Twin Brooks Tree Price List

Twin Brooks Tree Price List

1 NURSERY STOCK PRICE LIST FALL ‘13 TO SPRING ‘14 TWIN BROOKS GARDENS 3424 Franklin Avenue Millbrook, NY 12533 Phone 845-677-5050 Fax: 845-677-2032 Email: [email protected] RETAIL PRICE Abies concolor Concolor Fir 5/6’ $237.50 6/7’ $262.50 7/8’ $312.50 8/10’ $437.50 10/12’ $662.50 12/14’ $937.50 14/16’ $1,437.50 16/18’ $1,875.00 18/20’ $2,375.00 Abies concolor ‘Candicans’ Candicans Fir 6/7’ $462.50 7/8’ $562.50 8/10’ $725.00 10/12’ $962.50 Abies fraseri Fraser Fir 5/6’ $212.50 6/7’ $262.50 7/8’ $312.50 8/10’ $400.00 10/12’ $612.50 12/14’ $800.00 14/16’ $1,175.00 Abies koreana Aurea Golden Korean Fir Abies lasiocarpa arizonica ‘Glauca’ Blue Rocky Mountain Fir 2 5/6’ $412.50 6/7’ $562.50 7/8’ $712.50 Abies lasiocarpa arizon. ‘Glauca Compacta’ Compact Blue Rocky Mountain Fir 4/5’ $487.50 5/6’ $612.50 6/7’ $725.00 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple (low branch) 2/2.5” $587.50 2.5/3” $712.50 3/3.5” $837.50 3.5/4” $1,062.50 4/4.5” $1,562.50 4.5/5” $1,912.50 5/6” $2,187.50 (clump) 6/8’ $662.50 8/10’ $1,025.00 Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Bloodgood Japanese Maple 7 gal 3/4’ $170.00 7 & 10 gal 4/5’ $225.00 10 & 15 gal 5/6’ $337.50 25 gal 6/8’ $525.00 Boxed Specimen $712.50 B&B (heavy) 6/8’ $875.00 (heavy) 8/10’ $1,437.50 (specimen) 8/10’ $2,125.00 Acer palmatum ‘Suminagashi’ Suminagashi Jap Maple 10 gal 5/6’ $387.50 25 gal 6/8’ $562.50 Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum’ Crimson Queen, Red Select, Viridis 7 gal 2/3’ $237.50 10 & 15 gal 3/4’ $350.00 25 gal 4/5’ $662.50 5/6’ $887.50 Boxed Specimen 4/5’ $975.00 5/6’ $1,225.00 Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Crimson King Maple 2.5/3” $362.50 3 3/3.5” $525.00 3.5/4” $725.00 4/4.5” $975.00 4.5/5” $1,187.50 5/6” $1,687.50 Acer platanoides ‘Drummondi’ Variegated Leaf Maple 2/2.5” $412.50 2.5/3” $525.00 3/3.5” $650.00 3.5/4” $812.50 4/4.5” $987.50 Acer platanoides ‘Royal Red’ Royal Red Maple 3.5/4” $725.00 4/4.5” $975.00 4.5/5” $1,187.50 Acer rubrum ‘Armstrong’ Armstrong Red Maple 2.5/3” $500.00 3/3.5” $650.00 3.5/4” $787.50 4/4.5” $900.00 4.5/5” $1,075.00 5/6” $1,625.00 6/7” $2,062.50 Acer rubrum ‘Karpick’ Karpick Red Maple 2.5/3” $500.00 3/3.5” $650.00 3.5/4” $787.50 Acer rubrum ‘Northwood’ Northwood Red Maple 3.5/4” $625.00 4/4.5” $900.00 4.5/5” $1,162.50 Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’ Red Sunset Red Maple 2.5/3” $362.50 3/3.5” $462.50 3.5/4” $612.50 4/4.5” $887.50 4.5/5” $1,162.50 5/6” $1,875.00 6/7” $2,375.00 4 Acer saccharum Sugar Maple 4/4.5” $1,162.50 4.5/5” $1,375.00 5/6” $1,937.50 Acer saccharum ‘Commeration’ Commeration Sugar Maple 3/3.5” $575.00 3.5/4” $775.00 4/4.5” $1,062.50 4.5/5” $1,375.00 5/6” $1,937.50 Acer saccharum ‘Green Mountain’ Green Mountain Sugar 2.5/3” $425.00 3/3.5” $575.00 3.5/4” $775.00 4/4.5” $1,062.50 4.5/5” $1,375.00 5/6” $1,937.50 6/7” $3,000.00 Acer saccharum ‘Majesty’ Majesty Sugar Maple 2.5/3” $425.00 3/3.5” $575.00 3.5/4” $775.00 4/4.5” $1,062.50 4.5/5” $1,375.00 Acer shirasawanum ‘Aureum’ Golden Fullmoon Maple 7 & 10 gal 30/36” $475.00 7 & 10 gal 3/4’ $600.00 15 & 25 gal 4/5’ $775.00 5/6’ $950.00 Acer triflorum Three Flower Maple 3.5/4” $812.50 4/4.5” $1,087.50 Acer truncatum ‘Norwegian Sunset’ Norwegian Sunset Maple 5/6” $1,312.50 6/7” $1,625.00 5 Aesculus hippocastanum Common Horsechestnut 2.5/3” $562.50 3/3.5” $725.00 3.5/4” $862.50 4/4.5” $1,125.00 4.5/5” $1,437.50 Aesculus baumannii White flowering chestnut 2.5/3” $562.50 3/3.5” $725.00 Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye 3/4’ $262.50 4/5’ $312.50 5/6’ $350.00 6/7’ $412.50 Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’ Red Horsechestnut 2.5/3” $525.00 3/3.5” $725.00 3.5/4” $850.00 4/4.5” $1,100.00 Aesculus x carnea ‘Fort McNair’ Fort McNair Horsechestnut 2.5/3” $525.00 3/3.5” $725.00 Alnus rugosa Speckled Alder 4/4.5” $737.50 4.5/5” $987.50 5/6” $1,062.50 Amelanchier canadensis Shadblow 6/8’ $262.50 Amelanchier lamarckii Lamarcki Shad 6/8’ $287.50 8/10’ $350.00 10/12’ $487.50 6 Amelanchier x ‘Autumn Brilliance’ Autumn Brilliance Shad 6/8’ $287.50 8/10’ $350.00 10/12’ $487.50 12/14’ $675.00 (single stem) 2/2.5” $450.00 2.5/3” $525.00 3/3.5” $725.00 Berberis thunbergii atro. ‘Rose Glow’ Rose Glow Barberry 3 gal 15/18” $33.75 5 gal 24/30 $70.00 7 gal 30/36” $95.00 Betula nigra ‘Dura Heat’ Dura Heat Birch 10/12’ $387.50 12/14’ $450.00 14/16’ $512.50 16/18’ $712.50 18/20’ $900.00 Betula nigra ‘Heritage’ Heritage River Birch 10/12’ $387.50 12/14’ $450.00 14/16’ $512.50 16/18’ $712.50 18/20’ $900.00 20/22’ $1,025.00 (single stem) 2.5/3” $387.50 3/3.5” $437.50 3.5/4” $537.50 4/4.5” $725.00 Betula papyrifera Paper Birch 10/12’ $387.50 12/14’ $450.00 14/16’ $512.50 16/18’ $637.50 18/20’ $900.00 20/22’ $1,087.50 25/30’ $1,312.50 (single stem) 2.5/3” $412.50 3/3.5” $587.50 7 Betula papyrifera ‘Renaissance’ Renaissance Birch 10/12’ $387.50 12/14’ $450.00 14/16’ $500.00 16/18’ $587.50 18/20’ $900.00 20/22’ $1,087.50 25/30’ $1,250.00 Betula pendula ‘Youngi’ Youngs Weeping Birch 2.5/3” $412.50 3/3.5” $487.50 3.5/4” $562.50 4/4.5” $712.50 4.5/5” $962.50 5/6” $1,187.50 Betula platyphylla ‘Szechuanica’ Szechuan Birch 10/12’ $325.00 12/14’ $450.00 14/16’ $500.00 16/18’ $662.50 18/20’ $900.00 20/22’ $1,087.50 25/30’ $1,312.50 Betula utilis ‘Jacquemonti’ Jacquemonti Birch 10/12’ $487.50 12/14’ $587.50 14/16’ $737.50 16/18’ $712.50 18/20’ $1,212.50 20/22’ $1,625.00 22/24’ $2,125.00 (single stem) 2.5/3” $562.50 3/3.5” $662.50 3.5/4” $937.50 Betula x populifolia ‘Royal Frost’ Royal Frost Birch 10/12’ $362.50 12/14’ $437.50 14/16’ $537.50 16/18’ $650.00 8 Buxus microphylla ‘Winter Gem’ Winter Gem Boxwood 3 gal 15/18” $40.00 5 & 7 gal 18/24” $70.00 7 gal 24/30” $95.00 Buxus sempervirens ‘Graham Blandy’ Graham Blandy Boxwood 10 gal 3/4’ $212.50 4/5’ $287.50 Buxus sempervirens ‘Vardar Valley’ Vardar Valley Boxwood 3 gal 15/18” $55.00 5 gal 18/24” $85.00 5 & 7 gal 24/30” $120.00 Buxus sempervirens ‘Variegata’ Variegated Boxwood 3 gal 15/18” $60.00 7 gal 18/24” $95.00 Buxus x ‘Green Gem’ Green Gem Boxwood 3 gal 15/18” $55.00 5 gal 18/21” $80.00 7 gal 21/24” $97.50 24/30” $120.00 Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’ Green Mountain Boxwood 3 gal 15/18” $40.00 3 & 5 gal 18/24” $70.00 7 gal 24/30” $95.00 10 & 15 gal 30/36” $212.50 15 gal 36/42” $312.50 20 & 25 gal 42/48” $412.50 B & B (extra heavy)4/4.5’ $612.50 4.5/5’ $725.00 5/5.5’ $912.50 Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’ Green Velvet Boxwood 3 gal 15/18” $45.00 5 & 7 gal 18/24” $80.00 7 gal 24/30” $105.00 7 & 10 gal 30/36” $212.50 B & B 36/42” $337.50 42/48” $412.50 48/54” $562.50 9 Caragana arborescens ‘Pendula’ Weeping Siberian Peashrub 2/2.5” $512.50 2.5/3” $625.00 3/3.5” $812.50 Carpinus betulus European Hornbeam (Low Branch) 2/2.5” $537.50 2.5/3” $737.50 3/3.5” $962.50 3.5/4” $1,187.50 Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ Columnar European Hornbeam 2/2.5” $437.50 2.5/3” $512.50 3/3.5” $662.50 3.5/4” $912.50 4/4.5” $1,287.50 Carpinus betulus ‘Franz Fontaine’ Franz Fontaine Hornbeam 2/2.5” $462.50 2.5/3” $512.50 3/3.5” $687.50 Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam (Low Branch) 2/2.5” $650.00 2.5/3” $900.00 3/3.5” $1,187.50 Carya ovata Shagbark Hickory 8/10’ $650.00 10/12’ $862.50 2/2.5” $650.00 2.5/3” $775.00 3/3.5” $1,025.00 Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa 2.5/3” $487.50 3/3.5” $550.00 3.5/4” $662.50 4/4.5” $912.50 4.5/5” $1,062.50 10 Celtis occidentalis Hackberry 2.5/3” $475.00 3/3.5” $550.00 3.5/4” $637.50 4/4.5” $862.50 Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsuratree 2.5/3” $487.50 3/3.5” $612.50 Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud 2/2.5” $387.50 2.5/3” $462.50 3/3.5” $637.50 3.5/4” $887.50 (multi stem) 6/8’ $387.50 8/10’ $525.00 10/12’ $687.50 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Glauca’ Alaskan Cedar.....not weeping 7 gal 4/5’ $145.00 10 & 15 gal 5/6’ $187.50 15 & 25 gal 6/7’ $262.50 7/8’ $387.50 25 gal 8/10’ $475.00 B & B 7/8’ $387.50 8/10’ $562.50 10/12’ $662.50 12/14’ $837.50 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula’ Weeping Alaskan Cedar 7 gal 4/5’ $137.50 15 gal 5/6’ $187.50 6/7’ $237.50 25 gal 7/8’ $362.50 8/10’ $462.50 Boxed Specimen 10/12’ $612.50 12/14’ $725.00 B & B 7/8’ $400.00 8/10’ $512.50 10/12’ $625.00 12/14’ $737.50 14/16’ $862.50 16/18’ $1,187.50 Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Compacta’ 11 Compact Hinoki Cypress 4/5’ $437.50 5/6’ $537.50 6/7’ $687.50 7/8’ $887.50 Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crippsii’ Crippsi Cypress 7 gal 3/4’ $187.50 15 gal 4/5’ $287.50 5/6’ $362.50 Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Gracillis’ Hinoki Cypress 5 gal 18/24” $105.00 5 & 7 gal 24/30” $130.00 7 gal 3/4’ $187.50 B & B 4/5’ $562.50 5/6’ $712.50 Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kosteri’ Kosteri Cypress 3 gal 15/18” $95.00 Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Kosteri’ Kosteri Cypress 3 gal 15/18” $95.00 18/24” $145.00 7 gal 24/30” $212.50 30/36” $262.50 10 gal 3/4’ $412.50 Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Aurea’ Gold Sawara Cypress 6/7’ $300.00 7/8’ $362.50 8/10’ $437.50 10/12’ $612.50 12/14’ $725.00 Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera’ Green Mop Cypress 5 gal 18/24” $60.00 7 gal 24/30” $95.00 30/36” $130.00 10 & 15 gal 36/42” $212.50 B & B 3/4’ $237.50 4/5’ $312.50 12 5/6’ $412.50 Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aurea’ Gold Mop Cypress 3 gal 15/18” $33.75 5 gal 18/24” $45.00 7 gal 24/30” $70.00 10 gal 30/36” $120.00 15 gal 36/42” $170.00 42/48” $212.50 B & B 3/4’ $225.00 4/5’ $287.50 5/6’ $362.50 6/7’ $475.00 7/8’ $612.50 Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Sungold’ Sungold Mop Cypress 3/4’ $212.50 4/5’ $237.50 5/6’ $287.50 6/7’ $450.00 Chamaecyparis pisifera plumosa ‘Aurea’ Golden Plumosa Cypress 4/5’ $237.50 5/6’ $287.50 6/7’ $312.50 7/8’ $400.00 8/10’ $487.50 10/12’ $650.00 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar 5/6’ $287.50 6/7’ $362.50 Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Aurea’ Golden Atlantic White Cedar 5/6’ $287.50 6/7’ $362.50 Chionanthus retusus Chinese Fringe Tree 3/3.5” $937.50 3.5/4” $1,062.50 4/4.5” $1,212.50 4.5/5” $1,437.50 13 Chionanthus virginicus Fringe Tree 4/5’ $250.00 5/6’ 6/7’ $350.00 6/7' $462.50 7/8’ $687.50 Cladrastis lutea Yellowwood 2/2.5” $537.50 2.5/3” $675.00 3/3.5” $812.50 Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood 5/6’ $262.50 6/8’ $387.50 8/10’ $525.00 Cornus mas Cornelian Cherry 6/8’ $262.50 8/10’ $387.50 10/12’ $662.50 Cornus mas ‘Redstone’ Redstone Cornelian Cherry 6/8’ $262.50 8/10’ $387.50 Crataegus crusgalli inermis ‘Crusader’ Crusader Hawthorne (thornless) 2.5/3” $525.00 3/3.5” $712.50 Crataegus v.

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