B K D BAN K All the New ol An Ideal Place to Lire BIS D BANK' Located on the Beautiful and surrounding Towns Shrewsbury River, one hour Told Fearlestly and Without Bias from New York and provid- RED BANK REGISTER ing ovory city convenience. Iisued Woekly. Entered HI Be cond-Cla«« HotUr nt the F°«t- Suliamptinn I'ricc: One Year 12.00. office at Bid Dank, N. J.. un d«r tho Act of March S, 1871. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1936. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 35. Six Months J1.00. Single Copy ic. PAGES 1 TO 12, Rumson Council Thomas Kelsey Middletown Loses Union Services Elks To Observe Little Silver They Dont Live Pierce Suspended Old Timers' Nighl Is To Purchase To Be Ordained For Disobedience A Great Teacher On Sunday Night Of f icials Get A The Rod Bank Lodge of Elks will Right, So They Miss Dora Roberts Pastes Away Christians and Jews to Unite in observe tonight as "old-timers' New Ambulance By Bishop Kiley Robert Tierce of Shrewsbury night." A largo attendance is expect- Raise In Salary avenue, Bed Bank street auperln- at the Age of 55 Years After Observing Brotherhood Day ed by the older members of the Cant Get Job Attorney Directed to Prepare Red Bank Young Man to Gradu- tendemt for more than fifteen Having Been Continuously an at the Synagogue—Service in lodge. As a special feature J. It Instructor for 36 Years. Foppele, chief engineer of radio sta- Ordinance Adopted by Mayor Three Aspirants for Fair Haven Ordinance to Buy Vehicle at ate In March from St. Bonn- years, was nuspendcd Monday af- English and Hebrew. ternoon for two weeks by llarold tion WOR, will give a talk on broad- and Council—White Objects Postmastership Ruled Out Be- a Coat Not to Exceed $2,500 venture'j .Seminary—Gradu- casting. On Saturday night. Feb- S. Allen, chairman of the borough Miss Dora M. Roberts, principal of A union service of Christiana and ruary' 22, Joe Procita, one df the to Full-Time Collector—Oth- cause They Live i n Territory ate of Catholic High School. street committee, for refusing' to the Leonardo grade school, died Sat- Jews, in observance of Brotherhood country's bc«t known pocket billlard- —County Taxes Paid. urday at her homo on tho state er Public Matters. Served by Red Bank. carry out orders. John turlilii of day, will be held next Sunday night ists, will give an exhibition in the highway in .Rarltan township, near at eight o'clock in the synagogue on grill at 9:45. The Rumson mayor and council Thomas Kelsey, son of Mr. and Newman Springs road, who has Hazlet. She was taken sick last Sep- The Little Silver mayor and coun- punned a motion at last Thuruday tember and for several months she Riverside avenue. The public is" in- . The minstrel show which was giv- Fair Haven is due to- have a new Mrs. Thomas Kelsey of Pearl street, been In the employ,of tho depart- vited to attend. cil adopted the salary ordinance night's meeting directing William A. will be ordained a priest Saturday, was.a patient at St. Luke's hospital en by members of the lodge at the postmaster most any day now to ment several yean, Is acting su- The service will open with a piano Home on last Saturday night will be Friday night, with all the council- succeed Fred Dennis, appointee of Stevens, borough attorney, to draw March 28, at St. Mary's cathedral, at New York. She returned homo men voting In favor of it except up an ordinance for tho purchase of perintendent. from that Institution a short time and violin prelude. Tho assembly repeated on Saturday, February 2!), tho last Republican administration Trenton, by Bishop Moses E. Kiley will sing the hymn, "O God, Our Help George White. Before being adopted Originally there was a field of four a new unVbulance, at a cost not to of tho Trenton diocese, and will say ago. on thc occasion o[ the 25th anniver- n Ages Past." The invocation will sary of Red Bank lodge. two amendments were made. The aspirants. Now there la only one exceed $2,500. Five bonds of 5500 his first Bolcmn high mass the fol- Miss-Roberts was born In" thc borough clerk':; nalary- was raised each will bo Issued to pay for the be given In Hebrew by Rev. W, Car- candidate. Three have been ruled lowing day, Passion Sunday, at St. hcnjse where she died. She was S5 from $350 to $500 and the assessor's out because, although they live with- ambulance. There waa a discussion years old and almost continuously, man Trembath, pastor of the Re- James's church, of which ho is a formed church. The prayer will be I from 55-10 to $G00. in the territorial cop/lnes ot Fair Ha- as to how long the bonds should run. member. Ashes And Salt; since she was 19 years of age, she It waa suggested that the period Ball Of Mr. White objected to the salary ven, tho bulk of the mall service had been a public school Instructor done for them Is performed by the should not exceed five years, but for 36 years. A large part of her of $1,400 for the collector. Previously Councilman John M. Ellis thought Safer Traveling the collector received $700, but it Red Bank postofllce. service was in Middletown township, Fire Department Tne one that was too long. "We are passing where for thc past two years she had was a part-time job. Since Clar„•,„k , candidate who has not enough on to our grandchildren," John Larkin, New Street Super- been principal of the Leonardo grade P. Kemp, tho new collector, has i een disqualified because of realdence Mr. Ellis said. intendent, Takes Effective school. While filling this oflice she Elks Home on Broad Street to be taken oflice he has been at his oflice I requirements is Roy Jones, a former was also teacher of civics and his- ln he ou h ha v It was decided to make tho maxi- Scene Saturday of Eleventh ,i .?°': e " building daily. j?,™orl,°"iced warr anrhde athre veterae n of the mum period Uvo years, with the Means to Prevent Accidents tory of the seventh and eighth Mr. White contended that the sal- ™ ' who have prlvllego of culling In the bondB at on Red Bank Business Streets. grades, a position which she had Annual Event—Many Reser- ary for the collector for full time ^"pronounced ineligible are Henry the end of three years. Tho type of held a number of years prior to be- vations Are Being Made. was fair but lie took the stand that P d andcI1 bh rick Parm and ambulance waa left in the hands of ing placed In charge of the school. £ h T l ,V A 'y the committee on public properties, Ashes mixed with rock salt were Miss Roberts made her home with Everything is in reudinesri for tho or. the job all the time. For a plac-.1 spread on the northern end of Broad ice commission the ar,, of which Councilman James P. .. , , . her father. Leonard D. Roberts, and eleventh annual ball of the Red Bank the size of Rod Bank it is a neces- Bruce is chairman. This committee, e der ordinary conditions, to.be select- i fire department to be held Saturday sity, he stated, but not for Little ed from among the three having.the at tho suggestion of Councilman ; night, February 22, at the EikH home Hilver. Robert G. Ilalcy, will confer with offi- tion of John Larkin, who Is tempor- highest ratings. It is said that Mr. arily acting as street superintendent 'died a number of years ago. ! on Broad street, 'ihia affair \a un- Councilman Frederick E. Hasler Friedlander. Mr. Parmly and Mr. cials of the nursing association and Miss Roberts received her training der the direction of the department's doctors before making its decision. in place of Robert Pierce, who has said it was a good idea to have the j Amend" are the preferred three on been suspended for two weeks with- as a school instructor at Trenton t executive council and thc proceeds collector in his office ail day as an i this basis. However, they have been The council paid tho following tax- out pay on the charge that he did not Normal school and at Rutgers uni- are for the general benefit of the do accommodation to the taxpayers, notified by the commission that It is es to the county treasurer for tho iverslty, receiving her bachelor of sci- ! partment. Thc annual ball has Mayor Elias S. Black mentioned thef not possible for any one of them to carry out orders given by Harold S Cnce degree at the lost named place. first quarter of 1936: county taxeB, : tajjeen the pJacc of faifs held in past fact that a number of tax bills ! ho![i ,hc p'ositlon, and that n Allen, chairman of the street commit- !she beg.ln teaching at Hazlet, where $15,975.88; district court; $61.78, and b j years by some of the companies as a were paid on Lincoln's birthday by j if it is true that they had the b»dt library, $382.74. The council also tee of he council The ashes were ,ho ser ved a mm*et „, From put on the streets during a snow fal ! , - | means of raising revenue for the de- summer residents who came down examination marks this la of no paid $5,000 to the board of education.
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