William Blewett, The First Family Genealogy Compiled by Michael K. Blewett 5 Apr 2007 Created by www.AncestralAuthor.com WBlewett FamGen 1. William1 Blewett, Sr The First, born 20 Dec 1706, in Of, Cornwall County, England, died before 15 Jun 1790, in Anson County, NC, buried in Blewett Falls, NC. He married (1) Sarah Garton 30 Jul 1751, in Old Swedes Church, Wilmington, New Castle County, DE. She was the daughter of John Garton and Rebekah Gibbons. Sarah Garton was born about 1730, died about 1761, in Anson County, NC, buried in Blewett Falls, NC. He married (2) Miss White before 1761. Miss White died about 1761, in Blewett Falls, NC. He married (3) Elizabeth Morris about 1761, in Blewett Falls, Anson County, NC. Elizabeth Morris died about 1812, in Richmond County, NC. William Blewett, Esq. was transported from England to the colonies whenabout ten years old f or the trivial offense of cutting a riding switch ofa nobleman's land. He was brough up in P hiladelphia City in the tailortrade. From there removed to North Carolina on the Pee Dee Riv er, whichis on the line between Anson and Richmond Counties, when a young man. Onland Grante d to him by King George the Second and King George the Thirdof England. William Blewett wa s a Justice of the Peace for Anson County,NC in 1776. From: N. C. State Department of Archives and History Anson County Wills Book A, p. 34 (microfilms) No. 18 In the name of God Amen. I, William Blewett, of the county of Anson, State of North Carolina, being well in body and of sound mind and memory, calling to mind my own mortality, do think proper to make and constitutethis my last will and testament in manner and form floowing - Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas 200 acres of land in Richmond County patented in my own name. Also, 230 acres adj. aforesaid patented by Robert Jarman, to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Eli Blewett 245 acres of landlying between my son Thomas Blewett and Cartledge Creek, to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my son William Blewett 300 acres ofland on McCoy Creek i n Anson County, to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Morris Blewett 100 acres ofland adj. my son Eli Ble wett on the lower side of Cartledge Creek inRichmond County to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my son David Blewett 100 acres of landin Anson County whereon I now live, to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Blewett 320 acres in Anson County adj. my son David Blewett patented by Robert Jarman, to him andhis heirs and assigns f orever. Item. I give and bequeath to my six sons Thomas, William, Eli,Morris, David, and James all my Fishery to be equally divided amongst them eachone doing his proporti on of labour in keeping the same repairs, to themand thier heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to Thomas Watkins of Richmond County, the seventh part of aforesaid Fishery willed to my six sons, he now beingpossessed of the propert y of the same but his title not by me conveyed,the said Thomas Watkins doing his portion of l abour to keep said Fisheryin repair, to him and his heirs forever. Item. I leave with my loving wife Elizabeth Blewett (after my justdebts being paid) during her life or widowhood all my movable estate, andsettle her on my son David 's land during her 2 WBlewett FamGen life. My will is in case my wife Elizabeth should marry and after mydecease, that two thirds of all my movable estate be sold and the money arising thereform to be equally divided between my two daughters Susannah andAnne. I will the privilege on my Ferry to my two sons Thomas and David, tothem and their heir s forever. Lastly, I constitute and appoint my three sons, Thomas, William andEli my sole Executor s of this my last will and testment. In witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal this 15th dayJune in the year o f our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety. Wm. Blewett (Seal) Assigned and Ack'd in the presence of us Test: Thomas Smith, Jurate Jacob Morris Hardy Hooker, Jurate John Smith, Carpenter No Probate Shown. NC Anson County Will Index Devisor Devisee When Probated Book Page Blewett, William Thomas Blewett Jun 15, 1790 A 34 William Blewett Eli Blewett Land Grants This land grant is in Old English, and inasmuch as the Old English Letter "s" is not on available in this program, I am substituting the letter"f", it is not a typographical error. GRANT George the fecond by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, etc. To all to whom thefe Prefentsshall come greeting: Know ye that we for the inconfideration of the rentf and dutiefherein referred have given and granted by thefe prefents for us and our Heirf and succeffors fo give and grant unto William Blewett a tract of landcontaining 200 acref lying and bing in the County of Bladen our Province of NorthCarolina lying on the N orth East fide of Great Pee Dee beginning about amile and a half above the mouth of Cartledge s Creek at 2 white oaksrunning North 25 degrees El 114 poles to a pine; and afh on the Riverb ank then up the river to the firft ftop containing 200 acres as by theplat hereto annexed dot h appear. Together with all woodf, waterf, minef,mineralf, hereditamentf and appertances t o the faid landf belonging orappertaining (one half of all gold and filver minef excepted), t o holdhim, the faid Blewett, his heirf and affignf foreveraf our Manor ofGreenwich in our Cou nty of Kent in free and common soccage by Fealtyonly; yeilding and praying unto us our heir f and succeffors on the Secondday of February in each year at fuch placef in our province a s ourGovernor for the time being with the advice and confent of our confulfhall think fit t o direct and appoint provided always that in cafe of thefaid, William Blewett, heirs and affi gns, fhall not within the fpace ofThree yearf from the date hereof Plat the fame during his r ights andlikewise clear and cultivate according to the proportion of Three acresfor every hun dred, and alfo that if a Minute of Docket or thefe ourletters Patent fhall not be entered i n the office of our Auditor Generalfor the time being in our faid cafes thefe our Letters Pat ens fhall bevoid and of noe effest. In teftimony Whereof we have caufed the great Feal of 3 WBlewett FamGen our Faidprovinces to be hereunto a ffixed witness our Trufty and well beloved,Gabriel Johnston, Efquire, our Captain General an d Governor in Chief atRaleigh, this 30th day of September, in the Twenty Second Year of ourRe ign, Anno Domini, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Forty-eight (9/30/1748). Recorded in the Sec. Office, in Rice Dep Sec. By His Excellency Command, In Rice Dep. Sec. Job Johnston Enrolled in the Aud. General Office, 31st Sept., 1748 Alex McColloch Deptuty Auditor. GRANT North Carolina ss. No. 235 George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britian, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc., to all to whom thefe Prefentsfhall come, Greeting: KNOW YE, that We, for an confideration of the Rent andDutief herein referred , have Given and Granted, and by thefe Prefents,for Us, Our Heirs and Succeffors, DO Give an d Grant unto William Blewetta Tract of Land, containing One Hundred Acres, lying and being i n theCounty of Anfon in Our Province of North Carolina, In Pee Dee River,Beginning at a Whit e Oak on a Quarry of Rocks On the North East Bank ofthe River just above Blewett's falls an d Running thence 1. 73 W. 21Chains acorff the River to the Western Bank by a Rock then down t he Riverside to the Western Bank by a Rock then down the River side to theMiddlemost of a Cle ft of 3 Collumns of Pillars of Rocks then North 11Chains and 30 Links to the Eastern Shore th en up the Water side to thefirst Station. 24th Dec - 11th Year of George III - 1770 As the Plat hereunto a (blurred) appear; together with all Woods, Waters, Mines, Minerals, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the (blurred) andbelonging or appertainin g (one half of all Gold and Siler Minesexcepted); To hold to him the faid William Blewett hi s Heirs and Affigns,for ever, as of our Monor of East Greewich, in our County of Kent, infre e and common Soccage, by realty only; Yeilding and Paying unto us, ourHeirs and Succeffors, f or ever, the yearly Rent of Four Shillings,Proclamation Money for every Hundred Acres hereb y granted; to be paidunto Us, our Heirs and Succeffors; on the Fecond Day of February in each year, at Fuch Places in our Faid Province as our Governor for the Timebeing with the Advice a nd Confent of our Council, shall think it fit todirect and appoint. Provided Always, That i n Cafe the said WilliamBlewett, his Heirs and Affigns, fhall not within Three Years from theD ate hereof, clear and cultivate according to the Proportion of threeAcres for every Hundred ; and alfo, That if a Minute or Docket of thefeour Letters Patent, fhall not be entered in th e office of OurAuditor-General, for the Time being, in our Faid Province, within SixMonths fr om the Date hereof; that then in either of the faid Cafes, thefeour Letters Patent, shall b e void and of noe Effect.
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