WEDMXSDAT, HAT 7 ,1N7 AYtragt Daily CImilation Tka Waathar i W ENtT IRanrh^ater lEurnin^ %ralh Far tke Moath «t Apt«C IMY •f V. 8. WeatiMr BnUM Otaar tMUflit with wear fraariag Bolton (nange will conduct the 9.298 aad fraat la latmtor usual semi-weekly Military whist « Meaiher of Um AadH It Friday fair aad cawtiwasd About Town In the Commilwity hall at Bolton Bu tsm •! ttmilatlwn . Center this everting. Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm At Ui« miUwe«k iervlce tomor'- I The I>orcua Society of Emanuel 1 HALE’S r*w (KtnliiK *t eight o’clock In the I Lutheran church wlH meet this o Center Congrcgetlontl church, the / VOL. LXVL NO. 186 (CtaasUtad Advcrttslng aa Page II) MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1947 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS pafitor. Rev. ClUfonI O. 8lin|MOn. 1 evening at eight o’clock, with Dr. v.Ul le»J • dlecueslon on the Book I Barney WIchman as the guest of Anioe. to which all are lnvlte.1. 'speak^. Devotions will b\Ied by tYiday evening he will apeak to the ! Miss Mabel fllaon and Mrs\Vera I IVtcrson Is chairman of the host OO-Weilii on the subject "My Con- ess committee. Jackstraw Pilrup of Erright Can* versation With the Newly-Weds.’ f w r cwy and all married couples In the Building Program Relaxation of Curbs Fridav evening another square 1 ^ '"--jSra. -ireV ^ • church will be welcome. danye will be held In the aoclal T - room of the Buckingham church. All member of 81. Margaret’s The committee Includes Mr^ Har­ turtle Daughtcra of Issbella. who riett liowcll, Mrs. Ilsr-el palmer. For A Atemorahle Action by House plan te attend the .VUh anniversary MIhh .Mildred fliKslHle. Kiank flood- Put on ration K of the organUation at Hotel Taft. ale, Jr., and Wlllisni Slater. X New Haven. June 1. are asked to M o th e r *8 D a y make their reservations before The Concordia l..ii{hrrnn chiirih Causes Protest Satuidav of this week throiish the board will have a meeting this regept. Mr*. Rlchard’-Ros.«. evening a( eight o’clmk. Palestine Urged Dr. Charles O. Johnson of Man­ Past chiefs of Memorial Tem­ Democratic Move for chester Oreen wlU speak on the ple Pythian Sisters, will maet to­ RfN*onnideration Oyer* Bad Temper subject of “Orest f'oropanlonshlp" morrow evening st the home of i at the midweek prayer ami praise Mrs. Helen Henry, id Stsrkweathrr ' wlieliningly Defeat* aervlce at the Covenant-Congt egs- street. Mrs. Ilenty will be assisted Seen Result Rpiiioval of Ban Seen tioral ch\irch this evening. bv her mother. Mrs. Iva Ingrsham. M e<l; Cotter Sees At­ MacArthur Denies Ad ‘Decisive Contri- ’liie mcmls'is will fold bsndsgc). or tempt ^to Delude Peo­ The Alplna Society Will hold Us for the Meiiiorlal hospital. Of Allergies bntion* from Manda-^ monthly meeting tonight at seven ple* l>y l..egis1atioi( o’clock in the lUIlan Ameriewn The- ConiiMunlty Players will 11 Defense Promise lory Power Leading lo club on Eldridge street. <I meet this evening at eight o’clock Children Made Surly Establishment of Jew- m the (’oiiinuinUy Y for their 1 1 State Capitol, Hartford, Rev.' Chester F. Austin wih con­ niisjthlv business session. I.-sst NEW LOW PRICES May 8.—(/P)—Approval by Or Disobedient frdm JaiHtuese (Urcn (iffidol ' ish National Home and duct the midweek service this eve­ nighi the cast In "’Thr Enchanted Aprir^ repeated the fhree-act com­ the Uepublican - controlled Foods'Rhd Other Sub^ House Enters Peace In Holy I,jind( ning at 7:30 at the Church of the House to a measure authoriz­ Assurance Allies IVill Naxarene. during the absence of edy In Kpo Memorial hall. Sims­ stances^ Doctors Says Rabbi Silver Speaks Rav. James A. Young, who will r^ bury. undeKauspices of the Granby ; Remember Her Day ing the .state comptroller to Protect Them I'ntil main untU Friday at the camp at and Slmabury Y.W.C.A. The play-' Voting Stage • era. sponsored by the Women’s plan a “long range” .state Peace Treaty Signetl North Reading. Mass. | building program brought to- Buffalo, N. May *- iA'i ai Lake Success, N. Y., May I Club, presenteil the play at the ff^ith Beautiful day a belated and futile pro-1 ***’F**s Dom foods and other sub- 8.—(IP)—The Jewish Agency The Ladles’ Aid Society of Hollister school aliditnriuni Issl Tok.vo, May 8.—(A*)—Gen­ On Greek Aid month. teat from the Democratic mi- which made children vio- for Paleetine today called on Kiavanuel Lutheran church will eral MacArthur gave the Jap­ meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at | } nority. - ' Irntly iU-tempered, surly, or dis- the United Nation*—and spe­ the church. Mrs. Albert Robinson i Richard aton*. local optician. | .Apparently Caught AMeep obedient were reported to the New anese their first oflicial as­ Plea for Funds to Re­ cifically Britain—for “imme­ will lead the devotions and Mrs. who fws been absent /hqm hla LINGERIE \ Democrats app^ircntJy «;ere york State Medical society’s an- surance tfKlay tliat the Allies diate relaxation” of Holy Thomas Glenney will be chairman of business. *91 Main Slrcet, ;| caught asleep at the switch when 1 __J . i would protect them until a inforce Korea lo Come for the past six weeks, during thh bill, creating a "Division of I«lay by Dr. T. Wood Ijind immigration restric­ of hostesses. which tlm* he underwent s spInXI A complete aflsni1.ment of styles m a a rk e of Utica, N. Y. \ jieace treaty is signed, but Before Congress; Bal- Real Aosets" In the comptroller’s Boxcars and oil tankers make rills ptleiip after derailment of OHCsgo. Milwaukee A 8t. Paul mllroad yjjfoi'ously denied promising tion*. Tlie agency said remov­ operation tn Sr’i’lbg*'^ h<ispltal,N| .Slips, Qowns and Stepins of Bne qual­ office, tirst came up for considera­ Dr. Clarke, a pediatrician and I ity Rayon Satin or Crepe. freight train at Albany, til. Twcnly-slx cars iirein this scramble. lAP wirephoto). kilting Begins Tinlay al of the l>an ehould be the haa ratumed sr.d la now able to tion aind many of them voted for allergist, described several cases \ that "the United States “drelslve contribution” from the conduct his bii.sinesa. IL In which children became happy would undertake future de- mandatory power leaillng to ostab- Later 'in the session, however, and well-balanced after the allergy j feiise" of the country. Washington, May 8 le) - An llshment of a Jewish national LECLERC Eugene E. Falmoth. of 47 Pur­ the Demo6ratic minority leader. approaching administration plea was discovered and corrected. Issues Hpeciol Htalemrnt home ami peace in Palestine. PaBtral Hoait nell place, haa enlisted In the U. ■. Rep. John P. Cotter of Hartford, Their allergies were caused by I Long Distance Lines for perhaps $75,000,000 to rein­ Regular Army foi a three year | urged reconrifjeration of the meas­ some kinds of food, pollen, or dust. The siiprtme commander toeued I^rgea Flrst-Haod View term. He wan one of *7 who en­ ure, contending it was an attempt These, he said, were cases In a special statement which obvi­ force southern Korea confronted It then called on the U.N. to tS MsIb StrMi Brings Charge take a first-hand view of the “hu­ PtiMM S2Cf listed at the Hartford ncniitlng “to delude the people" by “rees­ which allergic reactions occur ously referred to rcpirts follow- Congress today as the House en­ station durirg April. tablishing’’ the former Public within the brain or central ner\<9us ; lug hla meeting Tuesday with Em- tered the voting stage of Its flght man trage<ly" in Europe’s dis­ And Union m Settle placed person camps through the Works department under another system. They may result in muscle ' iK'ior HIrohito. He did not apeclfl- over helping Greece and Turkey name. spasm, fluid in the brain producing Of Sereamiiiff' ' cally mention the conference. proposed U.N. Inquiry commission resist Communistic domination. which also may go lo Palestine It­ The Public Works department, headaches, vomiting, dizziness, con­ — ./ I Quick End to Whole I Neither Allied headquarters nor created during the reorganization vulsions, and psychotic changes In ' Japanese government offlclala After two full itays spent tn self. program of a former Democratic mentality, Split Between Admin-; Telephone Tieiip Pre- N C W 8 T 1 cl i 19 would dls<'tu«a the matter further. general dlsciisxlnn of the $400.- Climaxing Its long fight fbr a Store Your Fun With Cmifklence governor, Wilbur L. Cross and first Sensitive To Oats Aad Wheat MacArthur said the future de­ 000,000 Oreek-Turkish aid bill, the hearing in the General Aoaembly’s headed by another Democrat, Rob­ Dr. a a rk e told of a 15-year-old istration and Con­ fliclpd a* Pay Hikr fense nt Japan woukl depend upon House turned to spectfle pro|Misals extraordinary session on PalesUn*. AT ert A. Hurley, who later became boy who had frequent temper out­ Averaging !$ 1.10 (»ivrii , the provisions In the |ieace treaty. for reatrictlng the program and thr agency put forth Rabbi Abba governor, was abolished by a Re­ bursts. and attacks resembling gress Widens as Cab-: MacArthur added that he had changing lU terms. Chief among Hlllel Silver of Cleveland. Ameri­ for Mother ^8 D a y publican administration in 1943. petit mal epilepsy. His family i . American Legion plans tour V ' not Been thq published accounts of the amendntenta likely to be put can aecUon chairman of the Agen­ HANDBAGS iiiet Officers Kirk cy’s Executive, for Its lead-off Republicans, enjoying Cotter’s Washington, May 8.—(^) France next August by 500 picked the statement attributed to him to a showdown test tefore night­ discomforture, asserted that the (Contlnned Oa Page Twelve) The report, coming from auUior- fall Is one to shift the burden to statement to the 55-nation U.
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