Descriptions of Those Holding Offices Connected with Wardship and Livery

Descriptions of Those Holding Offices Connected with Wardship and Livery

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-20028-8 - An Introduction to the History and Records of the Court of Wards & Liveries H. E. Bell Index More information INDEX Descriptions of those holding offices connected with wardship and livery prior to the establishment of the Court of Wards and Liveries are given in full; those holding office under the Court are, however, described in shortened form (,master' for master of the wards, 'clerk' for clerk of the wards, etc.). The letter w. after a name indicates that the person mentioned was a royal ward. Abbot, George, Bishop of London, Bedford, second Earl of, see Russell, later Archbishop of Canterbury, Francis 125 Belknap, Sir Edward, master of the Acton, Middlesex, Court of Wards wards, 10, II temporarily at, 174 Berkeley, Sir John, pretended master, age, proof of, 83-4 162, 165 Aile ... , John, clerk of the wards, Berkley, Sir Maurice, 138 12 note Berwick,46 Anderson, Sir Edmund, 89 Bossevile, Henry, clerk, 26, 34 Anstis, John, garter king of arms, 183 Bossevile, Ralph, clerk, 26, 34, 102 Anton, Thomas, clerk, 26 Boteler, Sir Oliver, w., 153 note Archer, Sir Simon, 43 Bray, Sir Reginald,s, 6 Arundel, Lord, see Howard, Thomas, Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, attorney, 151 Earl of Arundel Brinklow, Henry, 126 Assize, Justices of, 42 Bristol, Earl of, see Digby, John attorney-general, 18, 44, 98, 161 Brooke, Francis Lord, see Greville, Audley, Hugh, clerk, 28, 29, 32, 35, Francis 38, 40, 70, 152, 155, 159, 161, Brooke, Sir Robert, 67 172, 175-7, 180 Broughton, Richard, 55 note Auger, John, 43, 54 Buckingham, Duke of, see Villiers, Augmentations, Court of, 14, 23 George Burghley, Lord, see Cecil, William Bussey, Francis, 97 Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam and Viscount St Albans, 8, 20, 41-2, 49, 52, 65, 103, 116, 133, 143 Caesar, Sir Julius, 49 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, attorney, 22 note, Calthorpe, Sir Henry, attorney, 22 23, 67, 117 note, 120-1 note, 23 note Banister, Sir Robert, 118 Cambridge, recorder of, see Hynde, Banks, John, w., 152 note John Barbaro, Daniel, Venetian envoy, 127, Capon, William, 171 134 Carew, Sir George, master, 19,20,22, Barraclough, Toby, 157 45 note, 62,72, 103, 112, 119, 133 Bath, Somerset, 18 Carill, Edward, 172 Battisforde, John, receiver-general, 25 Carleton, Sir Dudley, later Viscount Beaumont, Sir John, receiver-general, Dorchester, 20 25,37 Carlisle, Bishop of, see Sever, William Bedford, co., feodary of, 55 note Carmarthen, co., feodary of, 55 note Bedford, fifth Earl, later Duke of, see Carter, Henry, 101 Russell, William Cary, Walter, 9S 206 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-20028-8 - An Introduction to the History and Records of the Court of Wards & Liveries H. E. Bell Index More information INDEX 207 Cavendish, William, Earl, later Duke, Compounding, Committee for, 177 of Newcastle, 156 Compton, Spencer, second Earl of Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury, Northampton, 125 master, 18-19, 20, 24, 28, 33, Compton, William, Lord Compton, 48-9, 58, 59, 65, 98, 114, 115, first Earl of Northampton, 125 116-17,119,124,125,136-7,139- concealments, 3, 48, 50-2, 70, 104, 45, 147 197 Cecil, Thomas, Earl of Exeter, second Constable, Robert, 67, 69 Baron Burghley, 124 note Cooke, family of, clerks of liveries, Cecil, William, Baron Burghley, mas­ 30 ,33 ter, 17-18, 20, 26, 27, 33, 34-5, Cooke, William, clerk of liveries, 165 38, 48-9, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, Cope, Sir Walker, master, 19, 45, 48 59, 93, 99, 110, 116, 120, 124, Copley, Anne, w., 118 129 note, 137, 168, 170, 171 Copley, Mary, w., 118 Chamberlain, John, 20 Corbett, Miles, clerk, 29, 152 Chamberlain, Richard, clerk, 28-9, 31, Cornwall, feodary of, 137 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 136, 15 1, 152, Corry, Richard, 97 153, 160, 165-6, 172, 178-80, 184, Cottington, Francis, Baron Cottington, 203 master, 19, 34, 148, 151 chancellor, 102, 128, 132, 135, 147, Council Learned in the Law, 4, 5, 10, 164, 181 12 Chancery, 2, 4, 70, 71, 75, 85, 87, 91, Counter prison, 101 95, IIO, 135, 136, 164, 187. See Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of, see also Petty Bag Moreton, Thomas Charles I, 65, 147, 150-1, 162 Crane, Sir Robert, 156 Charles II, 162, 164 Cranfield, Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, Chelsea, Middlesex, 173 master, 19, 32, 36, 38, 5 I, 60, 61, Chester and Flint, cos., feodary of, 41 65, 97, 110, 137, 146, 147, 170 Chester, co., feodary of, 55 note Cresswell, John, w., 82 Chester, Exchequer at, 50 Croke, Sir George, 89 Cholmeley, Harry, 97 Crompton, Richard, 109 Cholmeley, Robert, 97 Cromwell, Sir Henry, 106-7 Chomley, --, feodary of co. Lincoln, Cromwell, Oliver, 106-7 40,44 Cromwell, Robert, 106-7 Clarendon, Earl of, see Hyde, Edward Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex, 13 Clifford, George, Earl of Cumberland, Cumberland, Earl of, see Clifford, w., 124 note. George Coke, Sir Edward, 8, 22, 36, 40, 49, Cumberland, feodary of, 157 67, 69, 76, 77, 78, 89, 90 note, Cumberland, receivers-general of, 5 145, 146, 147 Curle, Edward 25 Cole, Thomas, 90, 108, 110 Curle, Francis, auditor, 25 Coles, John, 43 Curle, William, auditor, 16, 25 Colles, Humphrey, feodary of co. Warwick, 40, 43 Dacre, George, Lord Dacre, w., Colvill, John, 56 note 124 note Common Law, Courts of, 5, 23,109-10 Dansell, Sir William, receiver-general, Common Pleas, Chief Justice of, 23, 25,34,172 28, 98, 102, 147, 181 Daunce, Sir John, receiver-general of Common Pleas, Court of, 135 wards' lands, 9, 10 Commons, House of, 32, 135, 138-43, Delaval, Sir Ralph, deputy lieutenant 145,146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 158, of Northumberland and special 159, 160, 164, 165, 166, 170, 171, commissioner for matters con­ 177,179 cerning the Border, 93 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-20028-8 - An Introduction to the History and Records of the Court of Wards & Liveries H. E. Bell Index More information 208 INDEX Denham, Sir J., 13 Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony, 67, 71 de Vere, Edward, Earl of Oxford, w., Fitzherbert, William, w., 156 124 Fleet prison, 92, 101 Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex, 17, Fleetwood, Charles, receiver-general, 48 25, 152, 161, 165 Devon, feodary of, 39 Fleetwood, Elizabeth, 38 Devon, Frederick, 177, 185 Fleetwood, family of, 33 Dewes, Henry, 41 Fleetwood, Sir Miles, receiver-general, Dietz, Professor F. C., 3 25, 34, 37, 132 Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 47 Fleetwood, Sir William, receiver­ Doylie, Marie, 100 general, 1594-16°9, 17,25,31,37, Draper, Thomas, w., 156 48 Drope, Edward, 118 Fleetwood, Sir William, receiver­ Dudley, Anne, Countess of Warwick, general from 164°,25, 151, 152, 93 160, 165 Dudley, Edmund, 7, 8, 76 Forrter, George, 110 Dugdale, Sir William, 43 Fortescue, Sir John, 2, 119 Dunbar, Earl of, see Home, Sir George Fortescue, Sir Thomas, 18 Dyer, Sir James, 85, 89, 99 Fowler, Mr R. C. 84 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, Edmondes, Sir Thomas, 47, 140 135 Edward VI, 83 Fuller, Nicholas, 146 Elizabeth, 23, 46, 82-3, 122 Elliot, John, 101 Garret, --, 182 Ellis, Thomas, 70 general surveyors, 9 Empson, Sir Richard, 7, 8, 76 Gerard, Gilbert, Baron Gerard, II8 Englefield, Sir Francis, master, I I Gifford, William, 128 note note, 16, 82, 129 note Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 121, 123 Englefield, Thomas, see Inglefield, Giustinian, Sebastian, Venetian envoy, Thomas 10 escheators, 2, 8, 10, 14, 39, 41-3, 53, Glamorgan, feodary of, 157 54, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, Gla3cocke, Philip, junior, feodary of 84, 85, 128, 145, 148, 157, 200 Essex, 38 Essendon, co. Hertford, 24 Gloucester, co., feodary of, 55 Essex, Earl of, see Devereux, Robert Godolphyn, Sir Francys, 92 note Essex, feodary of, 38 Goodhand, John, feodary of West Evelyn, John, 170 Riding of co. York, 44 Exchequer: Goodrich, Richard, attorney, 22 note, 9, 14, IS, 42, 46, 62, 72, 79, 104, 23 159-61 , 175-7, 179, 180, 187 Goodwin's case, 138 at Chester, 50 Goring, George, receiver-general, 25, Exchequer Chamber,s, 136 37, 38, 46, 172 Grand Remonstrance, 148, 149 Fabian, Peter, 177, 181 great contract, 19, 139-45 Fabian, Thomas, 175-81, 184 Gresham, Sir Thomas, 43 feodaries, see Wards and Liveries, Grevill, Sir Edward, 93 Court of, officers Greville, Francis, Baron Brooke, w., feodaries' surveys, 40, 54-7, 59, 61, 152 note 74, 81, 107, 182, 197, 198 Grymes, Charles, 182, 183 Fiennes, James, 156 Grymes, William, 181, 182, 184 Fiennes, William, Viscount Saye and Sele, master, 19, 148, ISO, 151, Haddington, John Viscount, see 152, 161 Rllmsay, John © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-20028-8 - An Introduction to the History and Records of the Court of Wards & Liveries H. E. Bell Index More information INDEX Hakewill, William, 49 Humfrey, Michael, clerk remem­ Halifax, co. York, Scottish troops at, brancer,31 157 Huntingdon, Augustinian friary in, Hanchett, Edward, usher, 38, 161 106 Hare, Hugh, clerk, 26 Hurstfield, Mr J., 34,35,48, 124, 192 Hare, John, clerk, 26-8, 29, 33, 49, Hussey, Sir John, overseer of royal 59 note, 64-5, 82, 138, 145, 172; wardships, master of the wards, common attorney, 26, 31, 33, 90, 6-9 97, 109 Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Hare, Mrs., widow of John Hare, 172 148, 162 Hare, Nicholas, clerk, 26, 28 Hynde, John, recorder of Cambridge, Hawkins, John, 56 note overseer of liveries, 13; surveyor, Heath, Sir Edward, 153 20 Heath, John, auditor, 151, 163, 166 Hyrst, Godfrey, under-clerk, 28 Heath, Robert, auditor, 151, 163, 166 Heath, Sir Robert, lord chief justice, idiots and lunatics, 4, 6, 16, 102, 109, 151 128-32, 164, 199 Henningam, Walter, w., 125 Inglefield, Thomas, master of the

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