, ~Pa~g~e_E=i ~gh~t__________________________________ ~R~O~C~K~E~ T ~E~E~R~ __________________~--~F r~id~a2y~' ~Ja~n~u ary 15, 1965 'Rip Van Winkle' Name Petroglyph Canyons National Landmark Big and L it tIe Petroglyph Big and Little Petroglyph Can· because they afforded shelter tacular petroglyph area in the Canyons on the NOTS nor t h yons as National Historic Land­ Two Full Pages of and waler. western United States. To Premiere at range were designated National marks will be placed in the are· In one 40·fol}t·square section Historic Landmarks this week by as in the near future. Historic Pictures Herds of bighorn she e p, of Little Petroglypil Canyon, 175 Murray School the Department of the Interior. Since the canyons lie in are· On Pages 4 and 5 deer, and antelope found in the different designs and figures of The two canyons, entrenched stricted military ordnance range adjacent mountains were the the prehistoric rock carvings The first of t h r e e premiere in volcanic rock and containing SO miles north of the China most popular subjects for the are clearly visible. Easily recog performances M "Rip Van Win· i , 20,000 ancient petro glyphs of at Lake community, the S tat i on lion years, and were inhabited primitive artists. nized among the fantastic array kle," a musical comedy for chilo least tWI} cultural phases, are will permit the public to vis it by aborigine tribes after the dis· Petroglyphs found on the can­ are drawings of bighorn sheep dren, wiII be staged this evening r assured protection and preser· the sites only on nonfiring days, appearance of prehistoric mam· yon walls are mainly of the mountain lions, lizards, snakes at 7 p.m. at Murray School Audi· vation under the landmark stat· possibly on Saturdays and Sun· moths. pecked or chiseled type, varied and human figures. torium. us, according to the National days. The canyons are aml}ng the and complex in nat ure, a nd are The artists engraved most of Two more performances will Park Service. Geologist Dr. Roland von Hue· major drainage areas of the up· from good to exce llent in pres· their designs on the sunny side be given tomorrow, one a mati­ Captain John L Hardy, USN, ne of the Research Department per Coso Range in southwest In· ervation. They comprise one of of the canyon waJls because the nee at 2:30 and the other at 7 Station Commander, announced estimates the canyons were cut yo County, and were a natural the largest 'g roupings in Califor· shaded sides were covered with p.m. that bronze plaques designating sometime during the last mil· site for Indian camp grounds nia and probably the most spec· gmwths of lichen. The China Lake Elementary I PTA is sponsoring the produc· I i tions of the Desert Music The· I ater recently organized under i the directil}n of John Lawson. ' Capl. Hardy Tells NOTS' The show has a cast of 16, in­ cluding two children. Robert Pinney portrays the title role. .., Tickets for all performances on Kern Economy of the legendary show, a sure Impact hit for youngsters as well as adults, are a va i 1 a b 1 e at all $100 Million schools, from PTA mothers, in Station Hospital front of the Commissary, or at Budget Sets A the d<>or. Admission is 50 cents NUCLEAR NAVYMAN, Sterling J. Goin, ADJ3, takes oath of -Gets 'Outstanding' per person. re·enlistment from VX·S skipper, Cdr. Jack M. Manherz, fol· lowin g his selection for enrollment in Navy Nuclear Power Rate from BuMed 21·Year Record Program. Ceremony was witnessed by Goin's wife, Patty. Pro s p e c t s for continued He'll report this month for nuclear power schooling. An inspection rating of "Out· gmwth and economic prosperi­ standing" has been awarded the ty - linked with the military SHDWBOAT Station Hospital following its Vol. XX, No. 2 Naval Ordn. nce Test Station, Ch ina L.ke, C.lifornia Fri., Jan. 15, 1965 mission that the Naval Ordnance evaluation by Captain W. R. Mil· Test Station fulfills today - was FRI DAY JAN. 15 'Birth of Mirth' On Stage Thursday ler, Assistant Inspector General " MU RDE R AHOY" (t 3 Min.) "The Birth of Mirth," a spe- I student body cards at the Desert outlined Wednesday by Captain for the Bureau of Medicine. L Margaret Rutherford, Lionel Jeffries cial program incorporating C(}m- Divisil}n of the college will be John Hardy before the an­ The ann u a I inspection was nual Kern Counly Business Out. 7 p.m. edy from 200 B.C. to Charlie admitted free. held here Jan. 5, at the request (Mystery.Comedy) Agatha Chris tie story Chaplin, will be staged by Ba· The cast of 10 will perform look Conference at Bakersfield. of the Bureau of Weapons in Talking to business, civic and about Min Marple, on amoteur detective kersfield College main campus two s h 0 r t plays, separated in conjunction with its ann u a I industrial leaders in Kern Coun· with abundant curiosity. This time she up· students at Burroughs Auditor· time by 18 centuries. One is Comprehensive Survey. ·ty, the NOTS Commander was rooringly solves murders aboard a yacht. ium next Thursday, Jan. 21. "The Haunted Hl}use," by Rom· The areas of patient care, ad· one of 12 speakers to project It's funl (Adults, Youth, Mature Children.) Cur t a i n time is 8:30 p.m. an writer Plaulus. The other is FOREIGN EXCHANGE student Gloria (Lola) Navas·Montero ministration and general condi­ the economic impact on Kern Short: " Football Hilit.s-'64" (18 Min.) Tickets are $1 for adults and 50 "The Three Cuckolds," authOr of Costa Rica, gratefully accepts $95 check on behalf of tion of buildings and grounds County anticipated by NOTS in cents for children. Holders of unknown. prompted special praise for the American Field Service from Cecil Daley, president of the SATU RDAY JAN. 16 1965. Cactus Squares, at the highly-successful benefit dance given local medical facility. -~AT I N E E-­ Notes Ha rmonious Relations by the club last Saturday night. Watching are Lola's Ameri. Anlw.r to ',.vion ' uul. Captain Miller stated that the "KELLY AND ME'" (86 Min.) can sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Becker, and their CROSSW:ORD PUZZLE criteria of the Joint Commission Recalling his earlier tour ot Von Johnson duty as NOTS Experimental Of­ daughter, Ma ry Lou. Lo la is a senior at Burroughs High. ACROSS '~Thlng., In on the Accreditation of Hospit· 1 p.m. law ficer in 1954 to 1957, Capt. Har­ '.Qenua of I.Communist als were utilized in the evalua· Shorts: " Olark Lark" (7 Min.) dy noted the "great strides that maple. \ I P art y . tion of the local unit. Noting !" Capt. Marv.1 No. 10" (17 Min.) '.Sailor I (abbr.) (colloq.) I I. Possessive that the Station Hospital had have been made to develop har­ Impact On Enroll Tomorrow ---.EVENING­ a·Native pronoun monious relations between NOTS Eg~ptlan 'O·Seer. fulfilled these requirements, he "fliPPER" (92 Min .) 'I2.Solltary 'l.Woody plant and the business and residential 11.Man'. , '6· Need cl}mmended Captain C. J. Hon· Kern Economy For Basic Annual Chuck Connors, Luke Ha lpin nickname , t7. F rult cake sik, (MC), the Senior Medical communities, especially here in 7 p.m. l4.Cry of cat 20. Evergreen Kern County." 1'5 ; ConJunction tree Officer here, for the achieve· (Co ntinued from Page 1) (Ad .... ntur. in Color) Fun·filled story of a '16:Take from I2:.Paren~ As an example of this coop. Rifle Training 18. Fish 'eggl ,cuu ... q.) ment. boy who makes a pet of a dolphin near his 25. Ventilated eration, he pointed to the cur­ supplies, raw materials and reo Enrollment in the Annual Ba· 28·Metal A "Well Done" has been ex­ home in the Florida Keys. l ots of action 19·1:~b~.) , rent negotiations by which the pair Darts. sic Rifle Marksmanship School iO.Gasp fop 27.Beneflt tended to all personnel of the highlights f lipper's amazing ontia in the breath IS·Chineso , Navy may sell to Kern County begins tomorrow at 1 :30 p.m. at .at. Part of pagoda \ Medical Department by Capt. "In addition, $9.8 million clear water. (Adults, Youth, Children.) "to be" II.P ronoun ' 19. Babylonian 45·Chtckena DUAL HONORS were paid by NOTS at reo Ramsey, Commander, Ai r Force, U.S. Atlan­ 106 acres of land to the city of the NOTS Security Police Pistol as. Hebrew .hOln. \ deity 46. Direction Honsik for their contributions in which was spent in Kern County Shorts: " Caball.ra Droopy" (7 Min .) letter 13. Evergre,n 4O.Clas . ....... 48. Explolive ception Wednesday evening for Capt. J. M. t ic Fleet, who was here Wednesday for brief· Ridgecrest for recreational, ed­ (abbr.) attaining the "Outstanding" for goods, services and construc­ Range, where the school will be "Smitt.n Ki ttln" (7 Min .) 24.Showera tree. 41·South Weeks (center), Senior Inspector, BuWeps ings with members of his staff. Capt. John I. a.Worthle., I4.Ural: ft AmeriCan IO·Fruit leecl mark. ucational or other public pur­ t ion and $37.4 million was paid cl}nducted. material anima' rodent 61.Pedal digit annual Comprehensive Survey, and members Hardy, ComNOTS (left) chats with his guests. poses. The course, sponsored by the SUNDAY·MONDAY JAN. 17·18 _.Contaminlt. ' SIS _Bravery 42.Later 13.
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