣ 14 Shows 12-21 pts, at least 3 clubs, no 5-card major. S 1♥ 15 Shows 6+ pts, 4+ hearts.
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