The UWM Post 4-1 ^ ":- M Gasthaus reopens to mixed reviews Post Photo by Sampson Parsons charm was its gritty, dark atmo­ Renovations not sphere. "It needs to be broken in," yet complete sophomore Adam Helt said. However, not all visitors to the By Jim Kogutkiewicz B. 1 Hi • • "new" bar & grill missed the ' 1 1 H X i smoky, dimly Following months of renova­ ••Bl IS mm lit Gasthaus of yesterday. tion and a rumored name change, "It looks better," sophomore the remodeled Gasthaus re­ Stephanie Hughes said. "Before, opened Thursday in the Union it looked like a basement." basement. Gasthaus managers are still Featuring a radically different waiting to put the finishing layout from the previous design, touches on the place. Several thenew Gasthaus appears brighter B booths near the bar are without and more spacious than the old, tables or chairs. which many students referred to Tables, chairs, and booths as "dank" and "gloomy." needed to complete the renova­ Students visiting the Gasthaus - •• tmpmnnuamH—••••¥•'• tion will be delivered soon. seemed impressed by the new de­ ' According to manager Craig sign, but memories of the old Heser, renovation projectleaders Gasthaus still lingered. wanted to reopen the Gasthaus "It's too clean," said UWM as soon as possible. When suffi­ :*>>&' sophomore Justin Swonger. For cient many students the old Gasthaus' Entrance to the new Gasthaus in the basement of the Union. SEE GASTHAUS, PAGE 22 Union late-night events still not likely Discover administration's veto of new UPB passed the new guidelines thatwouldehangetherules,"said UJ Administration late-night event guidelines, Nov. 20 and reaffirmed them dur­ Assistant Chancellor of Student Burma which the board passed last No­ ing an appeal hearing Dec. 8. The Affairs Bill Mayrl. "Well, UPB News. Page 4 vetoes new late- vember. policy was not formally vetoed un­ can't change those kinds of The vetoed UPB guidelines til Dec. 11. rules." would have increased the num­ "As the UPB, we're supposed to Chapter 36 of the Wisconsin Q Mother night events ber of people allowed admit­ be the power of the Union," State Statutes gives responsibility Love tance to late-night events. The Stricklensaid. "Butwhat's happen­ pertaining to health, safety and current limit is 500. New UPB Mosaic. Page 5. policy ing is, we make the policy and if public order to the Board of Re­ guidelines would have ex­ Union Director Tim Wilmot gents, which oversees the Univer­ By Sue Birch panded thatlimit to 900people. doesn't like it, then it goes to a sity of Wisconsin System. The 17 Big Man at A Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity hearing from where itis sent to Bill regents delegate thatresponsibil- Union Policy Board (UPB) mem­ charityeventscheduledforDec. Mayrl, who denies it," said UPB ity to chancellors of individual Ul Nacho bers and university administration 19, 1998, was cancelled for se­ memberjames Stricklen. UW System institutions. Mama officials continue to debate a de­ curity reasons after administra­ "I exercised their own constitu­ "The UPB does not havejuris- Mosaic. Page 6. cade-old issue regarding UWM' s Stu­ tion officials learned the event tion and some of them seem sur­ diction over matters of health, dent Union and late-night events. would exceed the 500-person prised," Wilmot said. safety and public order," said The UWM Student Association capacity. According to the UPB Constitu­ Mayrl. "I think that we have dem­ Irish Films (SA) appoints six students and three UPB memberjames Stridden tion, "the Union Director may onstrated over and over again Arts. Page 8. faculty members to UPB. The board and UPB Chair Daryl Knox, who choose to have his appeal heard by that there are in fact, very real creates policies thataffect the opera­ are also Phi Beta Sigma mem­ the UPB atits nextscheduled meet­ health, safety and public order — tion ofthe Student Union. The fac­ bers, said the fraternity event ing, or have the appeal immediately concerns when it comes to these Spring ulty positions are currently vacant. was approved Dec. 1, 1998. directed to the Assistant Chancel­ events." Sports Today, some UPB members are Therefore, they said, the event lor of Student Affairs." Administration officials have Sports. Page 16. questioning the democratic capac­ wouldhavefallenunderthe new "The UPB pushed through this ity of their positions following the 900-person capacity. 900 capacity policy as if somehow SEE UNION, PAGE 23 POSX NEWS PAGE 2 THE UWM POST FEBRUARY 16, 1999 Confused? Ask Your Peers. Celebrate Burma UWM is offering an opportunity Deadline for entering the contest UWM will hold a Multicultural The Edison Initiative and the The Graduate Clinical Labora­ to gain course credit through in­ is March 29, and entry forms are Career Day on Feb. 24 from 10 College of Letters and Science are tory ScienceAssociation (GCLSA) terning. Interns will work on such available in the Post office, EG80. a.m.- 2 p.m. The career day will hosting the Grand Openingof the will hold a fundraising dinner cel­ give minority students and alumni Peer Mentoring Center in Bolton ebrating Burma on Feb. 19. Magical Mystery Tour Into Science the opportunity to meet with Hall, Room 192 on Feb. 18 at GCLSA is an active organization Ric Ancel, a professor of math­ represenatives from 95 business, 10:30 a.m. All UWM students can supporting the freedom struggle ematical sciences at the University industry, government and educa­ come for help with a variety of is­ of Burma. There will be a slide of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will take tional organizations. sues—writing, technology, access­ show and silent auction as well. BULLETIN the audience on a "magical mys­ ing UWM resources, etc For tickets, contact the SOAR of­ tery tour" ofthe "mathematical X- Great Decisions Lecture Series fice, Union E310. files"at8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19 and The Great Decisions Lectures Bulimic Support Group 26 in Physics 137. For more info, will be held every Tuesday for Bulimic Education and Support Logo Contest BOARD call 229-5269. eight weeks in the Golda Meir Li­ Training (B.E.S.T) is a group for The Roberto Hernandez Cen­ brary conference center from persons suffering and recovering ter ofthe College of Letters and African History Month 7:30-9:00 p.m. The lecture on from bulimia and related eating Science at UWM is holding a logo Edited by UWM's Department of Feb. 16 is entitled "The Interna­ disorders and for their families design contest. The logo must Africology presents "Hip Hop Cul­ tional Financial Crisis: The IMF and friends. It meets every reflect the center's mission state­ Amanda Myers ture: A Force for Liberation" on and Its Critics" and the Feb. 23 Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. at ment: to serve Latino students at Feb. 22 at 12:30 p.m. in the lecture is entitled "Weapons of Redeemer Lutheran Church, UWM, to strengthen the Milwuakee Room of the Student Mass Destruction: Reemerging 1905 W. Wisconsin Ave. For more university's ties with the Latin Union. On Feb. 23 you can hear Threat?" committees as Women's Issues, info, call 479-0046. community, and to foster Latino the "Sounds of Africa" with the Academic Affairs, and Legislative studies and culture. The winner Dorcilius' Haitian Drummers at Affairs. For more info, call 229- The Zimph To Speak at Seminar will recieve a $500 scholarship to the Student Union- Ground Con­ Literacy Tutors Needed 4366. "Trends in Education" will be course. Literacy Services of Wisconsin UWM. Designs must be submit­ held Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the , ted by March 1. Submit entries to (LSW) urgently needs evening Attention All Aspiring Playwrights Italian Community Center, 631 E tutors and also needs tutors in the UWM, Roberto Hernandez Cen­ The Village Playhouse of Worldwide Judge Judy Chicago Ave from 7-10 a.m. Computer Learning Center dur­ ter, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, Wl Wauwatosais pleased to announce Friends of Peace Studies is Speakers are Chancellor Zimpher ing the day and evening. Formore 53201. For more info, call 229- sponsering a presentation on "In­ and Robertjasna, adjunct profes­ 6156. its 14th Annual Wisconsin Play­ info call the Laubach Center at wright Original One Act Festival. ternational Criminal Justice: An sor at UWM. For registration call 344-5878. End to Impunity?" on Feb. 25 at 7 577-1059. SA Offers Internships Theyaresolicitingoriginal scripts by Wisconsin playwrights for the p. m. in the Milwuakee room of the The Student Association at festival's June 1999 production. Student Union. For more info, Outward Bound: Earn College Credits call 229-6549. Voyager Outward Bound School is looking for interested So You Want to Be a Teacher? students to participate in their The UWM f^M UWM pre-education and edu­ programs and earn college cred­ cation students are encouraged to its- all for about the same cost as attend "So You Want to Be a tuititon. Course activities include Teacher" Day at UWM on April desert and alpine backpacking, 8. Admission is free, but registra­ lake and river canoeing, sea Post tion is limited. Call 229-4721 by kayaking, rock climbing, cross­ 2000 E. Kenwood Blvd., Suite EG-80 PO Box 413, Union Box 88 April 2. country skiing, and dogsledding. Milwaukee, Wl 53201 Formore info, call 1-800-328-2943. Phone: 414.229.4578 Fax 414.229.4579 UWM's Multicultural Career Day E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.uwmpost.com Editor RobinLickel News Editor JimKogutkiewicz Asst. News Editor BryanG.Pfeifer Mosaic Editor MietraJenniferNamdari Sports Edtr./Circ. Manager CharlesRozewicz The UWM Office Manager Karenjanka Post Photo Editor SampsonParsons isamemberof Copy Editor AngelaMcManaman Music Editor PeteMenting ANDanAWE50ME I FilmA^ideo Editor EricLaRose Kronk! Tyrannus AndrewKrause edition to any resume? Senior Account Executive LisaRidgely Webmaster BryanBuchs Enter the Student Technology Manager MattHerman Conference on Peace Production Manager AngelaLeeds associated collegiate press Editoria /Assistant AmandaMyers and Resolotion.
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