A WorkersSolidarity112 November/December 2009 Twenty-Five Years of Irish Anarchist News There is Another Way Anarchists Find Huge Hoard of Wealth The rich remain rich and the rest of us are supposed to keep them that way. That’s why we get pay cuts, health cuts, education cuts, job cuts. It’s not as if dipping into the pockets of PAYE workers is the only way to foot bills. A mere 5% of the Irish population own 40% of the wealth. And a tiny 1% own most of it (34%). What pinko fan- tasist came up with these figures, asks the cynic. Well, it was that well-known radical outfit, the Bank of Ireland (in its Wealth of the Nation report). This small number of super-wealthy people own assets (that the Revenue Commissioners know of) worth €100bil- lion. 1,500 of them, the ones that didn’t take tax-exile status, declared incomes over €2.3 million last year. And then there’s the gas and oil fields of capitalism are going by the rules of our workplaces for a national strike off the west coast valued at €420 bil- capitalism – the working class supply that will shut down every job – public lion and rising. Any chance of look- the wealth, and the ruling class supply sector and private sector alike. ing again at the incredibly generous endless reasons why this arrangement Our strength lies in the fact that we terms given to the oil companies by is the only possible one. crooked Minister Ray Burke back in do the work. Without us there are 1987? Seemingly not. Marching will not be enough to stop no busses or trains, no deliveries to the government and IBEC. It was a shops, no teaching in schools, no When Brian Lenihan said there is good start by showing that the stom- production, no services, nothing. We no pot of gold to be had from the ach for a fight to preserve working have a great power in our hands if we wealthy, he was telling a quite deliber- people’s living standards is there. To stand together. The time has gone ate lie. The only thing that is lacking truly show that we mean business beyond protest, now we need to use is the political will to make the rich and to build a campaign to force the our muscle in defence of ourselves, pay for their own crisis. And no wealthy to pay for the crisis, we need our families, the retired and people surprise there, the supporters to begin by winning the argument in on social welfare. Inside: Strike Action | Anti-Facism | Francisco Ferrer Anarchist News & Analysis WorkersSolidarity 112 links to resource extraction multinationals and the web of connections that can be drawn between media figures, the Gardai Review: and Fianna Fail. This is useful stuff. Other columns cover the origin of the quot- Someday ed figures, questions of security of supply, safety concerns, and the possibility of a Independent better deal being made. Useful quotes are interspersed along with the text – one from “Someday Independent” is a 4 page Green Party member, Trevor Sargent, high- leaflet produced by Dublin Shell to lights their cynical about-turn from a previ- Sea. The design/layout and graphical ously strident and principled opposition to work is of a very high standard and the Gas Giveaway. compares favourably to high cost, pro- fessionally produced brochures. The A former director of Statoil, Mike Cunning- overall colour scheme and design is a ham, gives a very illuminating quote: “No pleasing blue “wave” design which is country in the world gives as favourable easy on the eye and appropriate to the terms to the oil companies as Ireland”. Com- subject material without drawing too ing from a former oil company director, this much attention to itself. is quite something to consider! The leaflet employs a satirical headline On the last page, a brief summary of the which emulates the tabloid style - put history of campaign to date is presented, something controversial and attention- excellent tactic which brings the figure which is especially useful in showing the grabbing on the front cover to catch the down to earth and shows the practical length of the struggle, the breadth of in- reader’s attention. But in this case, the value of the Corrib Gas field reserves to dividuals and organisations involved, and headline “Ireland Strikes it rich, all cuts to the current economic predicament. the frightening levels of abuse (both ver- be scrapped”, has a deeper purpose, which bal and physical) dealt out by the Gardai is to make the very salient point that the A side box on the 2nd page summarises and Shell security forces to those resist- huge wealth contained in the Corrib Gas the background to the gas giveaway ing this project. Field would be sufficient to solve our eco- originating with Ray Burke and Bertie Ah- nomic woes many times over. ern 20 years ago and the new terms and The final page also gives over a side column conditions they introduced for oil and to a checklist of actions which the reader A sidebar along the bottom of the front gas exploration and exploitation. can take to help the campaign and contact page brings the difficult to grasp figure details for Shell to Sea Dublin. It’s a solid way of 420 billion euro into perspective by Columns are split up in a logical way so that to end a very effective leaflet which should showing some examples of what such each covers a different area of concern – be distributed as widely as possible. money could provide, for example: “300 one column deals with the news and me- times the annual pension levy”. This is an dia personalities involved, detailing their Cian Lynch Libertarian Networks Shell to Sea Campaign to move Shell’s gas pipeline Contacts Indymedia Ireland offshore from Co. Mayo. Alternative user-generated Irish news. http://www.shelltosea.com Anarchist Organisations http://www.indymedia.ie Hands Off the People of Iran Workers Solidarity Movement Seomra Spraoi Anti-imperialist network for solidarity with PO Box 1528, Dublin 8. Dublin Social Centre Iranian trade unionists & the women’s www.wsm.ie 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1. rights movement. [email protected] http://www.seomraspraoi.org http:// www.hopoi.org [email protected] | [email protected] Galway Social Space Choice Ireland Organise! 24 Middle Street, Galway. Abortion rights action group PO Box 505, Belfast, BT12 6BQ http://www.galwayspace.org [email protected] [email protected] http:// www.choiceireland.org Revolutionary Anarcha-Feminist Campaigning Groups Alliance for Choice (NI) Group (RAG) http://allianceforchoiceni.org Free Education for Everyone PO BOX 10785, Dublin 1. Campaign to stop the reintroduction of http://ragdublin.blogspot.com/ Residents Against Racism college fees and to promote the right to Opposing racism and deportations. free education for all. 24 hour helpline: 087 666 2060 [email protected] http://free-education.info/ WorkersSolidarity 112 Francisco Ferrer Murdered By the State ‘Teach people how to think, not what to think.’ A hundred years ago this year, a huge campaign arose around the world to save the life of Francisco Ferrer. A Cat- alonian by birth, Ferrer was an active anarchist and well known across Eu- rope and the Americas for his radical views on education. Ferrer’s enemies were not for turning though and the campaigns failed. He was shot to death by firing squad on October 13th 1909. Born to Catholic parents outside Barce- lona, Ferrer became involved at a young age in anti-royalist activities in Spain. He fled to Paris to escape the Spanish au- thorities and there became involved with anarchism and the great love of his life: education and learning. Ferrer held the view that people were born free with inquiring, independent minds. He believed that children had a thirst for knowledge and that the role of thought that these practices were the use these new methods of teaching and education was to develop and encour- opposite of what teaching and learning he commissioned and published school age this fundamental quality. At the time should be about. He opposed the idea of books that looked at the world in a differ- in Spain, the Catholic Church had a stran- exams and believed that inquiry, discus- ent way to the way the ruling class of that glehold on education. For many there sion and egalitarian practice between day wanted. was no other means to learn other than teachers and students were central to In those years in Spain the anarchist to go to a school run by Catholic priests how teaching should be organised. movement was growing stronger by the – sound familiar? Yet what happened If Ferrer had confined himself to writing year. Their activities were met by repres- to children in these schools? Ferrer wit- books about education, he might well sion and Ferrer himself was arrested on nessed Catholic nuns and priests filling not have become such a thorn in the au- numerous occasions for his involvement. children’s heads with superstitions and thorities’ side. But that was not his style. In 1909 though, the authorities finally nonsensical ideas about ‘miracles’ and Returning to Barcelona in the early 1900s saw their chance and took it. A general the ‘afterlife’. To Ferrer, this practice by the he organised the first of his ‘Escuela Mod- strike in Barcelona turned into a bloody Church served the interest of the status erna’ (Modern School) schools in Barcelona. uprising that later became known as The quo. He abhorred the idea that irratio- These schools were non-religious, co-edu- Tragic Week.
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