Prof. MÜNİR ZİYA LUGAL GÖKSU Personal Information EOmffiaciel: Pmhzolgn1e9:5 +2@90c u3.2e2d u3.t3r8 6084 Extension: 2967 AWdedbr:e hstst:p sÇ:u/k/uavroesvias .Ücun.ievdeur.stirt/e/smi Szulg Ü1r9ü5n2leri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Bölümü 01330 Balcalı Sarıçam ADANA Education Information UDnodcteorrgartaed, uAantkea, rAan Ukanrivae Urnsiitvye, rVseittye,r Fineenr F Faakküültlteessi,i ,B Siuy oÜlorüjin , lTeurir, kTeuyr k1e9y7 01 9- 8109 7- 41986 RHyedsreoabrioclhog Ay, rLeifaes Sciences, Limnology, Natural Sciences APrcoafedsesomr,i Ccu Tkuitrloevsa /U nTivaesrksisty, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Temel Bilimler Bölümü, 2005 - Continues Assiosctaiantte PPrrooffeessssoorr, , CCuukkuurroovvaa UUnniivveerrssiittyy, , SSuu ÜÜrrüünnlleerrii FFaakküülltteessii, , TTeemmeell BBiilliimmlleerr BBööllüümmüü, , 11998988 -- 12909085 ACuckaudroevma iUcn iavnerdsi tAy,d 2m01i4n -i sCtornatitniuvees Experience CLİoMuNrOsLeOsJİ, Undergraduate, 2013 - 2014 Advising Theses İGnÖdKikSaUtö Mrü. Z A. lLg.l e, rSieny Shapnt aNnemhraisnıd, Peokis t(gArdaadnuaa tMe,e Fr.kÇeEzV İİlKçe( SStıundırelanrt)ı ,İ ç1i9n9d3eki Bölge) Alg Toplulukları İncelenmesi ve Kirlilik Articles Published in Journals That Entered SCI, SSCI and AHCI Indexes I. DThaem G Lraokwet (hN aonrdth Meaosrttearlinty M Readtietse rorfe Snielvaenr R Cerguiocinasn: CAadrapn a(,C Taurarskseiyu)s gibelio Bloch, 1882) in Seyhan FMRAENSAEŞNIIRULSI EMN.,V AIRZGOINNM CE.,N ÖTZAYLU BRUT LCL. ET. ,I NG,Ö vKoSl.U2 8M, .p Zp.. 1L6.67-1675, 2019 (Journal Indexed in SCI Expanded) II. The Growth and Mortality Rates of Silver Crucian Carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1982) in Seyhan DMaAmNA LŞaIRkLeI (MS.o, AuZthGeINas Ct.e, rÖnZ YMUeRdTi tCe. rEr. a, GnÖeaKnSU R Meg. Zio. nL. Adana Turkey) III. TFRHEES EGNRIOUWS ETNHV AIRNODN MMEONRTTAALL BIUTLYL RETAITNE, Sn oO.2F8 ,S pILp.V1E66R7 C-1R6U7C5I, A20N1 C9 A(JRoPu r(nCaAl IRnAdSexSeIUd Sin G SICBI EELxIpOa nBdLeOd)CH, 1M9A8N2A)Ş IRNL SI EMY., HAAZGNI ND AC.M, Ö ZLYAUKRET (CS. OEU. , TGHÖEKASUS TME. RZN. L M.EDITERRANEAN REGION: ADANA, TURKEY) IV. AFRcuESteE NTIoUxSi cEiNtyV IoRfO FNlMuaEzNiTfoApL- BPU-BLuLEtyTlI N(H, veorl.b2i8c,i ndoe.)3 ,o pnp .O16r6e7o-c1h6r7o5m, 2is0 1n9i l(oJtoiucrunsa (l LIn.,d 1ex7e5d4 i)n LSCaIr)vae TAUZRGKINIS CH., JGOÖUKRSNUA ML .O ZF. LF.ISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES, vol.15, no.3, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI) V. IÖnZvBeAsYti Oga., tGioÖnK SoUf MH.e Za. vLy. , MAlept aMl. LTe. ,v Seulns giunr SMe.d Aim.ent of the Berdan River (Tarsus- Mersin) VI. TEKhOe LROeJIp, rvodl.2u2c,t nivoe.8 B6,i opplo.6g8y- 7o4f, t2h0e1 3T e(Jnocuhr nTailn Icnad etxinedca in ( SLC.,I )1758) in Seyhan Reservoir (Adana, Turkey) JEOrUguRdNeAnL S O. AF . A, NGÖIMKASUL AMN. ZD. VL.ETERINARY ADVANCES, vol.10, no.8, pp.1041-1044, 2011 (Journal Indexed in SCI) VII. AErggeu, dgerno Sw., tGhö aknsud Mse. Zx. rLa.tio of tench Tinca tinca (L., 1758) in Seyhan Dam Lake, Turkey VIII. LJOeUnRgNthA-Lw OeFig AhPtP rLeIlEaDti IoCnHsThHipYsO LfoOrG Y1, 2v ofli.s2h6 , spppe.5c4ie6s-5 c4a9u, g2h0t1 0in ( JSoeuyrhnaln I nDdaemxe dL aink eS CiIn) southern Anatolia, AErdgaundae,n T Su., rGköekysu M. Z. L. IX. AJOnU RasNsAeLs sOmF eAnPtP oLIfE mD eICtaHlT pHoYlOluLtOioGnY , ivno ls.2u5r,f papce.5 0s1e-d5i0m2e, n20ts0 9o f( JSoeuyrhnaln I nddaemxe bd yin u SsCinI)g enrichment factor, gÇeEoVaİKc cFu., mGÖuKlaStUio Mn. iZn. dLe. ,x D aEnRdİC sİ tOa.t Bis. t,i Fcainld aikn aOl.yses X. AENssVeIRssOmNeMnEtN oTfA tLh Me OdNyIeT OreRmINoGv AalN cDa ApSaSbEilSiStyM EoNf Ts,u vboml.1e5r2s,e pdp .a3q0u9a-3t1ic7 ,p 2la0n09ts ( iJnou ar nlalb Ionrdaetxoerdy i-ns cSaClIe) wetland sKyesstkeinmk auns Oin., gG oAkNsOu VMA. Z. L. XI. CBoRmAZpIaLrIAisNo JnO UoRf NthAeL aOdFs CoHrpEMtioICnA cLa EpNaGbIiNliEtiEeRsI NoGf ,M voylr.2io4p, nhoy.l2l,u pmp .1s9p3ic-2a0tu2m, 2 0a0n7d (CJoeurrantaolp Ihndyellxuemd idne SmCIe)rsum fKoers kziinnkca,n c Oo.p, Gpoekrs aun Md. Zle. aLd. , Yuceer A., Basibuyuk M. XII. IEnNvGeIsNtEigEaRtIiNoGn IoNf LhIeFaEv SyC ImENetCaElS l, evvoel.l7s, nino .2e,c popn.1o9m2i-c1a9l6ly, 2i0m0p7o (rJtoaunrtn afil sIhnd sepxecdi eins ScCaIp)tured from the Tuzla lDaugroaol nM. Z. L. , Goksu M. Z. L. , Özak A. A. XIII. BFOioOaDc cCuHmEMulIaStTiRoYn, voof l.s1o0m2,e n oh.e1a, pvpy. 4m1e5t-a4l2s1 i, n2 0d0i7ff e(Jroeunrtn atils Isnudesx eodf inD iScCeIn)trarchus labrax L, 1758, Sparus Mauerdaittae rLr,a 1n7e5a8n a(Tnudr Mkeuyg)il cephalus L, 1758 from the Camlik lagoon of the eastern cost of EDNuVraIRl MON. ZM. ELN. , TGAoLk sMuO MN.I ZT.O LR. I,N OGz aAkN AD. AA.S , SDEeSrSiMci EBN.T, vol.118, pp.65-74, 2006 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XIV. Adna inav,e Tstuirgkaetiyon on chemical and bacteriological quality of Seyhan River water in the Province of ATaSnIAirN F J.O, SUuRtoNlAuLk ZO.F, G CoHkEsMu IMST., RAYk,b vaobla.1 M7,. no.4, pp.2720-2726, 2005 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XV. CTAhNemIRi cFa., lG aonkdsu b Mac., tAeKrBioAlBoAgi Mca.l evaluation of drinking water in Adana Province and its districts XVI. BASioIAaNcc JuOmURuNlaAtLio OnF o CfH sEoMmISeT hReYa, voyl .m17e, tnaols.4 (, pCpd.,2 F44e3, -Z2n4,5 C0u, 2)0 i0n5 t (wJoou brnivaal lIvnidae xsepde cinie SsC I()Pinctada radiata LGeoakscuh ,M 1. 8Z1. L4. ,a Ankda rB Mra. cAh. i, dCoevnitke Fs. ,p Fhinadriako Fischer, 1870) XVII. HTUeRaKvyIS Hm eJOtaUlR aNdAsLo OrpF tVioEnT EpRrIoNpAeRrYt i&e sA oNfI MaA sLu SbCmIEeNrgCeEdS, avoqlu.2a9t,i cn op.1la, nppt .(8C9e-9r3a,t 2o0p0h5y (llJuomur ndael mInedresxuemd )in SCI) BKIeOsRkiEnSkOaUn ROC.,E G ToEkCsuH NMO., LBOaGsiYb,u vyoul.k9 2M, .n, Foo.2r,s ptepr.1 C9.7-200, 2004 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XVIII. HKeesakvinyk mane Ota.,l G aodkssour Mp.t, iYounc ecehra Ara., cBtaesribisutyicusk oMf. , aF osrusbtemr eCr.ged aquatic plant (Myriophyllum spicatum) XIX. LPRetOhCaElS cSh BloIOrCinHeE McoISnTcReYn, tvroalt.3io9n, nso f.o2,r p tph.1e7 p9e-1a8r3l ,o 2y0s0t3e r( JPoiunrcntaal dInad reaxdedia itna S(CLI)each, 1814) TGUoRksKuI SMH. JZO. ULR. ,N CAeLvi kO F .V, FEiTnEdRikI NOA.RY & ANIMAL SCIENCES, vol.26, no.1, pp.157-160, 2002 (Journal Indexed in SCI) AIr. ticSlEeYsH PAuNb BliAshReAdJ GinÖL OÜt hSUe rK JAoLuiTrEn aÖlLsÇÜM DEĞERLERi (YAZ DÖNEMi) EAcZoGloINg iCca., lG LÖifKeS SUc iMen. cZe. sL, .vol.12, no.3, pp.45-49, 2017 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions) II. AZcuGtINe TC.o, GxiÖcKitSyU o Mf . AZb. La.mectin Insecticide on Daphnia magna Straus 1820 IJnosutritnuatli oonf sB)iological & Environmental Sciences, vol.10, no.30, pp.125-128, 2016 (Refereed Journals of Other III. AZcuGtINe TC.o, GxiÖcKitSyU o Mf . FZl.u La.zifop-P-Butyl (Herbicide) on Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820) IV. AInctu. Jtoeu Trnoaxl iocfi tEyn ogifn Leeurfienngu Rreosnea Irncshe acntdic Aidpep loicna tOiorne, ovcohl.6r,o nmoi.1s2 n, iplpo.t1i6cu-1s8 L, 2 107165 4(J oLuarrnvaale I nIdnetx Jeodu irnn EaSlC oI)f EAnZGgiInNe Ce.,r MinAgN RAeŞsIReLaIr cMh., aGnÖdK SAUp Mpl. iZc.a Lt.ion OInttheerrn Iantisotintualt iJoonusr)nal of Engineeiring Research and Applications, vol.6, no.11, pp.43-45, 2016 (Refereed Journals of V. AZcuGtINe TC.o, MxiAciNtyA ŞoIRf LLIu Mfe.,n GuÖrKoSnU (MIn. Zse. Lc.ticide) on Oreochromis niloticus (L., 1754) Larvae VI. LInatm. Jobudran-aCl yohf aElnogtihnreienr iVnge RCeyspeearcmhe atnhdr iAnp ?pnlicsaetkiotins, ivtloel.r6i,' noin.1 O1,r pepo.4ch3-r4o5m, 2is0 1n6il (oJtoiucurnsa (l LIn.,d1e7x5e4d )in Y EaSvCrIu)ları ÜGÖzeKrSiUn eM A. Zk. uLt. ,T MoAkNsiAkŞ EIRtkLiIs Min.,i AnZ AGrINas Ctı.rılması (Biyodeney) VII. AYUcuNtUeS TAoRxAiScTitİyR MofA B BeÜnLtTaEzNoİn, ev o(lH.1e5r, nboic.1id, pep). 2a3n-d2 6C, h2l0o1r5p (yOrtihfoers R(eInfesreecetdic Nidaeti)o noanl JOourernoaclhs)romis niloticus (L., 1A7ZG5I4N) CL.,a GrÖvKaeSU ( BMi.o Za. sLs.ay) Journal) of Biological & Environmental Sciences, vol.8, pp.179-182, 2015 (International Refereed University VIII. ÜLazemrbindea ACkyuhta lTootkhsriikn EVtek iCsyinpienr Amreatşhtrırinıl mİnasseık Btiisyiotldeerni enyin Oreochromis niloticus L 1754 Yavruları YGuÖnKuSsU A Mra. şZt.ı rLm. , aM BAüNltAeŞnIiR, vLoI lM.15., ,A nZoG.1IN, 2 C0.15 (Other Refereed National Journals) IX. ÜLazemrbindea ACkyuhta lTootkhsriikn EVtek iCsyinpienr Amreatşhtrırinıl mİnasseık Btiisyiotldeerni enyin Oreochromis niloticus L 1754 Yavruları GÖKSU M. Z. L. , MANAŞIRLI M., AZGIN C. X. TYUHNEU FSI ASHRA FŞATIURNMAA OBFÜ LTTHEEN İS, EvoYlH.1A, pNp .D23A-M26 L, 2A0K1E5 (OAtDhAerN RAe)fereed National Journals) FAilsahgeörzi eEsrSgcüiednecne Ss.c, oGmök, svuo lM.6., Zn.o L.1., pp.39-52, 2012 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions) XI. SAelayghöazn E rBgaürdaejn G Sö., lGüö'nksdue M(A. Zd. aLn.a) Yaşayan Kadife Balığı (Tinca tinca L., 1758)'nın Beslenme Rejimi. XII. BİiBr AADk,a Brisyuo loOjri tBaimlimınledrai ABrearştdıramna Ç Daeyrıg Tisai,r vsouls.5 ,M neor.2s,i pnp E.7n1 -D7ü6,ş 2ü0k1 v2e ( OEtnh eYrü Rkesfeekre Aedk ıNma tDioönnael mJoluerrnianlds)e Bazı FÖiZzBikAoY KÖ.i,m GyÖaKsSaUl MPa. Zr.a Lm. ,e AtrLePl eMr.i Tn. İncelenmesi XIII. SFpırraitn Ügn five.e Fdeinn gB ihlimableirtsi Dbeyr geisic, anpoe.2d3 ,c papg.e9 , r2a0i1n1b o(Nwa ttiroonualt NOonnc-oRrehfeyrneceud sJ omurynkaisl)s (Walbaum, 1792) in the SAelayghöazn E rDgaümde nL aSk., eG ö(kAsdua Mna. Z/.T Lu. r, kÇelyik)kol Ç. XIV. SJOeUyRhNanA LB OaFr aAjP GPöLlIüED'n BdIeOkLi O(GAIDCAALN SAC)I ECNhCoEnSd, vrols.4to, nmoa.3 ,r pepg.i7u-m10 ,( 2H0e1c0k e(Rl,e 1fe8r4e3ed) 'Juonu rBnüalysü omf Oe tÖhezre lIlnisktlieturtiions) FAilsahgeörzi eEsrSgcüiednecne Ss.c, oGmök, svuo lM.4., Zn.o L.4. , pApv.ş3a9r1 D-3.98, 2010 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions) XV. (SGeyrohwanth B Paroajp Gerötliüe?sn odfe Ckhi o(Andaronsat)o Cmhao rnedgriousmto (mHae crkeegli,u 1m8 4(H3)e cLkievli,n 1g8 i4n3 S)e?yuhna Bn üDyaümm eL aÖkzee l(lAikdlearnia.)) eA-LJoAuGrÖnZa lE oRfG FÜisDhEeNri eSs.,S GciÖeKnSceUs mZ. L(e. l, eAkVtrŞoAnRik D),. vol.4, no.4, pp.391-399, 2010 (Other Refereed National Journals) XVI. (SGeyrohwanth B Paroajp Gerötliüe?sn odfe Ckhi o(Andaronsat)o Cmhao rnedgriousmto (mHae crkeegli,u 1m8 4(H3)e cLkievli,n 1g8 i4n3 S)e?yuhna Bn üDyaümm eL aÖkzee l(lAikdlearnia.)) eA-LJoAuGrÖnZa lE oRfG FÜisDhEeNri eSs.,S GciÖeKnSceUs

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