" BON-IN-LAW COI\II'JH Ji'IWJ\f ntmi\IANV Death Beats Kin to Mason Henry Lange, AG, cllc!l Sunrlay evPning iJPr',lliHC he hucl turned on nigh! ,tt hm home in M.tson, liP tlw light, Ntnety-Third Year No, 7 Mason, Michigan, February 141 1952 Three Sections, 22 Pages livmi alorw ut :J~2 Eo~st Runriolph Mr. unrl Mrs, Jl,tymonrl lmcw Jfp cllccl oliOTl(', A lr.w hours lo~ter tl~otl '!'Pel llem.u· of Amcliua wm; Ills son-tn·iaw ft•om J•!.tst GPt'· L.mgc's rwpiww. Moncl.1y morn­ Farmers ~lect Dairy Quean News Index motny walked up to tile cloot•. '!'he Ing 1\lrs, Ho~ymonrl I'Hiiecl the Hc­ Women Stand Want ads, Pngc'i 6, 7 and H, nlcl m.tn had hr•Pn cxpP~Iing him rn;u· farm illlrl HPmar· ~arne, IIro Pnrt 1 Fair ·Board Goes. Ahead hut not until J•'l'id.ty u( this w.th at the ltaymnnrl hmrsc when Sncini items, Pngcs •l and !3, week. Mrs. Hnvmoncl glnnccd outside Pnrt 1. Mr. L.mge lc>fl !tis f.tr·m in just .ts a stro~nger wnllwri up to As Candidates Sports, Page 1, Part 2. Wiwntflcld 21/. ye,trs ,1go In eomP the Ln 111-(1' hnusP nmi lwockcd Clrurch new•,, Pugc li, Petri 2. With Three Big Barns to Masr,n. He tell well Suncl.ty, '"J'Iwre's llw son in-l,rw from l~dltorrnls, I'.tgc 2, Part 3. lw told his ncighhor Clare HolY· C:r•r m.my," Mt s Haymond said. For Council l•'mm new~, !'ages •I nrHI 5, monel eilriy In the aftor·nonn, hut She \\.Is right. Hcmar went Pm-t :l he lwei been un,lhlc to b]['[!Jl the .wrnss to gr ec•t I llC Gcr man, Willi Supr!rVIHors, P.rgc h, Pnrt For Housing Livestock Councihtwn Must l'il'l\ night before. Ile .tslwd the ncigh­ Jloslr~l. and tell him that Mr .1. 't'ht'i't' CandichttPs fl'Om hnr to visit n doctor's olfi• e Mnn· L{tngc hnd diPd the evening he· Legal news, l'n~c 8, Part 1; Directors l-lave '$10,000 in County Money cl.ty rnornlnJ.( to grot him somP [nrc. NotniliPI~ List of m~ht Pngc 7, Part .1. siPeplng tahlcts R.1ymnnrl salciiJC Hostel h.td r•rosscrl the Alianlic To Use Toward Construction of Three Barns would, anrl as he left the L,mgc hy sl11p anrl taken the train fr•nm Mrs. Lucille Leonard and home he silirl, "Lrot me• know if Nr'IV York lo Chimgn From Chi Mrs. Elsie Demorest will ac­ Ingham fait· directors at a mePiing ltt>ld in Mason Mon­ thPtc is anything you W<tnl." <'ar:o liP r .unP tu Mason. Ilarl he cept nominations r to the city Ingham Farmers day started act ton on a building pt·ogmm. They gave I he go '!'he Havmonrts hiirl ri~mcd .1 mme riiiPr·t lo Dcttoll anrl then council. So will Gordon Ken­ ahead signnl on threr. lives Iock bm·ns, ec1ch to he ~4x124. llltUer· system IW\WPell tiiC! \WO to M.u;on he wouirl have mrivcli Construction will be on conct·ete or cinclet• block with !rouses s;, Mr. Lo~ngc> c oultl sum­ Sunriav. nedy, Rolland Troxell, Fmnk Attend Ann'ual mon tlu•m. !lui o~•, Hnslri <'Xplltmeli to HI' D.tkin, Earl Urquhart, Gerald siPel roofs. Thr. buildmgs will have wtndows in the 7-fool As Mr·.. md Mrs. Jtaymnnrl wr•m mal, "I Lrrl T r·omP Sunday I Pat·sons and Silas Bement. Dairy B~nquet sidewalls and double 'i:lom·s at each end. They will he so con­ going to hNt at 11.:m SI!IHI:tl' would ,tlw.t\'s ltaVP. helicvP.d that Courwlinwn must <'honsr. I in rro Jn~:h.rm dairymen nnrl their structed, explained Secretary Joy 0. Davis, so that they can night they ~larwcrl .tl·t·oss to llw rnv fo~thct·ln·law <lied of shock at nf the eight to run with five families met nl lite Legion Me· Lange housr•. '!'hey notrc•prl a light my arr Ivai." be lensed fat· cll'y stomge dur-1 , others n\ \lw April 7 eicr'lion 'l'iw mor·lai h tl tl rJ I n g in Mason hurnlng .tiHI s.tw th.tl flu• sh.ulro Mr. L.rngro r•amc to the Uni!Prl ing the 51 weeks of the yeat• eight e,rnrJiri,Jies wrll contest for Werlncsrlo~y to honor Ga herd D Add' t' wo~s r.tiscri. Mt· ltaymonrl dP· Slo~lcs in i'li:l. llc Willi ned lo frnn r oundl posts. owner., who;;e herds pmduced when the rair clocs not need rug IC IOn crclr.rl to go .wross to scp if the fll'llllllll,\' lot ,l VISit hf'IWCCII the w.rrs Ifp rs sur·viwrl hy IInce Uncle! M,tsnn's nr.w r·lw rt P.r more than 400 pounds of hutter­ olri m.1n w.ts ail I lghl fot• I he fnt per cow during the past year. them. Rumor Explodes Jtighl Befo11• he If•,tdJl'ri \lw riaUJ~htPrs .trHI thtr•e sons anri a the p.trly system was aiMminncd Tlw r•rumty Is tJJoviding $111,· Dumer W<~s server.! to :no. L.tnge hm1sc, though, tlw 1w1gh ht other· in liH• Eastern zone of Nomrn.tlwn Is by petition The 000 from tax funrls to help pay A F s h I hot• s,tw the horly o[ Mr. Lan)'C Get n1.tny charlct• r·ontains the unique clo~usr• Professor Guy Iliil of Michigan [or the IJuilclings. D<lVIS csllmatcci t our c 00 s St.tiP r oliege wns m.tster of cere· tho cost will bf' about $12,000 fol slumped on the floor. 'l'he slwr·· Hostr>l st.1verl wrth the llcmars 1 h.Jt 1f double I he nurnilf!l' of monies. After lite dinner at noon, !If's depart men! was summoner! f1om Monday until Friday lie ~.Ul<lirl.rtes fnr the nt'frres ,tl the tiJJcc buiidmgs Widcsprc.ul rumors \h,tl there 1 Hill introduced Luny Johnson, .TusiiC'c uf the l'e.rcl! !loy W pl.tns 1o rctu1n ln Chil'ago and st.tkf' rio not mr., tile ('[)lllll'll No contract w.1s let, D.tVJ', Js dtltg ncldtclwn 111 M.1son, Lcs· lJ II I. A. ~upervisor from the gl'l d tnh so that ills wrfc and must nominate enough to malw S!lld, hut an atTnngemcnl w,Js lie, D.msvlile .tnri floit ~chools Arl.tms wm; c.tllr•d. Indlr .11 Ions college, who comphmcrltcd the tlolntr•ri to the flnchng I hat Mr dnlrirrn m.ty Jollt>W hun to the sure there nrc two candidates for made wrth Paul Kilhum of On­ .trc without founriat inn. Unrtl'rl St.tles every oJTrce. owners o[ the high he1ds. John­ onrlnga to do the joh at an hmtJ Lange harl lwcn dc.td fm sPvcml son cxplrrlncrl that 46 per cent of SIJCI'Iff Will,ucl P Blll'llCS, a[ICI' hours, Jll'Jb.tbly slme c.trly mllte l•'urwr a! scrvrccs fot Mr. Lange At the rchruary 4 mcclin~ tile rate. lie c~ttmalcd tllolt the cost three days of workmg with fr.d­ \l'r>I'P Jwld Wednesday afternoon councilmen lc,mwcl they IJ,ui only the lGG herd•, on test in the coun­ will run about $1,000 .1 building, ty arc averaging more than <100 er .11 narcot k agC'nls, cxpiodcrl .tl til(' lPWf<l\ tlwpcl. !lev. VPrn five nommccs qual!fyin~ IJy pc· Dav1~ stater!. pounds of butterfat per cow. the fanciful tales Wednesday, on :o-;mlth nf the Holt Prc~;hyterr tit ion They arc Mayor C. II II,liJ, The fair ho,u cl has not yet de TIH't e is not a sclntiii.J of cvi­ "Twenty-two per cent of the First Aid Class .111 r·hur ell olfti'I.Jteri. Buri.tl was CourH'ilman Frank Evans, former ciclecl on a site lor tile th1ce rlcn~P. lmkmr~ ter•n .rgcrs to the ' 111 l'.tlrvrew c·emctery, Dansvrllc Mayor S. A Morrison, Clairmont Ilah Baker of Leslie is queen of the Ingham county dairy 15,000 cows In Ingham nrc work· buildings, the secretary rcpm·tcd dope tr,tlflc, the shcrrJT cleclareri. in>: under ,1 testing program," Gus S•·htlif'r, Adolph Ycrl<c, Emil Everitt and Ralph G Strope. They probably wril be J)uilt to the F'or a mont 11 City Ott leer Ken· Enrolls 50 in industry. She was selected at the dairy banquet I..Yednesday .Johm on stated. "The average fm L,mgc, D.1vid L.mgc, 81 nest AI Instead of naming th1 cc candi· afternoon. The 17-year-old girl had been active in 4-H work north of the present llvcstocl\ ncth Me11ndor f .mri Deputy Sher· \nee Ill .md 'l'cd Hcmm wcw p.rll· dates us the eharter provides, all other c •unt1es in MIChtgan ts butldings, he indrcatcd lm· ctght years. She has gone all-out in dait·y, clo1hing and srx per cent " tlf Vcrslic Bai;C'oclc at Mason, and IJC.ttet'S, the council nppointcrl n commll· I..ong-Range l'wgTnm Bahcor k and other deputies at Course at Mason cannmg proj<'Cts.
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