Nyikina and Mangala Mardoowarra Wila Booroo Natural and Cultural Heritage Plan Providing information to plan for and manage activities on Nyikina and Mangala country while protecting culture and the environment John Watson, Anthony Watson, Anne Poelina, Neville Poelina, William Watson DECEMBER 2011 & Jo Camilleri on behalf of Nyikina and Mangala custodians. Compiled and edited by Tanya Vernes WWF-Australia © WWF-Australia. All right reserved. ISBN Print: 978-1-921031-44-1 Online: 978-1-921031-45-8 Authors: Watson, J., Watson, A., Poelina, A., Poelina, N., Watson, W., Camilleri, J. & Vernes, T. (2011). WWF-Australia Head Office Level 13, 235 Jones St Ultimo NSW 2007 Tel: +612 9281 5515 Fax: +612 9281 1060 www.wwf.org.au Pulblished December 2011 by WWF-Australia. Any reproduction in full or in part of this publication must mention the title and credit the above-mentioned publisher as the copyright owner. First published 2011 For bibliographic purposes, this report should be cited as: Watson, J., Watson, A., Poelina, A., Poelina, N., Watson, W., Camilleri, J. & Vernes, T. (2011). Nyikina and Mangala Mardoowarra Wila Booroo: Natural and Cultural Heritage Plan. Providing information to plan for and manage activities on Nyikina and Mangala country while protecting culture and the environment. Nyikina-Mangala Aboriginal Corporation and WWF- Australia, published by WWF-Australia. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of WWF. Using this plan All cultural information in this document remains the intellectual property of Nyikina and Mangala peoples. Information in this ‘Mardoowarra Wila Booroo plan’ may be reproduced in whole or part for study or training purposes, subject to acknowledgement of the source and providing no commercial usage or sale of the material occurs. Reproduction for any other purposes requires written permission from Nyikina-Mangala Aboriginal Corporation and WWF-Australia. Designer: Robyn Wells Cover artwork: Annie Milgin This painting shows the colours and shapes of the hill country when you travel towards the desert from Jarlmadangah — you find all the different country here from Bookarrarra, like a road to follow. In the interest of the environment, limited copies of this resource have been printed. Digital copies are available for download at wwf.org.au. World Wide Fund for Nature ABN: 57 001 594 074 Copyright © Nyikina-Mangala Aboriginal Corporation and WWF-Australia This document may include the names and images of decreased Aboriginal people Nyikina and Mangala Mardoowarra Wila Booroo Natural and Cultural Heritage Plan Providing information to plan for and manage activities on Nyikina and Mangala country while protecting culture and the environment Acknowledgements Many people have helped us to put this plan together, for which we are deeply grateful. We would especially like to thank Isabella Amouzandeh for researching, preparing and writing information for the first drafts, Jessica Kolack for assistance editing and collating photos, Colleen Hattersley, and Annie Milgin for editing Nyikina and Mangala language throughout the document and Dermot Smyth for reviewing the final draft of the document and providing insightful input. We thank Yiriman (Wil Philippiadis and Robyn Wells), Anne Poelina, Tanya Vernes and Eirlys Richards for contributing photos. We also thank all of our community for taking part and contributing to this document in meetings and workshops, and especially Lucy Marshall, Mel Marshall, Tina McMahon and Ernie Hunter for their additional contributions to this document and providing valuable input. We also thank WWF-Australia for providing the resources to undertake this work over many years and fund the publication of this document. This document is dedicated to the struggle and leadership of our elders. CONTENTS GLOSSARY 8 PART 1: THE MARDOOWARRA WILA BOOROO NATURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE PLAN 11 INTRODUCTION 13 MAKING THE PLAN 14 REPORT STRUCTURE 16 BACKGROUND 18 CONNECTION TO COUNTRY 18 OUR HISTORY 21 LAND TENURE 26 NYIKINA-MANGALA ABORIGINAL CORPORATION 27 OUR POLICIES 28 PART 2: NYIKINA AND MANGALA COUNTRY 31 NATURAL AND CULTURAL VALUES 34 ISSUES AND THREATS 38 MANAGEMENT PRIORITIES 43 STEPS AND RESOURCES 44 PART 3: PRIORITY MANAGEMENT AREAS 47 AREA 1: MOORROOL MOORROOL (KING SOUND) 49 IMPORTANT AREAS 50 NATURAL AND CULTURAL VALUES 52 COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES 54 ISSUES AND THREATS 55 MANAGEMENT PRIORITIES 57 STEPS AND RESOURCES 57 AREA 2: MARDOOWARRA (FITZROY RIVER) MAIN CHANNEL 59 IMPORTANT AREAS 60 NATURAL AND CULTURAL VALUES 63 COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES 66 ISSUES AND THREATS 67 MANAGEMENT PRIORITIES 71 STEPS AND RESOURCES 72 AREA 3: KUNJANINGOOROO (CAMBALLIN FLOODPLAINS) 73 IMPORTANT AREAS 74 NATURAL AND CULTURAL VALUES 75 COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES 76 ISSUES AND THREATS 76 MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 79 STEPS AND RESOURCES 79 AREA 4: NYINYI/WALANKARR (MOWLA BLUFF/EDGAR RANGES) 80 IMPORTANT AREAS 81 NATURAL AND CULTURAL VALUES 84 ISSUES AND THREATS 86 MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 87 STEPS AND RESOURCES 87 PART 4: IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN 89 OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARTNERSHIPS 91 RECOMMENDED RESOURCES 93 ABBREVIATIONS 94 APPENDICES 95 GLOSSARY Aboriginal Aboriginal and Indigenous are terms used interchangeably to describe Australia’s original inhabitants Babakaman a place on Mangoorll (Manguel Creek) Balginjirr the traditional name for Lower Liveringa Homestead, also written as Balkanyjirr Bangarrrikan Fraser River Barniy goanna Barooloo catfish Bilankoordany barramundi (also Walja) Bindinyan a billabong on the Mardoowarra near Upper Liveringa Binyinga Skeleton Lake Biyalbiyal freshwater sawfish Bookarrarra Nyikina word for Dreamtime, the Beginning, which represents integration of the past, present and future Booroo land, country Bunuba language group of people from the upper Fitzroy River area Dambalkoodany a billabong on the Mardoowarra Djarrardoo near Deep Creek, boundary between Nyikina and Yawuru country Doodoodoo the area around Mount Wynne containing artesian springs Elder senior person of responsibility and decision maker who is respected in traditional society Gooniyandi language group from the east of the Mardoowarra Jamandi hill kangaroo (Megaleia rufa) Jangoonan Logues Spring Jarlmadanka the traditional name for Mt Anderson Jarlmadangah-Burru a contemporary Nyikina community established in the Mt Anderson precinct several kilometres from Mt Anderson Station Jarlmankoonan sheep camp in Yawuru country Jarngarakarr Lake Alma Jarramba Cherabun Jibinyma barramundi, large Jikada Myroodah Crossing Jirrkaliy Geegully creek Jipuku rock wallabies Joombarn booroo Mt Clarkeson Joorroo snakes Kooban billabong north of Lanyji Lanyji towards the mouth of the river Koojikan spring between Dampier Downs and Yaka Munga Koombarrananjal Roebuck Plains Koordoo big rock near Camballin where Jandamarra drowned Kalard place near Yeeda Plain estuary Kalayanmayi Clanmyra Pool at Jirrkaliy Kalbarrkoo/ freshwater crab (Austrothelphusa transversa) Kalkoolbarkoo Kalbaya raft Kalkardin/Karlkabin Honeymoon Spring near Jarlmadangah (same name also refers to ridges near Udialla) Kandri a contemporary Kriol word for country Karajarri language group from the saltwater and desert country to the west of Nyikina and Mangala Kardiya/Guddeeyu A term that refers to strangers to this land, in contemporary terms used to refer to ‘white’, Caucasian people Karlbinan Scorpion Hill Karnajinangany/ echidna kinanyji Karnamoongkarraboo a special billabong on Luluigui Station Karnanganyja emu Kirriwi water rat (Hydromis chrysogaster) Koonjaningooroo all the different creeks in the Camballin area Koorabayi Koorabayi Nyikina people who belong to the upper region of the Fitzroy River Koorbiji Eucalypt tree (Eucalyptus flavescens) Koowaniyaa freshwater crocodile Kujikan a big spring on Mangoorll (Manguel Creek) Kunjaningooroo Camballin Floodplains Lambawooroo bush cucumber, bigger one Langkoorr northern brush tail possum (Trichosurus arnhemensis) Lanyji a place on the Mardoowarra Lanyji Lanyji Lanyji Crossing on the Mardoowarra Limar poison stick Linannyoordany cave in the side of Mt Anderson Linykoorra saltwater crocodile Lirrban water hole on Yeeda Station Lirrinkiny soap wattle (Acacia colei) Liyan a Nyikina word for feeling, emotion, spirit Looma place of an important story, also name of community near Camballin Majala a Nyikina word for fresh water mangrove Makabala bush banana (Marsdenia viridiflora) Malabooroo Valentine Island Malankarr giant olive python (Liasis olivacea) Mallabooroo community near Valentine Island Mamirrina Luluigui Crossing on the Mardoowarra Mandikaboo Old Dampier Downs Mangala custodians belonging to country south of lower Fitzroy River Mangoorll Manguel Creek Manyoorrkar Dead Man’s Hole Mardoowarra Nyikina name for the Fitzroy River Marrjabin mussel (long one from billabongs) Marnin a Nyikina word for woman Mayarda Nyikina word for pelican. Misspelled as Myroodah in general usage Midarra Golden Bandicoot (Isodon auratus) Mijirikan boundary within Nyikina country near Noonkanbah Moorrool Moorrool significant site west of Lanyji Moulamen Le Lievre Swamp Ngaboojarra bush cucumber, smaller one Ngaloowinyan culturally significant hills near Looma Ngalyak blue tongue lizard Nganka baloo message stick Nganyingan Telegraph Pool, a billabong on the Mardoowarra Ngarri devil, spirit Ngirridany barramundi, small Ngoorroo Ngoorroo Chestnut Pool Nimarlkarn stunted paperbark (Melaleuca nervosa) Nyarlku bilby Nyikina custodians belonging to country around the lower Fitzroy
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