University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 4-29-1954 Sandspur, Vol. 59 No. 23, April 29, 1954 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 59 No. 23, April 29, 1954" (1954). The Rollins Sandspur. 967. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/967 TheJRollins Sandspur Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, Thursday, April 29, 1954 Volume 59 p^n_ ^n—. ,>, , ^ , ^ ., mT~ . -*- No. 23 COUNCIL ELECTS Students Work Hard To Get Show In Shape "GREEN BOTTLF COMPTROLLER WILL OPEN AT FOR NEXT YEAR ANNIE RUSSELL By TOM LeCLERE The Independent Women an­ Dennis Folken, sophomore and nounce that May 6 will be the new business major, was elected comp­ opening date of their annual musi­ troller of the Student Council in cal comedy. This year's show will meeting Monday night. He will be the original musical fantasy, take office immediately and will "The Little Green Bottle," by be assisted by Don Wilson, for­ Howard Richards. mer comptroller, for the remainder The show runs for three nights, of the current school year. Thursday, May 6, through Satur­ The Council voted a $75 bonus day, May 8, curtain time at 8:30 to Don Wilson for his services dur­ each evening. Tickets are on sale ing the past year. at the Annie Russell Theatre Box The following standing commit­ Office every weekday afternoon tees were established for ensuing from two until five. The proceeds year by the new president Dan from the sale of tickets will make Matthews. The Student-Faculty up a scholarship given by the Disciplinary Committee consists Independent Women to a deserving of Tom LeClere, chairman; Bruce student majoring in one of the Remsberg; Connie Shields; Joy Creative Arts. Woods; and Jim Robinson. The For the last several weeks the Joint Student-Faculty Committee orchestra, the main cast, and the is captained by Chuck Weisman singing and dancing chorus have who will be assisted by Gail Don­ held their rehearsals in three sep­ aldson and Steve Demopoulos. The arate places in preparation for the chairman of the Social Committee final rehearsals when all the sepa­ is Gloria Steudel with Alison Des­ rate ingredients will be assembled sau, Jim Bocook and Ross Fleisch­ and shaped into the final show. mann working with her. Bill Kars­ The various directors have been lake will manage the Fiesta next Mary Marsh, Brian Byrd, Marie Perkins, and Dick Dixon brush up on their lines while in the background giving enthusiastic reports as to year. His committee will be selec­ Winnie Gray and Jerry Campbell practice a dance step, as "The Little Green Bottle," the Independent the progress of their groups. ted at a later date. Phil Murray is Women's musical to be presented May 6-8, goes into its last stages of rehearsal. The three leads, supported by to preside over the Traffic Court, a large cast, are Sylvia Graves, and Sis Atlass will represent the Marie Perkins, and Dick Dixon, Publications Union. Other special French Convention Rollins Key Society outstanding voice students at Rol­ representatives include Ken Mei­ REICH AWARDED lins. The original and clever set­ ser, Theatre Arts; Jane Laverty, Proves Huge Success Chooses Six Seniors tings and striking costumes are Cheerleaders; Tony Antonville, To Visiting Students And Three Juniors created by Camma Ward. Chore­ Council Lights, and Frank Thomp­ FELLOWSHIP FOR ography is handled by Louise Gault The Rollins Key Society added and Don Vassar, veteran lighting son, Faculty Board of Intercolleg­ Le Congres de Culture Francaise nine new members to its ranks iate Athletics. technician, handles the lights and en Floride ended its second annual this week. switchboard. Phil Schmitt directs convention Saturday night with a STUDY ABROAD Merrill D. Reich, son of Mr. and , Seniors Faith Emeny, Jane the cast; Betty Jean Lang directs dance in the Student Center spon­ Hunsicker, Sid Katz, Orville My- the singing chorus, and Howard Spring Elections Add sored by the Student Council. Mrs. Arnold Menk, has received a Fullbright Fellqwship. rabo, Dick Richards, and Lloyd Richards conducts the fifteen piece New Members To Art Brophy entertained during Soyars; and juniors Steve Demop­ orchestra. the floor show with one of his Buddy graduated from Winter oulos, Jane Laverty and Esther Chapel Committee inimitable tap dances. Last year's hit, "The Prince of Park High School. At Rollins he Windom are the new members who Errata" was also written by How­ The convention began Friday Spring ..elections were held last is a member of ODK and Pi Gam­ will be initiated tomorrow after­ ard Richards. week by all the various Chapel night with the reception of the ma Mu. In the past he has been noon in Knowles Chapel. groups including Community Ser­ high school students at the French vice, International Relations, Race House by Prof, van Boecop. Box | The Society is an honorary group whose purpose is to foster Corbett And Herblin Relations and the Chapel Ushers. suppers for 145 students were served on the lawn and the evening interest in all campus and scholas­ Take Convention Trip Bill Karslake is the new presi­ tic activities and to promote the dent of Community Service assis­ ended with costume skits in For Comm. Service ted by Jeanne Rogers, vice-presi­ French given by the students. On dent; Lynn Hagerty, secretary; Saturday morning all of the dele­ Students are urged to check Mary Ellen Corbett and Diane Karen Fris, treasurer; and Joan gates met for a declamation con­ Herblin will travel to St. Peters- their activity cards in the Stu­ Burg next week for the Florida Mack, publicity chairman. test and mass meeting. At 6:30 dent Deans Office in order that Conference of Social Welfare as IRC elected Ronnie Butler, presi­ the annual banquet yyas held at the Winter Park Woman's Club. the records can be kept up-to representatives of the Rollins dent; Happy Jordon, vice-president Community Service group. and Marlene Stewart, secretary- Prof, van Boecop was assisted date. The 37th Annual Forum will treasurer. in the organization of the week end convention by Arlette Girault hold headquarters at the Sorena President of Race Relations is welfare of Rollins. Membership is and Dan Haight. Hotel in St. Petersburg where the Fred Shoaff; vice-president, Shir­ open to Upper Division students girls will stay from May 5-8. ley Leech and secretary-treasurer, only and is based on high scholas­ During the conference, Mary Diane Herblin. tic work. Head of the Chapel Ushers is Librarians Attend Ellen and Diane will attend sev­ Bill Karslake assisted by Ronnie eral workshops concerning various Butler. Fla. Assn. Conference phases of mental health. These Anderson, Hufstader workshops will have two sessions, The new chairmen of each group During Weekend one the afternoon of May 5 and will automatically become a mem­ Mrs. Alice M. Hansen, libarian, Featured In Recital the other on the morning of May ber of Chapel Staff and will serve and Mrs. Gladys S. Henderson and 6. on the Staff until the elections Tomorrow Evening Miss Ann Weaver, staff members Buddy Reich Friday afternoon there will be a next year. of Mills Memorial Library, at­ Pi Kappa Lambda presents a Chapel Staff elected, Diane Har- general session where each of the tended the Florida Library Asso­ feature editor of the Sandspur, recital, "Tom Moore and the Irish three section meetings will sum­ blin, Alison Dessau, and Dan Mat­ ciation Conference last weekend literary editor of the Tomokan, Melodies," by Alice Anderson, so­ marize the highpoints of their thews as new permanent members at Pensacola. editor of the R-Book, and presi­ prano, and Robert Hufstader, sessions. of the Staff in a special meeting Highlight of the program in­ dent of the Independent Men in pianist, at the Winter Park Wo­ Tuesday evening. 1951-52. man's Club tomorrow evening at Both girls wil present a report cluded addresses by editors of the 8:30. of their conference activities at encyclopedias Americana, Britan- He receives his B.A. degree at the next Community Service meet­ nica, Collier's, Compton's, World Rollins this spring. The opening number on the pro­ ing:. Folken Elected As Book and the American Educator. gram is "Silent o' Moyle" followed College Comptroller A tour of the Naval Air Station by "When in Death". Also includ­ was followed by a tea in the sta­ ed are "Love's Young Dream," Bits O' News The Student . Council elected "Oft in the Stilly Night," and tion's library, with Admiral Dale Open House Attracts Miss Ruth Goldstein visited Dennis Folken to replace Don Harris and Captain J. P. Munroe "The Last Rose of Summer." Wilson as Comptroller of the Stu­ Rollins Monday. She is the addressing the delegates. Approximately 1500 Tickets are available at the Con­ dent Association. public relations representative At a book dinner Philip Wylie, servatory Office. Regular admis­ to the Israeli Embassy in Wash Denny, an X- The Rollins Scientific Society distinguished author, and Michael sion is $1.50 and students, $.75. ington, D. C. Clubber, is presi­ Leigh, book reviewer, spoke. presented its annual Science Open dent of the Inter- House last Friday, April 23, at * * * Fraternity Coun­ Knowles Science Hall. Try-outs for "Mr.
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