When the Indonesian New Order regime fell in 1998, regional change and ethnic politics in Indonesia Regime politics with strong ethnic content emerged across the country. In West Kalimantan the predominant feature was particularly that of the Dayaks. This surge, however, was not Regime change unprecedented. After centuries of occupying a subordinate place in the political and social hierarchy under the nominal rule of the Malay sultanates, Dayaks became involved in an and ethnic politics enthusiastic political emancipation movement from 1945. The Dayaks secured the governorship as well as the majority of the regional executive head positions before they were in Indonesia shunned by the New Order regime. This book examines the development of Dayak politics in Dayak politics of West Kalimantan West Kalimantan from the colonial times until the first dec- ade of the 21th century. It asks how and why Dayak politics has experienced drastic changes since 1945. It will look at the effect of regime change, the role of the individual lead- ers and organizations, the experience of marginalization, and conflicts on the course of Dayaks politics. It will also examine ethnic relations and recent political development up to 2010 in the province. Dr Taufiq Tanasaldy is a lecturer in Asian Studies and Indo- nesian language. He has a PhD in Southeast Asian Stud- ies from the Research School of Pacific and Asian Stud- ies (RSPAS), the Australian National University. His main research interests are in ethnic politics, regionalism, conflict, Taufiq Tanasaldy Taufiq regional history, and contemporary politics in Indonesia. He is currently completing a research grant on overseas Chinese politics in regional Indonesia. ISBN 978-90-6718-389-5 9 789067 183895 Taufiq Tanasaldy REGIME CHANGE AND ETHNIC POLITICS IN INDONESIA VERHANDELINGEN VAN HET KONINKLIJK INSTITUUT VOOR TAAL-, LAND- EN VOLKENKUNDE 278 TAUFIQ TANASALDY REGIME CHANGE AND ETHNIC POLITICS IN INDONESIA Dayak politics of West Kalimantan KITLV Press Leiden 2012 Published by: KITLV Press Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies) P.O. Box 9515 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands website: www.kitlv.nl e-mail: [email protected] KITLV is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Cover illustration: Ulla Asri, Borneo Tribune Cover: Sam Gobin ISBN 978 90 6718 389 5 © 2012 Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde KITLV Press applies the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/) to selected books, published in or after January 2011. Authors retain ownership of their copyright, but they permit anyone unrestricted use and distribution within the terms of this license. Printed editions manufactured in the Netherlands Contents abbreviations and acronyms vii 1 introduction 1 2 ethnicity and politics 15 3 dayaks prior to independence (up to 1945) 49 4 the rise of dayak politics (1945-1960) 79 5 the decline of dayak political movements (1960-1971) 109 6 new order and dayak marginalization (1966-1998) 155 7 ethnic conflict and politics 209 8 dayak politics, REFORMASI and beyond (1998-2005) 257 9 conclusion 309 appendix 1: names of interviewees and location of interviews 315 bibliography 319 index 359 Abbreviations and acronyms AMA Aliansi Masyarakat Adat, Indigenous Communities’ Alliance AMM Aliansi Masyarakat Melayu, Alliance of the Malay Community ANU Australian National University APDN Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Academy of Home Affairs APPDT Alokasi Penempatan Penduduk Daerah Transmigrasi, Placement of Local Population in Transmigrantion Sites babinsa bintara pembina desa, village guidance non- commissioned army officers Baperjakat Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan, Appointment and Promotion Review Board Baperki Badan Permusjawaratan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia, Consultative Body for Indonesian Citizenship Bappeda Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Regional Development Planning Agency BK3D Badan Koordinasi Koperasi Kredit Daerah, Coordinating Body for Regional Credit Co-operative BPH Badan Pemerintah Harian, Regional Executive Body (previously DPD) BPS Biro Pusat Statistik, Statistics Indonesia BTI Barisan Tani Indonesia, Indonesian Farmers’ Front CU Credit Union CVO Cursus Volksschool Onderwijzer, Course for Village School Teachers DAD Dewan Adat Dayak, Dayak Customary Council (at district level) DAO Dayak Affairs Office | Regime change and ethnic politics in Indonesia DCS Daftar Calon Sementara, Preliminary List of Candidates DCT Daftar Calon Tetap, Final List of Candidates DIA Dayak in Actie, Dayak in Action DIKB Daerah Istimewa Kalimantan Barat, West Kalimantan Special Region DAO Dayak Affairs Office (in Dutch: Kantoor voor Dayaksche Zaken) Ditsospol Direktorat Sosial Politik, Socio-Political Directorate DPD (1) Dewan Pemerintah Daerah, Regional Executive Council DPD (2) Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, Regional Representative Council DPOD Dewan Pertimbangan Otonomi Daerah, Regional Autonomy Advisory Board DPP Dewan Pimpinan Pusat, Central Leadership Board DPR Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, House of Representative DPRD Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Regional Legislative Council DPRD-GR DPRD-Gotong Royong, DPRD-Mutual Assistance FAMD Forum Aksi Mahasiswa dan Pemuda Dayak, Activity Forum of Dayak Students and Youths FEER Far Eastern Economic Review FKKI Forum Komunikasi Kristiani Indonesia, Indonesian Christian Communication Forum FKPM Forum Komunikasi Pemuda Melayu, Communication Forum of Malay Youth FKKP Forum Komunikasi Kerukunan Pribumi, Communication Forum for Natives Harmony FMPAMD Forum Mahasiswa Pembawa Aspirasi Masyarakat Dayak, Forum of Students Bearing the Aspirations of the Dayak Community Gerwani Gerakan Wanita Indonesia, Indonesian Women’s Movement Golkar Golongan Karya, Functional Group HIS Hollandsch- Inlandsche School, Dutch-Indigenous School HPH Hak Pengusahaan Hutan, Forest Concession viii Abbreviations and acronyms | HRW Human Rights Watch HSI Himpunan Sarjana Indonesia, Indonesian Association of University Graduates HTI Hutan Tanaman Industri, Industrial Timber Estates ICG International Crisis Group ICMI Ikatan Cendikiawan Muslim Indonesia, Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals ID Institut Dayakologi, Dayakology Institute IDI Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, Indonesian Medical Doctor Association IDRD Institute of Dayakology Research and Development IIP Institut Ilmu Pemerintahan, Institute of Public Administration IKDI Ikatan Keluarga Dayak Islam, Union of the Dayak Islamic Family IPDN Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Institute of Home Affairs IPKI Ikatan Pendukung Kemerdekaan Indonesia, League for Upholding Indonesian Independence ISRI Ikatan Sarjana Republik Indonesia, Indonesian Association of University Graduates Kalbar Kalimantan Barat, West Kalimantan Kapet Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu, Integrated Economic Development Zone KDC Kursus Dinas C, Official Course C (for public servants) KIDAK Komunitas Intelektual Dayak Kanayatn Kalbar, Intellectual Community of Kanayatn Dayak of West Kalimantan KKN Korupsi Kolusi Nepotisme, Corruption Collusion Nepotism KKMA Kelompok Kerja Masyarakat Adat, Indigenous Community Working Committee KNKB Komite National Kalimantan Barat, West Kalimantan National Committee kodam Komando Daerah Militer, Regional Military Command kodim Komando Distrik Militer, Military District Command kogam Komando Ganyang Malaysia, Crush Malaysia Command ix | Regime change and ethnic politics in Indonesia Komnas HAM HAM Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia, National Human Rights Commission koramil Komando Rayon Militer, Military Rayon Command korem Komando Resort Militer, Sub-regional Military Command KPPAMP Komite Pemuda Pembawa Aspirasi Masyarakat Pantai, Youth Committee Carrying the Aspirations of Coastal Communities KPU Komisi Pemilihan Umum, National Elections Commission KR Kalimantan Review KWI Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia, Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia LBBT Lembaga Bela Banua Talino, Institute for Indigenous Communities and Territories Advocacy Lekra Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat, League of People’s Culture Lembayu Lembaga Adat dan Kekerabatan Melayu, Malay Brotherhood Customary Council litsus penelitian khusus, special investigation (clearance test) LP3S Lembaga Penunjang dan Pelatihan Pembangunan Sosial, Supporting Institute to Train for Social Development MABM Majelis Adat Budaya Melayu, Malay Cultural and Customary Council MAD Majelis Adat Dayak, Dayak Customary Board Masyumi Majelis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia Consultative Council of Muslim Indonesian MOSVIA Middelbare Opleidings School voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren, Middle School for the Training of Indigenous Government Officials MPR(S) Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (Sementara), (Provisional) People’s Consultative Assembly MULO Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs, Dutch Junior High School Muspida Musyawarah Pimpinan Daerah, Regional Leadership Council x Abbreviations and acronyms | Nasakom Nasionalis Agama Komunis, Nationalism Religion Communism NGO Non-Governmental Organization NICA Netherlands Indies Civil Administration NIT Negara Indonesia Timur, State of East Indonesia NTT Nusa Tenggara Timur, East Nusa Tenggara NU Nahdlatul Ulama opsus operasi khusus, special operations service PAB Partai Anak Borneo, Union of Borneo Natives PAN Partai Amanat Nasional, National Mandate Party Paraku Pasukan Rakyat Kalimantan Utara, North Kalimantan People’s Force Parindra Partai Indonesia Raya, Greater
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