Los Angeles Area Bird Checklist

Los Angeles Area Bird Checklist

Los Angeles Audubon Society _ Harlequin Duck * PELICANS RAILS, COOTS GULLS, TERNS, SKIMMERS _ [Lilac-crowned Parrot I] _ Surf Scoter _ American White Pelican _ Yellow Rail ** _ Laughing Gull * _ [Red-lored Parrot I] Field List of the _ White-winged Scoter _ Brown Pelican _ Black Rail (e)* _ Franklin's Gull _ [Yellow-headed Parrot I] BIRDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY _ Black Scoter _ Clapper Rail (e)* _ Little Gull ** (mainland and offshore waters) _ Long-tailed Duck CORMORANTS _ Virginia Rail B _ Black-headed Gull ** CUCKOOS _ Bufflehead (B) _ Brandt's Cormorant (B/is) _ Sora (e) _ Bonaparte's Gull _ Yellow-billed Cuckoo (e)* Prepared by: _ Common Goldeneye _ Double-crested Cormorant (B) _ Common Moorhen (B) _ Heermann's Gull _ Greater Roadrunner B Kimball L. Garrett _ Hooded Merganser _ Pelagic Cormorant _ American Coot B _ Mew Gull _ Groove-billed Ani ** and _ Common Merganser _ Ring-billed Gull _ Red-breasted Merganser FRIGATEBIRDS CRANES _ California Gull BARN OWLS Mike San Miguel _ Ruddy Duck B _ Magnificent Frigatebird * _ Sandhill Crane * _ Herring Gull _ Barn Owl B July 2006 _ Thayer's Gull PARTRIDGES, PHEASANTS HERONS PLOVERS _ Lesser Black-backed Gull ** TYPICAL OWLS This field list contains 491 _ Chukar I(is) _ American Bittern (e) _ Black-bellied Plover _ Yellow-footed Gull * _ Flammulated Owl (B) bird species recorded in Los _ [Common Peafowl I] _ Least Bittern (B) _ American Golden Plover ** _ Western Gull (B) _ Western Screech-Owl B Angeles County, California, _ Great Blue Heron B _ Pacific Golden-Plover * _ Glaucous-winged Gull _ Great Horned Owl B including Santa Catalina and NEW WORLD QUAIL _ Great Egret (B) _ Snowy Plover (B) _ Glaucous Gull* _ Northern Pygmy-Owl B San Clemente Islands and _ California Quail B _ Snowy Egret (B) _ Semipalmated Plover _ Black-legged Kittiwake _ Elf Owl * offshore waters (to the 200 _ [Gambel's Quail I(is)] _ Little Blue Heron * _ Piping Plover ** _ Sabine's Gull _ Burrowing Owl B mile limit) for which the _ Mountain Quail B _ Tricolored Heron ** _ Killdeer B _ Least Tern (B) _ Spotted Owl B nearest point of land is Los _ Reddish Egret * _ Mountain Plover _ Gull-billed Tern * _ Long-eared Owl (B) Angeles County. The list LOONS _ Cattle Egret (B) _ Caspian Tern (B) _ Short-eared Owl includes eight well-established _ Red-throated Loon _ Green Heron B OYSTERCATCHERS _ Black Tern _ Northern Saw-whet Owl B non-native species that have _ Pacific Loon _ Black-crowned Night-Heron B _ American Oystercatcher ** _ Common Tern been accepted to the California _ Common Loon _ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron ** _ Black Oystercatcher (B) _ Arctic Tern NIGHTJARS state list by the California _ Yellow-billed Loon ** _ Forster’s Tern _ Lesser Nighthawk B Bird Records Committee; an IBISES, SPOONBILLS STILTS AVOCETS _ Royal Tern (B) _ Common Nighthawk * additional 14 naturalized non- GREBES _ White-faced Ibis (B) _ Black-necked Stilt B _ Sandwich Tern ** _ Common Poorwill B native species which have _ Pied-billed Grebe B _ Roseate Spoonbill ** _ American Avocet (B) _ Elegant Tern (B) _ Whip-poor-will (B?)* significant populations in Los _ Horned Grebe _ Black Skimmer (B) Angeles County but are not _ Red-necked Grebe * STORKS SANDPIPERS SWIFTS accepted to the California list _ Eared Grebe (B) _ Wood Stork * _ Spotted Sandpiper (B) SKUAS _ Black Swift (B) are listed in brackets (), as _ Western Grebe (B) _ Solitary Sandpiper _ South Polar Skua _ Chimney Swift (B?)* are two additional species, the _ Clark's Grebe (B) NEW WORLD VULTURES _ Gray-tailed Tattler ** _ Pomarine Jaeger _ Vaux's Swift Gambel's Quail and Northern _ Turkey Vulture (B) _ Wandering Tattler _ Parasitic Jaeger _ White-throated Swift B Cardinal, which are native to ALBATROSSES _ California Condor E(r) _ Greater Yellowlegs _ Long-tailed Jaeger California but introduced into _ Laysan Albatross _ Willet HUMMINGBIRDS Los Angeles County (bracketed _ Black-footed Albatross HAWKS _ Lesser Yellowlegs AUKS, MURRES, PUFFINS _ Broad-billed Hummingbird ** species are not included in the _ Short-tailed Albatross ** _ Osprey (e) _ Whimbrel _ Common Murre _ Violet-crowned Hummingbird ** 491 total above). _ White-tailed Kite B _ Long-billed Curlew _ Thick-billed Murre ** _ Black-chinned Hummingbird B SHEARWATERS, PETRELS _ Mississippi Kite ** _ Hudsonian Godwit ** _ Pigeon Guillemot _ Anna's Hummingbird B _ Northern Fulmar _ Bald Eagle (e)(r/is) _ Bar-tailed Godwit ** _ Marbled Murrelet * _ Costa's Hummingbird B DUCKS, GEESE, SWANS _ Murphy's Petrel * _ Northern Harrier (B) _ Marbled Godwit _ Xantus's Murrelet (B/is) _ Calliope Hummingbird (B) _ Fulvous Whistling-Duck (e)* _ Cook's Petrel * _ Sharp-shinned Hawk _ Ruddy Turnstone _ Craveri's Murrelet _ Broad-tailed Hummingbird * _ Greater White-fronted Goose _ Pink-footed Shearwater _ Cooper's Hawk B _ Black Turnstone _ Ancient Murrelet * _ Rufous Hummingbird _ Snow Goose _ Flesh-footed Shearwater * _ Northern Goshawk * _ Surfbird _ Cassin's Auklet _ Allen's Hummingbird B _ Ross's Goose _ Buller's Shearwater _ Harris's Hawk _ Red Knot _ Rhinoceros Auklet _ Brant _ Sooty Shearwater _ Red-shouldered Hawk B _ Sanderling _ Horned Puffin * KINGFISHERS _ Cackling Goose _ Short-tailed Shearwater _ Broad-winged Hawk * _ Semipalmated Sandpiper _ Tufted Puffin * _ Belted Kingfisher (B) _ Canada Goose (B) _ Manx Shearwater ** _ Swainson's Hawk (B) _ Western Sandpiper _ Trumpeter Swan ** _ Black-vented Shearwater _ Zone-tailed Hawk * _ Red-necked Stint ** PIGEONS, DOVES WOODPECKERS _ Tundra Swan _ Red-tailed Hawk B _ Little Stint ** _ Rock Pigeon I _ Lewis's Woodpecker _ Wood Duck (B) STORM-PETRELS _ Ferruginous Hawk _ Least Sandpiper _ Band-tailed Pigeon B _ Red-headed Woodpecker ** _ Gadwall (B) _ Wilson's Storm-Petrel * _ Rough-legged Hawk _ White-rumped Sandpiper ** _ Eurasian Collared-Dove I _ Acorn Woodpecker B _ Eurasian Wigeon _ Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel * _ Golden Eagle (B) _ Baird's Sandpiper _ Spotted Dove I _ Gila Woodpecker * _ American Wigeon _ Leach's Storm-Petrel _ Pectoral Sandpiper _ White-winged Dove _ Williamson's Sapsucker (B) _ Mallard B _ Ashy Storm-Petrel FALCONS _ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper * _ Mourning Dove B _ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker * _ Blue-winged Teal (B?) _ Black Storm-Petrel _ Crested Caracara ** _ Rock Sandpiper * _ Inca Dove (B?)* _ Red-naped Sapsucker _ Cinnamon Teal B _ Least Storm-Petrel _ American Kestrel B _ Dunlin _ Common Ground-Dove (B) _ Red-breasted Sapsucker B _ Northern Shoveler (B) _ Merlin _ Curlew Sandpiper ** _ Ladder-backed Woodpecker B _ Northern Pintail TROPIC BIRDS _ Peregrine Falcon (B) _ Stilt Sandpiper * PARROTS _ Nuttall's Woodpecker B _ Garganey ** _ Red-billed Tropicbird _ Prairie Falcon (B) _ Buff-breasted Sandpiper * _ [Rose-ringed Parakeet I] _ Downy Woodpecker B _ Green-winged Teal _ Red-tailed Tropicbird ** _ Ruff* _ [Blue-crowned Parakeet I] _ Hairy Woodpecker B _ Canvasback _ Short-billed Dowitcher _ [Mitred Parakeet I] _ White-headed Woodpecker B _ Redhead (B) BOOBIES _ Long-billed Dowitcher _ [Red-masked Parakeet I] _ Northern Flicker B _ Ring-necked Duck _ Masked Booby ** _ Wilson's Snipe _ [Black-hooded Parakeet I] _ Pileated Woodpecker * _ Tufted Duck * _ Blue-footed Booby ** _ Wilson's Phalarope _ [White-winged Parakeet I] _ Greater Scaup _ Brown Booby ** _ Red-necked Phalarope _ [Yellow-chevroned Parakeet I] _ Lesser Scaup _ Red-footed Booby ** _ Red Phalarope _ Red-crowned Parrot I _ King Eider ** FLYCATCHERS CHICKADEES AND TITMICE THRASHERS _ Canada Warbler * _ Great-tailed Grackle B CHECKLIST SYMBOLS _ Olive-sided Flycatcher B _ Mountain Chickadee B _ Gray Catbird * _ Red-faced Warbler ** _ Bronzed Cowbird * _ Greater Pewee ** _ Oak Titmouse B _ Northern Mockingbird B _ Painted Redstart * _ Brown-headed Cowbird B B currently a regular breeding _ Western Wood-Pewee B _ Sage Thrasher _ Yellow-breasted Chat B _ Orchard Oriole * species; but see (B) _ Willow Flycatcher (B) VERDIN _ Brown Thrasher * _ Hooded Oriole B _ Least Flycatcher * _ Verdin B _ Bendire's Thrasher * TANAGERS _ Baltimore Oriole (B) currently a very scarce, _ Hammond's Flycatcher _ California Thrasher B _ Hepatic Tanager * _ Bullock's Oriole B irregular, or very localized _ Gray Flycatcher (B) BUSHTIT _ Le Conte's Thrasher B _ Summer Tanager (B) _ Scott's Oriole B breeding species _ Dusky Flycatcher B _ Bushtit B _ Scarlet Tanager ** _ Pacific-slope Flycatcher B STARLINGS _ Western Tanager B FINCHES (B/is) breeds only on Channel _ Black Phoebe B NUTHATCHES _ European Starling I _ Purple Finch B Islands (Santa Catalina and/or San _ Eastern Phoebe * _ Red-breasted Nuthatch B NEW WORLD SPARROWS _ Cassin's Finch B Clemente) _ Say's Phoebe B _ White-breasted Nuthatch B WAGTAILS, PIPITS _ Green-tailed Towhee B _ House Finch B _ Vermilion Flycatcher (B) _ Pygmy Nuthatch B _ Eastern Yellow Wagtail ** _ Spotted Towhee B _ Red Crossbill B (B?) probable breeder, but positive _ Dusky-capped Flycatcher ** _ White Wagtail ** _ California Towhee B _ Pine Siskin B evidence needed _ Ash-throated Flycatcher B CREEPERS _ Red-throated Pipit ** _ Cassin's Sparrow ** _ Lesser Goldfinch B _ Great Crested Flycatcher ** _ Brown Creeper B _ American Pipit _ Rufous-crowned Sparrow B _ Lawrence's Goldfinch B I introduced (naturalized, non- _ Brown-crested Flycatcher * _ Sprague's Pipit ** _ American Tree Sparrow * _ American Goldfinch B native) species _ Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher ** WRENS _ Chipping Sparrow B _ Evening Grosbeak _ Tropical Kingbird _ Cactus Wren B WAXWINGS _ Clay-colored Sparrow (is) Channel Islands (Santa _ Cassin's Kingbird B _ Rock Wren B _ Bohemian Waxwing * _ Brewer's Sparrow (B) OLD

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