New Mexico Musician Volume 37 | Number 1 Article 1 9-1989 New Mexico Musician Vol 37 No 1 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Music Education Commons Recommended Citation . "New Mexico Musician Vol 37 No 1." New Mexico Musician 37, 1 (1989). iss1/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Musician by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FALL 1989 lmside: Award Winners! A 11-State Audition Information NTMMEA Handbook OFFICIAL PUBLICATION NEW MEXICO MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Volume XXXVII From digital pianos for classroom or MIDI lab use to the music educator's library, our delivery, service, direct school prices and 5-year instrument warranty are unmatched in the music industry. For all the right reasons, call or write to get our 24 page color catalogue. It's free and so is the phone call. Suzuki Corporation, P.O. We have rhythm instru­ Box 261030, San Diego, ments crafted from rock California 92126. CALL TOLL FREE FOR YOUR COPY TODAY 1 ·800·854·Conunemal US1594 1·800·542·6252Jn Calorornla � D []!}ll []!} CS D CORPORATION [ME.AOFFICERS SIDENT a McAltster·Servold E. Hairkness ;bad, lS8220 THE 1e:887-3143 Office. 887-3508 NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN &PRESIDENT, BAND ry Estrada Vaughn St Official Publication of the Lunas. NM 87031 1e:865-5751. Office:865-4646 New Mexico Music Educators Association &PRESIDENT. CHORAL Volume XX.XVII Number 1 Fall 1989 ,e Rob,erts 5 Syca,more ISSN 0742-8278 Cruces,, NM 88005 ie; 526-3169. Office:523-6235 E·PRESIOENT. ORCHESTRA glas Poff 3 Cheny HillsDr. 1ington, NM87401 ie:326-5158, Office 325-0207 E-PRESIDENT. ELEMENTARY/JHS na Moore CONTENTS t GutierrezNE Page 1 querque. 87111 1e.298- 5293. Office:842-3684 DEPARTMENTS E·PRESIDENT. COUEGE/UNIVERSITY The President's Report . ...................................... 4 nethVan Winkle Windmill Our Executive Secretary Says . .. .. .. .. 5 Cruces.88001 From The Editors Desk ............................................ 6 1e:522-09 95, Office:646-2421 Vice Presidents Reports . .. .. 9 IT PRESIDENT , R Schutz District Presidents Reports ......................................... 20 0 Jomada Road. South University News . .. .. .. .. .. 25 Cruces. 88001 From The State Departmentof Education ........................... 29 H!:522-6091, Office:524-8611 V MEXICO MUSICIAN News From Our Advertisers. .................................. 48 aid E. Gerhean. Editor �lmbres Drive ARTICLES Alamos. 87 544 ,e; 672-9840 Office:662-4136 Music rn Our Schools Month ........................................ 8 ,CLTTIVESECRETARY Why Study Music? . .. .. .. .. 16 leV Heitman John Batcheller Award. .. .. .. 23 0 Don Gaspar 1a Fe,87501 Music Educator of the Year. .. .. .. .. .. 24 �e:982-1091 ORGANIZA TJONAL MATIERS IMEA DISTRICT PRESIDENTS All-State Jazz Audition Materials ................................... 30 TRICT l·SOUTiiWEST NMMEA Board of Directors Meeting.. ............................ 38 I Chrisman Box323 NMMEA Official Handbook........................................ 42 acres. 88033 NMMEA Music IndustryMembers .................................. 50 nee 526-8815, Office 524-8611 Advertisers ...................................................... 50 TRICT 2-SOUTHEAST ,ndo Rodriguez W Ro10 Dr. ,bs.88240 ne:393-0746. Office. 397-3241 Ext 48 ,TRICT 3-NORTHWEST 1 Pemberton S. Boardman Box39 ,up. 87305 Don Gerheart, Editor Jane Gerheart. Business Manager ne. 722-9513 . Office; 863-3821 Home: 672-9840, Office: 662-4136 Home: 672-9840 ,TRICT 4-NORTH CENTRAL ie Rlmbert All correspondence should be addressed to the editor, 93 Mimbres Drive, Los Alamos. NM 5538 87544 s.87571 ne 758-4078. Office; 756-8647, Ex. 300 The New Mexico Music Educators Association is a federated state association of the Music :TRICT 6-CENTRAL Educators National Conference and part of the SouthwesternDivision of MENC. e Foster Houston I THE NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN Is published three times per year: Typesetting by The Ad nts. NM87020 Makers and printing by Precise Graphic Impressions, Los Alamos 87544. Deadlines for the ne:285-6289. Office:285-4677 Fall, Winter and Spring issues are: August 1. October 1. and March 1. tTRICT7-Al.BUQUERQUE n C. Sanks Subscription rate to non- members 1s $4.50 per year; single copy is $1.50. Changes of address 15 Athens Dr NE should be reported to Rollie Heitman, Executive Secretary. uquerque, 87111 ne 294-5863. Office 265-3711. Ex. 253 3 President's Report Linda Servold student is ready. Most students will need stage with some very good programs some help· provide it If, for some reason, a worked up. Among projects already i student isn't prepared, be a one-person tion is a national music teacher re! screening committee and leave that stu· tion/certification. If it comes abou dent home. Pleasedon't put us in the spot great hope is that it will be nation,ally 1 of having to do your dirty work nized by school systems and migh1 5. PRE-REGISTER One of our biggest plant state certification. problems every year at All-State is the regis­ There is a committee from each bi! tration lines. Enclosed in the All-State liswfs (band, orchestra, and chorus) devel a registration form. Please mail it in. As a courses of study (not curriculum guid, , little added incentive for pre-registering we each area. Thereis a committee worki are raising the fees for on·site registration. If program evaluation and another com t you pre-register, the fees will be the same as a "how to" for getting informati,on b, last year, but if you wait until you get there our administrators, parents, etc. to register, it's going to cost you more. The We also had some good plasnnin! I hope everyone had a good summer, got registration form will tell you how much sions on what MENC could do to hel� rested up, and is enjoying being back at more. our problem areas, what those are, school. rve relocated. We moved to Carls· Remember two things. For pre-register· and which ones MENC could addn bad in July and I am now teaching choral ed participants the All-State booklets are you have some ideas, let me know. music at the two Carlsbad Middle Schools. available on Wednesday evening at the particular committee is on-going ar We really like our new home and jobs. I do Keller Hall Green Room. Second, all parti­ Will meet again soon. believe rm through moving, however. It's cipating students must be registered by Probably the most interesting sesslc too much work, too much "hurry up and their instructors. me were the discussion groups invc wait," etc. I spent the whole summer Please circulate this issue of our maga· budge� fund-raising. trips and be moving. zine. If you know a new music teacher in groups. MENCis probably going to ta rm excited about All-State 1990 already your area. please give that person a copy of official position on fund raising an, We have some fine clinicians lined up and the magazine and show them all the per· National Associationof Secondary S their programs look very good. The Vice· tinent information We don't have a state­ Principals is probably going to listen. \ Presidents are plannmg some good ses· Wide new music teacher guide, but a copy of worked ourselves into a visclous circle sions for you ·· they've been very creative. the magazine would go a long way toward Because we do and will raise a lot c Plan on attending as much as you can. answering questions. own money, we're allowed to. HolA Speaking of All-State, Jet'sgo through a Harriet. Rollie and I had the privilege of maybe we need to learnthe budget pt step-by-step for you instructors. attending the MENCsumm er conference in and become more involved in thal � 1. All the information for auditions is in Washington, D.C in July. I really felt it was a we need to evaluate whether that t this issue. Please look for it and respond good meeting, but I also figured that I was educationally justifiable and so on. W properly. If you have questions, read your talking as the new kid on the block How· first of all, educators and the jokes , by-laws, call a Vice-President, or call a Site ever, Rollie agreed that it was one of the music teachers and fund raising ar, Chairperson. best ever. only not as funny as they once might 2. Check your audition site. Because of Ask Rollie to show you his award. Thanks been, but they are putting us in a bad Ii! the sheer numbers involved at some sites, to John Schutz, Rollie was recognized for educators. we've directed a few schools to a different his faithful attendance to all but one na­ Don Gerheart. and I would like tc audition site. Please go to the proper audi· tional meeting or convention in over forty more of you submit anicles for p1.1blic; tion center. It will make the job easier for years. Rollie is as well-known, respected Some of you college guys could wrl1 everyone, especially the adjudicators. and loved at National Headquarters as he is tides to help us public school guys. So1 3. Please be on time with your registra· here in New Mexico. We all know how he you public school types might have a tion and your fees. Technically, the site has served music education and agree that perience worth sharing. OR some O' chairperson does not have to allow your the award is deserved. clowns could write something in a students to audition if you do not register National Headquarters in Reston, humorous vein. I think a nice additi1 and pay your fees on time. Virginia is quite a place.
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