SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake Scrubs Movie: Hitch TTT (2005) A smooth-talker helps a shy News Desperate Ent. H h (CC) News (CC) accountant woo an heiress. Will Smith, Eva Mendes. (CC) Housewives (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBC News (N) Wheel of Law & Order: Law & Order: SVU Law & Order News (N) Saturday Night Live Hugh L j Fortune Criminal Intent Sweetie (CC) Laurie; Kanye West. (CC) KBSL/CBSSATURDAYNews Paid Without a Trace Criminal Minds 48 Hours Mystery NewsFEBRUARY (N) M*A*S*H Boston Legal21 Men 1< NX (CC) Program Last Call (CC) Catching Out (CC) Live to Tell (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) to Boys (CC) K15CG Sun- Perfect Keeping As Time The Lawrence Welk Ro- New Red Austin City Limits Soundstage d flower6 PM Day6:30 (CC) Up7 PM Goes7:30 By Show8 PM 8:30 mance9 PM Green9:30 (CC)10 PM 10:30 Foreigner11 PM (CC)11:30 KLBY/ABCESPN News(5:00) (N) SportsCenterKake ScrubsCollege GameDayMovie: HitchCollege TTT (2005) Basketball A smooth-talker: Oklahoma helpsat Texas. a shy NewsSportsCenterDesperate (Live) Midnight Fast-Ent. HO_h (CC)(Live) (CC)News (CC)(Live) (CC)accountant (Live)woo an (CC) heiress. Will Smith, Eva Mendes. (CC) HousewivesMadness (CC) breakTonight KSNK/NBCUSA NewsHouse (N) 97 SecondsWheel of LawHouse & Order: Mirror Mirror LawHouse & Order:Ugly (CC) SVU LawHouse & OrderNo More Mr. NewsBurn Notice(N) Saturday Truth NightAction Live Sports Hugh (CC) LP^j (CC) Fortune CriminalHypochondriac. Intent (CC) SweetieNice Guy (CC) (CC) and ReconciliationLaurie; Kanye West. (CC) KBSL/CBSTBS News(5:00) Movie:Paid Last WithoutHouse of a TraceHouse of CriminalMeet the MindsMeet the 48Movie: Hours Diary Mystery of a MadNews Black (N) WomanM*A*S*H TT (2005)Boston A LegalHouse Men of 1<P_NX (CC)Holiday (2006)Program (CC) LastPayne Call (CC)Payne CatchingBrowns OutBrowns (CC) Livewoman to Tell starts (N) over (CC) after(CC) her husband(CC) leaves her.to Boys (CC) (CC)Payne K15CGWGN Sun-The EnvelopePerfect KeepingMovie: TheAs Waterboy Time The TZ Lawrence (1998, Welk Ro-News- NewWGN Red AustinScrubs CityScrubs Limits Honey-SoundstageMovie: dPa flowerPlease (CC)Day (CC) UpComedy) AdamGoes Sandler, By Show Kathy Bates. (CC) manceRadio GreenNews (CC) (CC) moonersForeigner (CC)Reindeer ESPNTNT (5:00)(4:30) SportsCenterMovie: My CollegeMovie: Ocean’sGameDay ElevenCollege TTT (2001,Basketball: OklahomaMovie: Ocean’s at Texas. ElevenSportsCenter TTT (2001) (Live)A suaveMidnight ex-con Movie:Fast- O_QW (Live)Cousin (CC) Vinny TTT (Live)Comedy-Drama) (CC) George(Live) Clooney. (CC) (CC) assembles a team to rob(CC) a casino vault. (CC)Madness break USADSC HouseDirty Jobs 97 Seconds Barrel HouseExtreme Mirror Loggers Mirror HouseExtreme Ugly Loggers (CC) HouseExtreme No Loggers More Mr. BurnHow It’sNoticeHow Truth It’s ExtremeAction Sports Loggers (CC) P^QY (CC)making. (CC) Hypochondriac.Helicopter Logging (CC) Swamp Logging NiceMules Guy are (CC) used. andMade ReconciliationMade Helicopter Logging TBSA&E (5:00)CSI: Miami Movie: Last HouseCSI: Miami of House of MeetCSI: Miamithe Meet Stand the Movie:CSI: Miami Diary CSI: of aMy MadCSI: Black Miami Woman Guerillas TT (2005)CSI: MiamiA House of P_Q^ HolidayShootout (2006) (CC) (CC) PaynePermanentPayne Vacation BrownsYour GroundBrowns (CC) womanNanny (CC)starts over afterin her the husband Mist (CC) leaves her.Permanent (CC) PayneVacation WGNHIST TheModern Envelope Marvels Movie:Movie: TheThe WaterboyOutlaw Josey TZ (1998,Wales TTT (1976)News- A ConfederateWGN ScrubsWild West ScrubsTech Movie:Honey- TheMovie: Outlaw PaQ_ Please(CC) (CC) Comedy)soldier vows Adam to avengeSandler, his Kathy family’s Bates. murder. (CC) ClintRadio Eastwood.News (CC) (CC)Outlaw Tech(CC) (CC) Joseymooners WalesReindeer (1976) TNTNICK (4:30)iCarly Movie:iCarly My Movie:iCarly Ocean’siCarly EleveniCarly TTT (2001,iCarly Movie:George Ocean’sGeorge ElevenHome TTT (2001)Home A suaveFamily ex-con FamilyMovie: QWRl Cousin(CC) Vinny(CC) TTT Comedy-Drama)(CC) (CC) George(CC) Clooney.(CC) (CC) assemblesLopez aLopez team to robImprove. a casino Improve.vault. (CC)Matters Matters DSCDISN DirtyZack Jobs& BarrelHannah ExtremeMovie: Jump Loggers In! (2007,Extreme Drama) LoggersWizards- ExtremeZack & LoggersCory in HowZack It’s& HowHannah It’s That’s-Extreme LoggersCory in QYR] making.Cody (CC)Montana HelicopterCorbin Bleu, Logging Keke Palmer.Swamp (CC) LoggingPlace MulesCody are used.House MadeCody MadeMontana RavenHelicopter LoggingHouse A&EFAM CSI:(4:00) Miami Movie: The CSI:Movie: Miami Grease TTT (1978)CSI: Miami Disparate Stand summerCSI: lovers MiamiMovie: CSI: My GreaseCSI: 2Miami TT (1982) Guerillas A BritishCSI: exchange Miami Q^R_ ShootoutFamily Man (CC) (2000) Permanentmeet again Vacationas high-schoolYour seniors. Ground John(CC) Travolta.Nanny (CC)student fallsin for the a Mistfemale (CC) gang leader.Permanent (CC) Vacation HISTHALL ModernMovie: AMarvels Kiss at MidnightMovie: (2008, The Outlaw JoseyMovie: Wales Out TTTto Sea (1976) TTZ A (1997, Confederate Romance- WildMovie: West Love Tech Is a FourMovie: Letter TheWord Outlaw (2007, Q_SW (CC)Romance) Faith Ford. soldier(CC) vows to avengeComedy) his family’s Jack murder. Lemmon. Clint (CC) Eastwood. (CC) OutlawRomance) Tech Teri (CC) Polo. (CC)Josey Wales (1976) Colby Free Press Friday, February 20, 2009 Page 5 NICK iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly George George Home Home Family Family Rl (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Lopez Lopez Improve. Improve. Matters Matters cwb0005-7 DISN Zack & Hannah Movie: Jump In! (2007, Drama) Wizards- Zack & Cory in Zack & Hannah That’s- Cory in R] Cody Montana Corbin Bleu, Keke Palmer. (CC) Place Cody House Cody Montana Raven House Local doctor on talk show FAM (4:00) Movie: The Movie: Grease TTT (1978) Disparate summer lovers Movie: Grease 2 TT (1982) A British exchange R_ Family Man (2000) meet again as high-school seniors. John Travolta. student falls for a female gang leader. (CC) HALL LMovie: A OCALKiss at Midnight (2008, TVMovie: Out to Sea LTTZ (1997,ISTINGS Romance- Movie: Love Is a Four Letter Word (2007, A Colby physician will be fea- and Virginia Patriarca, medical General Manager Lawrence Hold- SW Romance) Faith Ford. (CC) Comedy) Jack Lemmon. (CC) Romance) Teri Polo. (CC) tured on the next edition of Smoky director for High Plains Mental en explained. Hills Public Television’s Doctors Health Center of Hays. Discus- Smoky Hills serves 70 counties sponsored by the cwb0005-7 on Call, scheduled for 7 p.m. sion will focus on eating disorders in Kansas and one in Nebraska. Tuesday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday, and nutrition. For infromation, got to www. March 1. The live broadcast on Tuesdays shptv.org or call (800) 337-4788 Guest panelists will be Dr. Gary allows viewers a chance to call in or (785) 483-6990. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 22 Slavens a family practice physi- and as questions to doctors and cian with Docs on Call in Colby, other medical professionals, said 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 KLBY/ABC In Touch With Dr. Good Morning This Week-George Hour of Power (CC) Paid Paid First United H h Charles Stanley (N) America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos Program Program Methodist Church High Plains Art Club KSNK/NBC (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Paid Paid Your Paid Juicing NHL SUNDAYL j Program (CC) Program Program BibleFEBRUARYProgram Mach Hockey22 High Plains Art Club mem- signed sets for operas. Fashion teach basic work on the first day KBSL/CBS Work Newspr- Cake (EI) Horse- CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Dino Sushi To Be Announced bers met on Tuesday, Feb. 10, at wasn’t an interest of hers and she and do “plein air” painting on the 1< NX Home ing TV (CC) land (EI) (N) (CC) Nation Squad Pack (EI) K15CG Mister TBA Ninos Plaza Make- Mama- Wish- Lomax: Animalia Keeping Wealth- To the the United Methodist Church. usually dressed all in black and second. d Rogers6 AM 6:30 en-Casa7 AM Sesamo7:30 Noddy8 AM Movies8:30 bone9 A (EI)M Hound9:30 10 AM Kids10:30 Track11 AM Contrary11:30 Program Chairman Ruth Hughes was very neat. Hughes brought a newspaper KLBY/ABCESPN InSportsCenter Touch With (CC)Dr. GoodSportsCenter Morning (Live) ThisOutside Week-GeorgeSports HourSportsCenter of Power (Live) (CC) (CC)Paid Paid First United presented a program about artist “She painted until she was 70 from Washington containing a HO_h Charles Stanley (N) America(CC) (N) (CC) StephanopoulosLines Reportrs Program Program Methodist Church KSNK/NBCUSA (OffPaid Air) PaidChang- TodayEd (N) (CC)Joel MeetNCIS theVanished Press (CC)(N) PaidNCIS Lt. JanePaid Doe YourNCIS The BonePaid NCISJuicing TerminalNHL Marie Laurencin, who was born in and died in her apartment in Paris feature article and pictures about LP^j Program Programing Young Osteen (CC) Program(CC) Program BibleYard (CC) Program LeaveMach (CC)Hockey Paris in 1883. She was the daugh- at the age of 73. Her last wish was Kenneth Mitchell, who used to KBSL/CBSTBS WorkHouse of Newspr-House of CakeHouse (EI) of Horse-Meet the CBSMeet News the MeetSunday the MorningMeet the FaceMeet the DinoMeet the SushiMeet the MeetTo Be the AnnouncedMovie: ter of Pauline Laurencin. that she wanted to be dressed in a teach art at Colby College. 1<P_NX HomePayne ingPayne TV (CC)Payne landBrowns (EI) (N)Browns (CC) Browns Browns NationBrowns SquadBrowns PackBrowns (EI) Browns Diary K15CGWGN MisterPaid TBAAmazing NinosKey of PlazaBilly Make-Jimmy SwaggartMama- Wish-Feed the Lomax:Paid AnimaliaWhacke- KeepingWhacke- NBAWealth- Basketball:To the According to Hughes, she paint- white dress with a red rose in one The business meeting was ad- dPa RogersProgram Facts en-CasaDavid SesamoGraham Noddy(CC) Movies boneChildren (EI) HoundProgram d Out Kidsd Out BullsTrack at PacersContrary ed dreamy images with symbolism hand and Apollinaire’s love letters journed and Baker served refresh- ESPNTNT SportsCenter(5:00) Movie: The(CC) SportsCenterMovie: Exit Wounds (Live) TOutside (2001, Action)Sports SportsCenterMovie: Jackie (Live)Brown (CC) TTT (1997, Crime Drama) A fearless flight that were influenced by her lover by her heart.” ments.
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