Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 5-6-1970 The Parthenon, May 6, 1970 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, May 6, 1970" (1970). The Parthenon. 974. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/974 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. - - -- - ~~ --- - ---- - --------~--------------------------------- Movement mCJde sup.porting Nelson -. By TOMMIE DENNY has an estimated 100 give Dr. Nelson full support and holding any administrative August, 1968, he was a leading Editor-in-chief signatures, began Monday asked that he reconsider his position anywhere next year." candidate to become president afternoon by those who "wanted decision to resign. Senate also Dr. Nelson suffered from a of Virginia Commonwealth Various support movements to show that not all the faculty asked that the Board of Regents University, formed by the in favor of President Roland H. are opposed to him." deny his request for a hiatus hernia and took a brief leave of absence for health merger of Richmond Nelson Jr. have resulted from resignation. Professional Institute and the the announcement Monday of More than 1,000 names have reasons late last year. Rumors been obtained on another Medical College of Virginia, but his resignation. Dr. Nelson's letter of of an impending resignation petition which was expected to have circulated since that time. he accepted the Marshall post A petition in support of Dr. resignation, said, ''This before a decision was made. Nelson has been started by be presented to Dr. Nelson Tuesday. resignation is submitted with The resignation. when acted Editorials in student and local several faculty members, real regret but is necessary for upon by the Board of Regents, newspapers criticized Virginia according to a University In further action, Student both health and personal will become effective July 31. officials for allowing him to source. The petition, which now Senate voted Monday night to reasons. I have no intention of When Nelson came to MU in leave. Wednesday eParthenon May 6, 1970 VOL. 7t MARSHALL lJNIVER8ITY STUDENT NEWIP~ No. 11 5 Huntington, W.Va. Students protest war escalation Call for strike today By CHARLES TITLOW wearing red arm bands and then headed toward · Starr reporter downtown Huntington to continue the demon- Student protests against American in- stration. volvement in Cambodia continued here Tuesday Student comments on the march ranged from with a campus-wide demonstration as a whole-hearted support to ridicule. Bob Bible, preliminary to a student strike called for today Wellsburg senior and ROTC cadet said, "I think by demonstrators. these people are totally ridiculous. They speak Support for the proposed strike today has been for rights for everybody but when they put up mixed. vulgar signs and infringe on the rights of other Proponents of a class boycott today won the people it shows nothing ~ut a lack of intelligence. support of Student Senate which voted Monday The thing that really irks me is their total lack of · · · . ---i,ropriety in anytbinf:-tbey do or say." niversity President Roland Nelson told The Bob Schanz, Huntington senior, _said, "The Parthenon Tuesday: "The class attendance main reason I'm here is the same as everybody policy as stated in the University Catalog will else - to protest the Cambodian war. But what prevail. " It states that students are expected to burns me the most is the students being killed at attend all class sessions. Kent State." Today's anti-war activities include a session George Boggs, Beckley junior, was asked if he on the student union lawn featuring Chris felt that by chanting and marching through the Mantisano, writer for Catholic Worker, in New halls he was infringing on the rights of students York City, and Dr. Michael Bottino, assistant who preferred to attend class. He replied, "I professor of geology. Others have been invited to think a Jot of people are infringing on student speak. rights. Nixon, Nelson, ROTC and the draft are all A jam session featuring the Dynamiks rock infringing on student's rights. I believe, to stop group is scheduled at noon and "perhaps a bloodshed, anything is justified and we're march to the Selective Service", according to a justified in disrupting classes at Marshall. schedule handed out by protestors. "President Nelson is Hffringing because of his Tuesday's demonstration began when an resignation. He should stay because he's the only estimated 35-40 people participated in a "sit-in" link we've got with student rights. If it werer)'t outside the ROTC classrooms on the second floor for him, we wouldn 't be able to do this now." of Gullickson Hall at 9:30 a.m. Then, about 10 · David Smith, Huntington freshman, said, "I a.m. protestors began a march across campus don't know. I'll honor what they're doing, but I'm and through university buildings chanting not against the war. They can talk all they want "ROTC feeds the war machine" and "Strike? but it's not going to change things any." Strike!" Col. Edson R. Mattice, professor of military After the march, they assembled in front of science, said he would prefer not to make any MU STUDENTS PROTEST Shawkey Student Union and at i1 a .m. marched comment on the cancellation of the ROTC drill. United States commlttment to to Intramural Field to drill with the ROTC But John Egloff, Syracuse, N.Y., senior and .Cambodia Tuesday morning. students. ROTC cadet said, " I think it's ridiculous. We Slrilcers sit in The sit-in took place in the However, the ROTC drill was cancelled but the should have had drill. It isn't 'copping out', it's ROTC department on second demonstrators marched up and down the field a just to avoid trouble. I, myself, would like to be floor hallway of Gulllckson Hall few times carrying brooms and mops and out drilling right now." Senate motions favor Nelson, strike . student body. By JEFF NATHAN resignation, should they receive· Vietnam represent an extension- possibilities. Staff reporter it. It was passed unanimouslX:_ of the Vietnam War. Fur- ''But at no time will we, again Student Body President Mike The vote to support the strike thermore, we feel that the an academic community, Gant, Huntington sophomore, Student Senate pledged its was 21 for, none against and President has ignored the condone allow or even expect ev.aluated President Nixon's support to President Roland H. three abstentions. A largely sentiments of the American any violent action by those war policies. The partisan Nelson Jr. and voted to support partisan Senate gallery wit­ people in the latest escalation. students who choose to strike on gallery indicated approval. The spokesman for the today's student strike against nessed the meeting. "We · are seeking active Wednesday." organizers of the strike, Ron American military intervention Sen. Joe Lazear, Pittsburgh, support for U.S. Congressmen, Later, by motion of Sen. John Allen, Detroit, Mich., senior, in Cambodia, in a special Pa., sophomore presented the who are at present condemning Womack, Nitro, freshm~n, the session Monday. strike resolution. President Nixon's actions and last paragraph was revised to said that striking involved The motion to suppor\ It read, "We as members of are consequently attempting to read, "Due to the senseless sacrifice. He said that those par­ President Nelson was brought the academic community and cut off military aid to Southeast deaths of six of our fellow before the Senate by Senator as concerned citizens, are faced Asia. students on the Kent and ticipating, should be willing to Steve Hinerman, Huntington with the moral responsibility to "Support is needed for this Dayton University campuses, take cuts for their classes. He also stated that since striking junior. Basically, the motion protest the recent action of position through a peaceful , the Marshall University Student did mean sacrificing, that a gave Nelson the Senate's President Nixon regarding University strike Wednesday, Senate does hereby go on record support and asked him to Southeast Asia. by which we intend to focus the as condemning any violence as suspension of classes by the University would lessen the reconsider his decision to "We feel that sending troops community's attention on the being both dangerous, pointless, effect of the strike because it resign. It also asked that the to Cambodia and the reswnp-· grave and crucial issue which and possibly tragic to the Board of Regents refuse his tion of bombing of North threatens any peace attainment members of the Marshall would remove the sacrificial element. r-----~ ------ --- ~ PAGE 1WO THE PARTHENON. MAY 6, 1970 Strike--a class break? Good An editorial of the situation questions the merits of striking classes for a Protest I strike, demon- stration, sit-in, boycott -- al I are day. How many students would Mrorn.:lltllg. becoming the only way by which give up a Saturday for such a Weather students make their feelings program? If the program has known. true merit, it could fulfill its Tri-State Weather Bureau forecast for today is Here on Marshall's campus, a purpose on a weekend as wel I as partly cloudy and cooler during the day with student strike is being organized it could on a school day. frost or freezing likely tonight. Expected high is It has been said that dissent is near.~ dE:grees with a 20 per cent probability of for today protesting the Cam­ prec1p1tat10n.
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