• • . - . tured . , pI e pic . - ion sam e_product ated Pr undecor •. 1 I I I • Dominion If you haven't already made your reservation for first-class passenger pleasure, see your dealer or visit our web site for complete details of our N Scale Corrugated Passenger Car Sets. Three unique sets available for five popular railroads. A four-car set for Wabash (with two Dome cars!) and a special "run-thru" SlumberCoach set will also be available. All cars have meticulous corrugated-side detailing and blackened metal wheels. Some car types include modeler-install detail pieces and Observation cars have lighted tailsigns. Interior of cars can be lighted with optional installation of # 11-204/11 -206 Lighting Kit. Delivery of all sets to hobby shops worldwide is expected in August/September. Combine the Corrugated Passenger Car Sets with our recently released E8/9 diesel locomotive models. Imagine a beautiful, prototypical 12-car consist behind one, two or three locomotives on your layout! Two-unit NA or NB sets and single A­ units were released for five roadnames (CP in NA set only). Good availability of most items still exists, through your local hobby shop! NEW ITEM! 90's Toyota Auto Set (item #23-505) contains six "modern" body styles of Toyota automobiles. Watch for them at your favorite PRECISION RAILROAD MODELS local hobby shop soon. www. katousa.co· m . [riAy��[ KATO U.S.A., INC . 100 Remington Road· Schaumburg, Il60173 Why risk derailing your railroad project? Your perfectly crafted models deserve the perfect paints from the Floquil line of enamels and Polly Scale acrylics. Each color is authentically matched to actual railroad line paint chips. They are completely plastic compatible and specially formulated of "to scale" pigments so they won't hide even the smallest details. Choose from origiRal formula Floquil enamels or Polly Scale acrylics that wash tlp with water. Both will keep your railroading hobby on traGk. Available at your favorite hobby shop . www..com Model by Armour Peterson 1·800 TESTORS ®..!!29 The•• Testor Corporation, an RPM Company IN• NEW THIS HERITAGE, ISSUE BY ... PROTO 2000, USRA 0-8-0 PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT, page 20 • MODELING FROM THE PROTOTYPE: • ATLAS'NEW HO BRICK ROUNDHOUSE, page 24 • SUPERDETAILING TRACK &- RIGHT-OF-WAY, page 14 • RPM EAST COAST MEET REPORT, page 8 • MODERN MODELING: • ATHEARN 86-FOOT X-POST AUTO PARTS CAR KIT­ CONVERSIONS, page 36 • EASTERN CAR WORKS AIRSLIDE COVERED HOPPERS ON THE SP, page 22 • FMC 50-FOOT X-POST BOX CARS, FROM MPC'S MODELS, page 40 • MODELING SD7 "HALF-TANK" DIESELS FROM PROTO 2000 KITS, 45 September 2000 • Volume 12, Number 4 page • WAYFREIGHT OPERATIONS ON THE CN R, page 27 ON THE COVER: - Wayfreight operations • PFE NP 40-FOOT REEFERS FROM INTERMOUNTAIN KITS, are one of the more enjoyable aspects of the &- hobby for many model railroaders. Ian Wilson page 48 recreated a small portion of Western Canada in • N SCALE: 121/2 x 12 feet. His wayfreight operations on • DETAILING KATO'S GE DASH 9-44CW DIESELS, page 11 the CNR at Grand Forks begin on page 27 of • FMC 50-FOOT X-POST BOX CARS, FROM MDC'S MODELS, this issue. -Ian Wilson photo page 40 4 RAILMODELjOURNAL . SEPTEMBER 2000 flO SCArE: Modeling From The Prototype: East Coast Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet, by D. Scott Chatfield ........... ...... .6 Superdetailing Track, Turnouts and Right-of-Way, Part II, by Tony Steele •••14 Prototypes for Atlas' new brick roundhouse kit, by Chuck Yungkurth ... 24 Layout Tour: Canadian National Railway at Grand River in 121/2 x 12 feet, by Ian Wilson .•....• 27 Diesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: GE Dash 9-44CW as BNSF 4312 and 4333, from Athearn or Kato models, by Louis Marre ..•..••....••...•.•......•.•••..••.11 Locomotive Performance: Heritage, by Proto 2000, USRA 0-8-0 Test Report, by Guy Thrarm ....•..•....•.. 20 Summary of all previous locomotive Performance Test Reports .................54 Freight Cars of the Fifties: PFE R-40-25 & NP 40-Foot Combination-Door Reefers, Part II, from Amarillo MRRC (InterMountain) kits, by Ed Hawkins ...............•............ 48 Modern Freight Car Modeling: SP Single Airslide Covered Hoppers from Eastern Car Works kits, by Bob Rivard ............•..........••....•...... 22 FMC 50-Foot IPO, Railbox and Other X­ Post Box Cars from MOC kits, Part 3, by Jim Eager...................•..............•... 40 86-foot X-Post Auto Parts Box Car kit­ conversion, from Athearn's kit, by Mike Budde .................................. 36 Diesel Modeling: EMO S07 diesels on the CB&Q and Milwaukee, from Proto 2000 models, by Jeff Goutcher .............................••.45 DEPARTMENTS: What's New ........................... 54-57, 60 Experience- At Your Fingertips, more about what's in this issue from articles in previous issues ................ .....................52 Calendar ............................................58 Locomotive Performance: N SCALE: Summary of all previous locomotive iesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: Performance Test Reports ...•............. 54 (if Dash 9�44CW as BNSF 4312 and RAILMODEl JOURNAL is published 12 times a year by Golden Bell 4333, from Kato models, Press, 2403 Champa St., Denver, CO 80205. Price per single copy is S4.50, or $36.00 per year in the U.S.A. Individual copy prices higher in by Louis Marre................................... 11 Canada and other countries. Foreign subscriptions 548.00 for 12 issues, Modern Freight Car Modeling: payable in U.s. funds.RAILMODElJOURNAl, ISSN 1043-5441, copy­ FMC 50-Foot IPO, Railbox and Other right 2000 by Golden Bell Press. All rights reserved. Periodicals Postage X-Post Box Cars from MOC kits, paid at Denver, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Railmodel Joumal, Champa St., Denver, CO Visit our website at Part 3, by Jim Eager ........................... 40 2403 80205. www.railmode�ournal.com MODELING from the PROTOTYPE RAILMODELjOURNAL . SEPTEMBER 2000 5 --------- MODELING FROM THE PROTOTYPE] [ --------- By D. Sc ott Chatfield To provide a better viewing platform than just plopping the models on tables, Randy Anderson built two raised displays with built-in ov erhead lighting. This allowed the models to be viewed at a height similar to many layouts, which is how we are used to seeing them. And with several tracks per platform, it allowed more models to be displayed in a smaller area. As it was, enough models showed up that table space was at a premium. Meet co- host Bill Welch showed several of his Fruit Growers Express ice reefers built from Sunshine Model's 1927 FGE Reefer kits. Bill Welch used .004-inch brass strips embossed with rivets to model the diagonal straps. He even buckled the right strap and "popped" a rivet. 6 RAILMODELjOURNAL· SEPTEMBER 2000 Larry Kline brought a trainload of detailed 0 scale freight cars, many from metal kits older than tturpho­ tographer, but his scratchbuilt Gulf Oil 1((-103 tank caught this tank car junkie's eye. RAILMODELjOURNAL . SEPTEMBER 2000 7 RPM .. Stan Rydarowia showed two projects kit-converted from Ca.nnonball Car Shops' Pennsy X-23 box car kit. The prototypes were also kit-con­ verted. PRR 501847 received a round roof to increase its measly inte­ rior height, and NX 6598 was converted into a reefer. 8 RAILMODELjOURNAL· SEPTEMBER 2000 Layout Design SiC coordinator Doug Curin showed proof that he can build models with his scratch­ built O-scale Milwaukee Road coaling station. Doug used Strathmore board (a thick paper made for artists) and followed Paul Larson's article in the June 1955 Model Railroader. The prototype was in Broadhead, Wisconsin, where they obviously didn't fuel too many engines. At his current model-build­ ing pace, Doug will finish his HO-scale wartime Pennsy layout in 2964. (The photographer now feels much better about his own slow pace. His layout should be done by 205L ..) Mike Pulaski showed several modern diesels, including Guilford 684 built from a Kato SD45 with a Cannon high hood, and CP 5690 built from an Athearn SD40-2 with its nose stretched to 102 Inches and Cannon's Dash-2 cab and 40-Series radia­ tor grilles. co-M�t Randy Anderso.1'l showed .the in· pr()gre.5s B&O M-15 box cat he's building from a Weste/'field kit. RjUldy has modified the ends and added North West Shortliile Proto:87 wheelsets and a Sergent WOrking knuckle coupler to the B-ehd. The A-end has a K. adee HOtl3 coupler, which has been Randy's standard. Randy is a pioneer in the Proto:87 movement, and one of his motivations for hosting the PMS-East meet was to show that Proto:87 is doable. RAILMODELjOURNAL . SEPTEMBER 2000 9 RPM Ian Clasper flew across the pond and foot flat loaded with a Bucyrus Erie '1'1_. ..· ._'" Sunshine resin kit, and the crane Is a Langley U.K. The blocking is Evergreen styrene painted to .A .....· ........ Jim Eager brought this Trailer Train class F- 60BHM OTTX flat that he scratchbuilt long before the similar Intermountain kit came out. just to prove that not all of the contributors to "The Journal" research rather than model. The carbody is styrene and brass with a wood deck. Gary Smith built BOlO 3837 from the Roco GP38 (sold by Con-Cor) and backdated an Athearn GP40-2 to make WM 3798, a late GP40. Ken Gross, Jerry Dembeck, and Stan Rydarowicz showed three ways to build and letter BOlO N-34 wagontop covered hop­ pers. Ken's 630471 and Jerry's 630354 were built from Central Hobby Supply resin kits, while Stan built 630487 from an old Cannonball Car Shops kit 10 RAILMODELjOURNAL . SEPTEMBER 2000 ONE-DETAIL-AT-A-TIME ----------- [ ] ----------- G.E. DASH 9-44CW AS BNSF 4312 & 4333 HO SCALE: ATHEARN OR KATO N SCALE: KATO George Cockle photo from the collection of Louis A. Marre . - The parts, paint.and decals you'll need to recreate this full-size diesel in,miniatl;'re fr om Athearn, Kato or Rail Power HO scale models or Kato N scale models.There is an index of all previous "One-Detail-At-A-Time" arti­ cles on our website at www.railmodeljournal.com he General Electric Dash Scale Model GE Dash appeared in the June 1989 issue of "The 9-44CW has become the 9-44CWs Journal." That article is also reprinted most popular new locomo­ HO Scale: Athearn and Kato.
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