Why Liberalism Failed: Opportunity and Wake-Up Call • “It Was Not Taught Me By Man”: Ellen White’s Visions & 2 Esdras • Sola Scriptura and the Future of Bible Interpretation • A Brief History of the Apocrypha • Erasmus and the New Testament • Ellen White and Blacks, Part III • Unintended Consequences, Accountability, and Being Loved VOLUME 46 ISSUE 1 ■ 2018 SPECTRUM is a journal established to encourage Seventh-day Adventist participation in the discussion of contemporary issues from a Christian viewpoint, to look without prejudice at all sides of a subject, to evaluate the merits of diverse views, and to foster Christian intellectual and cultural growth. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYRIGHT © 2017 ADVENTIST FORUM Although effort is made to ensure accurate scholarship and discriminating judgment, the statements of fact Editor Bonnie Dwyer are the responsibility of contributors, and the views Editorial Assistants Wendy Trim, Linda Terry individual authors express are not necessarily those of Design Mark Dwyer the editorial staff as a whole or as individuals. Spectrum Web Team Alita Byrd, Pam Dietrich, Bonnie Dwyer, Rich Hannon, Steve Hergert, Wendy Trim, Jared SPECTRUM is published by Adventist Forum, a non- Wright, Alisa Williams; managing editor subsidized, nonprofit organization for which gifts are deductible in the report of income for purposes of taxation. The publishing of SPECTRUM depends on subscriptions, gifts from individuals, and the voluntary efforts of the contributors. ABOUT THE COVER Editorial Board: ART AND ARTIST: Beverly Beem Richard Rice SPECTRUM can be accessed on the World Wide Web at Walla Walla, Washington Riverside, California Besides creating art and writing www.spectrummagazine.org. poetry, John McDowell serves Alita Byrd Charles Scriven as Dean of the Faculty of Arts Dublin, Ireland Phoenix, Arizona and Social Science at Burman University, in Alberta, Canada. He Alexander Carpenter Gerhard Svrcek-Seiler Sacramento, California Vienna, Austria also does some teaching (Contact: Editorial Correspondence [email protected]). Sharon Fujimoto- Gil Valentine Johnson Riverside, California Direct all correspondence and letters to the editor to: On the cover piece, Truth Secure, Roseville, California Kendra Haloviak- McDowell states: “Almost all Fritz Guy Valentine SPECTRUM ecclesiastical authorities since Riverside, California Riverside, California P. O. Box 619047 the battles over canonization of the Biblical text have sought David R. Larson Norman Young Roseville, CA 95661-9047 to fix or ‘secure’ what the Bible Beaumont, California Cooranbong, Australia means for the Church. The Juli Miller tel: (916) 774-1080 Protestant Reformation, with Bellevue, Idaho fax: (916) 791-4938 the idea of the priesthood for all believers and that all should [email protected] have access to the biblical text, has not prevented a multitude Letters to the editor may be edited for publication. of denominations, including the Seventh-day Adventist Church from proclaiming and, in a ISSN: 0890-0264 very real sense, locking down a particular reading or meaning of Subscriptions and Advertising specific passages of scripture that [email protected] become codified into doctrine. When a particular ‘locked down’ (916) 774-1080 doctrine is contested, there are, of course, serious and often dire consequences. This piece with its 28 antique and more modern locks seeks, I hope, to challenge the reader with the implications of securing ‘Truth.’” VOLUME 46 ISSUE 1 SPECTRUM contents 14 Editorials 2 What Inspires You? | BY BONNIE DWYER 3 Why Liberalism Failed: Opportunity and Wake-Up Call | BY CHARLES SCRIVEN Letters 24 5 Noteworthy: Wellness 6 Rebel with a Cause: Don Hall, Father of Corporate Wellness | BY LYNN MCDOWELL 39 9 Expanding the Vegetarian Nutrition Conversation to Include the Health of the Planet and the Quality of the Food | BY BONNIE DWYER AND VICKI SAUNDERS Reading and Responding to the Bible 44 14 Sola Scriptura, Truth, and the Future of Bible Interpretation | BY OLIVE J. HEMMINGS 24 Erasmus, the Protestant Reformation, and the Text of the New Testament | BY CARL P. COSAERT 34 Integrity in Scriptural Interpretation: An Interview with Edward W. H. Vick | BY CHARLES SCRIVEN 47 39 “Thy Words Do Find Me Out”: George Herbert’s Devotional Reading of the Bible | BY BEVERLY BEEM 44 Art and Morals: Two Aspects of the Same Struggle | BY LILLIAN ROSA CORREA 47 Named and Known, Known and Loved: Unintended Consequences, Human Accountability, and Being Loved | BY MICHAEL PEARSON 56 Adventist History 56 Adventism’s Hidden Book: A Brief History of the Apocrypha | BY MATTHEW J. KORPMAN 66 “It Was Not Taught Me by Man”: Ellen White’s Visions and 74 2 Esdras | BY DONALD E. CASEBOLT 74 To Be Depended Upon: Ellen White and Blacks, Part III | BY BENJAMIN BAKER Poem back cover The H. Scriptures | BY GEORGE HERBERT WWW.SPECTRUMMAGAZINE.ORG 1 EDITORIAL ■ from the editor What Inspires You? | BY BONNIE DWYER eligious words get worn out. about gun control, for instance? Used over and over, they can In this issue, inspiration is the back story to fix meaning in one way, blotting each article and art piece, beginning with the out other meanings. Take front cover, where artist John McDowell takes inspiration.R Said today in an Adventist context, a metaphor to a very literal conclusion. To ex- Inspiration you can be pretty sure the conversation is plain a general concept, use specific details. On comes to headed to a discussion of the authority of a the back cover, poet George Herbert finds inspi- text, be it the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy. It ration in the King James Bible for his personal more than will evoke legal or philosophical concepts, not artistic expression. We hope reading this materi- personal motivation. al motivates you to give new expression to your just prophets But inspiration comes to more than just spiritual journey and leads to a revival of your prophets and Biblical writers. Its very personal ideas about inspiration. Take action, be it prayer, and Biblical and cultural context plays a huge role. What painting, feeding the hungry, or sharing hospi- inspired scholars and artists in another era may tality, because inspiration has at its root the verb writers. Its speak differently to us today. What inspires inspire, an action verb that requires doing. you may not even matter to me. For some Then, thinking about how our own personal very personal people, sports played at the highest level can inspiration occurs can also lead to new under- be an inspiration, so they were glued to the standing of prophetic inspiration. Visualizing and cultural television watching skaters, skiers, and curlers teenage Ellen White, overwhelmed by seeing twirl, flip, and dazzle with their athleticism heaven, grasping at how to describe her vision, context plays during the recent Winter Olympic Games. and feeling that God tells her how to express The beauty of nature speaks to the hiker arising what she has experienced, changes my view of a huge role. early before the heat of the day, catching the her. Just putting the word teenager in front of glory of a dessert sunrise. A well-crafted story her name affects me, given that the images of her can provide an aha moment, reframe an idea we usually see are of an elderly woman. Can you for the avid reader. Ethereal music can bring imagine James and Ellen as teenage newlyweds? tears to someone who treasures sound. The With all this in mind, what then is the connec- tiniest molecule viewed in all its glory through tion between the divine and personal inspiration? a microscope can transport a researcher. Where do you meet God? Does knowing what What experience outside of you, changes inspires you give you a clue? For me, knowing you on the inside? that a spiritual life depends on inspiration, that Bad things that happen can actually be a creative life is a spiritual life, gives everyday inspirational in their own way. After the existence new meaning and possibilities. ■ Florida high school shooting, did you cheer the activism of the high school students, fire off a letter to your congressional representative Bonnie Dwyer is editor of Spectrum magazine. 2 spectrum VOLUME 46 ISSUE 1 ■ 2018 from the forum chairman ■ EDITORIAL Why Liberalism Failed: Opportunity and Wake-Up Call | BY CHARLES SCRIVEN lthough publicists for the Enlightenment adventurous congregations. The half-day consisted mostly continue to rave (often with good reason) of presentations on the basic idea and on some of the about its triumph over religious prejudice, details it would involve. Speakers said that congregations thoughtful resistance does here and there need each other, that by working together they can be soundA forth and get a hearing. Contemporary culture has better together, that the support envisioned would be mostly consigned theologians proper, the people creden- “global” in scope. One said hierarchy “suffocates” the tialed for seminaries and college or university religion de- “democracy of ideas.” The Global Resource Initiative is partments, to its margins, along with the books they write. meant to enhance it. But when such distinguished literary figures as Wendell All this conversation would transpire with the aid of Berry and Marilynne Robinson raise a protest concerning an Internet platform for collecting sermons, Bible cur- what the Enlightenment has bequeathed us, they com- ricula, experiments in children’s ministry, and the like. mand attention. Now political theorist Patrick Deneen, These would become available to planners worldwide. invoking the name for Enlightenment political philoso- Ideas from everywhere would improve local Adventist phy, has published a book called Why Liberalism Failed, and cultures everywhere. it’s getting notice on mainstream bulletin boards like The Actually, the word “culture” did not, at least in my rec- Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. ollection, come up. But that word does come up in Why I was thinking about this book during a half-day meet- Liberalism Failed, and it underscores what a fine opportunity ing in San Diego some weeks back.
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