,jcr The Portland Daily Ptcsc annum, in advance. INSURANCE. BONDS. BONDS. (^published evew day (Sundaysexoepted) by | HOTELS. BUSINESS ANNUAL STATEMENT Of THE directory. Porllaud Publishing Co., six^erTceStT THE | DAILY At 109 Hotel PRESS, Eichani K Sr beet. Portland. MUTUAL LIFE Director!', AT w * INSURANCE Embracing the lead ini Hotels in the which COMPANY, State,at MRUTS if**ney PORTLAND. Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. ibe Dailv inserted in papers A»vr.itTisi?- OF NEW Press may > Kays be (bond. Ul the YORK. GOLD Central Railroad country at the publisher's low*,!!^™81'' The Blaine state Press F. 8. WINSTON, President. K. A. BONDS, Alfred. M.CIBBY, Vice President. County A^ric u I lit rui TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1371. Free from Government Tax. House, Richard H. Coding, Proprietor. Iiiu.lTiaeiU** *,.,.,1,. Morning at 8AWYKHA la published every Thursday CO., OF IOWA. Aurora. WOODH-QKD, No. m M“d® $2.50 a if in advance, at $2.00 a 1st, to the ( E M year; paid 1871, emminloner of Nsist. House, Coml. St. W. S. A A. 1 'Ill" have BOW built and iu Young, ropri- Nrhool SfMltD'. year. equipped, flrst-class manner etorp. Auctioneer. _ about Toiht Portland and Railroad v%ine 0. W. Junior of the Press: inch of ASSETS,.. (All Cash.) Ogdensburg Hotel. Davis & HOLMES, No. m CnngressSt. Ac tion Bates or Advertising.—One space, l'aine, Proprietors Sale- n a recent every Evening. Private Sales during I he issue ot the Press a h length oi 3olumn, constitutes a “square.” INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: 180 > day. very good 31 les of Aafaiia* arti. t appeared $1.50 per square dail} first week. 75 cents Railroad, over the signature ot Slate Airessele* for “Sig- week after; three insertions, or less. $1.00; which their St. Han Ison Pro Sewing Machine*. ma, m which he per First Bonds. completes entire line, with ibe ex- A°?.n'roA,..H0C9E' Barker, points out deficiencies with- other after first week, 00 Mortgage W. S. 168 Middle St ever H continuing every day ception ot laying the track on DYER, H. Day's. All out :uj, twenty-five mltei, T. B. hinds of suggesting remedies. (,e cents. Uon9E’ Dullard, Proprietor. Machines lor sale and to let. Heponinij. quote. Suck*'v::v."V." which l« already thus C™0”CONY We need Ha I f three insertions or less. 75 cents; S'? graded. They open the HOUSE, G. A. A H. Con better teachers,” and square, ” Principal and Interest Payable Proprietors. a.sen.s there- one week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. Baiancj due’ by but “denies Ageui.,' Wm£ 0v :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1? m Aneus,i* 4,e” w M. Baker*. to, that the present Special Notices, one third additional. in Gold. First ^Proprietor.008*”* Thayer system put. Line Across the State W, 0.COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street.. ns in the n to Under bead of $2.00 Through ay obtain them.” Further “Amusements," per Add Iut-rest he three insertions or less accrued. but not from north asserts that the square per week; $1.50. due. ’“Si 5«“ to south, and, by makings slight detour ■“iVgsr. Boots te_chers hired tb« S. Tbe Hardim an and Klioe*—Gents Custom by s Advertisements inserted in the “Maine nailrr.is.fd bar. authority in oiler at one House. J. e. Hardman A IVorfc. point, they give Cy., Prop’s WALTER Committee do not suit so and State Press” (which has a large circulation for sole ibe Bnlt of the Herflcud end Penobscot Exchange, a. BERRY, No. mi Mid.lleStreet. well, that in Woodward, Proprietor, the in every part oi the State) for $1.00 per Present *■ Direct Cananeauicatiea St. many schools quality is not so square market value ot Stocks in excess ot 00 Oidrnbirc Railroad Company Between Lewie good as for first insertion, and 50 ceuts per for cost,.IIV.V.’.V. *428,624 Rath Bookseller* and square ibe eery lew price ef VO with uc- and St. Baal. Mtatloner*. they are accustomed, la have, although the each subseqoent insertion. Gross Dec. 78 Bara Hotel, Washington St.C. M. HOYT, PQOO & Assets, 31st, 1870.$44,609,155 cracd ixtm.i in currency. This line Plummer. Pro- BREED, 82 Middle Street. is Address all communications to of Kailroad will have very (pedal advan- Piletor. expense greater.” Increase in net assets for ter PORTLAND 1870,.$7,170,853 85 tages both local and through Sagadahoc John S. These are facts, but cm it bo a PUBLISHING CO. Dm. lead te THIS roail in now to West business, besides House, Milliken, Proprietor. Book-Rlniter* probably surplus policy holders, over. 2,000,000 00 completed Baldwin, such superior railroad for am; In and connections as will tecnre to Riddefard. WM. A. QUINCY, Itoeis lault of teachers for the ‘‘little interest" of Bece'pu premiums policies, 1870.12,169,717 34 tralna are running to tbat point, 3S miles irom II Prlctei-Ss Beceiutt for it a large portion of the Biddeeford F. No. Ill Exchange Street. *««>»*«. interest, ren*s, Ac,... 2 477,772 48 Portland. B* West carrying trade ot the great House, Atkinson. Do not these tacts to ■RTTRTNF.SS PAD DC Paid Claims and yond Baldwin tbe road is graded parents? point anoth- by death, endowments matured.... 2,011224 62 North-west. The Dintko Shaw’s SMALL Sr No. to SO mile* from and the raila Boohs, Block,Lane A Young, Pro- SHAOKBOBD, 38 Plum street. er Fryeburg, Portland, prietors, and unmistakable source of deficiency ?— b® •®«“. the receipts tor interest, &c„ over will be laid to ~ 'I being $400,000 more than Us death claims and endow* tbat point aa early in the spring aa ^ IKsT Riddefwrd Pawl. lie couracter of teachers cannot iu a meqr poltries paid in 1870. It ts its charter from In MORTGAGE Bonnet and Hnt change prohibited by investing any but the safest securities, tbe weather will From road Kleaehery. ■ac“18 hers exhibited. It is uow as will permit. Fryeburg the Fates F. single year to give this i .suit. It must be in bo seen, tbe LARG?$T,not to say the safest, institution of House, Yates, Proprietor. H. E. UNDER WOOD, No. JOHN 0. WINSHIP its kind IN ii under contract to N. 310) Congress Street. ll. e s lection ur the world#—•lit average expenses being less than anv other comp&nv to the country. Conway, H., to which point Ellsworth House. G. L. .ejection of teachers by par- been tor this Evans, Proprietor. ties m at Baying Agent great Company tor more than 27 veers, we are prepared to lurniih facts, tralna will run in July, 1871. 7 power. Is not the io the Attorney showing the immense of in this Per Ct. Cabinet Furniture remedy Law, aoyamages insuring Company, and invite any who deeixe infoi mation on The road has far Gold Bonds Manufacturer*. hands ot thua been built and R walk parents themselves? the sutuect to call on us. equipped bay. THEO. JOHNSON Sr No. Rooms No. 5 ,g 6 Fluent from cash »hid» are issued CO.. 13) Onion Street. The officer Block, subscriptions to the Capital Stock; but to upou ibis toad are limited, in Boothoay House, Palmer Daley, Proprietor. standing b-tween the teacher It to (mount to and the common school is Corner of Congress and Exchange Sts complete Bartlett. N. H„ and to provide addi- *16,000 per mile (wbt.e mauy roads justly responsible W* D« Little & Co, issue ansi a 491-2 8t« tional for irom to Baiiaa- Carpenter* Builder*. to greater degree iban is W, Agts., Exchange equipment Ita increasing business, the $20,000 *40,000,1 and are ofiered at 90 and generally supposed POUTbAlVP, JaSdly iccruel gmemioan Hanover WHITNEY A MEANS. Pearl St, opposite the Park. tortlie well of town Company has laaued bonds to tbe amount ot Interest, in carrency. House, at. S. Bice Proprietor beiug schools—lor tb»ir $800,- success or lor the Heman ▲. Craoe. Horace A. Crane. Geo. Allen, Jr. II* II* a The most Parker House, School St. H. D. Parker A failure, satisfaction or dis REMINCrTON, Oen’I 000, secured by mortgage ot ita ^entire property to experienced financiers agree that First Co., Cement Agfent, Proprietors. Drntn and Water satislaetiou which may prevail relative to tbe following Trustees: neritagi* Beads, to a limited IMpe, this II. a. crane «e el3eod&w3w8 amount, upon 0 Revere An or that school ot teacher. co., Far Nsisc sal New Hampshire. ■■i-hed House, Bowdoln Square, Balflnch, Bing- Chimneys The character the WOODBURV DAVTS, railroad, which is well located foi ham, A J.W. Wnsley Co., Proprietors. STOCK WELL * CO.. 28 »Dd 163 Dantnrth education—or l ick ot education—the course SAMUEL E. jnsiness, are one of .he very safest forms of Bt. Jambs Street, GENERAL SPRING, invest- Hotel—J. P. M. Stetson, Proprietor. ordersreceivedby N. M. Perkins * Co., taken, whether it be an open, positive WESTON F. i ment. and Kendall <6 Whitney. posi- ATLANTIC. MILLTKEN, Tbbmont House. Tremont St. Brigham, Wrtslev tion in detence ot right at all timea and -- Se .--- nuu Partlea desiring to secure a la Co., Proprietors. Commission Merchants, uuuuiJtUlIT first-class security, Dye House. wherever found, and the deprecation of MeoBBCDd them u a sale and profitable toreet- ***pd neon a railroad practically dooe, and in the both in and Brymsagi* E. wrong, principle practice; or the For the and aal. ■ent for these reasons: ..nmol wno nave 8YMONDS, IudiaSt.,(theonly one in Portland.) purchase Mutual leading captt*TBl» a large pe- other course of eva- Insurance and Bryant’s Pont Hjuse—n.
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