Vol. 125, Issue 4 Serving the Allegheny College community Thursday Oct. 4, 2001 THE CAMPUS since 1876 I do not agree with a word you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it. -Voltaire Finger Lickin' Fun at Fest By EMILY MACEL GAP president Shealyn Sophomore Jackie Guerriero Assistant News Editor Stenglein commented on the success said, "I think that every student that of this year's Wingfest and said the attended should've got a free T-shirt What do you get when you take a day was excellent, and with the out of it, and I don't think we should cool fall day, add sunny skies and weather so nice people were inclined have to do chicken dances to get throw in a calm breeze carrying the to come and enjoy it...there was a one." smell of wings throughout the cam- steady line of people for wings the There were a variety of wing fla- pus? Wingfest. The third annual entire day." Although the wing price vors, including mild, hot, and the campus-wide Wingfest on Saturday at Quaker Steak and Lube is suppos- patented Quaker Steak flavors -- turned out to be a success once again edly up 55 percent this year, Louisiana Lickers, Arizona Ranch, this year. Allegheny ordered wings from the Golden Garlic, and BBQ. New this More than 700 students ate restaurant again this year. as in prior year were veggie nuggets, a vegetar- wings on Saturday, while many oth- years, because of student response. ian choice suggested by Devon ers came to listen to the music or to More than 25 students from Haley, who works with Student enjoy the weather. Not one of the GAP's Wingfest committee volun- Activities. The veggie nuggets were 6,400 wings ordered for the event teered to take money, hand out tick- ordered through Sodexho and was wasted. Last year, any left over ets, serve wings and help with set up proved to be a success as an alterna- wings were donated to the Women's and clean up of the event. "GAP did tive to the wings. Services; this year students took ad- a really great job at putting every- Along with free food, there was vantage of their eight free wings or thing together and making sure the live entertainment. Singer/guitarist veggie nuggets. campus got to see some good enter- Beth Wood, who has previously per- This year's Wingfest was spon- tainment and most importantly good formed at Allegheny, took the stage sored by Gator Activities food," said Nicole Todaro, a GAP for an hour, followed by the group Programming and Quaker Steak and participant. Seven's Road. Allegheny student Lube. Proudly wearing their "You Tom Michaels, a member of Seven's Gators Activity Programming is know you want me" T-shirts, the vol- Road, has been working with GAP to allotted a budget for the main cam- unteers dressed as chickens and play at on campus events, such as pus-wide activities of Wingfest, roamed around, encouraging stu- last year's Springfest. Casino Night and Springfest. This dents to dance and do crazy things The music is a large draw for the budget allows GAP to provide food, for a free T-shirt By the time some event. "I think last year's [Wingfest] entertainment and other activities students got to the event, all 300 of YUM — Junior Shannon Kelly chows down on wings from Quaker that may take place at these events. the shirts ordered were gone. —see WINGFEST, page 4— Steak & Lube Saturday's third annual Wingfest. —photo by Corey Lipchick, Photography Editor Allegheny Students Join Fight for National Forests By JESSICA ROBERTS with two major issues. The East Side lic to consider this when thinking process. "Our National Forests are the forest and the threats to this Staff Reporter Timber sale is a planned clear-cut of about the inherent water pollution being turned into tree farms," said wilderness area. "I hope to see a lot 4,100 acres of land, the largest re- that occurs due to drilling. Rachel Stumpf. more people getting interested in Curt Stumpf, a senior at maining old growth tract between Martin of the ADP said that these Isaac Kerns, a senior at these issues and using their knowl- Allegheny and an environmental sci- the Smoky Mountains and the wells are known to leak chemicals Allegheny, helped to organize the edge for activism purposes," Kerns ence major, smiles as he recalls the Adirondacks. According to ADP, like benzene into the drinking water, trip for Allegheny students. He at- said. weekend spent learning more about this will be the largest timber sale in making people and animals sick. tended the Fall Gathering to learn Allegheny National Forest. the Eastern United States. The Fall Gathering addressed more about the issues surrounding —see FOREST, page 8— He joined with 65 other people, The second issue involves the these issues through panels, work- including 12 Allegheny students, at Salmon Creek Watershed. shops, speakers, discussions, and the Allegheny Defense Project's Pennsylvania General Energy music. Jim Kleissler, forest watch di- INSIDE THIS WEEK... (ADP) fifth annual Fall Gathering Corporation plans to drill over 100 rector for ADP, said that the group the weekend of Sept. 21, in the new wells in the National Forest, camped in an area designated to be Otter's Pub an Old Time Favorite 4 Allegheny National Forest. Every many of which will be located along logged in the near future. Kleissler year the ADP organizes a weekend Salmon Creek, near Marienville. says that they try very hard to make Editorial 5 of camping, workshops, and keynote In a video released by the ADP on sure that the event has minimum im- speakers to educate the public about the threat the wells pose to Salmon pact on the environment used as a /II the issues that are threatening Creek, it explains that one third of camping space. Shakespeare Express Rolling to Town 9 Pennsylvania's only national forest. the country's fresh water supply Stumpf said he wants to see some Meadville Mad About 'Round About Records 11 Allegheny students, through the comes from the national forests. ecosystems in this world that are left Outing Club and the environmental In addition to the water supply, intact for future generations to enjoy. Prmis Primed for Competition 14 science department, visit this part of one half of one percent of the oil and He believes that cutting timber and the forest ever year. natural gas in this country come drilling for oil in our national forests Contact The Campus at Box 12 or The ADP is currently concerned from the forests. ADP asks the pub- is an unnecessary and unsustainable [email protected] Page 2 News October 4, 2001 THE CAMPUS Asks... CRIME BLOTTER •On Sept. 24 at 11:30 p.m. an under- possess a small amount of marijuana drinking. "Does Allegheny Have SchoolSpirit?" age drinking and intoxication inci- and possession of a small amount of dent occurred. Security investigated marijuana. •On Sept. 29 at 2 p.m. a criminal — compiled by Corey Lipchick, Photography Editor a report of an intoxicated person in mischief incident occurred in front Baldwin Hall. This matter has been •On Sept. 26 at 10:40 p.m. a criminal of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. referred to Residence Life. mischief incident occurred at Ravine Two known suspects did damage to Hall. While two students were in freshly poured cement. The mem- •On Sept. 25 at 3 p.m. a domestic their room, their window was broken bers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon have dispute occurred at Caflisch Hall. by a bag of ice thrown through it. been advised to report the incident to "Maybe..." A harassment by communication in- Security has no suspects. the Meadville city police. cident also occurred. One student —Jared Delio, '05 has been referred to Residence Life. •On Sept. 29 at 12:40 a.m. an under- •On Sept. 30 at 3 a.m. an assault oc- age drinking incident occurred. curred on Loomis Street. A student •On Sept. 25 at 11:20 p.m. a mari- Security observed a group of stu- had attended a party and was in- juana incident occurred in Baldwin dents walking north on the sidewalk volved in a verbal altercation. After Hall. Security investigated a sus- leading from Schultz Hall towards leaving the party, the student was as- pected use of marijuana and recov- the Admissions parking lot. saulted by unknown ered a marijuana pipe and a small One underage student was found to persons. The Meadville city police amount of marijuana. Three stu- be in possession of a mixed drink were notified. The student was tak- dents have been referred to and a can of beer. The magistrate's en to the Meadville Medical Center Residence Life for conspiracy to office filed a citation for underage for treatment. CAMPUS BRIEFS "Hell yeah!" •All interested students and employ- should sign-up to volunteer by •Tickets are on sale now for perfor- —Meghan Fox, '05 ees are encouraged to sign up to vol- Monday, Oct. 8. For more informa- mances of two of Shakespeare's unteer for the 9th Annual Make a tion, contact the MADD Hotline at most celebrated plays by the Difference Day, which will be cele- 332-2890 Shenandoah Shakespeare Express. brated on Saturday, October 20. Sponsored by the College's Individuals and teams of various •The Office of Student Activities Centerstage Subscription Series, the sizes are needed to complete more and ASG are sponsoring fall break traveling theatre troupe will present than 120 projects expected this year.
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