W EDm SDAT, OCTOBER *8, IMO ATtraffl Daily Ctrealatkm tha Wflatkar Eontbto VmQ For tba Moatb of ■epi— bar, IMfl Fo(roeaat of V. a. WoaMMT Boreait 6,441 Fair aad seaMwaat esolor ta* ItUanTiJPRiPr IwuFuiuu ■right; Friday fair. Memboi ot Urn AaflM Barsaa of OlwhiMsas 1940 ^anchester-^A City of ViUa^o Charm ' (FOURTEEN PAGES)' PRICE THREE CENTS sary VOL.LX„NCf5;2i ^ I AdvertWag eu Page U) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY,OCTOBER 24,1940 Hale A Special Group of Regular $25.00 i Planes The J. W. Hale Corporation Is this week celebrating Its 6 5 ^ ^""t'^fo^wwks ^ ^ th r ite in s llrt^ h ereiw *b u t a \i^nter‘-Coats, Army’s Air Corps May Play Big Hale’s Finespun Sheets vOn Sale At This Price During This Event Only I le Stabs 51/4” Extra Length. Wmpl. .t Hd«-x w. H.V. • U r,, parkin, .!» » IMl(i^r»r ot Ih. .tor. which b «ndlr 21/ , ” Hem On Each End of Sheet. $22.75 Now Reorglanized; indon scecssible and frM to Hale’s cnstomera. in Axis’ Plans; CeOophane Wrapped. Succeed Oiriy Reg. $1.29, 81xl04Vi .. • • • $1.09 R ^ I a r 7 9 ^ ir s t Quality Lion Brand w ^ , SUveredFi^x and Cat Lynx. Sizes are 12 to 20 only, • To-weis ■ Will B^^xpanded ping Bomb* in Reg..$1.19, 72x104^2 . • • • * 99c Regular 39c, 20”x40” Fine Quality Silk Hosiery iew Rayon Silk Areas; Cloud* Nazi Comments « Pastel Striped Present Number of Com*! Bowl Most of Raiding CrafL Reg. lil.lO, 63 x104V2 . : . 89c bat Groups Doubled to | Gfprman* Say Events S ^ r e t Conference Be-'* ■ellinc hoaa. London, Ott. 24.—(ej—Heavy W« know that hundreds of Mancehrter houaewtvee uee no A group of brand new driiswB recelv^ In «*"• Create ‘Highly Mobile > Petain Gives tween Hitler and Turkish Towels •ventTThe selection features the newest styles and colors. is Trip formations of German planes fnade Now Transpiring oh .other eheet. ________ Soldier Wue, plum, wine and blacks Fighting Force* Capa­ short, repeated stabs at a I/ondon t^ntinent ■ Add Proof Franco Open* Way Substandards of K pr. 2 p^* $Xe25 shrouded In thick, chill weather Laval Reply 29c ble of Operation Any­ 'apital today but succeeded only In drop­ BVitain Encircled; A*- For Momentous Devel" We have had three Bhlmente ed Uile jpopider Kelray Satin Stripe $3.91 where in America*. ping bombs in rural areas. sert Spain Already opm ents; Madrid / Lady Peppcrell tow ^ Soft tonaa In atrli^ petterns o< durty rom. Observers reported large groups For Hiite^ Jnwem peach, blue. Alao 22”x44V heavy aUwWU Buzzes with Rumors' Washington, Oct. 24,— Packed Vp VnHfr Heavy of raiders crossed the southeast ‘Has \ Concrete Evi­ towela with cohered borden at the aama low price. Ra:^n Underwear coast early In the afternoon, most A* Diplomatic Circles Percale Sheets — Reorganization of the Police Guard An­ of them (^cured by clouds, and dence of Axis Interest Vice Premier Returns to TaUored garment! In vesta, panties and atep-lns. SIzea Children’s Sweatsra Army Air Corps to double its other Ceremonious heading In the direction of Lon­ In Her Renaissance.* Await Parley Outcome. Reg. 31.69, 81x108 . $1.39 Regular 89e, 22”x44” Colored present number of combat don. Paris with Answer to 84 to 46. Journey to Washir^don A few moments later a flight of group* and create a "highly nine fighter planes, acting aa a Berlin, Oct. \24.—{/P)—In­ Proposals for French- Madtifl. Oct. 24,—(/P)—A Reg. 31.59, 81x99 .... $1.29 Turkish Towels ca. \ 61.19. mobile fighting force,” capa­ rear guard, was glimpsed as It formed circles ik Berlin .said German A m i t y . secret conference between ble of operation- anywhere in Philadelphia, Oct. 24.—(P)—Ai scooted through low clouds. tonight that Germany has a !' ■ A(iolf Hitler and Generalissi- the -western hemisphere, was old-fasbioned goldfish bowl from^ The approach of these planes complete understanding of Vichy, France, Oct. 24— (/C) — ino Francisco Franco opened Reg. 31.59, 72xi08 ............. $1*29 $1.00 announced today by the War which was pulled the first World .used a second air raid alert of the way today for momen­ 3 $ L 9 0 War draft names In 1917 was day In London, but It, like the the strategic and ^onomic ■Vice Premier Pierre Laval return­ Slight mleweavee and oU apota or uneven Reg. $1.00 Department. ' packed up under heavy police flret, was brief. No gunfire or position of Spain as lhe'\result ed to Paris today from Vichy with tous developments in which which Impair the wearing qualitie*. Fine, soft aSieeta that Large bath alza In green and orchid only. Fabric Gloves lije reorganization took the explosions were heard in Spain as well as France ap­ form of establishment of four air guard today for another ceremoni­ of her civil war and that it is Premier Phlllipe Petain’s answer will wear for yeara. Sllp-on styles In fabricibrlc and leatherlea '"'"bm atlon^ ^ S, ous trip (10 a. m.) to the nation’s during'the first alert. to Adolf Hitler’s proposals for a \ .. to 8.' Colors: Navy, brown, tan,tan black, .wine, poldler blue. Btricts. It will Include expan- Gerihan planes were reported too much to ex))ect Spain to peared destined to play im­ House Dresses capital. French-German rapprochement. portant roles in Axis plan* to Regular 19c, 18”x36” Cannon sloh^of the four Air Corps wings There next Tuesday It will be also to rave flown over the vicinity join the war against England "/ Substandards of K regular $1.19, value In bright new prints snd sizes 14 to continental United State* of LlverpRol and a west coast The nature of theae propositions crush Britain and establish a to 17 ^nga aa rapidly as trained used in the country’s first peace­ —at least at present. and the French reply were not pr. 82 reduced. time conscription. town. However, In reviewing the situ­ new order in Europe. Lady Pepperell 88c personneKand equipment, now In Dog F l ^ t Above Clouds made known. productloiVsheeomes available. The big glass bowl, which re­ ation the authoritative news com­ ^(A paragraph was censored Madrid buzzed with .rumors as Turldsh Towels sembles the old 10-gallon pickling Reeldents Ldndon suburbs mentary, Dienat aua P^Lschland, diplomatic circles - awaited the Regular 25c, ”x ’ Substandard Instead or-the present 25 com­ heard a dog f l ^ t above the clouds here.) 16 28 Simulated Leather $1.00 bat groups, th^xpanded Air Force Jars grandmother used to keep, has asHcrted It weui no wonder "if Final Decisions by Petain outcome of thb meeting yesterday been on display in a glass-sealed during the second alarm, the Spain regards the' fight of the on the Frenb^-Spanish border Percale Pillow Solid Color Towela will have 54. the announcement sound of machlnKguns mingling Although I-aval now is accepted A Group of Cotton Percales, Sizes 14 to 18, Reduced case at Independence Hall since Axis powers against i^gland as by the'Germaha as the negotiator. where, most obnervers believed, aaid. Former Secretary of War.Newton with the roar of wiglnes at full- a way to freedom from her own the two statesmeVi sealed in con­ Regular 37c. 42”x36” 4 $1.00 ,\ Handbags To 50c. To Effect Deoent^lzaUon throttle. Later one British fighter crete fashion a friendship which "The purpoee of thbscreatlon of ilstorical entanglement." (Oontlnued on Page Two) (Contlnoed on Page Eight) plane swooped below \ the clouds Authorized German aources de­ began w'hen Hitler \came to the It will pay you to buy theae caaea by tha doaan. $1.00 Top handle and envelope styles In calf, alligator and seal ‘ the air dUtricU," the department and flew over a nearbj\park. 'explained, "le to effect deqwtrall- clined to comment directly today aid of Franco’s cause during the grain. All copies of better bags. Reg. 59c Hooverettes . ^ • • 2 for 31.00 The Air Ministry Announced on the results of Adolf Hitler’s Spanish civil war. Extra Value! Substandard Dixie Nile Tour choice of two ■lzee>xPractlcal elzea for hand zatlon of training and ln*)>^tlon that a German Domler \l7 had duties of the commanding geftenil, meeling^ye.<iterday .with Generalis- Official Quarters Silent and face. White with colored-^rden In blue, gold, been shot down by a Spitfire In a /hr*. C. Holden (above), and .her daughters Mary fleft) and .-Imo Frhnclsco Franco to Spain, Petaih Leaves red, green and peach. Solid 'colbt| in peach, green, Our regular stock of Nelly Dons» Hubntes^ general headquarters Air Forge, Panic Is Seen morning duel over the Channel. Official Spanish quarters were and to provide for the develo[ I’aula (right), arrive at a Canadian west coast port, members of but said cryptically the events silent on the talks, M t DNB, the blue. British credited a heavy channel the flrst group of Americans to come home from the Orient at the now tran.splhlng on- the continent official German news agency, re­ I Mattress Protectors L’Aiglon, Martha Mannings ment of commanders and etaffa for rain and the anti-aircraft defert^e.s Children’s and Misses’ Consisting of spun rayons and rayon crepes. In plain colors Buch apeclal task forces as may bllowing End advice of the State Department. Mrs. Holden is en route to New added ptx/of \th at Britain, the Vichy to Sign ported the conference had ended be required for operation In war.” on London’s outskirts with holdl York from Shanghai, where her husbabd is with an oil company.
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